Care of the Forest
On a stroll out through the pass Davin comes by the sign and looks it over
…Right, maybe he should take it up with the elders. Dram specifically who actually came and asked for our help.
At all entrances to the Spider forrests Orc Man plants a copper sword in to the ground and hangs a sign from the hilt
Any Farker that disrespects the wood, no matter who you are, will pay for it. Druids be warned, you are welcome to the forrest but do not pressume to think you are its protectors others have been looking after it for a long time, and we do not need your help now, and we never have!
Several leaves of orange and red are sew together with clear writings of Rom ink scribed upon them and are placed throughout the Hidden Pass forest, from Nars entrance to Gypsy Camp South way
Ta who eva is still abusin these woods, if me find yas.. hope your in good with ya god.
All the leathery leaves are hanging from a cord hung at the lowest limb, they swing freely attached to a razor honed barbed arrow
Vrue, upon reading the note, sighs and slowly shakes his head. He then heads off for the south woods to keep an eye on any who are engaging in this activity.
An unusually large number of birds can be seen perched high within the trees, following and keeping a close eye on the axe-wielders who trek into the Pass
_Elrin glances at the note in passing, seeking out Katya for some medicines, and he chuckles softly
Well… I could have told everyone that...
he strokes his chin, pondering it
In fact... I'm sure I mentioned it...
he shrugs and ducks into the tree to find Katya_
((OOC don't leave logs lying around, use the spider bodies to dispose of unwanted wood))
ayups…we ga ta watch aat fa folk cuttin dan ta many trees like, wot wif tha spirits gittin upity.
he nods/twitches to cotton with a grin…
fanks like
((OOC cheers for the post))
Talgrath reads the note, then attaches an addendum note to it:
"If you see anybody leaving wood about, or abusing the forest, or anything similar, contact me. I'll have a nice long 'talk' with them.Talgrath"
((Like I said it goes out to all IG and OOC.. And umm grif.. I go out there with several Gali looking for trees…
((Heh…To my knowledge no Gali have been harvesting down south, Only the Peltarch group and yourself))