Found on the wayside...

  • A young soldier of the Legion by the name of Souji Rou brought a wounded elf into town through the west gates. The dark-skinned woman had been beaten badly in the woods but the soldier claims she would not reveal the identity of her attackers. Turning down an offer of Vroka's services because of some obscure curse, the woman spent several weeks recouperating at the inn and then departed westward.

  • Wolf glances to the gates, seeing that the elven woman is carried in. He frowns slightly, then sees Aafari with that grin on his face. Wolf gives Aafari a suspicious look then a glare.

  • After a brief and sanguine-tempered return to Jiyyd, Raryldor again disappears.

  • _Appearing for the first time in two tendays, Kara arrived with Raryldor although both of them seemed different, exhausted…this was evident on the Paladin's face, going as far to seem pale and drawn out. What's more evident is a large scar running along the side of her neck and down over her back. While their armour is cleaned, there is a hint of something very wrong in their expressions ; Haunted memories they would rather forget

    Those in Jiyyd that night could have also sworn that Kara walked -through- the closed gate...then again when those by the gate commented. Rumours fly, although some swear it was just a trick in the darkness..._

  • Raryldor and Kara finally show their faces in Jiyyd, after having disappeared for several weeks. They look different, tired. Raryldor is far more tense than usual, quick to change the subject or respond vaguely if asked about this peculiar behavior or his lengthy absence. In Peltarch, Aarron Ashald at last returns. Oddly, their return seems to coincide somewhat with the elf woman's disappearance.

  • Befor the female elf was seen being carried into the gates, the red haired warrior named Aarfari walked in through the west gates with a grin, a look of satisfaction was apon his face as he walked around and eventually sitting down by a tree near the Metalsmith, to eat an apple..