Aarron Ashalds Senatorial Campaign

  • With one hand our fine Magistrate declares that all of this Cities ills, all of it's woes and all the troubles of it's populous reside in the existance of the Seafarer's. He tells us that his entire platform, his only policy is to do away with some kind of mythical monopoly they hold over trade in this beautiful place. With the other hand he pledges his support for an organization dedicated to the raising of coin for themselves through the instigation of trading monopolies. One which would gladly support this man and see thier riches grow greater than before. He would remove one of the only organizations, run by my Uncle and dedicated for years to the service of Peltarch, in order to create a single, unaccountable power in the city in the Wavebreakers. This is not a policy designed to improve your lot. It will not put food in your bellies or coin in your pocket. It is a policy that can only end in poverty and tighter restrictions and why does he promote it? Is it because of the political power and money it will gain him? Maybe, maybe not. I think it is a personal vendetta against my family. Is this the type of man you wish in the senate, one who uses you and your city for his personal vendettas?

    Monopolies holding down the city? How many in this city have employment and a regular income from these "monopolies"? Not only the Seafarers, yet also the Wavebreakers.

    I have often heard that this Magistrate is capricious and frankly chaotic in outlook, although I had not seen it for myself. It appears I have seen first hand now. He doesnt wish to help the city. He wishes to use the city and its resources for his own personal gain. He proposes that none have given any indication as to how they will accomplish the promises they have given to you, the people. Did I just not stand before you the other day, bloodied and beaten from fighting eastlanders and give you a beginning to the betterment of our city? Did I not give a beginning to a solution to rebuilding our guard and educating our children? To lowering taxes for all people? I am aware that this is only a beginning and a small one at that. But it is a beginning.

    Maybe most are silent on this because thier purses of gold are more important to them than you are.

    Do not listen to this man. He serves the city so long as it benefits him and those allied with him. He would seek to topple an organization that has made sure this city recieved food in times of famine, one that has employed numerous people and made sure that they and their families had a home to live in. And he seeks to support another organization that will benefit his ideals of this city and see his pockets lined with gold. I assure you, there is corruption within this city, I see it myself, I only ask that you work to be rid of it and not support it by supporting this man.

    Some of you will be telling yourselves that I speak only in defense of my family. And I say to you, DAMN RIGHT I speak in defence of my family. I am proud to be an Ashald. I am also proud to be a Peltarchian. And I am Proud to stand before you and ask you to let me help this city be the greatest City we can make it.

    I have faith in the people and their decisions, I know you will make the right choice.

  • As the brave citizens and allies return to Peltarch after the battle in the pass, Aarron can be heard addressing all the people in the commons

    Fellow citizens, I once again stand before you to speak about the fate of our fair city and to ask you if my ideals are what you believe in. The elections grow closer and I see all candidates giving speeches, holding rallies, offering you food and frink to quench your thirst and fill your stomachs for an afternoon. I will not offer you those things. I wish to see the hungry fed and everyone have a good life within the city but I will not offer only a day of it to you in the hopes you will vote for me. I seek long term solutions to our problems.

    I will help feed you. I will help to educate you and your children. I will arrange to better supply our over worked and under equipped guards force and I will work towards lower taxes in the city for merchants so that they can supply you with the essentials of life at a cost you can afford.

    I will do so in a different way though. I will not only sit back and see who truely cares for this city of ours, who is willing to give what is required and suffer themselves in giving it. I will lead by example!

    Do you see this pouch of gold? [holds up a large pouch and shows it to all attended]. This is the beginning of something greater for you all, something that will see the promises I have made to you come true in time. I cant do it alone though, I need all the citizens of Peltarch to help in this.

    1000 gold is in this pouch, I intend on seeing it put into a fund for the People. A fund to help build a proper school open to all. To help supply our soldiers with better equipment and more man power. To help to decrease taxes for all and to help purchase food on a regular basis for the people. I realize it isnt much, yet it is a beginning. I also offer this to you…..if elected to Senate, -all- my pay for doing my duty to this city will be put in this fund to continue to help the people. I will also if elected, work towards the installment of a law, stating that all senators, even those who currently hold the position are to not recieve any pay for thier service, all that gold is to go to the betterment of this city and its people.


    If you truely care about this city and not only your coin purses, it is time to prove it. Support this, lets start to give more back to the people of Peltarch. Let us see a new and glorious Peltarch arise this day.

    Service to the great people of Peltarch means more to me than any pouch of gold ever could. I only hope that others are equally unselfish.

    Now, even more than ever in these trying times we need support such as this. We are at war now, with the ones who kill your families. I was there at the first major engagement of the war along with many others, I admit i am no soldier, I almost died fighting these eastlanders in the pass, yet I know that as a citizen of Peltarch and as a man who cares for this great city and its people, I will gladly give my life in the hopes of a better Peltarch for all.



  • Council of Moradin

    A good number of people in the crowd clap and cheer.

    Some walk off before it really starts.