Standing watch at the East Gate

  • Rando is seen to be standing watch at the east gate following a large attack by the stegs and lizards. He awaits more of the 'lizards' to turn up and be killed. Rando make a comment to one of the other defenders standing guard with him.

    "I wonder which side Oreth will be on as he sure 'loves' them Lizards and stegs a little to unhealthy if you ask me. This time we are not just to remove their collar, we are to remove their heads also". Rando scans around him…hoping

  • Rando sees the smiling blonde Magistrate and thinks to himself

    i am sure he wears a wig, its got to be a wig

  • As rando turns to scan he see's a smirking blonde bard

    I've never seen oreth to have a trouble attacking and defending against the Saurials and Stegasors that sadly are forced into attacks such as this. They are slaves, and they are used as weapons, but that does not mean that innocent people should die. I know for myself, if it comes between ending one of thier lives so they are freed from slavery or letting it kill an innocent peltarchan…I will slay one. Its the fools that go out and killed thier children with blood thirsty glee daily, seeking out trouble just for the sake of making a few coin. The ones that assult the city are sadly beyond the help we could truly give them, and I do not doubt oreth would free them from the life of slavery by the blade when it got to the point where he could not free them in a more humane manner.