Heated Words

  • _The doors of the Jiyyd smithy open and slam. For the brief moment they are open, the sounds of heated words escapes.

    A dour faced dwarf, with an expression of such anger on his face, that those who see it wonder if it will remain permanently.

    Stomping as if he is trying to punish all the worms that have the misfortune of finding themselves in the dirt under his feet, he makes his way to the Jiyyd common.

    His face relaxes a bit as he spies an apprentice. Adjusting his armor, and recomposing himself, he makes his way over inquiring about her. The talk starts pleasently enough, as the dwarf begins to question her about guild matters.

    Suddenly, the dwarf reacts as if slapped. His pleasant tone replaced by one of curt phrases and disappointment. Questioned about his status in the guild and guild rules by the apprentice, is too much for the dwarf. Especially in public.

    He apologizes to the apprentice, saying he has made a grave mistake thinking she was ready, and bruskly turns towards the smitty.

    As he approcahes the door, his face once again begins to show the strain of what he knows is going on inside. The doors open, again a flash of heated words, the doors quickly shut.

    Moments pass of relative quiet, the sound of a lone, authortative dwarf speaking.

    Once again teh doors open, the dour dwarf emerges, shaking his head, his decision made to no longer be assosiated with the scene going on inside the smithy.

    And after one final heated exchange with a dwarf easily recognized as Maythor, the dwarf shrugs him off, tired of this nonsense.

    With his cousin, he sets off east towards Orumpr, his back turned on the smithy, the guild, tired of the "deadwood" dragging it down.

    He stops on last time and looks towards Jiyyd, the top of the smithy still visible over the walls. As if stoking a forge, just the thought of what has transpired within lights the fire of a rage he needs to adress.

    Enraged, furious and cursing, he starts to break into a jog towards the dog lands, looking for any beast that will help him release his fury._