Orc necromancy on the plains?
Horbag sit in the Whore having an ale
Mes tells yous Drudo, dat was one da mosts stinky thingys mes evers bash. Was when we was trys fixes da gate dat da Darkey ladies bash. Was lots of undeadsis orcys.
sips ale
Alls sort sizes, one was bigger dens a ogres. Some was wanders in to towns, so wes wents to plains to see finds where comes froms.
chews on some dried rats ears
Founds a body on spikes with some skulls ands thingys in circles arounds. Luckys Sisters Elena coulds calls on Big Fellow to bash da dark spellys.
Saws one dem Magi ands chase it about for bloodys hours…mutters It get away...dis times....snarls Sister Kara says was da Neck-romancer of great skills dos alls dats.
looks thoughtful
Drudo...hows a man dat like necks learns bringings back da deads? Huh...
Horbag mutters over an ale in the Inn
Dem orcy thingys been abouts agains, went with some da other Guardians to dat cave of dems and found some da ri-you-alls thingys deres. Nos seens da Magi thoughs, but dem ins fors nastys sur-prise when mes get hands on ims…..Burneds ims place, dat should bes nices welcomes homes snarls
Sy'wyn overhears part of the conversation while passing through to get a room upstairs, in his customary fashion, he does not stop but only says in passing….
"Try asking Nico, after all he had some papers from the last circle seen like the one you speak of…"