Twinking Rules

  • _Twinking

    A ban-able offense which involves passing items from one characters to another, in any manner, including using an intermediary; giving people equipment for any OOC (Out of Character) reason, including OOC relationships or interactions with a player's "other characters". Additionally, coming up with background stories where two of a player's characters are related or share items, or have left their items willed to one another is unacceptable as well. If you need to accomplish an OOC exchange with ANYONE for ANY reason call a DM and have them witness it after explaining the situation where an OOC trade is required, otherwise you are guilty until proven innocent.

    Additionally, if your character dies and you remake the same character again at 1st level and go to get your gear off your former body, that is also a form of twinking (see the posting in The Tome of Knowledge regarding Recreating Dead Characters for more information about that subject.

    The DMs now have a database of your character's inventory everytime you log in. That database can be searched for particular items throughout ALL of the characters of Narfell. Don't think because a DM didn't happen to be online to witness a twinking occurance, that we do not have records of the occurance.

    If between your charaters, we see a particular item change from character to character, you will be caught, the item confiscated, possible loss of a level, and a warning will be added to your records (or simply banning you if the DM feels it is warranted).

    We have lost several great RPers and solid members of the community to this offense and they were still banned despite thier other positive aspects. EVERYONE must play by the same rules. This rule seems to be broken more often now than in times past, and to give you all fair warning, we WILL be cracking down on it._