Notice posted in Kenna's Dojo, inside near the entrance.
Let it be known that prayers of Peltarchian people to the Godess of Wealth and Trade, to Waukeen, have been heard.
Honoured Matron High Priestess Hecabe (of Waukeen) noticed plight of this city (Peltarch), and sent the word to madam Varchess, Priestess of Waukeen, to come to the City and help. It seems that most of the trouble is certainly over now, but, nevertheless, Church of Waukeen wants to listen to people who called to Waukeen's Faith, to listen their wishes.
Priestess Varchess is a part of the Sapphire Crescent Order, highly martially inclined order which oversees some of the most dangerous trade routes.
Why Martial Artists should care?
Well, there are running costs of the Dojo, and affiliation with the Waukeen's Church might come handy in alleviating these. Perhaps even the Church of Waukeen will take advantage of our Dojo for the improvement of the skills of Priestess' personal guard, or future temple guard at some point too.
Also, celebrations and temple establishments are planned in the future.