
  • Kudos to Kerby for lots of fun moments and to Mint for a flavored rp day!

  • Kudos to Thorin (Preacher) and Thau'lira (Shalvenay) for accompanying Diadne to nearby places she hadn't seen. I never knew there were shriekers in Narfell! Little risk, but the stuff we found was old and had probably been on the server for well over 10 years. Lots of fun RP. Thanks!

  • Thanks to the overnighters that helped Dozer get Chance's body back from the depths of the kobold cave. I think we had the entire server of players at the time in there (all six of us?). : )

  • Kudos to DM Void for the added adventure on our Cold Caves expedition yesterday. it was much more fun (and scary) than our usual ore runs, and I appreciate the support.

    Also, I'd like to give kudos to everyone who went on the trip. We worked well as a group, and it was great to RP and adventure with you! Good times! 🙂

  • @rei_jin said in Kudos:

    KUDOS to those who have been a part of making my Narfell time fun during 2018, especially Andelas, Minty, Psieonic, and Ronin. The DM team, the PG/PL team, the dev team, and the players... you’ve made this place what it is, and I’m glad to be a part of it.

    Here’s to another new year!

    Hear hear! And thanks for all the fun times yourself you awesome awesome man!

  • KUDOS to those who have been a part of making my Narfell time fun during 2018, especially Andelas, Minty, Psieonic, and Ronin. The DM team, the PG/PL team, the dev team, and the players... you’ve made this place what it is, and I’m glad to be a part of it.

    Here’s to another new year!

  • @stcroix said in Kudos:

    Kudos to Void for making two uneventful crafting runs... one ended with Fabian's melon smushed in... the second was just.... thrilling... actually scary.... never-ending?... was awesome thanks


  • Kudos to @rei_jin for some fantastic spiritual Nars RP in the cat cave with Aruhan and Reyer.

  • Kudos to Void for making two uneventful crafting runs... one ended with Fabian's melon smushed in... the second was just.... thrilling... actually scary.... never-ending?... was awesome thanks

  • @attentus said in Kudos:

    Kudos to everyone participating in Lost City's explorations.

    And Kudos to DM Rust for handling the DM-side of that trip.


    And Kudos to everyone for not dying despite how unprepared we were! 👍

  • Kudos to everyone participating in Lost City's explorations.

    And Kudos to DM Rust for handling the DM-side of that trip.


  • Kudos just for great day... for weird reasons.....

  • Kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit for 'Rat Hole' event.


  • Doubling down on those Skippy Kudos.

    Fresh out of tumultuous life situation, he had a decent portion of the playerbase captivated, at odds with each other, and cooperating with one another, some of the people ending up doing both! Personally, I loved being so invested in a single outcome, and having the power to affect it!

    Also Kudos to Xanatos Gambit, for assisting with it, and for the adventure with the cards!
    Totally unexpected, and fascinatingly fun!

  • A huge kudos to DMSkippy for the orc ambassador event. It was really fun watching it flow through the defender forums, the rant stand forums, in game common discussions, and a number of areas. It was something small that rolled into a huge thing that involved much of the server on one side or the other. So a huge thanks to DM, players and PG's who made this thing rock.

  • Thank you and kudos to Flom for adding some unexpected adventure in an otherwise typical Mintas ore run. I always enjoy your stories and adventures.

    Thank you and kudos to the other players on the adventure. We had a large group (which always makes me nervous), but no one died and I had a blast RPing with everyone. Good times...

  • Kudos recently to Xanatos for giving us some scary Z-ish moments and to all DMs as well for offering so much fun to the players despite their heavy work load that comes with being a DM!

  • Been running into a few events that have been fun. Moonlighter's first outing, a cutpurse and a spilled beer turns into a sea cave full o pirates matey! Many scurvy dogs were boiled.

    Mine trip with a side order of evil black metal and a portal to the underunder! Hand-fed earth elementals. Lions and tigers and mudmen, oh my! Possessed Z... who thought it turned into World War Z?

    And also Night of the Unliving Goblinoids! Wack-a-molebie. Drink of the Dead? Don't mind if I do!

    No idea who ran what, but thanks, regardless!

  • DM

    Kudos Xanatos, you always make a fun event, always impressed. Thank you!

  • A big Kudos to DMFyre and Kerby for the buddies night out event and setup. It actually went fairly well with people playing new characters and some odd people picked up along the way. I really had a great time.