New Whispers at the Fire

  • Kima Falstaff can be seen speaking with Timmot about the now missing people Wolfgang and Cody. She is then seen stopping in at the apothecary and thdn having an extended conversation with Eric at the Lumberyard. She is seen taking notes and then looking into a few other hunches she has.

  • _Another disappearance has rocked poor Norwick.

    Cody Keelen, an indepedent small-time ranger who was known for wandering in the Rawlins, has been declared missing.

    The odd thing is that it does not seem he has gone missing in the Rawlinswood, as he returned home safely from his last adventure, instead disappearing the following night from his room at the Grapevine.

    No one at the inn seems to have seen or heard anything unusual that night._