The Laws of Peltarch


    1.00: Traitorous Act - Betraying the City of Peltarch by giving information,
    aiding, or conspiring with an enemy faction of the city is a violation of
    the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Death Penalty

    1.01: Premeditated Murder - Plotting and executing a plan to kill a person
    is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Life in prison

    1.02: Non-Premeditated Murder - Killing a person without premeditation but with intent to kill is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: 15 years to the death penalty

    1.03: Conspiracy to Commit a Murder - One who does not participate directly in a murder, but help plots or mastermind it, is in violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: 15 year to the death penalty

    1.04: Involuntary Murder - Killing a person by inflicting harm upon them,
    without intent to kill, is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: 10 years to the death penalty

    1.05: Negligent Murder - To act without regard for a person's safety and, in doing so, directly cause their death is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: 10 years to Life

    1.06: Attempted Murder - One who plans on murdering a person, but is stopped before they can do so, is in violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: 5 years to Life

    1.06a Necromancy - Individuals found practising Necromancy, including
    the reanimation of the dead, corpse theft, or magic acts that utilize the dead.
    -Recommended Sentence: 5 years to Life

    1.07: Kidnapping - Kidnapping a person against their will is a violation of
    the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: 10 year to 20 years

    1.09: Assault - Intentionally harming another person is a violation of the
    -Recommended Sentence: 1 year to 6 years

    1.10: Negligent Harm to Another - Acting without regard for a person's
    safety and, in doing so, directly causes them harm is a violation of the
    -Recommended Sentence: 90 days to 5 years

    1.10a Torture - The act of harming an individual to coerce them into
    action is forbidden save for the Guard, Defenders, and Employees
    of the Crown who will use the right sparingly. When possible a rep-
    representative from the temple will use Divine Magic in its stead.
    -Recommended Sentence: 10 - 20 years

    1.11: Harboring a Criminal - Knowingly aiding a person who has committed a crime is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Up to or including the maximum penalty for the crime committed by the person being harbored.

    1.12: Aiding and Abetting a Criminal - Helping a person escape from
    prosecution is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Up to 10 years

    1.13: Obstructing Justice - Failing to help in the apprehension of a
    criminal by concealing evidence or information.
    -Recommended Sentence: Up to 5 years

    1.14: Theft or Destruction of Government Property - Taking or destroying
    property owned by the government is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Up to 10 years and fines not exceeding the value of the property. Also the hand of the criminal may be chopped off to mark them as a thief. Property is also returned to the government,
    if possible.

    1.15: Theft or Destruction of Private Property - Taking or destroying
    property owned by an individual is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Up to 5 years and fines not exceeding the value of the property. Also the hand of the criminal may be chopped off to mark them as a thief. Property is also returned to the individual if possible.

    1.16: Fraud - An intentional perversion of the truth, in order to induce
    another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right, is a
    violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Up to 7 years with fines.

    1.17: Trespassing - To enter a private area without permission from the
    owner is a violation of the law. For businesses and shops, permission is
    assumed to be granted for the storefront area unless the owner informs the individual otherwise, in which case the person must leave and not return to the private area without permission.
    -Recommended Sentence: Fines and minor amounts of jail time; 3 to 10 days

    2.18: Disturbing the Peace - To disrupt the daily lives of other people in an obtrusive fashion is a violation of the law.
    -Recommended Sentence: Fines and minor amounts of jail time; not much over a week.

    2.19: It is illegal to mispronounce Peltarch while in Peltarch
    -Recommended Sentence: A minor fine of 10 gold

    2.20: It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a loincloth.
    -Recommended Sentence: Fine

    2.21: Struck from books

    2.22: Struck from books.

    2.24: You are forbidden to spit on the ground within 5 feet of another
    -Recommended Sentence: Fine

    2.26: Struck from Books

    2.28: You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least 10 Gold Coin on your person
    -Recommended Sentence: Community Service/Fine/Short Jail Time

    2.29: Struck from books

    2.30: Loitering, the act of waiting around a busy public area without
    authorization, is considered illegal. Areas deemed as places of meeting are exempt from this law, as is private property at the discretion of the owner.
    -Recommended Sentence: Fine, minor jail time.

    2.31: Selling of Weapons or Armor, by non-citizens of Peltarch, is
    considered smuggling, and is illegal unless one acquires a permit to do so
    from the magistrate.
    -Recommended Sentence: Fine, Minor Jail Time

    2.32 Impersonating a Peltarch Official -Those posing as city officials
    including Judges, Employees of the Crown, The Guard and Defenders, or any of the Government Guilds of Peltarch, including possessing the garb or relics of office.
    -Recommended Sentence: Public Flogging and Banishment and
    confiscation of all goods used in the act of fraud.

    2.34 Familiar Law in Peltarch - All familiars of a large, bestial or "unnatural" (outsider) nature are banned from the city of peltarch and its jurisdictional limits. All other familiars must remain in close attendance of its controller at all times and must not stray more than ten yards from them for any reason.
    All familiars are the explicit responsibility of the controller, and they are responsible for any crime committed by the familiar.
    -Recommended Sentence- Anyone found violating this law will be warned to remove the creature, or face fines and or imprisonment. The familiar may face physical harm if instructions of the guard is not complied with.

    2.35 Weapons - Unless danger against the self person is imminent, it is forbidden to wield any kind of weapon* inside the walls of the city of Peltarch. Upon request from Defender personnel, weapons shall be unwielded outside the walls of the city of Peltarch. This law includes magical weapons that are not physically wielded. Exempt from this law are military personnel and other official personnel and private individuals with the proper permits.
    *Walking staffs are not seen as lethal weapon

    Note: The punishment given by a judge to a convicted criminal does not have to fall within the Recommended Sentence. Each case may vary on severity and therefore the ultimate punishment is up to the judge to determine.

    Minor Crimes: All crimes beginning with a 2 are considered minor. Criminals who are arrested by the Peltarch Guard for these crimes do not have to face a judge in court. Instead, a fair punishment may determined by a ranking official in the Peltarch Guard. 1.14 and 1.15 are also minor crimes if the amount of property involved is worth less than 150gp