Flyers, flyers and more flyers.

  • *An ever jovial Rith walks through Peltarch's streets as she stumbles upon a trashcan that is knocked over, and an amount of flyers spred over the ground nearby. As she stops to put the trashcan back up and return the flyers inside, she finds a peculiar one that brings her some fresh memories. Although now dry, most of the flyer has been whitened and erased through the beating of wind and rain. Rith reaches quickly into her pack, pulling out a quillpen and tracing some quick lines on the top half of it, where the text can't be read anymore.

    A few moments after, the Lathanderite is walking off down the street, with a helpless wide grin in her face. Behind, a perfectly ordered trashcan contains again all the flyers that it's supposed to contain. All except one, which has been visibly stickied on the wall. On its top half there are four humanoid figures, hand-drawn with a quill-pen and notable skill. Three of them are triumphantly holding their hands up - A man and a woman in knightly armor, and another woman with robes and a staff. Next to them is a misserable looking dwarf figure, pulling his empty pockets inside out. The piece of flyer is wrinkled and dirty, but the original bottom of it can still be clearly read.*


    Carlos Roam & Daughters
    The Winning Side