Church of Selune: Various Activity

  • "Accept Selune into your heart, and let her wash away the darkness, for she brings love, peace, and tolerance for any who desire it, yes."

    Since the young hin woman Mooncandy has taken charge, she has been often seen by the shrine, answering any and all questions of faith in regards to being a selunite. She works her very best at being a shepherd to all who are need aid in matters of faith despite not being a priestess. Now and again, she can be see in granting blessings in the form of buying potions and aid to commoners, or travel with others to help them on their endeavors. Judging by the looks are others, most seem to find her friendly, though there is no doubt that now and then you will see individuals give her dirty looks for vairous reasons, or often speak up now and then, annoyed by her constant preaching and positivity. To resolve such conflicts, the kind woman tends to reply politely that she is merely a vessel for the Moonmaiden's love, performing Her will and means no harm.

    Lately, she performs sermons for those whom are interested in attending in the evening, for citizens, sailors, and adventurers alike during times, spreading the word of Selune's love and tolerance. Often making house-calls to those who ask for her, she helps provide blessings of healing (though she can't cast them herself, she'll pay for potions needed), to the faithful and the virtuous. Those whom she might suspect are possibly tainted or of opposing faith, she none-the-less gives them the benefit of the doubt, sometimes healing them with homeopathic and more natural remedies through the use of balms.

    In her most recent sermon to those whom visited the temple:

    "Mara cannot thank those whom have come to visit enough for taking time from busy lives to visits, yes."

    Bowing respectfully, she lets those who wish to stand do so, offering cushions and seats to make others more comfortable, if they desired. Once ready, she steps up in front of the shrine.

    "Let all those who walk in the Moonmaiden's light know that a shepherd of hers has come here, yes. Though we must practice tolerance and kindness, those whom can raise a blade, a shield, or a spell in Selune's name and can help serve Her in the faces of evils who wish to bring pain, suffering and misery to others, not hesitate to does so. To those who cannot, your faith be equally reward through practice of prayer and faith, yes, showing kindness and tolerance to all those in need and become a light in dark times, bringing comfort to friends family, and stranger alike."

    With her holy symbol in hand, she raises it in front of her, then gestures up to the sky.

    _"As we look to stars and let them guide us, we must never forget the Moonmaiden always watches us, whether under the light of night sky, basking in Lathander's warmth in day, or even underground, working in a mine, She always be there for us. Be proud of what you do, but show humility when those compliments you on it. Practice be independence, but never hesitate ask for helps if you ever needs it. As Moonmaiden's love know no bound, never hesitate to come visit, even for a moment should you feel have problem, whether health, heart, or faith, for she is generous in her love and through Mooncandy's help, we try our best help you!"

    "Go now and live your lives, continuing to know that the Moonmaiden will be watching, those who wish stay and pray further is more than welcome, Mara will be free to speak of any matters of faith and provide ear in confidence for any those who have pain in hearts, and need someone to help ease them. Or those who is interested in joining church, seek Mara or Aelthas, yes"_

    Those who leave, she gives them each their own friendly wave, a gentle handshake, or embrace before tending to those whom remained in the end.