Tindra gets herself to the healers...

  • A pixie flew into the building while the door was open briefly as people come and go. The little fey looked quite worried and concerned. "Kitty is having her Kittens now!" she exclaimed excitedly when inquired as to why she is here. Showing respect at the healers' instructions of staying out of the backroom and, the pixie was content enough to remain in the lobby and occasionally paced back and forth in the air.

    From the backroom, a few cries of pain could be heard. Did that last one sound kind of like a growl? Otherwise, there are no urgent calls and people seem to move about like they know what they are doing. For the moment, all that could be done was to wait…

  • Rith arrived swiftly as she was in Norwick at the moment, and sent -immediately- a message to Jerrick via 'Sending' spell. She gets Tindra to the back room and makes the appropriate preparations. She pays for the rent of the infirmary two days whole in advance, and instructs the healers to allow passage to none but Jerick himself. Rith also tips the healers generously for their kindness.

    // will have the proper amount of gold taken from Rith as soon as a DM is ingame //