Looking for Lathanderites

  • A tall heavy armored woman often asks folks at the commons if they know a sun soul preferable a Paladin or Priest of the Morninglord. She speaks about an item which she wants to hand over to its righteous owners as it original belongs to the church of Lathander if she is asked why she does not speak to the Priests at the Temple of the Triad she answers:

    I do prefer to hand the item over to a trustworthy follower of the according faith.

    When asking around the young lass always states her firstname to those which do not know her, she does not give the slightest clue about the item itself only stating that she wishes to see this item returned to the church of the Morninglord.

    (( Nora Webber))

  • Nora lets it be known that she spoke to a priest of the morninglord by the name C'Tan and handed him the item but still would like to get known to Alberon.

  • While Alberon has been absent of late, upon hearing of this woman seeking Lathanderites, he attempts to make himself known to her.

    //I'll try to catch up with you in game sometime soon. Been away recently due to a family issue.

  • It is known that a member of the Divine Shield named Alberon is a knight of the faith

    Also, one of the guards named "Yana" is a known follower, or at least bears the holy symbol. It's said that she works for one of the magistrates, and is seen frequently around the docks.