Security Flyers about Peltarch

  • ICC

    _Scattered around the Peltarch Commerce, Docks and Residential districts are flyers tied to a few various door handles. The flyers are written in a non-descript, almost uniform and monotonous hand indicating the writer prefers to be kept unidentified.

    "Want to protect your homely goods from thieves and cutpurses? Fear for the security of your loved ones? Now is the time to invest in a better lock!"

    Why these houses have received these flyers while others have not remains a mystery._

  • The guard, after reading the fliers, politely inform Adrian that they have better things to do.

  • Stumbling across one of the flyers, Adrian frowns and takes it down, taking it along with him and asking the guards to keep an eye out for whoever is spreading the flyers.