Exodus of the Pixies 3

  • _A parade of pixies, and a few other fey creatures with their Seelie knight guards streamed slowly through the Realm. One of the Fey guarding the smaler fey may be recognized by aselect few as Captain Jack of the Seelie Court.

    He prcolaimed to the guards he and his men were escorting Queen Minerva of the Exile Court and her fey subjects to the druid glenn from the Romani Camp which he claimed was no longer safe for the pixies.

    He did not elaborate further on that, as they did not stay nor linger in Norwick proper, they headed due south through the south gate toward the Rawlinswood._

  • the guards at the gates stand back as they pass. Mord watches them thougthfully for awhile and then looks North and west with a hard smaile on his face