*Sign* Requesting ALL Captains, Leaders Meet, URGENT!

  • General Lyte is careful to request a legal spot to post a large broadside calling for a meeting of titantic importance to the region.

    _"Town Captains, Guild Leaders, concerned citizens of means and strength, Legion General's Grag and Lyte are taking the unusual step of calling for a MEETING to discuss EVENTS and CREATURES witnessed by them in a recent patrol to the place called MINTAS RHELGOR south and east of the village of Jiyyd.

    The meeting is to discuss a tactical decision. The evilry involved and topic for discussion are DROW, DUERGAR and DEMONS.

    We feel this matter is of region shattering importance.

    Please attend, or send a representative.

    Jiyyd Legion Hall, (Thursday night roughly 11pm eastern time)."_

  • Word filters back to town that Scouts Aelhaearn and Suldin both fell in the Mintas woods while out following up on these reports with Elridith and Moradim. Their bodies were recovered and their lives on this plane restored, though the Scout Colonel has disappeared, presumably to allow himself to recover from the ordeal.

    When questioned, Belinda says only that Ael is ok but will be away for a while until he is fit to return to duty.

  • ((it happened…

  • Dwin eagerly awaits an update from his staff on this important meeting.

    ((Was anyone able to attend? Did it happen?))