WARNING: Eastern Rawlins
"WARNING: Eastern Rawlins
The casters in the Eastern Rawlins have learned much, and have become even more dangerous. They are casting advanced spells like fireballs… falling ice, and black tentacles, along with an array of many other dangerous spells. Calendel can attest to this, as can Maya and myself. We went out there and were almost fried in a matter of seconds.
Please everyone, take extreme caution when travelling east. They give no warning, and will attack in large numbers very quickly with high concentrations of spells. Combined with the hordes of elite and veteran goblins, survival is minimal when travelling in a small group, and especially without any mages or clerics.
ALL unskilled townsfolk are hereby asked to please stay clear of the Eastern Rawlins, or face the death that awaits them there.
Norwick Militia
Calendel, noticing the daggers from casters placed by the sign shakes his head knowingly awaiting the time he'll be raising overconfident mages at the Apothecary…
Chaevre' chuckles to herself and makes a small edit to the bottom.
Unless accompanied by a skilled arcanist
Several daggers, ones that goblin mages typically carry, are left near the sign. Some are damaged, probably by fire. A handsome white haired man walks away from the sign, just chuckling to himself.