OOC: New Norwick ((updated))

  • Central town, I like. Norwick has pushed north from the walls anyway, so attacks from the north can be met at the crossroads with the guards stationed on Sams hill anyway, and the wall there is now more of a fall back position. Maybe push one or two little forward positions to the Nars Pass - Norwick map, like those little hollows with a wall on one side, and a tower. If people really want to have something there desperatly.

    Now the south gate however…..
    We've lost the archers hill, and arrow towers have shocking lines of sight for shooting over walls. Earthen Ramparts(aka raising terrain 1 level in the line of the walls) and ramps up would make life much easier for archers(and lowbies trying to avoid having to melee ubber monsters) in attacks from the south, even if this was only part of the wall and walls built out from these on either side.(anyone confused about this let me know and I'll see about posting a screenshot of what I mean)

  • After an initial look, I'm of very mixed opinion.

    The new version, with the tents and open-air market, feels more like a 'barrbarian town'. The new sub-wall around the governmental buildings gives a sort of bailey feel that's appropriate.

    Visually there's a lot to approve of.

    The bad: It feels like this map really was thrown together without much regard for the traditional layout of Norwick. There just isn't any continuity, and no in-game events to explain the changes. We have had town redesigns before, and everyone knows to just overlook small things like the Boarshead switching around, etc. But this isn't so much a few changes as completely reworking everything from the ground up, and it's jarring.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that with every other build change, if you plopped me down in the town out of the blue, I would recognize it as Norwick. The same is not true here; it's like a completely different town.

    I think the open air market is a good idea, but could use more thought and a better execution than simply moving all the old merchants outside. Among other things, how is this going to affect situations where many huge nasties are loose in town, and people want to buy supplies?

    Unsure why the north gate has been moved back. IMHO this is going to hurt the execution of any town attacks from the north.


  • At the south gate, the campfire can't view the gates, and the platform is far removed. Makes it harder to get a variety of RP going on, as people on the platform can't talk to those coming in, etc.

    Also, I miss the dock over the lake. Used to fish, sit on it, watch things… I just liked it. No biggie though.