Lurid Posters..

  • So if I were to kill this poet, it would have caused harm, right?

  • AH but you see the difference is thus. A prayer is fine, a speech is fine. But when you insult a god throughout an entire country you are bound to attract attention. Had the poster limited themselves to one town, they may have been fine, but they took it on themselves to spread the insult everywhere.

    Try insulting Umberlee in such a manner near the docks and see what happens.

  • @36d39783d7=Salsadoom:

    A dark robed figure kindly points out to the gaurds that the posters may infact be illegal given 1.10: Negligent Harm to Another clearly falls under this action. The reason being, insulting a God, no matter which one, may very well incite said god to take action themselves. And as we all know, Gods are well known for affecting the world in which we live. And given the widespread public insult to the said God, they or their minions can't but help to take action. After said action, many innocent may become hurt or injured so it is in the best interest of the Peltarchian government to stop said offender from inciting a God into such action and remove the posters.

    In short, this wide spread display of insult to a Major Deity is sheer stupidity and will bring the God's wrath on ALL of us.

    Zyphlin has a good laugh at the dark robed individual

    That's a wonderful attempt at manipulating Peltarch law…sadly you're inexperience at it is painfully obvious, put still, nice attempt there.

    Prove that somehow these posters, and these posters alarm, have caused harm to someone. Trying to claim that the God is going to harm someone isn't actually "negligent harm to another" but I guess the God himself violating a law. Add onto that fact that if a God has no better to do with his time then to come cause trouble in a city like Peltarch when Harpers and the Northern Alliance are whipping the hell out of his miserable little force, and adventurer's Toril over cause issues and insults to him and his followers, it makes you really questoin how much of a "Major" diety he really is.

    Honestly, I should start giving classes on Peltarch law. At the very most, you could possibly get a small fine put upon the person for disturbing the peace of citizens…though, I'm pretty sure, most of those disturbed aren't actually citizens of Peltarch, but who knows. And even then, you forget one...important...part.

    A senator has okayed it, and would likely pardon the person.

    Congratulations, it was a decent attempt at stretching the law. Study a Peltarch law book and remove the metal gauntlet from your back section, it shall help you think better.

  • I don't care, as long as these blasphemous writings are taken down

  • Jen scratches her head 'Erm.. that's a bit of a stretch.. I doubt you'd find a magistrate that would prosecute for that.. I mean.. that implies that every time someone prays the Gods who aren't prayed to.. or the Gods specifially opposed to the god you do pray too.. might take offence too.. where would it end?'

  • A dark robed figure kindly points out to the gaurds that the posters may infact be illegal given 1.10: Negligent Harm to Another clearly falls under this action. The reason being, insulting a God, no matter which one, may very well incite said god to take action themselves. And as we all know, Gods are well known for affecting the world in which we live. And given the widespread public insult to the said God, they or their minions can't but help to take action. After said action, many innocent may become hurt or injured so it is in the best interest of the Peltarchian government to stop said offender from inciting a God into such action and remove the posters.

    In short, this wide spread display of insult to a Major Deity is sheer stupidity and will bring the God's wrath on ALL of us.

  • Senator Senella asks Ezachiel what he wants to find her esteemed Advisor, the Shadow Poet, for and furthermore why he is burning her Advisor's posters. She seems rather peeved. She has also orders guards to arrest anybody tearing down the posters for vandalism and see they are duely fined.

  • //OOC on. The Shadowpoet exists, it is a character. They just don't have "ShadowPoet" over their head.

  • @daa5e4055c=Sethan:

    all for a character that might not even exist, IG.

    (( I should hope any character making IC actions on the forums would exist IG. It'd be unfair for them not to. ))

    A few hooded men in dark robes wander the city, their worn hands running along obsidian prayer beads as they chant quietly. They move to posters that have been torn down and recently replaced, calmly removing them from their posts, rolling them up, and sliding them into scroll cases.

  • Thazar-De stands before a poster for a while, his lips pressed tightly together, then he chuckles softly, and walks away with a smile, leaving the piece in place.

  • Stodging her way along the Docks, Mercy catches sight of one of the posters, and reading it, cackles heartily before swaggering down the streets to menace some innocent fisher-folks.

  • No. I am not going to start giving gold away for nothing. Find me the heathen some choice swear words in infernal who put up this poster, and I shall pay.

  • hearing of the reward, Dwin searches out Ezachiel

    I aint sure, but I heard that fella Oreth has a whole stack o these things… maybe he's hangin em?

    That's worth a couple hundred coins, aint it?

  • Zyphlin laughs, saves one, and takes it to the old printing press of the College for copies and to save in the archieves

  • Ezachiel burns every last poster he can find, and offers a reward of 1000 gold pieces to the person who can deliver the maker of these posters to him.