• A very short slip of paper is put on the board.


    Interested in sharing your extensive experience on how to fight in small groups? - Contact Pavel Amblecrown.

    ((aka… if you feel this touches your character, please PM me or find me IG))

  • @0d3fbec988:

    _A notice is put up on the crafting hall.

    "Miners Take Heed.

    A powerful humanoid assassin claims leadership of the worgs native to the cave east of Jiyyd, and states that all those who interfere with the migration of the pack from the caves to the mountains will be slain.

    Miners are advised to avoid the cave east of Jiyyd, also known as the Worg Cave, until further notice.

    In Your Service,
    Dentin Strauss, Artificer of Gond._

    The notice has been revoked, as it seems the worgs have departed from said cave.

  • A large, neat poster is pasted onto a prominent spot

    _"Guild Leaders and concerned citizens of means and strength of Peltarch, Legion General's Grag and Lyte are taking the unusual step of calling for a MEETING to discuss EVENTS and CREATURES witnessed by them in a recent patrol to the place called MINTAS RHELGOR.
    The meeting is to discuss a tactical decision. The evilry involved and topic for discussion are DROW, DUERGAR and DEMONS.

    We feel this matter is of region shattering importance.

    Please attend, or send a representative.

    Meeting will be held in the Jiyyd Legion Hall, "_//Thursday night, (tonight), roughly 11pm eastern time. Sorry for the short notice, I somehow missed posting in Pelt the first time around//.

  • _A notice is put up on the crafting hall.

    "Miners Take Heed.

    A powerful humanoid assassin claims leadership of the worgs native to the cave east of Jiyyd, and states that all those who interfere with the migration of the pack from the caves to the mountains will be slain.

    Miners are advised to avoid the cave east of Jiyyd, also known as the Worg Cave, until further notice.

    In Your Service,
    Dentin Strauss, Artificer of Gond._

  • If you are of the Bardic persuasion, yet feel lost and aimless in your pursuits, then look no further.

    The Order of the Copper Lyre is now open to new recruits.

    What is The Order of the Copper Lyre?

    Do you have a passion for adventure, battle, and a desire to gain knowledge, song, tales, and a hope to become legend from being a part of such?

    Do you scribe your own music, lyrics, and tales?

    Do you believe that your own experience in adventuring and battle is fundamental to your growth as a Performer?

    If so, then The Order of the Copper Lyre is exactly what you need.. and you are exactly what we need.

    Open to all Bards, young and old. Run by the venerable Melidian Y'Mystique. If you wish to join, either keep an eye open for the purple haired man in white and copper armor, or come to The Inn of the Dancing Mermaid in one week! (( Sunday, June 24 from 1pm to 2pm Pacific Time, GMT -8 ))


    A finely crafted warhammer, imbued with lightning for additional damage. Stolen from me during the Ghoul War, and last seen in the hands of Mezicq, who denies any involvement or memory whatsoever.

    Please return this hammer to me.
    Reward Negotiatable.

    Dentin Strauss


    Of good heart.
    Trading in respectable goods.
    In need of assistance in getting your goods from A to B safely or recovering property stolen by Bandits or similar from your caravan

    Contact Danaley of the Guardians to arrange an escort or assistance.

  • @e7c23cd532:

    Auction in aid of rebuilding Norwick

    An auction will be held in Norwick on the day of the Feast of the Moon to encourage the return of traders, settlers and other people to the re-claimed town. Norwick will once again be a bastion of defence against the savage creatures of the South and safe haven for those who trade or build honestly with the resources of the Rawlinswood.

    Any wishing to have items listed should contact Keira either at the Sisterhood, or in Norwick itself. No item too small or too valuable!

    A list of available lots will be posted in Norwick

    Seller Information
    Items will be listed in auction at no cost. On successful sale, 10% of the sale price will go to Norwick to cover costs incurred in the rebuilding and rehoming of both refugees and new settlers to the area. Those interested in more permanent trade arrangements within Norwick should contact Chancellor Lucidious, or Dwin of the Craft Union.

    ((PM me with items you wish sold and any reserve or minimum price you'd want for it. ))

    Event time and date:
    Saturday 19th May - 2200UTC/GMT
    1800 Eastern US (daylight saving)
    2300 GMT+1 (UK daylight saving)
    0800 Sunday Australia Eastern (Brisbane)

  • For Sale:

    Armour and weapons owned by Captain Seth are on offer.

    Full Plate crafted by Dwin Dolvak. (MW Brass Plate) - 6,000gp.
    Includes a 1,000gp voucher at Vanity Plates to fit and customise the armour to your requirements.

    Balanced Compound Longbow by Melanie Stern (MW Elm bow) - 2,400gp
    Includes a 400gp voucher to customise to your requirements.

    Fine Enchanted Longsword - 2,200gp
    Includes a 200gp voucher to customise to your requirements.

    Will consider payment plans from a known and trusted buyer.

    Contact Seth to make your arrangements.

  • _For sale:
    One Elven Towershield. 2500 Gold or Best Offer. SOLD
    One Masterworked Helmet, Enchanted with Blue Light. 500 Gold or Best Offer.

    Contact Dentin Strauss for purchase._

  • Wanted

    _Instuctor or Tutor for learning Mulhorandi. Negotiable fee for lessons.

    Contact Lilin Le'Noir, Tent Pandz, Gypy Camp, or Leave message at the Scarlet Sisterhood, Jiyyd. Reimbursement for hiring messengers to contact me available_

    ((Contact Via Forum PM / IRC / Or send me tell in game.))

  • **The Wolves of Narfell Invite you to a Festival in Their Den to Celebrate the end of Winter

    There will be fun and games!

    Catch the greasy Pig! Visit Madam Lana and learn your future as she parts the Veil! For those of fleet foot and great muscle there is the Greased Log Competition! Archery Contest! Stalls for Guessing Oats Age, and Finding Miss Star! And throughout the day A Scavenger Hunt for those with the brains and brawn to complete it! Everyone who does wins a prize!

    //This Sunday, 2pm EST, 7pm UK, 8pm most of Europe! And big thanks to GW for her Support as DM!**

  • Hear ye, hear ye!

    The distinguished and honorable Kenton Seth, Captain of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, will be initiated into Spellweaver Keep. The ceremony of initiation will take place at Spellweaver Keep,

    ((6:30PM EST Saturday = 11:30PM GMT Saturday = 11:30AM AEST SUNDAY))


    1 Raider Bow

    1 Cherry Short Bow

    1 Blue Circle Staff

    1 Thieves Necklace

    1 Sticky Gloves

    1 Elven Slim Blade

    1 Platinum Ore

    Contact Zyphlin for offers or information on any of the above.



    See: Merry of the Peltarch Defenders

    Willing to pay: 323 Gold Peices and A friendly Handshake/Hug (Seller's Choice)

  • All over the Realm, Posters starting springing up. Apparently they were dredged up from some old Peltarchian Senatorial Election, minorly adjusted, then put up again. The Senator has been changed here and there to resemble the bard, Nathan Wingates:


  • A parchement is removed.

  • Mecizq Posts up a considerable list of goods for sale.
    MW Cherry Longbow2
    MW Cherry Heavy Crossbow
    MW Brass Tower Shield
    MW Belt2
    MW Boots
    MW Gloves
    Sticky Gloves
    Banded Gloves
    MW Sling*3
    Other crafted Armours on request and availibility

    Those interested can leave word for him through the Ceruleans.
    The list is edited again

  • DM


    After a few passing hours, a parchment was left nailed to the board in the dancing mermaid. The parchment itself looks relatively simple, it reads :

    For Sale :

    Two suits of brass full plate armour
    One elven leaf blade
    One sixth circle scroll.

    Prices are yet to be determined.
    Enquire with Kara Du'Monte to learn more!