((OOC short events around norwick))
"The Auction gone bad"
An old warrior (or other class) is retiring, and he decides to sell his old stuff. A group of interested people showed up, including some rogues who aren't planning to pay.(dm controlled perhaps?)
They steal the differents parts (armour, helmet, shield, weapons…), and run off with them. Now the other people have to go after them, to either steal the things themselves, or return them.
For a reward, you could give the items for free (), or give a nice cut on them, like -50% Only problem might be finding a good place for it.
"We just wants to talk!"
Some goblins want to talk to city officials, to come to a truce. It seems like they are getting tired of being beaten on, and they want to follow the bandit's and yuan-ti's example. Of course the talks have no chance of succes, but it is very important to keep the embassadors from both sides alive. A neutral meeting ground could be picked, somewhere in the forest perhaps, with who-knows-what force trying to disturb the talks, to incite more violence and weaken both the goblins and the barbarians.
Possible rewards could be money and items from both sides, and whatever you could get from the hostile force, unless you manage to talk it out.I'll try thinking of some other things
P.S: please let me know if you plan to run one of these, I'd love to be in it
Elor, that sounds a lot like one I've been trying to get going for a couple months now.
"The crafters are approached by Jandor because he has to pay the militia and pay for his home alterations and Jandor's guard and other administrative expenses. He says he's trying to set up a regular caravan to bring goods made in Norwick throughout the north via the docks of Peltarch.
It would need at least one rogue's guild (smugglers), a large number of crafters, escorts for the caravan, some smart talky folks to figure out who to bribe and where to sneak so they don't have to pay Peltarch's taxes as they drag the huge caravan through, and a couple groups for other things that are secret to the population at large."
Oh wait, I keep kicking people in the butt to go out there and make contacts with smugglers and rogue guilds so we can get stuff going, and nothing ever gets done. There's a whole bunch of PC guilds out there thinking "what can I do?" There's plenty to do, stop spending time designing your flag and secret handshake, and get out there and do something.
The Elven camp send word that one of the norwick shop-owners wishes to head to their camp to discuss trade.. (Probably Praeth).
He will need an escort through the area, and might meet mishaps on the way, or perhaps at the camp.
Praeth's personal history with camp?
Opportunity for Small Reward for Low-Level Characters from Praeth's Shop?
Perhaps reward from elven camp if they get what they want from negotiations.?(Not worried about being involved in these events personally, it would be the sort of event i would run in PnP for low level characters
But some others might find them fun to be in.
(I tend to play mostly at the weekends GMT until late as you know)
Small Event Idea for Norwick:
The undead start tunnelling under the town out beyond the wall, and skirt round to gather the bodies of goblins slain by countless adventurers.
The undead goblins created by the priests attack the goblin areas causing the goblins to crusade against the undead ( a few special-characters undead-hunter type goblins might be amusing ).
The result depending on player interaction, from this secret (to be discovered tunnel from the crypts ) could be that the goblins defeat the undead, occupying the crypts as a stronghold and start fortifying it like a goblin fortress.
Or it might be that the undead goblins start to overrun the goblin lands (there might be goblin-necromancers within the goblin ranks that might encourage this).
A good opportunity for players to might have to support one enemy against another, fighting both might be problematic.
small group of goblins could try to become the leader of the Rawlins wood, could be a couple of short plots, with one elite with maybe some nice equiptment
Could become a long plot, but a few foolish tries don't have to take long, like goblins fleeing towards Norwick while getting slaugthered there too if their unlucky. Or elves informing people about the chaos among goblins lately and while searching for the cause you could see that one is trying to be superiour above the others.Fine could finally offer some one his stable jobs and make people take his cows/horses on a short walk outside of town, which ofcourse attracts wolves and other predators.
Some of the merchants must have an enormous amount of rusted daggers, blue quartz and coal by now. Why not organize a caravan, which would need some guards incase the bandits couldn't control themselves at the sight of so much to loot. Then you would have a thinky part when trying to get it past the Peltarch guards, who are very cautious after the commons got blown up. Maybe there could be some negotiations.
There are other things that could be escorted to Peltarch too: that drunk dwarf in the Boarshead, Evil Rogue to get an official document of non-evilness, etc.Or if it should be almost completely in Norwick…some bandits who try to "persuade" some local merchants to pay protection money? After which some local wanna-be heroes jump in to stop the bandits from getting rich off the population of Norwick. This could be suited for the lower levels, since the higher ones would probably not concern themselves with that kind of things, but rather just go talk with the bandit boss in the winding caverns, which would probably take longer than 4 hours.
What I also have been wondering is about that trapdoor in the clothes shop. Maybe some goblins/kobolds/other weak things could have moved there and menace the population of Norwick?
Or maybe Wald wants to finally get rid of those rats, gnawing on everbody's hide? Then they could dig a hole in the storage house, and hunt after the rat boss? Hmmm....perhaps an evil pinguin?
PS: How is a quest around Norwick supposed to be for only 4 to 8 people? Norwick is the bussiest town, and the number of people who tag along could be very large, ruining the fun for those who were in from the start.
This wouldnt be to long, i suggest maybe a nice weapon for reward or maybe a special ring amulet or belt. if you like it give me a pm
The Friar was out on a walk through the nars near sams hill when a rogue pick pocketed an amulet of specialmeans to him, he has hired 4 people to retract this amulet with a reward will be given to the finders.
The friar sais that he caught her but she drank a potion of invisibility and escaped, he heard her heading towards sams hill and out into the valley.
Considering my status is newbie, i'm not sure if i'm allowed to post here, but hey, live and learn, right?
Along the lines of the barbarian footrace Vortext has proposed, why not make an entire series of competitions, like Highland games, you know like tug of war, tossing the cabre, archery contests…This might take more than 8 players, or longer than 4 hours, now, i don't know what can be done about the time limit, but as for the amount of players, you can ask that only barbarians sign up, or that people sign up well before the games take place, and make them form teams.
I know there is no way for visualising something like tug of war or tossing the cabre, but one can always pretend, no?
Wannabe_Irish, playing times are around 19.00 to 02.00 GMT +1
The rank above your name means nothing, as does mine.
I suggest you ignor them.
Considering my status is newbie, i'm not sure if i'm allowed to post here, but hey, live and learn, right?
Along the lines of the barbarian footrace Vortext has proposed, why not make an entire series of competitions, like Highland games, you know like tug of war, tossing the cabre, archery contests…This might take more than 8 players, or longer than 4 hours, now, i don't know what can be done about the time limit, but as for the amount of players, you can ask that only barbarians sign up, or that people sign up well before the games take place, and make them form teams.
I know there is no way for visualising something like tug of war or tossing the cabre, but one can always pretend, no?
Wannabe_Irish, playing times are around 19.00 to 02.00 GMT +1
i have a small plot idea, ill send it to you shhh secret!
A summong contest for wizards who…summon...things. I think it would be cool, pitting the different summons against each other.
If we want to do something for specific 'types' perhaps contests would be something to get the juices flowing. A race across dangerous territories for the barbarians. A low level race Norwick-Peltarch-Jiyyd would be impressive, if anybody survived. Strategy would play as big a part as speed. The prize for such a race (to the fastest survivor) would probably be more pride and name than any monetary value. At best, a slightly decent pair of boots. I could see even seasoned veterans making new characters for such a run. Kind of a gumball rally event
Something more to my characters liking . . . a bardic competition. Somehting to seperate the bards from the guys who think a fighter/spell-caster is a cool character class. This has been done without any official sanction with a tale telling competition between three beginning bards and locals being the judges of who told the best tale. I lost but enjoyed the stories and the reactions of both the crowd and the other bards
I play from about 11:00+ PST as Elyl Coldraven Singer of Tales and teller of songs but will not be back online for another few days (travel)
Elyl Coldraven singer of tales and teller of songs :idea:
Adlanail is trying to put together another of his Norwick shows featuring new talent of the region
So far he has the names of two other interested bards and is scouring for one or two more. Once he has a full bill of entertainers and acts he will seek out a venue and time (( depends when all the bards can make it)).
He is considering the boarshead as a venue again But after the debacle the last time there he is actively searching another.
((Really beacuse of the commoner spam but it fits in with the happenings if you read the report of the last show ))Report of the last show : http://nwn.black-flag.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=9310&highlight=
I have short one I have thought about running myself, just haven't had a good opportunity yet. Here's the idea: a young child in Norwick is upset because her father has gone missing. He was in the woods collecting firewood, but did not come back and it is nearly dark. A group has to get together in the woods and find her father.
The father was attacked by goblins and ran off to hide. A ranger would be useful for tracking down the missing person. Perhaps make the result depend on how long the adventurers take to find him. If they make it in time, he is hiding deep in the wounds, though bleeding. If they take too long, perhaps the goblins got the father.
My play times depend on the week. I work 12 hours, 7 days, every other week. When I'm off, I play around 12 noon for a couple of hours. I also try to play every night from about 9:30 until whenever. Times are eastern.
Read and noted by Raptor