Public Notice Placed in the Crafting Hall by the Masters

  • DM

    Public Notice: Proposed Change of Ownership

    Citizens of Peltarch,

    Below this poster is a box to collect your thoughts on the manner of the sale of this hall to the administration of the Crafters Union.

    The following is proposed,

    1 - That the property including vanity plates be preserved for all access to the citizens of Peltarch unlike the other crafting halls of the region.

    2 - We as masters shall continue under the employ of the crafters union, and shall continue to offer our services to Peltarch citizens as before.

    3 - It is expected that expansion and improvement of our facilities will result in this acquisition as well as the opportunity for improving skills of all who visit and producing crafts of the highest quality.

    4 - The ability to plan for future expeditions and mineral rights with more visitors and improved techniques will be simpler.

    5 *an extra note tacked to the bottom by the vanity plates owners say that "looks like they will let everyone of course to use our unmatched facilities"

    Comments from all users of our facilities and other interested parties welcome.

    signed by the owners of vanity plates and the three masters of the hall

    (( We well some of us know how this is done, the comments box is just that, for comments, and it is like a ballot box))
    (( If your character wants to do some IC actions and things, then either post here, find me IG or another Peltarch DM or PM me with any secret or private actions you wish to take regarding this ))

  • *With approval from the craft-masters, Keira places a small sign expressing interest in a gnomish blunderbust, the more potent and reliable older models, not the newer, more fragile noisemakers.

    She'll check back here with the Hickens to see if any messages have been left*

    // PM me for gold to trash for placing ad and reply fielding. Expressions of interest to her IG or by PM. //

  • Mecizq on his visits to the hall can, as allways be seen using tools purchased from the masters rather than simply using their facilities to make his own hammers to work with. Any questions about why the expense get replied to with a comment about donations to the running of the facilities.

  • Whenever Belade visits the Crafting Hall, she spends some time talking to the young Master Bowyer. She seems to have taken a real liking to him, and even offered to help him with his adventuring. She does comment on the fact that the Union not taking over is probably not for the best.

  • After Dwin is done conspiring, Dentin approaches the masters, reassuring them that the hall remaining available for all will be for the best. He also promises them that, should they ever require anything, he would do his utmost to provide.

  • Dwin is seen talking in hushed tones and gesturing to the south with all 3 masters.

  • DM

    "Damn!" is the main word that comes from the annoyed conversations between the crafting masters.

    "Well, how are we going to make more money now…. we're going to have to start charging for anvil-time at this rate".

    "And i wanted to retire from all this too... " says the bowyer master. "Wanted to get back to my adventuring days..."

    "What a waste of talent...", the armour master remarks with a smirk, that soon clouds back to annoyance again.

  • DM

    The crafting masters shrug when anyone asks about another bidder,

    "Nay seen another bid formally given to us…"

    "Thems senators should bee meeting soon, so shoul' ave an answer."

  • @acfbe94525=Herrold:

    "We have laws in dis city Senator! Me is goin teh find out what is goin on round eer… Deh publics has un right teh know..."

    couldnt help it…

    • Nods to Mog*

    "Deh Crafters made their offer public… Why is deh other offer in secret? Where is dis coin comin frumma? Anna why so late? If dis coin been lyin around fer so long, why yeh only find deh coin now?"

    • Speaks loud enough for everyone to hear *

    "Me will be speakin teh me kin dat sell der wares in dat shop, as well as to deh masters. Me is sure dey nae like secret offers anna nae knowin who der werkin fer.."

    • Adjusts his armor *

    "Dis reaks of a secret deal deh longer yeh nae disclose deh parties involved anna who payin fer wut! Wut is dis an auction at deh gypsy camp?!?!"

    • Walks towards his shop at the West Gate *

    "We have laws in dis city Senator! Me is goin teh find out what is goin on round eer... Deh publics has un right teh know..."

  • Mog think the Senators should consider letting it public knoweldge who bidding and how much. Seem odd to Mog that everyone know about the Union bid but then there a mysterious bidder.

  • I believe you'll find the Senator was only suggesting he might be tempted to bid. Not that he had done so. The larger bid for the Hall comes from another source and I am sure when details are finalized the Senate themselves will be the first to know.

    • Chuckles as he wonders where Strauss will end up if the Ashald's purchase the smithy .*

    "Good show lad… Good show.... Anna smart too.... Of course, would hate to see dis appear as an abuse of power..."

    • Pausese for a second *

    "You bein a senator an all, anna havin no interest in dis property until it brought before deh senate....

    Wonder what a magistrate would think of dis..."

    • Taps his chin and starts walking towards the city hall *

    "Nae worries lad, me will look into it fer yeh teh make sure dis all proper.."

    • Smiles and walks off*

  • Senator Aarron Ashald, sitting back the whole time as he works wood in the hall finally look sto everyone and states simply.

    The senate shall discuss the present situation. Be at ease and know that I have received another offer for the hall. One which may make the Masters alot richer than the union wishes to give.

    Personally, I have nothing against the union and wish to see trade increased within the city….but....the price at which certain people wish to purchase this established business for is ridiculus to say the least.

    I would pay no less than 100,000 gold for such a place. It is an established business and brings in quite alot of gold. May actually put an offer in myself for it.

    He grins and shrugs and goes back to tending to his wood

  • Getting bored of the discussion, Belade spends a lot of time in the Peltarch Crafting Hall, now that she still can, making sure that she leaves the place cleaner than it was when she entered, as always.

  • Insults are thrown all the time. Many people dislike many others. Let the Senate vote on the matter.

  • DM

    The owners of vanity plate come out of their basement into the crafting hall and after a discussion with the masters of the hall state…

    "Alright, if you all are just sitting around and arguing with one another instead of proposing or even bothering to talk to us directly you can all get out and come back when you want to craft and work in peace."

    They nod to arandor in approval of his words thanking him for his snippets of wisdom

    "If you need some assistance getting your camp back on its feet i am sure we all would be glad to lend a hand or sell you any facilites, such as forges and wood-lathes and such, for a fair profit of course."

    a couple of the masters give zyphlin a raised eyebrow and a frown hearing talk of a substantial payment promised in earlier years spoken of by dwin

    *they take the public copy of the contract down and leave with a final remark"

    "Right, take this discussion outside, to the commons or to the senators. I think we have had enough of bickering, honest folk are trying to work in here".


    OOC: from this point on, consider anything in this thread not to be said in presence of the crafters inside the hall, as they are getting frustrated over the matter.
    Continue posting on this thread though.

  • DM

    The Magistrate states that he will pass on any offer for private purchase of properties in the city by citizens to the senate for approval or denial no matter who makes the offer. He states that it is the right of the masters and the owners of vanity plates to make such other offers public if they so choose.

    He makes the following statements in public in the tradehall as various folks seem to be pressing for his comments.

    "In my legal view the senate have the executive authority to prevent and approve the sale of this facility as it represents an important trade interest for the city."

    "If the owners of the businesses resident in the establishment are affirmed to the specific, both contractual, prospective business and employment status of any offer, i am sure they will then make their final views formally known to their senators".

    "In my view the masters and the owners of vanity plates were wise to put this into public discussion by posting the contract in public as it will cement in the name of good order the bond between senate and the populace of the city".

    "It is also pleasing that so many non-residents are so publically affirmed to the long standing well being and wealth of our jewel of the icelace"

    "I have full confidence that the senate will make the appropriate decision that is in the best interests of the city".

  • Dentin merely shakes his head and leaves the "discussion" to those who choose to whine instead of act.

  • ::chuckles and kicks up off the box, smirking::

    I've heard quite the number of bard jabs and beliefs involved with dealing with them due to a few of them Sy'wyn. Same with your beliefs on the Phoenix due to how a few of them act. Don't try to play hollier than thou.

    But yes. When we start talking about the "rightuflly elected senate by the people" its my time to depart. Please, all you norwickians and Jiyydians, please continue to tell Peltarch what is best for it. If the senate is stupid enough to believe you're idiotic claims I'll gladly sit back with a smirk and wait till I'm proven right like I usually am. So if people wish to throw thier arms open to the mob, so be it. It'll be fun to say I told you so.