Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
Lilin's tent goes oddly quiet as she, Corran and her children depart on a long overdue vacation
_Word goes around that a festival will be held to honor the memory of the fallen Romani troops that have died defending their home.
Drinking, dancing, story telling, fighting competitions that the warriors loved so much! All are invited!_
//Sunday July 22, 2pm EST
Ragnhild seems to be busy like a bee of late, though surprisingly for her, it isn't combat-related activities that are the focus of her energies. Instead she appears to be packing up all her belongings, as well as those of her daughters. Kegs of ales, old children's toys and everything that is too heavy to carry is safely stored away. Ragnhild's Guardian sister Horbag can be spotted fussing over the children, outfitting them with warm winter wolf boots, cloaks, gloves and the like. Lycka seems excited, telling her friends all about the upcoming trip to the Glaciers:
"It will be a great adventure, mama says, and I'll get to meet all my family and find my totem too! I'll miss you all, but we'll come back in the spring, I promise."
//This is not a retirement of Ragnhild as a character, but a trip home to the Great Glaciers in preparation for Lycka's coming of age.
Elor, who was also present during the appearance of the mysterious paladin, often spends some time with her, unless and/or until he is shood away. Quiet when quiet is required, yet talkative when the woman feels so, he seems to have taken an interest in the mysterious planar traveller.
_The camp defenders out on the hill are missing for about a day after a well executed retreat from a sea of on coming hobbers pushes them back to the camp. Rumor has it, after this, a Vrock was spotted on the hill near the cave.
A group of stalwart adventures later also tell of a more than likely related event, when blood rose from the soil in the pattern of a triangle, with the large pools at the points. In the pools appeared two corpses, one at each point, and a badly wounded Paladin, who recovered and is seen wandering the camp
Lilin and the gaurds watch this Paladin of Tyr, Juliana, who claims to hail from the house of the triad warily._
//Unknown DM, sorry.
_The red-headed, untidy female elf known as Sinu'selira seems to have found a new rhythm in her daily life.
At nights she hunts relentlessly anything related to spiders, drow, Lolth or whatever stands as a convenient substitute target for them.
Every time when the dawn breaks, she's seen amongst the pink armbanded warriors at the training grounds honing her skills in archery, swordplay and fighting in general to afternoon hours.
After the taxing practice sessions, she usually eats lightly and leafs through a small leather book before entering a short reverie.
As blunt as ever, Sinu rarely has a word with anyone except for the men and women she trains with and with many of the elves living in or visiting the camp.
Air of frustration around her is considerable at evenings when she fervently tries to combine the little magic she knows with the black, barbed arrows she cherishes, failing each and every time. And every time after she fails, she enters the dark forests cursing coarsely in elven and with two arrows readied. Eight-legged bloodshed usually follows…_
A half dead cute half elven bard woman stumbles into the camp along side the man know as Arandor. Her leather armor in tatters, shield dented and mace covered in gore and the remnants of a hobgoblin. A short time later the elf Thorn stumbles in and is seen to be making apologies to the woman for passing out in the snow from blood loss. The tanner Arandor is seen to be stichting the womans armor while she plays a song for the gentlemen. The three bandy about talk about a tail of the chucker that was harder than steel.
((ty to LD, Thorn and Arandor))
_Dwin is seen handing over a large sack of coins to Raver, and afterwards having a polite conversation.
After some friendly gestures, he bows and heads towards Cave Duj turning to bid Raver a 'good-bye.'_
…after the unfortunate events leading to the deaths of 4 Romani guards, Dwin enters the camp and seeks Raver and Lillin...
Rumour has it that mere hours after news of Raver's words spread, as soon as anyone would expect him to find out actually, Ezachiel approached the camp, unarmed, and turned himself in.
Raver looks at Lilin, then to Ael….. before turning and stalking out of the Camp, calling her men to her.
Find the Banite….. bring 'im to me. If he resists, bring him back in parts.
_There is more bad blood between the [ex]-Banite Ezachiel and the camp. It seems that Ezachiel came to try and talk to an Elder about the camps un-hospitable attitude towards him, and when Gaurds moved to watch the interaction, he cursed and the Elder Lilin told him to leave.
Not more than an a couple hours later an Altercation broke out in the pass over a ring Ezachiel had. The cowardly wizard hid behind the defense the gaurds made, causing the camp to lose four of their own.
The gaurds chose not to return from the land of the dead, and a day of the dead festival is under planning to celebrate their lives and send them on to the afterlife._
_One rainy night, the camp suddenly is jolted from slumber by the sounds of battle. Gnolls and ogres seem to be mixing it up, with the camp caught between.
In a vicious brawl, Uchi, Any Wogshurgh, Harmony, and Wren Halfabrick fight an ogre band out into the pass, culminating in a deadly game of hide and seek with an ogre magi.
No lives are lost among these four, although it's reported that a gypsy guard was killed or badly wounded at some point in the fighting._
_Lilin eventually strays from her home and makes a single round, heading south and then being seen later in the day in the pass, leaving the the spider woods looking her normal self again. In all likelyhood, she heads to Norwick, to check on things there
When she returns she begins a ritual of, settling down near the entrance to the Spider Woods, during the day, watching for hunters to enter the cat caves, shortly after one returns, she dissappears and returns almost a half hour later, with the corpses of fallen cats in tow, which she buries at the base of the cliffsides, After removing the claws.
As she works, she seems to be working on several handy-crafts for whatever purpose to pass the time, and when her children or husband join her, they help her make holes in the claws and mounts them on a string.
Often, near sunset She searches the camp for all sorts of different scraps of fabrics from the women near sunset and is seen working outside her tent in the firelight, working with surgical skill with a needle and thread to stitch the scraps on some dreadfully plain home-ecnomics project.
She is heard asking the gaurds to watch for a one "Brand of Nathoud" or anyone of or from "Nathoud"_
Rhistin sighs: "Norwick will never be the same. I'm glad Star talked me into moving to the Gypsy camp in time." She walks to the inner camp and lingers in the newly found piece and quiet there.
Star just watches her go from the shadows <rom>"Oathbreaker"</rom>
_A Gali known as Harmony,
once often seen in company,
with fellow Romani and Gali in harmony.But in one early dawn when birds yet to sing,
seen she was taking her modest travelling sack,
depart she did southwards to a town known as Norwick.
Her oathe returned to the camp,
a Gali she no longer is.Whispers amongst the Romani,
whom may had enjoyed her company,
spoke of Harmony with a new responsibility.
One that Norwick had entrusted her,
accept she did thus left she chose.The camp now be quieter it seems to be,
For a presence missing and laughter also,
one that brought a form of warmth once to the camp it did._
Rumour has it that the human wizard known as Ezachiel made a visit to the camp, though it is said that he didn't look like he really wanted to be there, more as if the people with him had taken him with them. However, not long after entering, without him having taken any hostile actions, the guards opened fire on him. Many of their arrows splintered as they touched him, but some did hurt him, and after around 2 dozen had been fired at him, it is said that he vanished from sight. One might wonder why a wizard of the power he is claimed to have did not retaliate.
_After taking a trip to Norwick, Lilin returns to camp looking somewhat dour, and slips into her home without her usual stops at the fires, and isn't seen for several days, though this is often times typical from her. When she is seen, she is gun-shy about straying to far from her home, though she seems happy, if not a little girthier, she asks any other problems are directed to the other Elders for now.
Rumors circulate about what exactly is going on in the tent
//I'll be back. I'm going to Float on the Buffalo River in Arkansas for a week. I'll see you all soon.
There's some talk amongst the guards of how a lady and two dwarves carried a bloodied dead winged gnoll out of the camp and south down the Nars.