Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Upon seeing Zoma and Ragnhild with their baby in the camp often staying in tents, Tala offers them use of one of the cave rooms for awhile. Rumor has it a tired looking Tala said, "Whats one more sqwalling baby." Star and Sarah are more often found sleeping in Star's tent.

  • Norwick Guild Tournament
    To be held ((August 27th 2006 @ 5pm ish est))

    The town of Norwick challenges your guild or team to take part in the Norwick Guild Tournament! A test of strength, skill and teamwork for any and all guilds in the land! Carefully choose your team of 4 to take part in several contests including bare fisted boxing and full weapons combat!

    Sign up your team for the Norwick Guild Tournament today using the signup sheet posted in norwick!

  • _A bit of an incident occured right in the middle of the camp, near the fires. Shadows appeared from apparently nowhere. Three adventurers, and one known Gali defended the camp from them. Though one of these adventurers, known as Zoma, seemed to be out of it. Each shadow that seemed to be struck down, Zoma winced in pain. He was blabbering strange nonsense as the other three fought off the shadows. Lightning came down often, striking the shadows and clearing them out, but they continued to come.

    The brave Gypsy guards defended the camp as well, nearly having their lives taken by the onslaught of darkness. The crazed Zoma ran off into the woods, the three others followed. Eventually, he was seen been carried by the Gali druid, Zoma's severed arm carried by another in the group. He was taken to Jeni's, then shortly was seen being carried out of the camp by the group._

  • With the advent of Tala's new twins Star spends most nights in her own tent now, though she goes back for meals since her cooking is now almost legendary and her "Burnt black on the outside but still bleeding inside Chunks of some kind of beast Flesh" is sought throughout the land by people suffering from constipation.
    Tala's natural daughter Sarah'linae spend many nights in Star's tent too on impromptu sleepovers eating cookies Star also didn't cook herself. Apparently babies are lovely when you can give them back, but horrible when you're a pre-teen and trying to sleep.

  • _Zoma can be seen looking in dilema and worried in the camp whenever night falls. A black mark with an unfamiliar art can be seen across his palm for those perceptive enough.

    Rumours begins to spread that Zoma might have been haunted by some spirits as the Galis begin to speculate the mark on his hand and his unusually look of discomfort on his face, and the scream of horror he had made just days ago may be all related to his current uncomfortable state. Thus, many Galis begin to avoid associating with him and the children even more fearful of him.

    At night, whispers from the darkness and shadows seems to haunt the camp._

  • The swordswoman most know as Sara has also been patrolling the Camp and the inner cave area's. She returns daily to Cera's tree though and is sometimes absent for periods of time, when she departs following a still furious looking pink haired bard around.

  • Belade lends a hand with the moving, often casting Bull's Strength on herself beforehand (when no one else is close to her)

  • _Lately, one of the Guardians in the camp known as Zoma is seen to be looking utterly exhausted as though he has been overworked.

    He is often seen patrolling the camp as well as guarding the old mines in a committed manner which seems to finally taken some of his health away._

  • Many crates, boxes, and various other items of little note are seen being moved into the Abandoned Mines by several of the Romani, and a few of the Gali. Seems they are going to be using it for storage or so it seems. The only thing that some people may remark on is Jonni have a large locked chest taken from his tent and moved into the mines with the other items for storage. Quite a few of the Guardians are seen milling near the old mines in loose guard patrols withing the next few days after the chest is moved.

  • With the on set of wild magics, Cera often has spells where she must lie down, suffering from temproily cripling headaches and a storm of magical arcs sweeping over her form. After the fits pass, she usually seems wiped out and isn't her usual superperky self until a good night's rest.

  • Lilin carries something into camp, goes into Jonni's tent (without a chaperone, but she leaves the door open) takes out a large key, opens a large chest with a large lock and places two white crystaline objects inside, then closes the large chest, with the large lock, and the large key, hugs Jonni, and then leaves again

  • Rumors spread that drow have been sighted even more under the cold caves. It is said the ones under the caves seem to be seeking information about the reasons for the wild magic, and indications are leading some to believe they are Vaeraunites

  • The long-haired, greying Gali Gambler in white intently moves from place to place, from the inner sanctum of the Camp to Baba Katya's tree, to the Nook and through the gates to the Spider Woods, occasionally covered in dried blood and sweat, mostly looking disgruntled—his eyes glint red a moment, then and now. He stops by the Heart Fires long enough to toss a cigarette butt into the flames and sneer.

    "Tero killed himself; I'm a Yuan-Ti's uncle; I enjoy the wine of the Kumpania: only one of these are true." His eyes glimmer crimson and he takes a pointed swig from a bottle. "The drow beneath the Pass, currently, are they the Eilistraeeans or the Vaeraunites? I thoughtthey weren't of Lolth's creed. I have heard news of the Dark Maiden's servants—the believers in sensible things like peace, dancing naked under the moonlight, and not ravaging the surface world until all is blood and death—working against the more usual bent of angry, evil drow that were keeping the local spider population fat and sassy. Never heard of the results."

  • _news of Jeni leaving the tree and going shopping has the Camp Elders scratching their heads as she heads off to Peltarch for a few days.

    She returns smiling, wearing a new dress and a new lease on life. She's heard to say that she will be a far more active voice in the Camp from now on._

  • News spreads swiftly that the drow beneath the camp have waylaid travellers in attempts to find out what is responsible for the disruption in the weave. It is clearly evident that these are not the ones with the Orb of Xeros.

  • Zoma simply is unable to accept the fact.

    _"This isn't possible. If he is to take his own life, he would had done it a long time ago. No, he said with firm determination that he would face with the Council of Elders to seek his fate and judging from a man I observe for the brief moment, he is one who has decided to stop running away and face responsibilities. At least, his eyes tells me that when he was last seen going up the roost.

    What of the guards I had adviced the elders to station at the roost? Surely they would had known something if there are any guards at all stations there."_

    In a seemingly angry manner, Zoma stomps off to look for the elders for more inquiry.

  • Jerr frowns at this.

    Now either he screamed as he stepped off, an odd thing for a suicide who has set this himself. Or he screamed as the rope tightened around his throat . . .
    No, wait, that wouldn't happen now would it?

    Or someone made it look like a suicide, to distract us from something else.

    <<or the="" woman="" who="" found="" him="" screamed="" which="" brought="" guards..="" edit="" ld="">></or>

  • On an unrelated note, Jonni returns from his hunting trip with two rather nice sized deer.

  • In the early morning as the sun rises and barely touches the cliff tops, a scream is heard echoing out across the Gypsy Pass. Guards rush to the area to find Tero hanging almost to the Pass floor from a rope tied to a tree in the Pixie Roost. There appears to be no wounds beyond some scrapes as he tumbled down, and a note is pinned to his shirt, written in common:

    "I can no longer take the guilt of the crimes I have comitted against my fellow Romani."

    Many believe him to have taken his judgement into his own hands by tying the rope and stepping off the cliff above. The woman who found him and screamed, says later he had such a peaceful look to his face. His body was cut down immediately and taken to Cera's tree in preparation of a proper burial.

  • Late one evening a small group gathered near the fire for wamth and to share tales of adventure. Then just as those assembled began to doze off a species of giant spiders not seen in the forest assaulted them. They scrambled to their feet and a Gali on patrol rushed over to aid those assembled. After the smoke cleared from the ooze laiden forest floor they all stood about weary and cautious. As they did suddenly the light from the fire was magically made dim and no spell was able to penetrate the darkness that creeped in and around the fire.

    The group stood there nervous staying close for protection for a while. Eventually the darkness lifted and a single piece of parchment could be seen fluttering from the canopy above. It took a while to decifer the script, as it was written in the native toungue of the elves, and only one stood amoungst the group. In short the note can be heard to bear this message.

    "… you have killed one of our own, but you will be punished..."

    The group informed Jonni and then set off at dawn south to search for clues on the assault. They returned the next day bearing no leads, save a wounded deer, as to possible suspects of the assault. Many amoung the group speculate it to be the drow however.