• As the unrest continues, Dentin goes to meet with the local craftsmen, construction workers and dock workers to hear their opinions regarding the currently political state, and the senate.

  • DM

    The tensions seen occasionally on the streets show no sign of abating, and following the "new posters" more than one of the individuals who were seen previously to support Tidius have been seen with a bloody nose.

    Arguments around the impromptu public gatherings close to old and new posters alike, are on the increase. Equal to the arguments are also a number of previously opposing supporters of one candidate or another now seen to be in agreement on the state of inaction since the senates election.

  • Dentin just shakes his head, muttering in passing.
    "When Politics act up, the people are the first to suffer."

  • As the anniversary approaches some posters are miraculously replaced, and hang there as new, just as they were during the heated campaigns…it seems some people are not content to just grumble over their ale...

  • DM

    Over the next few days…..

    Groups of various folk are found to be enjoying the ever so slightly warmer air of the summer of Peltarch, standing outside the inns drinking and sailors indulge their many means of business and pleasure among the alehouses and houses of ill repute.

    A few sailors here and there stand around quite apparent though the groups seem unrelated not enjoying the slight revelry now the docks are fully back to normal it seems after the recent undead problems.

    Other groups of merchants, nobles and commoners are seen standing around various parts of the city with little it seems in common.

    The sharp eyed, and politically active might notice them pointing at the old faded election posters, frowing and complaining.

    The guards move people on of course from the non public places of gathering in the city, but other groups from youths to old retired soldiers seem to be deep in thought, or quiet in their debates.

    The faded posters are occasionally torn down, some kept... some crumpled and thrown into alleys, which seem to be filling up with rather more rats than usual in the poor parts of the city.

    A few tempers get frayed with the occasional beer bottle thrown between groups of revellers, but nothing too serious it seems, but perhaps its just alcohol causing the tense mood.

    ... those with political leanings will realise the anniversary of the Election is coming up soon...

  • Tidus has his first order of business:

    Making the loyalty oath manditory for all office holders.

  • Should this have happened at the Grammy's, Tidus would have had the following to say:

    You like me! You really do!

    First. I gotta give straight up to AO. Thru U all things be possible. Next I gots ta give props to my mom. She be the one who give me the blood of kings coursin thru me. Big ups to Momma Clodpin.

    I gotta next give bigs ups to my posse. Wit Out jew I can't keep them posers and pretenders from my throne. You keep tha shit real on them streets. You bust them skulls when the creepers come catin' round my shit, bitch.

    Next I mus give it up for my contenders. I thought I told y'all tramps before, y'all tramps can't play wit me? Das right.

    Suck on deez nutz.


    Busta ass bustas. I'm out.

  • Roland is seen leaving the city after the Magistrate - actually, those at the gates remarked that Senator Brynmor looked to be stalking into the pass as if he were after some prey - but he wouldn't kill his old friend Barrim, now would he?

  • DM

    It was seen recently that the Magistrate had been coming to and fro the doorway of the temple of Tyr, often handing letters to knights whom they were addressed to unknown to anyone but the knights receiving them

    After the most recent visit of Barrim to the temple, to which he looked resolved he was seen leaving the city for the south. He left word with the gate guard that he should be back in a few days.

    He leaves word that the courthouse be guarded heavily in his absence and that anyone entering the public accessable areas be closely searched and their weapons handed in as usual to the guard.

    He has been noted to be concerned about the death of Maya and frowns often when he hears of it, a death to one of his own staff.

    He has been seen fighting gnolls in the pass recently, and was heard to say to the guard as he left, Pete one of his old colleagues.

    "Just what do i have to do to put things as they should be in this land, damnit i'm a judge and weapons expert not a bloody politician, sometimes you have to just do what you must with the simple tools at your command, you know Pete? "Things unnatural popping up all over the place, just isn't right. Dont' worry Pete, anna'll do a good job if she is needed i'll be back soon"

    Barrim returns to the city after the senate meeting, and goes to read his pile of letters, rubbing his chin as he reads an unexpected reply by letter from Senator Roland.

    "Well, that way isn't the only way Roland", he muses to himself "There is more than one way to skin a cat" - he remarks to himself in his office with his curious turns of phrase. "Sometimes what seems the more difficult path can be the best one"….

  • A familiar if not darkly forboding presence is in the city yet again. Word has it the Lady Arien Ashald was seen berating someone yesterday. Some cheer…some scream...

  • DM

    The Magistrate since the election hasn't been seen doing his rounds so often. He isn't seen alone in public anymore and mostly keeps the company of the powerful warrior Maya or Eowien, Priestess of Tempus.

    When his favoured ladies are not around in public he isn't without a defender close at hand.

  • Senator Brynmor is seen less frequently after the announcement, and word starts to get around that most of his family has left the city. With the disappearance of his advisor, his chambers remain all but abandoned. Some speculate he may be resigning soon.