Zyphlin Re'cual's Election Campagin

  • Council of Moradin

    The crowd starts off sizable enough, but as the speech goes on more and more people stop working to come over and listen. Alot of smiles and murmors as the bard speaks and at the conclusion a great deal of clapping.

    At one point there was a bit of a disturbance as a man tried to push his way to the front. It seems he fell and a very cold bath in the lake dissuaded him from whatever it was he wanted to approach the speaker about. A couple very stocky dwarves could be seen waving to the man as he swam away.

    Those in the docks district don't seem to care about senatorial investigations or charges. It would be safe to assume most people here have spent a few days in the care of the Guard.

  • A strange figure a bit over two feet in height with a long hooded cloak that covers his entire figure, along with a scarf that wrapped around his face hiding all features except for his red eyes, is seen at times dragging a giant bucket in to public, climbing on top and singing from the top of his lungs.

    **I Ton.. y… TONY.. the.. .....HALFLING ...sssuport Massster Zssyphling yesss, becaussse...

    Z is for Zillion, the zillion things he has done for us all
    Y is for yapping, which he is too good at
    P is for people skill he likes people yesss
    H is for Hyper I not explain that one
    L is for Longjohns that always smell of lemon fresh when clean
    I is for I which he loves, he does
    N is for noses he has a nice profile yesss.

    R is for rats for he is not those
    E is for energy which he got too much of
    `is for funny breathing which he sometimes forgets when talking
    C is for chaotic, he is very
    U is for unity he bring to bard college
    A is for angry he gets when people or kob.. creatures are sad
    L is for love which he give to big stony city.**

    The strange figure gets off the bucket and trots in to the dark, despite the oddity of the song there is something strangely catchy, charming and skillful about the performance.

  • _:: at least one easily lead automoton, a young would-be knight wearing the colors of Norwick's Friar, is swayed by the former magistrate's well-scripted campaigning and begins to attend all the nobleman's conferences and announcements. He claps loudly, nodding often, his face evidence to his beaming support. ::

    :: Conversely, a band of wild young knights of the Cariboo also seem to be present at the bard's gatherings. They are generally seen carousing jovially and in a rowdy fashion and it is unclear if they support the man, or are just fond of gatherings. ::_

  • Rando on patrol with some of his men comes across one of Zyphlins speaches and listens to what he says. Once Zyphlin has finished Rando turns around to some of his men and says in a voice that can be heard to those around

    God help us if he becomes a Senator, after all he was fired as a magistrate and will probally face a trial. How can we trust someone to be a Senator if he can't be trusted to be a magistrate.

    Rando leaves with his men and continues his patrol

  • Nico Black is seen in the back of the crowd listening to the latest speech with some interest. Afterwords he simply waits till Zyphlin sees him and simply acknowledges that he was there before moving off away from the crowd.

  • Deacon is seen showing up more and more at Zyph's public speaches, despite their old fueds seemingly agreeing with him more and more.

  • _::Days later a simple stage is put up near the docks, the familiar blue banner with the silver slogan of “For HOPE to win, choose Zyphlin hanging above it. However this time no podium is present, simply stairs leading up to the simple stage. Slowly people begin to gather as Zyphlin makes his way up onto the platform. His smile is bright, his hair shining and clean, while his blue tunic shimmers in the afternoon sun. A bounce seems to be in his step and he moves upon the stage swiftly, bending down to shake hands and speak kindly to those at the front before looking out to his audience and speaking with a charming and roguish grin::

    I’m glad to see so many of you gathered here at the docks: the key to our city. I look out over the docks and I see what truly makes this city great. I see hard-working men moving shipments, merchants looking over the incoming wares, and captains telling their stories from the Icelace and beyond. I see the men and women that make this city move, and I realize that they are the foundation upon which this city is built. ::He starts off, projecting his voice like an actor does, yet leaving it at a calm and soothing tone that could be considered conversational. He moves back and forth over the stage as he talks, looking out into the audience, his stunning light blue eyes seeming to make contact with all in the audience::

    Already, we are a power within this area. We are the most prominent city in all of Narfell and the Jewel of the Icelace; a city that none other near us can touch. We have the most beautiful women that can be found anywhere near the lake… ::Moving over to a group of ladies in the crowd with a glowing smile as he speaks, reaching into his pouch and bringing out, as if by magic, three beautiful and aromatic roses, he hands one each to three ladies near the front. Standing up, he moves back towards the other side of the stage, still smiling while continuing to speak:: …while, at the same time, our brave warriors, veterans of wars against some of the most fearsome foes, are the pinnacle fighting-force in the region, and the means by which we keep our freedom and safety. Our craftsmanship is masterful, our artisans skilled, our ships swift; however, shall we stop there? ::He pauses a moment at this both in speech and movement, looking out over the populace and letting the simple question linger for but a few seconds::

    Why should we be content to remain the beacon of this small lake, the trading power of this single country, when, instead, we could become so much more? I envision a time when the name Peltarch is placed next to the great trading cities of Faerûn: Waterdeep, Westgate, Calimport, Selqaunt, and Peltarch, all in the same league. I do not state this as a lofty, impossible dream of a bard, as many might say, but as an honest and true possibility given the right leadership and commitment by the people of this great city! ::His movements become slightly increased and animated, his voice projecting louder and more crisp as the excitement of his speech builds, his charismatic voice ringing clear in the day air::

    I have stated that you, the men and women of the docks, are the true foundation on which this city is built. With this in mind, then, any hoping to build this city up must first be sure that their infrastructure is strong. Our docks are busy from sunrise to sunset, and even hours past that each and every day, but imagine how much busier they would become if it was three or four times as large. Imagine the jobs that would be generated; Artisans would look for workers to craft the new docks, and more ships would be commissioned to be built, captains will be looking for dockhands of all sorts to aid upon their vessels, and where, at one time, we saw a dozen merchants that could find goods to resell in a day’s arrival, we could see fifty or sixty buying from dozens of vessels each day. Together, we will build up the infrastructure of our city, we will solidify and strengthen its foundation_::pausing a moment, a small smile of promise on his lips and a finger extended upward, lightly holding the moment before he speaks again, voice rising up, projecting a booming, echoing bravado_…from that foundation, we shall build a greater, stronger, more prosperous Peltarch!

    We shall create a Peltarch of prosperity, of trade, and, most importantly, a Peltarch of Hope: a Peltarch that will bring opportunities to all, and that will be known Toril-over as the leading trade port of the Northeast! And it shall be all due to you, the great people of the docks, who are the true foundation upon which all of Peltarch thrives!

    ::His voice working towards a crescendo as this last part of the speech is spoken: each sentence seeming more uplifting and filled with conviction. He smiles out to the crowd, finally stopping his movement back and forth across the stage and looking out at them with determined hope present on his visage. He moves to the front of the stage, jumping down into the grouping of men and women and moves through: shaking hands and thanking them for attending as he makes his way out of the crowd.::_

  • @b5df9dc066=Wykith:

    Young teenage girls walk amongst the crowd after the speech, asking seemingly innocent questions to those present.

    After doing his part to help advance the ire against Re'caul in these young ladies, Pernicious Den 'Kath is not at all hesitant to advance himself upon them.

  • Skyla Vea'Draeven can be seen at all Zyphlin's public appearances, well composed, calm, yet polite and approachable, though her eyes seem to continuously observe her surroundings, a pleasant smile on her face.

  • Young teenage girls walk amongst the crowd after the speech, asking seemingly innocent questions to those present.

    _"I heard he was under investigation for abuse of power…now he wants to be a senator?"

    "Why is he lying to us? He's no better than any slimy politician."

    "If he abused his magistrate position, can you imagine what he'll do as a senator?"

    "Remember how he was thought to be selling that terrible drug? What if the court was wrong? What if he was really behind it?"_

  • Pernicious grumbles, "Resigning? He was bloody fired."

  • Lilly simply smiles and claps

  • At the front of the open market near the western gates of the commerce district stands a fine podium with a familiar azure bunting stitched with the silver lettering ZR. A banner hangs above the area with the statement “For HOPE to win, choose Zyphlin” finely painted across it. Runners once more spread word through the streets of a speech about to be partaken. As people begin to converge upon the market, some eager to hear and others more interested to see what controversy will be made, Zyphlin makes his way up onto the small make shift stage and behind the podium. He smiles out before the crowd, nodding to some near the front and speaking to them as more flood in. Finally, as the area fills up he looks out to the crowd, raising his hands to silence them while giving a reassuring look to the people, and begins to speak.

    Ladies and Gentleman of the Jewel of the Icelace, I thank you for coming out to listen to me, once more, tell you how your voice will be heard. Firstly, I shall tell you, now, that already, after just one speech, your voice is being heard and heard loudly, and it has sent a shockwave through those of this city that had hoped to live upon your blood and sweat for the rest of their days. However, I believe that, up until now, your voice has been silenced for far too long! I believe, for far too long, those with power have had their words amplified and their trespasses forgiven, while you, the heart and soul of our fair and proud city, have had your words regulated to the volume of a mute. I believe it is time for someone to rise up from the throng of our city that will not be silenced, that will not be muted, that will speak, for you, so loudly that the Heavens themselves will hear!

    For twenty years, I have served you as your Magistrate. I have served fairly, justly, and for the good of the common folk of our city. Yet, there are those that dislike this fact. There are those within the bureaucracy of our city that do not want the law to apply to the whole of our city, but, instead, only to the select few, as a safety net for their own corruption. There are people that want to see their noble brethren over looked when committing atrocities, while, at the same time, support a woman that would lash common folk, who helped defend this city, merely because they didn’t look “proper.” There are those that believe that it is wrong to stop a thug from using his cruel religion as an excuse to batter around helpless citizens, or that, because a person has enough power and money to pay off witnesses, they should be allowed to do whatever they wish.

    To those people I have long been a thorn jabbed in their side: a thorn that undermined the powerful corrupt and raised up the common peoples; and I have gladly borne their snide comments and attempts to thwart me, because I knew, in the end, I was serving you: the good people. But, now is a time to focus on a way to provide even greater aid to you, the unheard citizens. While focusing on this campaign, I know that I can not give my heart and soul to the job that your hard work allowed me to fulfill in the first place, and, as such is the case, I will not insult you fine people by doing any less than my absolute best. So, I am formally stepping down from my position as Magistrate of this city, in the hopes that, in time, with your help, I will be able to serve as your voice and as your protector, at an even higher position within our government . . . As Senator!

    At my last speech, I promised to answer the simple question that so many have yet to answer truthfully: “How?” I spoke of wanting to improve the trade and well-being of all our citizens, now I shall tell you just how I would do it. First, let me say that, already, my competitors try to skew my words, and confuse you fine people, believing you to be fools. However, I say that those who underestimate the heart and intellect of the good people of Peltarch, those that mistreat the people that know the raw truth of this city and not just what some private schools in far-away lands would teach them, are the true fools!

    Never have I stated, nor do I believe, that the Seafarers should be put out of business or removed from the city. Nay, I actually wish for the exact opposite. I wish the Seafarer’s to increase their amounts of trade and available jobs within this city, to better serve the people. And, at the very same time, I wish to see the Wavebreakers increase their revenue and number of jobs. Moreover, I wish to see every guild, from the Cobblers to the Bakers to the Woodworkers and onward, enter into a Renaissance of trade, of heightened revenues, of greater employment. I wish to see a Peltarch where aspiring merchants and artisans, who strive to work hard, can easily be able to buy the supplies they need, and sell what they produce free of harassment or red-tape. "How will I usher in this Renaissance," you may ask? In two simple ways:

    First, I will eliminate the bureaucratic red-tape of our current system of trade permits, which allow for the possibility of a monopoly. No longer will a small minority of sellers control a vast majority of the permits, making it so that they are not the ones controlling all the trade of Peltarch. No longer will honest merchant citizens be unable to easily attain the freedom to trade they so rightly deserve. In a Peltarch of free trade, it will be one's ability to work hard, or excel at their craft, that will determine their well-being, not how skilled they are at intimidating others who present competition, nor what allies they have to help muscle out competitors. Why should a Peltarchan farmer have but one option for selling his goods, one which forces him to sell at a horribly low price, when it will be turned around and resold to you, the people who truly need it, for ten times the price, with no other option? Why should our good artisans be starving for material for their crafts, because the one privileged group, that got past all the red-tape to buy most of the permits and intimidated all others, buys it all themselves, and resells it to the crafters for a ridiculously exuberant price? Why? Because it makes the rich richer and further pushes down the middle and lower classes of this city. But, in a free Peltarch, a Peltarch of equality, no longer will those who have been persecuted remain pressed down into the bottom level of society, but, instead, given a chance to raise themselves up to the levels of their loftiest dreams!

    And, now onto the second part of my plan to bring about a Renaissance of trade in Peltarch: if elected, I intend to initiate an effort called the “Peltarchan Renewal Project.” Any who have lived long enough in this city know that trade is the blood which flows to and from the heart of Peltarch. Through this plan, we will extend and enhance our great dock district, tripling the size of our harbor and repairing and revitalizing the entirety of the whole district. With this project, more jobs will be created as skilled workers are needed to build new docks and strengthen the old, craft and lay bricks, plus repair old buildings and construct new ones. In addition, these new buildings will be sold for low prices to people hoping to setup new business, or use them as low-cost housing.

    With larger docks and free trade, more people from around the Icelace and beyond will travel to our city, to sell much-needed supplies and to buy the fine works available here, within Peltarch. And, with all the new jobs that will be created, and the new revenue brought in from increased trade, more citizens will be leading a comfortable life and will be able to afford to buy goods that they, as of right now, could not chance wasting a single gold piece on purchasing. With more foreign supplies being sold, and more shops selling goods to all Peltarchans, the taxes on all of these things will help increase the city's own revenue; however, throughout the execution of this plan, I will see to it that this money is given directly back, by using it to increase the pay of our proud guards, and giving pension for death to the families of our brave, fallen defenders, all to help make sure that our renewed docks district is a safe place for every citizen of our great city!

    This still leaves a question of "how will this all be financed?" That, too, has already been prepared; and it will be through this part that those who have been blessed by wealth can show that they truly care about all the peoples of this city. You see, there are many within our land that have been graced with wealth that many will never see, and, of those people, there are some that understand that it is the duty of those with great wealth to give back to those that allow them the chance to make it. I will start a fund for the Peltarch Renewal Project that will be the base capital which will be used to finance the start of this project. To this base, I, myself, am pledging every piece of gold I have made from this city in my term as Magistrate. It is only right that the gold that I have been paid to serve you, in the past, would go back to you, the people, in further serving you, in the future. As well, I have already sent out letters to a number of wealthy individuals of this land, asking for pledges to this project that will better all of Peltarch. Through these donations, we will have a good base of funds to start this project and, together, create a better Peltarch!

    No longer will we see a family debating between a well-made crib for their newborn, versus food for the next tenday. No longer will an artisan have to wait months upon months to get a bit of wood or metal, vital for them to use in their craft. These types of choices and problems should not exist when we have the potential to solve them, and this should be the predominant and most profitable trade port in the Northeast of Faerûn. And it is my promise, to each and every one of you, if you elect me and put in a vote for hope for our city, that your voice will be heard and that Peltarch's potential for prosperity and greatness for all will be realized, and every citizen will enjoy the fruits of their labors!

    He steps back from the podium upon completion, letting the crowd react as they will as he smiles brightly and honestly. He moves down, speaking to a few people near by that are asking him questions and answers them as quickly and truthfully as possible as he moves off disappearing into the throng of the crowd.

  • Staying away from food and drink alike, Elissa listens to Zyphlin's speech, smiling amused. After leaving a note with one of Zyphlin's employees for the evening, inquiring about when a possible interview could be arranged, she quietly heads off.

  • An elf in the crowd watches with mild amusement, smiling ever so slightly before walking away with two young pretty girls trailing closely behind him.

  • Evendur watches the spectacle from the rear of the gathering, staring darkly, without expression, at the Magistrate as he addresses the crowd. He leaves before the speech is over.

  • Arien Ashald giggles Muckraking Bards, they never seem to tire.