Camp Members - Please Update

  • Still officially a camp resident. For now.

    Player Login: Scutum
    Character Name(s): Scutum Hedges
    Average Playing Time: 10pm EST - 2am EST
    Average Camp Leaders seen: Cera
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know (or see) by living with you in camp:

    Scutie hates bad people and has spent most of her time in the camp getting rid of the "weeds" as Cera calls them (as opposed to the "blossoms"). In fact, this is how she came to live at the camp when she and others, including Call, Janu, and many of her friends in The Usual Suspects Adventuring Company, fought against the vampire Jereth and his apprentice The Grey Wizard who were plotting with the infamous villain Ashan in the caves in the gnoll forest. During these events, Scut and friends saved the life of Graadvul. Rarely seen Bram Rodlac, then a cleric of Torm, sacrificed his own life for Graadvul's in order to earn the trust of the Rom and was kept in Torm's presence until the first confrontation with Jereth. It was here, deep beneath the forest floor, that Bram was returned to the world of the living by the hand of Torm himself, this time as a paladin and he smote the Grey Wizard.

    Shortly thereafter, Scutum took the Oath and has lived peacefully in the camp, working tirelessly to keep the integrity of the camp intact in an age of tranquility not seen since the days when Kara Tyr, Jenna Joydancer, Meram Ashe, and others sat around the fires.

  • Player Login: tjr1
    Character Name(s): Dram
    Average Playing Time: GMT+10, not available for lots of gaming at mo but trying to regularly play saturday 8pm till late.
    Average Camp Leaders seen: Dram, Lilith,Cera
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know:

    Dram the red (among a long string of titles) is an elder of camp, mostly from his nack of making money on the many trading missions he goes on. He also heads up a motley crew of performers, "green n red's extraordinairily amazin troupe".

    hard to understand and when understood hard to follow at times, his mind seems to race along with his speech. He has a facial twitch which becomes erratic when he is nervouse or excited.

    a lover of chink (gold) he runs bujo almost constantly, though he has been known to be extremely generous to members of the camp.

    As a Hin he dislikes being refered to as little. He also dislikes rude gaje causing any sort of problems in the home of the Romani.

    He is dedicated to the camp and fiercely loyal.

    He'll eat almost anything except badger meat.

  • Player Login: Sirius
    Character Name: Arandor Silmarien (Elrin)
    Average Playing Time: Weekdays: EST Evenings/early morning Weekends: Varies often
    Average Camp Leaders seen: …
    Common Knowledge:

    _Arandor is a tall man, broad, muscular, raven black, shoulder-lengthed hair, and sparkling grey eyes… Somewhat rough and rugged-looking at times, obviously grown accustomed to camp life... Yet he is a handsome, man, even featured and sharp eyed. Cleaning up quite well when he wants to... He is called Elrin by those who know him best.

    It is known that he served in the Legion as a Corporal for a time, resigning for reasons of his own. Now he is a brother of the Wolves of Narfell, a Ranger from the North, the Savage Frontier. He has dwelt with the Romani here for many long years and has earned the respect of the Rom people. He has even been accepted as one of their Elders, deemed equal to the Romani Elders themselves and the rest of their bloodline. It is clear that he is a man who puts his family above all else, and there are many he considers family.

    Though Arandor and his love Tala have never been traditionally married, he considers her his wife and treats her as such. They have a beautiful daughter together, Sarah'linae, who mostly takes after her father in appearance. Her ears slightly pointed in token of her mothers half-elven blood. Sarah'linae loves her father very dearly, often seen following him around wherever he goes. Anyone paying close enough attention may also notice a sleek, dark Panther following him around as well... Usually unknown to Arandor himself.

    Arandor is a friendly and polite man in general, one has to earn his distaste through their own actions. He can often be found sitting by the fires, talking with his closest friends Cotton and Kaona. He smokes casually from a long-stemmed, wooden pipe fairly often... He even has a brother by the name of Elmael, though he speaks of him very little, and hasn't been heard from in years.

    ((edited March 27, 2005))_

  • ok

  • -marusame
    -olivia lyonsbane
    -7pm eastern time - 11pm
    -rarely see any elders…. don't really care to play with them much anyway
    -does alot of crafting


  • Player Login: grifau
    Character Name: Shinsuke
    Average Playing Time: Whenever
    Average Camp Leaders Seen: Lilith, Dram & Cera.
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know (or see) by living with you in camp: A quiet but well-spoken elf who has lived in the camp for a while now. Ever concious of decorum he is well mannered and surprisingly is sometimes given to small bouts of anger or happiness, though usually meeting things with the same outward indifference, but with his beloved Linnatha now dead, who knows what he truely feels on the inner?

    Of those in the camp whom he feels closest it is the odd couple Lilith and Terrick who stand out, Lilith having found him but a breath away from a final end at the entrance to the Gypsy pass.

    He goes into battle bare-handed, wearing little more than the cloth on his back and his speed is so much that he can make as to pluck arrows from the air before they strike his body.

  • Player Login: Kythza Mythalweave
    Character Name(s): Matrim Patteel
    Average Playing Time: Mon - Fri 7pm - 12 am EST on / off / Weekends on / off, if on then 24/2
    Average Camp Leaders seen: Will be updated as soon as I see some in game
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know (or see) by living with you in camp:

    Matrim is a proud Paladin of Torm and Knight of the Divine Shield.
    He is often smiling and friendly. Always willing to help and not quick to judge (even giving Cyricists the benifit of the doubt)
    He takes his oaths and promises very seriously.
    He cares about Family and Friends above all else.
    He is recently married to Cailah and loves her with all of his being…
    He is strong and skilled with a blade, and has been known to knock bandits off their feet with the force of his blows (especially if they threaten Cailah)
    Most Gali hear him approach far before they can see him, as moving silently is not one of his "things" (( MS -18 ))
    Anytime he has been chided about this, he responds with a chuckle, an "I like to give my enemies a chance to run..." and a wink.

  • Login: feltch
    PC: Nica, Priestess of Tymora
    Time: oz nite time usually (GMT +10)
    Leaders: Dram, Lillith
    Common Knowledge

    Nica is a Romani from a group that travels the northern border of the anaroch desert. Sometime ago she met Dram the Red on one of his many travels, and decided to return with him and live a sedentary life with the Gypsies of Narfell. She is a capable healer, and is most often seen helping Baba Katya prepare medicines, potions and healing kits. She is friendly, open and loves a bet. Her combat skills are pooor, but she is always willing to aid any gali or Rom.

  • Player Login: Zeanana del Xuandin
    Character Name(s): Cailah
    Average Playing Time: Mon - Fri 10 am EST - 3 pm EST on / off, regularly from 9 pm - midnight EST … / Weekends on / off, if on then 24/2 😉
    Average Camp Leaders seen: Will be updated as soon as I saw some in game 😄
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know (or see) by living with you in camp:

    Cailah moved in recently. She's accompanied by a young Winter Wolf and just got married to Matrim, who also moved to the Camp with her. She's a young half elfen woman, who grows insecure as soon as there are too many people around and as soon as she feels to be "one too much".
    She can be awkwardly clumsy in one moment, in the next, when she stops thinking, suddenly astoundingly swift on her feet and with her hands. She's a bit shy, but her curiousity often over comes it.
    The more familiar she is with one area or surrounding, the more confident she grows. In the Camp a lot is new to her, so she is often seen, sitting, watching, trying to learn and understand - and more often getting frustrated with herself about NOT understanding and NOT being able to assist or be of help in many situations.

  • Player Login: Dorakhan
    Character Name(s): Erok Grodi
    Average Playing Time: EST, but plays Australian time too, occasionally.
    Average Camp Leaders seen: Cera, Dram, Lith (if she is one officially ^.^)
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know (or see) by living with you in camp: If any had ever seen him with his shirt off, they would notice a large scar/brand on his back - an eye with a fang through it. The brand is now somewhat "crossed out" by additional scars from the base of the left shoulder-blade down to just above his right hip. To any experienced fighter, these are obviously self-inflicted wounds.

  • Player Login: Vilehelm
    Character Name(s): Shyrae Aeron
    Average Playing Time: little
    Average Camp Leaders seen: myself, Cera
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know (or see) by living with you in camp:

    Shyrae is a quiet woman, now nearing her middle age. She is a master archer and splendid tracker, and lives in the camp in a modest tent with her son Gaedynn, a fierce young man in the middle of his puberty. Her lover is the barbarian Honsa Aylomen-wang, a seldom seen warrior of the east.

  • Login: leinad888

    Character: Ael'elvan Ly'ali'sah

    Play Time: GMT Early afternoon to late evening

    Camp Leader: I guess you could say I see Lilith the most, but I usually catch Dram when he's on, and 'occassionaly' Cera.

    Common Knowledge: Ael is quiet. He's lived in the camp for over 10 years now, and rarely causes any problems there. He only usually speaks to Gali or Rom, and when he does it's mostly short, direct sentences. Though over the past few years during his stay at the camp, he's become a lot more approachable to the Gali.
    He has a passion for hunting Gnolls, or 'Dog-men' as he likes to call them.
    Occasionaly he can be seen alongside a grey, and not particularly friendly wolf.
    Oh, and he usually freaks out whenever he see's a Raven. Of course, thats for a reason that only some of the older members in the camp will probably know ;).

  • Login: feltch
    Character: Aniel (the Sane)
    Time: usually late nite oz when time allows
    Leader: Dram, lillith
    Common Knowledge:
    Aniel has lived in camp for many years now, though she has on two or three occasions been absent for extended periods. She is known to be erratic and flighty, given to huge emotional shifts without warning. She is the blood sister of Miss Cotton and Bridie O'hair. Her love for the camp borders on the obsessive, and she is known to hate norwick with a passion. Aniel is a very capable bowman, and is useful with a sword. Her favourite pastime around camp is to play endless pranks and practicle jokes. She is known to worship erevan illesere, the elven god of mischief. She has had two chhildren (fraternal twins) both of whom were stolen from camp some time ago.

  • Login: n00g
    Character: Rago Tigid
    Play Time: usually late nite oz, rarely daytime or early evening (GMT +10)
    Camp Leader: Dram, Lillith
    Common KNowledge:
    Rago is a foul smelling, chain smoking gnome. He lacks most common social skills, though he spins a good yarn. He is known to be a friend of Drams. Since coming to camp, he hasnt left the fires once, but when sober, he helps around camp with affability and good nature.

  • Player Login: Kerby
    Character Name(s): Kharbeh
    Average Playing Time: I am GMT -5. Been getting in less, but it is usually 7pm - 10pm random weekdays (except Friday where I can ususally last until about 2am). Weekends are always all over the place and hit or miss.
    Average Camp Leaders seen: Rego and occasionally, Cera
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know (or see) by living with you in camp:

    You've gotten the feeling over the last couple days in camp and the surrounding areas that someone or something has been watching you. The creak of a branch here… an odd whiff of a scent there. But each time you try to figure out where it comes from, it leads to nothing. Sometimes you would even catch a flash of something flitting between the trees, but when going to the tree you think you saw it flit to... there is nothing. No track, no mark, no clues.

    You mention it to your pena and prala about the haunting. They say the same thing... the feeling of being watched and stalked. Finally you muster up the courage to mention it to Swordmaster Taro, since he always makes you seem weak when asking him a question. All he does is furrow his brow and brusquely say, "There is nothing to be concerned about. It is the Watcher. She is not a bad spirit." But when pressed, he brushes off answering details about the creature.

    But when listening to one of the tales that Baba Katya was telling around the fireplace about the Rom's history, she mentions the time that the Watcher came into the camp, fighting a struggle for it's own soul. Fighting the beast that grew in it's blood. Fighting the curse of the wolf. And how she almost ate Jeni… and would have, had it not been for the potion that Katya threw at the Watcher, at the moment when the wolf had taken it's body.

    You ask if the Watcher is still around, and Katya says, _"She has been around as long as the Rom have been in the Canyons and is very old, but she has a child's spirit. I have known of her since the time that the our people stopped their wandering and paused in these narrow canyons.

    From my talks with her, I know she is a green elf from a jungle forest far to the south and that her name is Kharbeh. She has said that her people rarely leave the jungles, but send out one traveller each generation to find out about the rest of the world. She has told me of her search for her ancestors. Her grandfather was a pixie that came from these parts.

    I have seen her eat the Fiery Milk Mushrooms that I use to make the brews that our scouts kill the gnolls with, so seems almost immune to most poisons I know of. And the string of ears around her neck are trophies of the prey she kills and how she honors them. And I have seen all types of ears on it… gnoll, human, giant, bear, manticore... even a demon if I guess correctly. She has been a good advisor to our family."_ She takes a swig from a wine skin in her lap.

    Mohave sees that Katya is winding down a bit and steps in with these words. "When I am not on gate guard, I have seen her shape wood like it was clay. She sings and the wood seems to bend to her song. She saw me watching once and told me that she is part of something she called Twin Caterpillar Clan. Maybe it has something to do with that group of dwarves and Ganji that lead the Crafter's Guild?"

    Phuri Tara nods agreement, pokes at the fire they all sit around, and says softly, "Well, the catwoman Tindra once mentioned that the Watcher is part of her family of Wolves. The ones who roam the lands and take the care of the wilds. The ones that are the eyes and ears of the druids in the forests to the south." She frowns, "She was an Oath Taker who rescinded her vows during the dark days when evil crept into the camp and took the letter of the Oath in vain. It was many years that we heard nothing of her."

    One of the other Kumpania sitting around the fire says, "Did you see her appear at the midnight meet those many days ago? She appeared almost right beside me. Almost dropped my wine flask!" The Rom lowers his voice, "…and I saw a brand mark on her chest... it was of a drow spider!"

    Miss Cotton speaks up, "I have hunted with her in the woods to the south. I know that she does not seem to be a friend of the spiders that roost there. Matter of fact, she seems only fond of them in one way… she like to eat their livers. Straight out of their still warm bodies!" Cotton wrinkles her nose and shudders a bit.

    The swordmaster speak and all of the others quiet down, "Speaking of spiders, we need to clear out the upper branches just south of the camp again… they are trying to nest above the camp again... " The conversation turns to other subjects and further stories around the fires…

  • Player Login: Iridius
    Character Name(s): Zerrion
    Average Playing Time: GMT, Some weekday evenings, weekends (tend to play my other character in the evenings)
    Average Camp Leaders seen: Dram, Lilith
    Common Knowledge other Gali would know:

    The tattoed archer Zerrion moved here from Peltarch after becoming irritated by the laws, regulations and the abuse of power by those in authority. He is known to have been a mercenary at one stage, but seems to have renounced this path, though the memories seem to haunt him. The smell of the distinctive tobacco he smokes is often noticed, during his frequent conversations with his friends around the camp fires. He seems to be a well-rounded individual in most matters, though deeply superstitious and distrustful of magic.