Town Crier Announcements
Signs for the Norwick Guild Tournament appear in peltarch
Norwick Guild Tournament
To be held ((August 27th 2006 @ 5pm ish est ))The town of Norwick challenges your guild or team to take part in the Norwick Guild Tournament! A test of strength, skill and teamwork for any and all guilds in the land! Carefully choose your team of 4 to take part in several contests including bare fisted boxing and full weapons combat!
Sign up your team for the Norwick Guild Tournament today using the signup sheet posted in norwick!
_Hear ye, Hear ye!!
The Captain of the Norwick Militia is proud to announce a Battle Royal in the town of Norwick. Come one, come all! 1000 gold is to paid to the man or woman that bests the rest. There will be food, drink and fun is to be had for all!
The fights will occur on a round-robin selection and the winner takes all!
Bare-fisted hand-to-hand fights as well as armored combat.
Norwick Town Square in one weeks time!_
//Friday night at 11:00pm-ish EST
**Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
All hail Foillir of the Dolvaks, noble citizen of the Jewel, Rat Slayer and Rodent Bane, who has bravely made our streets safe again for barmaids and bards, single-handedly stopping an invasion of foul cheese-devourers in its tracks with resolute and decisive action, true to this noble exterminators reputation.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!**
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Adding to the already ample line of contenders for the Senate positions are now Mog, Major of the Legion and Deputy of the Union, and Lord Aarron Ashald! With new contestants joining every other day, the race is bound to heat up! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
**Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The election of the new Senators of Peltarch draws close, many known and honourable citizens of the Jewel have made their candidacy known! Amongst the aspiring Senators we can see the brave Reshor, Captain of the Peltarch Defenders, the stalwart Sir Mariston Thel of the Order of the Divine Shield, the beautiful Clandra Galpen of the Bardic College, the honourable Eowiel Senella of the Cerulean Knights and Bardic College, the blue Magistrate of Peltarch Zyphlin and Tidus Clodpin, decendant of the King Tidus of old!Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
As the canditates continue their campaign, things begin to heat up in the race for the Senatorial positions! The Guard and Defenders, and especially General Lavindo have publically pledged their support to Sir Mariston Thel and Captain Reshor! Sir Mariston Thel also enjoys the support of the holy Temple of Tyr and the Safehold, where many parentless children find a safe home! And finally, the Wavebreakers are giving their support to Sir Mariston as well, and Magistrate Zyphlin!Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
With many institutions of power in Peltarch supporting the knigthly Sir Mariston in his aspiration, there seems to be great hope for the young Sir! But non should forget the other campaigners, and things may yet turn in favor of another candidate as the elections draw closer!Hear Ye! Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I, Elorathall Tejan-Revendor, hereby publically announce my new position as Peltarch Town Crier! I wish to honour of our Beloved Bardic College Master EOWIEL, who has unfortunatly Fallen, defending our Great City of Peltarch from Many Evils! She will surely be missed by all, and I shall strive to prove myself worthy of this position!
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The KING FISHER FESTIVAL draws nigh! In only a few short weeks time, the streets of the Jewel of the Icelace will come alive with BARDIC PERFORMANCES, FREE ALE AND FOOD FOR ALL, COMPETIONS, and an ANNOUNCEMENT, that is sure to excite even the most jaded of souls!
Once again, the People of Peltarch have proven STALWART and SUCCESFUL, and the MAGNIFICENT CITY OF THE NORTH grows with each day! A BRIGHT FUTURE lies ahead for THE JEWEL AND ALL ITS CITIZENS. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The City of Peltarch has ALWAYS provided for the peace and stability of not only you, the People of Peltarch, but for ALL surrounding regions, that the City might co-exist in harmony with its manyfold neighbours! While our dominance of the region is, of course, unquestioned, The Senate of the People has historically taken ALL the nessescary measures to assure the well being of Northern Narfell as a whole in order to PROTECT the better interests of you, the People of Peltarch.
As a result of this, the Senate of the People would like to take this oppertunity to remind you that it has taken great CARE in negotiating Treaties with our more numerous neighbours.
Decades ago, at GREAT RISK to her own life at a time when it seemed like a SECOND Giant War was about to RAVAGE Peltarch just after a most DEADLY plaugue had weakened our fine People, Senator Delvana Morischa travelled to the Giantspire, to dread Ignismons where King Tydus himself became Ledgend. There she accorded a Treaty of unrivaled value with the Giants there, and since this time NONE in Peltarch have the authority to EVER enter Giant Lands without Official Authorization, the Giants have enforced their end of this Treaty mercilessly themselves.
Second, noble citizens! The Lizardfolk on our Easternmost side have also signed a Treaty with the Senate of the People and their lands too are to be UNDISTURBED by Peltarchan Citizenry, lest we forget they have been most instrumental in dealing with the Villain who torments the Valient Cerulean Knights; Chessikhan!
Let it thus be WIDELY understood, only the fully Authorized servants of the Senate of the People have ANY authority to trespass into these lands, Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Land of Narfell is experiencing a NEW threat far to the south, which MANY have been talking of in recent times! This HOSTILE force is a force of malign powers and ill repute! There have been whisperings of FEAR and of WAR, but let it be known that Our NOBLE Senate has already adopted a most exaustive and defensive policy towards these southern menaces.
Our Noble City has overcome a war of TREACHERY and BLOOD, with our heads held HIGH and VICTORIOUS. You, the People of Peltarch, may rest EASY knowing that the Senate who Serve you are doing their UTMOST to preserve our new found peace and security! The Senate will NEVER allow insidious threats to enter our precious Jewel of the Icelace and infiltrate our HARD WON society!
In light of this, BY OFFICIAL SENATE DECREE, every SINGLE individual identified by the Office of the Magistrate as being affiliated with the so called"Crystal Army" is to be SHOT ON SIGHT within Peltarch lands by any members of the Peltarch Military Forces. All forces have their orders. Any Citizens encountering these individuals on Peltarch Soil are to act with EXTREME caution as they are DANGEROUS and SUBVERSIVE! Lists and discriptions have been placed around the city, and will be updated by our scribes as is relevant.
Additionally, you, the People of Peltarch, much be cautious of ANY travell southward to AVOID AT ALL COSTS any of the Crystals in the Nars Pass, for they are DEADLY. If travell is unavoidable then BEWARE and exercise the utmost in caution, for your own SAFETY and WELLBEING! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! It is truely ENHEARTENING to look ye around our NOBLE Peltarch and see that now, as we approach the mark of One Year since the traitor's Civil War that rocked our Unfortunate City the Fair Lady Des has BRAVED the STORM of GRIEF to mark the TRIUMPH of our noble warriors in the battle!
The Lady has organised a special Memorial Banquet in HONOUR of Those Who Have Fallen, in the tragic War we all bear the scars of! The HEROES of our Noble Jewel of the Icelace will NEVER be forgotten, with TRUE loyal citizens to WEEP and CHERISH them!
The Famed Priestess of our own Temple of Tyr, Daisy, will be giving a speech at the Banquet, which will be held in the newly constructed Amythyst Hall, Peltarch's TESTAMENT to PROGRESS in spite of the destruction wrought by the Civil War! How FITTING a place to hold this event!
Invitations are already being sent out to the Banquet's Guests! The FINEST Entertainment will be provided by Peltarch's Bards. Following the Banquet, the Commonfolk are also invited to pay their RESPECTS to the FALLEN! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
((Banquet on July 30th, 22:00 CET
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye, one and all! The Peltarch Government requires YOU!
Are you skilled in the ancient governmental ART of ORGANISATION?!
Are you an ADEPT of the ABACUS? Have you a KNACK at NUMBERS!?
Do you YEARN for the smell of our FAMOUS Icelace Lake EVERY MORNING?
Do you LOATH the vile, scum who attempt to WEASEL their way into FREE MOORINGS!?
Do you recall the Narcotics Crisis and have a PASSION to scan, test and verify ALL goods imported into BELOVED Peltarch to PROTECT its Citizenry from Illegal Smuggling!?
Are you DEDICATED enough to LOVINGLY and DUTIFULLY log each and EVERY arriving and departing water vessel in our Noble Docks?!
Perhaps YOU, might be interested in the Most Noble Position of Peltarch HARMOURMASTER!?
Applications are now being taken by Herald Thril's team of scribes at City Hall, written applications ONLY! All Applicants will be most FULLY checked, verified and vetted by Herald Thril's men, comparing your persons to any and all past records the City has, for such an ILLUSTRIOUS post MUST be filled by the RIGHT individual!
Applicants note, pay will be no less than FIFTY of Peltarch's Golden Pieces for every month's employ, Hear Ye!**
((Pay per RL Week, PM applications to Linah
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Those warriors who make this Fine and Noble City their home, the time has COME for you to repay the greatness granted to you by your Grand City! The Jewel of the Icelace has been DAMAGED, and it needs WARRIORS to guard it once again!
Our great and honourable Defenders who SAVED Peltarch from the VILLAINS who dared to try to rend everything we have strived for assunder, NEED you, mighty warriors! They need men to replace their GALLANT brothers who FELL in servitude to their HOME! They need LOYAL recruits to replace the TRAITORS who now rot in the NINE HELLS!
The Defenders are not for the faint of heart, however! They are the ARMED FORCES which PROTECT Peltarch from GREVIOUS threats on ALL SIDES, every day! Ogrekin, Kobolds, Banditry, Traitors and any who DARE bring hostility unto us! Their work is disciplined! Their work requires DEDICATION, TENACITY and LOYALTY!
IF you think YOU possess these traits, AND can handle a good suit of PLATEMAIL, then send your applications to Captain Varid of the Defenders of Peltarch! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
((Letters to Varid can be relayed via a PM to our one and only, Linah
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Peltarch is Saved! Once more our city is PROVEN to be ever resilient and ever above VILLAINY, BETRAYAL and TYRANNY! Never has there been such a BRAVE display of FAITH, LOYALTY and FEALTY as when the VALIANT Loyalists, DRIVEN from their city, charged triumphantly BACK into our own Commons, BACK into our own Docks and BACK into our ravaged City!
On seeing the FURY and RIGHT of these stalwart men and women, the TRAITORS FLED FOR THE HILLS! Since then, the Officials of Peltarch have been at work NIGHT AND DAY restoring the SHINE to the JEWEL OF THE ICELACE! Though they dared to try to tarnish our Mighty City with their FILTHY Coup, they could NEVER succeed! Not while one stout heart remained beating! Not while Lavindo and Varid drew breath! Not while Anakore and his Knights remained alive! No, nor while Mildsilver, Brynmor, Re'cual or Black retained eyes to see the HORROR they DARED inflict upon their HOME!
Mourn ye, folk of Peltarch, the losses ye have suffered, but drink well tonight, for the losses ye have NOT! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Captain of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, Sir Anakore, has decreed that it is his wish that he aquire a fine blade of Eastern origin, known to those from those far flung lands as a Katana!
The noble Captain is seeking the highest quality possible in magical Katana and will pay a HANDSOME fee in exchange for one, up to no less than Four Thousand Golden Coins!
Should anyone wish to approach Captain Anakore regarding this matter they are free and encouraged to do so, they may also leave a message for him at the Headquarters of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars in the Civics District, or we the Town Criers would be only too happy to relay a message to Captain Anakore regarding this matter! Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Once again our city's most ALTRUISTIC and GIVING Noble Lady has taken it upon herself to contribute in her usual graceful and BENEFICIAL manner to the well being of our Noble City!
I of course refer to our own, one and only, Lady Desdirata! She has LONG contributed her funds to ALL manner of Peltarchan causes, from rebuilding our damaged docks to maintaining an adequate provision of entertainment in our fine establishments! Now she has AGAIN displayed the VIBRANCY and ZEAL her innovations are FAMED for!
Her latest contribution to the Jewel of the Icelace is nothing other than an ELABOURATE and EXTRAVAGANT Ball Room complex for our FINE citizens to attend GRANDOISE functions and dances! She intends to have a place created so GRAND as to equal the SPLENDOUR of the noble citizens of our Vaunted City!
The proposed construction will be in the Commerce District, for SIMPLICITY of access! Not one minor detail has escaped the imagination of Lady Des in her generousity! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
The criers remain in their small groups in view of guards when delivering this message too.
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Peltarch's STALWART Defenders have proven they still retain men of honour amongst their ranks! They have shown behind all the squabbling bickering whelps TRUE Heroes have not been lost utterly!
Captain Kaster Lavindo's men, long stationed out in the Giantspires defending Peltarch from Ogre enchroachments and vile Hill Giants have all remained TRUE to the defenders who stood against the Giants in the Giant Wars, the Eastlanders and EVERY military threat which has ever assailed our Fair City! They have not forgotten their ways of honour and DISIPLINE, unlike MANY spurious defender platoons stationed closer to the City!
Captain Lavindo's men recently staved off a MASSIVE assault on their camp by Ogres, Hill Giants and Kobolds! Why? Because they KNEW if they did not fight, Peltarch would be attacked! They preformed the DUTY of the Defenders! They DEFENDED their city! They did it with skill and professionalism! All squabblers should TAKE HEED and remmber your DUTIES!
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
The Criers deliver this particular message in small groups, and near City Guards, in case any defenders get any ideas.
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! As many already know, Peltarch has suffered a viscious Ogre assault upon our vaunted walls! The Vile BEASTS were compelled to assault us by UNKNOWN agents acting against our Fair City!
The Beasts were armed and deadly, with brutish strength and destructive magical energies they nigh RIPPED APART our City's mighty western defences! Indeed, those of you who are old enough to remember the Giant Wars of old, will wonder HOW our MIGHTY Walls could be so threatened by MERE Ogres where before they withheld even the FIERCEST of Giants!? The answer is SIMPLE!
People of Peltarch, you have been WRONGED!
People of Peltarch, you have been BETRAYED!
People of Peltarch, you have been FORGOTTEN!
WHY were our walls nigh USELESS!? They were not MANNED! Our IMPERVIOUS seige artilery was UNMANNED! Our sky reaching walls were UNMANNED! Our ENTIRE Western Defences were UNMANNED!
Where were the NOBLE and STAUNCH Defenders of your LIVES? Where were the honoured and heroic men of the Giant Wars!? Where were them who fell and held back the Eastlanders for DECADES!?
Has the last BRAVE soul in our army been CUT DOWN!? Or are they on the streets, BEGGING their comrades to stop BICKERING!? Either way, they are NOT on our walls! NONE of them were!
Devin Telan, our most honoured Veteran of the Giant Wars! Our Leader of the Peltarch Defenders! Let your memory SHAME those whom you once held in utmost disipline! The Ogre assault was REPELLED, by Citizens of Peltarch and Knights of the Cerulean Stars! Shame! Shame, Defenders, Shame!
Wronged! Betrayed! Forgotten! Hear Ye, People of Peltarch, Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Peltarch's FINEST entertainers, minstrels and bards have announced there will be another awe inspiring, entertaining and bedazzling Performance at the Peltarch Bardic Theatre on the Eleventh day of Nightal!
The Performance will again consist of three MAGNIFICIENT Acts which will cater to ALL citizen's tastes, from the humble farmer to the mighty Noble, the labouring Dock-hand to the holy Priest and the hawking Merchant to the Vaunted Senator! All are welcome, welcome all! Standing room is FREE OF CHARGE for those folk who have not the spare coin to spend on such a MARVELLOUS day out! Seating is five and twenty golden coins, twice this for Noble Seating.
The First Act shall comprise a piece devised by a pair of the College's creative and talented Apprentices! The young bards Nate and Daria promise to give an Act truely INVIGOURATING!
The Second Act shall comprise Mistress Eowiel Senella and the Apprentice Penny Lane, who promise a musical and creative interpretation so UNIQUE that they ASSURE you it's like has NEVER been seen in Narfell before!
The Final Act comprises the Masters of the College, who endevour to show that their Apprentices still have a thing or two to LEARN from them yet! They will be giving a RESOUNDING REMINDER that it is THEY who have been in the hearts and FOND memories of the citizenry of Peltarch for so many years and they are not done yet!
The Peltarch Bardic Theatre hopes ALL citizens and visitors to our Fair City can find the time to enjoy this AMAZING performance and encourages EVERYONE to come! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
((Time will be this Thursday the 17th, starting at 10pm GMT, and no later.
After a period of basic and day to day announcements which lasted a few years the town criers are once again dressed in their old smart black jackets and out three times a day, heralding the city's news and telling of major events in a familiar old style.
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Dread Magicks of Negative Energies assailed our mighty City once again this tenday! This attack was MOST deadly, but while the evil powers were stronger, so too were our noble City's Knights of the Cerulean Stars!
The Elite Mystical Knights marched out of the commons en masse with a number of Volunteers from the city, inculding a unit of Defenders and Senator Mildsilver, to meet the cause of the FIENDISH assault upon the city! Indeed, the ENTIRE Watchtower was ablaze and the air BURNED and CRACKLED with magical doings of the highest order! The Knights quickly ascertained the nature of the magical threat with due aid from Senator Mildsilver and spent an EXAUSTIVE effort trying to destroy the VILE magical Pillars bringing the tirade of VIOLENCE and DESTRUCTION to the Fair Jewel of the Icelace!
Eventually, once more the great mind of Senator Mildsilver deduced the location of the weakness of the Pillars and once eliminated, the Knights led the FINAL assault upon the cause of the deadly dweomerings! With a RESOUNDING report that shook the ENTIRE hillside, the Pillars errupted into a BLINDING shower of shards, the terrible power falling onto the city ceasing INSTANTLY!
Under orders from Magistrate Barrim, the City Guard began to douse the fires and clear away rubble within the city itself, whilst the Knights remained on the hillside to douse and clean up the Watchtower, the work of the NOBLE and RESOLUTE members of the Peltarch Military AND The Temple of Tyr was to go on for many many days afterwards! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
**Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The long time Senior Town Crier, Eowiel Senella, has STEPPED DOWN from her position and RETIRED from her Office! The Elven Lady has said that she simply has held the position longer than she can suitably fufill it and thus is allowing it to be given to someone more ABLE to hold it!
For those citizens who do not know, the Office of Town Crier is under the DIRECT control of the Peltarch Magistrates and as such, Magistrates Barrim and Zephlin are expected to appoint a NEW Senior Town Crier who will continue the administration of the Jewel of the Icelace's noble staff of Criers, DEDICATED to bring URGENT information, TOPICAL news and other matters to YOU, The People of Peltarch!
Applicants are to send a letter to the Office of the Magistrates detailing WHY they think they would make a GOOD, HONEST and RELIABLE Senior Town Crier. Pay is to be decided by the Magistrates but will likely remain at the current rate as paid to Miss Senella. Hear Ye, Hear Ye!**
Once more, grim faced criers carry a short and terrible message to the people.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Senators Ayanie and Adam Bromley have been slain, fighting for the welfare of the city. May they never be forgotten.