Evil Roll Call
Gwen icengre Neurtral Evil Druid (4) Cleric (1) Barbarian (1) Talos Worshipper
Malic icengre Neutral Evil Cleric (1)Gwen and malic come from a long line of Talos worshippers and since their time of birth have been His, body and soul. Gwen with each level advance has been slowly changing from a druid that worships natures harsh side to a killing machine filled with the Destroyers dark power, though she has tried to resist. At this point she is almost utterly evil and has little chance of being redeemed; Her friends have also finally given up turning her from this dark path of destruction. Malic has always been darkly evil and hopefully, the citizens of Norwick will try and hang him by the neck until dead
for any crime he may in the future commit (he is a gutless manipulative worm after all). Both have been working towards frightening the populace of Norwich into becoming talos worshippers and if they have to manufacture a disaster to do so they will (heh heh).
login: SynicaLyonbane
Charactor: Valdush Bonesnapper
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Fighter/Cleric
residence: Norwick
information: A large half orc smart enough to stay out of trouble in these human lands.
He follows a code1 Family first all others last
2 Take what you need leave none alive who could come back later to harm you
3 Keep you freinds close but those that opose you in a hole
4 People can't tell what you done if they don't have a head
Login: Fonkin_Ashoal
Character: Malark Greycastle
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class(es)/Level(s): Cleric (4) of Mask/ Rogue (1)
Residence: Gypsy Camp (for now, maybe either Peltarch or Jiyyd later)
Information: Malark uses people for his own personal gains. He'll do what he can to keep those around him alive, for as long as he has a use for them. He, one day, hopes to run an organization of thieves and cutthroats in the shadows of a respectful business, such as a tavern. He also intends to build a Temple to the Master of All Thieves, perhaps in Peltarch, so that he may take control of other organizations as well.
C-token: As a player, yes. This character, not yet
Login: LadyDoom
Character: Perin Fole, aka Perin of Damara
Alignment: TN, aspiring to LE
Class(es)/Level(s): Bard 2 / Sorc 1
Residence: Norwick
Information: Chronicler to Uthger and the Norwick Militia. Devotee and aspiring cleric of Gargauth (ooc knowledge - she keeps this well-hidden).
Login- NightStalker_786
Name- Sywyn Xila
Aligment- Chaotic Evil
Residence- Jiyyd
Levels- (3) Rogue
Info- Well…He's just evil need I say more? :twisted:
Login: Oblivion2005
Character: Onlon Dark
Alignment: Neutral evil
Class(es)/Level(s): Cleric/1
Residence: Gypsy Camp
Information: i will post his history on Historical archives…
Login- Drow_Maniac
Charecter- Xillow Verged
Allignment- LE
Residence- Gypsy Camp
Level- 3 cleric (Death, and magic))Information- After his sister died he Became Obssessed over death and took up dark magic. His mind is now sick, Twisted, An foul. He doesnt fell sorrow or Pity. :twisted:
Login: Kid Militia
Character: Aahlikeen Therikus
Alignment: LE
Class: Wizard
Residence: Peltarch
Information: Incredibly thin and weak by years of disease, he coughs and walks around leaning heavily on a cane. Follows Kossuth, thinks slavery is part of the world that is as necessary as air, he's very smart…needs allies, wants help owning the lands....
Login: Zahvor
Charname: Gares/Nirwanda
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: CE
Residence: some moss behind someone's shanty in the Gypsy Camp
Info: Gares was a jerk, probably attributed to his lack of a good role model :roll: I didnt want to worship Bane, so decided that IC he died and was possessed by Nirwanda the Jester Spirit, who has come to the mortal world seeking strange and exotic things, perhaps blood baths, maybe some bubbly soap, things to torture, you name it, I may try it. I usually prefer making them lose something like a hand or eye, before seeing them killed.(just got him going and now I think I wanna start playing my good guy more)
Login: Kakiki-Mumu
Character: Merock Blumble Foot
Alignment: nuetral evil
Class: Rogue level 6
Residence: Norwick
Information: Merock as a child grew in a hin farming community, his views on the world where changed one day when his father was having a great feast, but merock thought he could make the food taste better so thinking he would add some spice to it, but to his misfortune it was poison, Merock had killed two people at the table that night, so he ran away robbing people's houses for food that where on the path, eventually he grew up being outcasted from every town he set foot in, and he made it to norwick.Merock is a more of a terrorist, he holds things ransom and if people do not listen he can get very harsh and do some very drastic things.
Loging: Evil_scrach
Character name: Vrirk Skulash
Alignement: Neutral evil
Class: cleric/ fighter 4/ 1
Residence: Gypsy Camp
Login: Gilg-The-Imp
character name: Shivak (aka Bramble)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class/lvl: Wizard lvl 1 (generalist)
Residence: The Romani Camp
Info: Totally obsessed with raising himself from the metaphorical dungheap he was born to into a position of power and self determination. Subsquently will do anything to achieve this goal, heedless of the consequances to others. He identifies the use of arcane as a means to personal power.At present is suffering from paranoia due to his personal circumstances, this may ease, but he does have a predisposition to this condition.
Very manipulative, especially to those who are good natured and genorous, and will seek to bring them to trust him for his own advantage, until such time as they are nolonger of value. In his eyes they are weak little lambs and toys for furthering his aims.
He has no pride, whatever is necessary for his survival he will do.
At present he is very self concious of his vunerable position penniless and powerless in the camp and will grasp any means or opportunity to improve it.
Another Banite…who would have thunk it.
Login: Timothydd
Character Name: Azaro The Fallen
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class and Level: Fighter 1, Cleric 4
Residence: Gypsy Camp
Information: I have no soul. Bane is my master. And I like it.
Loging: evil_scrach
Charater name: Kar Genth
Alignement: Chaotic evil
Class and level: Cleric / 4
Residence: Gypsy camp
Charactor Name: Nathell Nottian
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class/lvl: Fighter 6th
Residence: PeltarchInformation: see background
Nathell, is Banite tryed and true and will do anything to ferther the will of Bane.
Login: Rochoward
character name: MAVADO
Login: Exilium
Character: Nylira
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class/Level: Cleric of Mask (or Mephisto dunno if he is allowed) lvl 2
Residence: Gipsy Camp
Information: Member of the Outcast group, she became evil after her father sent her far away.. taking from her , her title of Princess.. so she escaped to the woods, and found some dark travellers… Nylira blinded with the thirst of vengeance decided to take the Ritual for the newcomers to bond her blood with Mask.. finally she escaped to Narfell after killing and making a ritual with her father corpse