Council deliberations, Trial of Uthger

  • ((Please keep all posts IC. Remember, only those people who are on the council should be posting in this thread. Feel free to create another thread if you want to gossip and prattle OOC about the contents of this thread. I am letting everybody see what happens behind closed doors OOC so that nothing is done secretly, but all participants will be sworn to secrecy IC and NONE of this information should be metagamed lest ye find yourself facing the wrath of the entire Jiyyd DM team.

    I've been impressed so far with the way everybody has been comporting themselves as players despite the obvious IC tension and emotion so I ask that you keep up the great work. Thank you.

    More to come.))

  • Lens carefully reads the reply from the Divine Shield. He hands the note to the Herald dismissively.

    "Post this and the sentence in a public place."

    He walked back to his office without another word and closed the door. The Herald flipped over the parchment she had been hovering over and went outside to post the notices.


    _Dear Jiyyd Council,

    RE: Uthger


    RE: Grag



    The Divine Shield

    stamped, signed, sealed_



    _Be it known that Uthger, son of Rathgar, having been tried for the crime of murder by sundry aggrieved parties, has been found neither guilty nor innocent and subsequently been sentenced to community service for the Town of Jiyyd for a period of not less than one year. Be it further noted that he shall serve his sentence under the supervision of Councilman Dwin Dolvak, to whom the sentenced party shall be remanded to immediately, and that the sentenced party's ban from the Town is hereby revoked until such time as a failure to meet the high standards for parole to be set by Master Dolvak shall occur, or the commission of new high crimes and offenses takes place.

    It is therefore announced that the Town of Jiyyd considers this matter officially closed. Copies of this announcement may be requested from the Town Herald for a nominal fee.

    That is all.

    Lens Udon

    seal affixed_

    When she is done, the Herald retreats inside the Council Building and flips over the parchment again. She sits on a chair beside the table the parchment rest on and begins to doodle and write while day-dreaming. Close inspection of the parchment shows she has absent-mindedly written the name "Theaon" numerous times.

    ((THE END.))

  • ((LOL, the perfect use for the "bright orange" I have. great idea…. ))

  • ((What, no orange prison jumper?)) :lol:

  • Legion

    (( Now all we need is for Dwin to dye a real nice lookin community service outfit for when he is working.. I was thinking turquoise with a splash of pink? What you think Uth.. ))

  • Lens dismisses the Council, then has the herald scribe a notice for him which he hands to Just'ene for delivery to the offices of the Divine Shield.

    Just'ene casually thrusts the blade of her sword under the door before standing up and accepting the letter from Lens.

    Scutum gladly takes Dwin up on his offer, rubbing her belly and saying "all this talk about pie has gotten me a bit hungry".

    Rulir "accidentally" thumps Olem on the side of the head as he stands up and covers up by launching into a discussion with Vroka about his barley and hops crop.

    Olem heads to the whore for a few rounds of libations, but stands away from the other councilors as he gets himself well lubricated before vomiting on Chesty's feet and stumbling home.

    Lens does not celebrate the end of the trial and instead locks himself in his office, making sure a member of the Watch remains posted outside his door.

    ((Thanks to everybody for the patience and good posts, and to everybody else for not posting and allowing me to keep this moving.))

  • Lyte nods

    I think this is a fair judgement. Thank you, good councilfolk, for allowing me to sit in Grag's seat on this occasion. If I can ever be of service in the future, it will be my pleasure to help. I believe I will take Dwin up on his vension and ale offer…if our business here is concluded.

  • Good! A decision! Vroka, let us know what happens….

    Now, who's with me fer a supper at the Whore? I dropped some venison an badger off with Mary earlier, and she'd promised to make some sausage.

    Ale's are on me, folks!

    Dwin gets up, rubs his belly, and continues out of the room.

  • Lens slowly looks around the room, performing a mental count in his head. He scowls, and begins again. When he is finished, he sighs. He waves his hand dismissively and says, "Fine, so be it. Barring objection," he glances at Olem who grumbles but says nothing, "the accused and General Grag shall be remanded to the custody of Just'ene for delivery to the Temple of Helm and the Divine Shield whereupon an examination of their souls shall be administered and the results submitted back to this body. Should Uthger be found to be of an evil spirit, he shall be summarily banned from the town. Again."

    Olem snorts, but shuts up when Scutum flashes him a look.

    Lens: In the event that no evil taint is discovered in either Uthger or Grag, Councilman Dolvak will administer a program of community service and parole for Uthger that is not to last less than one year's time. It is the Council's hope that if this comes to pass that Uthger's strength be put to good service constructing public works and killing orcs and duergar and the like."

    Scutum: I think maybe an orphanage for hin children would be appropriate, and maybe a half-way house for reformed hin turnin away from a life o crime. grins wide

    Lens rolls his eyes before continuing. "In the unlikely event that General Grag should be discovered with evil in his heart and no taint is found in Uthger", he said while Olem snorted so hard he nearly fell out of his chair, "General Grag shall be banned from the town and Uthger's parole term shall be reduced to six months.

    "Any objections?"

    Scutum and Just'ene both shake their heads "no".

    Rulir shrugs and says, "Nae", then turns to Dwin and says, <d>"The temple and the shrine to Covah could use another strong back working on it."

    Vroka stares out the window and makes no objection.

    Olem mutters, "Ye all're knowin what I think."

    Lens looks at Lyte and Dwin.</d>

  • Lads an Lasses of the Council!

    This has gone on long enough…when will we resolve this issue and let not just us, but the accused and the "victims" get back to normal lives?

    I request a verdict! Frankly, we got more important things ta worry about!

    Dwin pounds his fist ont the table making his points, then as he is about to sit, he looks as if he remembered something…

    Oh, an if anyone needs anything dyed, see me afterwards.

  • Lyte Bryte nods at Scutum's words.

    I think Councilhin Scutum's suggestion sounds wise and fair, and as long as we arent forced to watch the Grag nakedness part, I'm in favor of this.

  • ((For those involved, my apologies. It has been a rough week for me.))

    Lens looks around the council chambers and asks if anybody else has something to add.

    Scutum: "My friends, I've known Uthger and Grag both a long time, and I seen 'em both fightin' on the side o what's right more times than I can count. I can't even begin to understand what would make one attack the other, let alone to kill. It doesn't make any sense.

    "Now Krig's word's better than gold in my mind. I'd say it's even better than pie. So I'm not goin' to argue 'bout what Tempus said or didn't say to Uthger. I know if Yondalla told me to kill somebody, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I said 'no'. But it's also not fair to Grag and Theo. They're good folks, too, and I'd feel awful sore if somebody attacked and killed me. Especially in my own home.

    "I think we ought to strip em both naked and let the Paladins o the Divine Shield tell us if either o them is evil. If either one is, we can ban em, and if neither o them is, we let Dwin set the punishment for Uthger for killin folks, keepin in mind the suggestion offered by Miss Lyte Bryte."

    Justene nods her head in apparent agreement with Scutum.

    Vroka seems disinterested and tired. She is clutching her holy symbol and muttering from time to time. She seems to be staring out the window during most of the session.

    Rulir: Bah! Jes' let'em fight an' be done wif it! Den we kin git back te drinkin ales an' makin' ready fer war wif te urks an' wif te elements!

    Olem: He killed them folks. I don't care if it was six years ago. Ban his arse and we can move on.

    Lens rubs his stubbly chin and seems to agree with Olem. "Anybody else?", he asks.

  • When asked about the circumstances of this trial, Krig will tell everyone he knows nothing of what happened on those particular days. He will however testify to Uthger's Faith in Tempus and that he had never seen Uthger in all his years stray from that Faith. He will then tell of his own sacred day when Tempus Himself graced him with his presence. The relevance of this to the case is that no doubt was left in his heart as to who it was he was seeing that day. It was Tempus, there could be no doubt. As for Uthger's claim of Tempus directing his actions, if Uthger said it was Tempus, then there could be no doubt. For if he had made this up, Tempus would not be with him in his battles and Uthger surely would have fallen by now. This is of course explained by Krig in a none too soft tones, daring anyone to show the slightest doubt to his words.

  • Scutum and Just'ene nod at Lyte's words.

    Rulir rolls his eyes.

    Olem and Lens mutter.

    Vroka remains silent.

  • Lyte politely waits for the others to finish what they have to say, then offers her opinion on the matter of whether there ought to be a punishment or not

    _"It seems to me, after having carefully perused the testimony and the transcripts, that the accused offers paltry excuses for actions that do add up to murder.

    He himself readily admits that this Cyrus was unarmed while the Featherlight attacked this fellow, and was trying to avoid fighting the Featherlight as much as was possible. The accused, according to all of the testimony, then attacked Cyrus in retaliation for the man only lightly defending himself while Cyrus was holding no weapon, while this Cyrus was encumbered with a body.

    However, I think this may not be any of the Council's business, as it did not occur in Jiyyd, or near it, which was not brought up, but a very big point."_

    She glances at her carefully penned notes in elvish

    _"The other matter, however, clearly occured in the Legion Hall, inside the borders of Jiyyd itself.

    If one looks carefully at the testimony on both sides, Grag had invited the accused to help slay a vampire, and the accused's attack did not begin until Grag had severed the head of the vampire in question.

    How can the accused use the excuse that he feared trickery on Grag's part, that Grag was in league with the woman vampire, when clearly, Uthger's ambush of Grag, according to both sides, occured as the vampire fell dead to Grag's blow?

    This, in addition to the subsequent arrival of the summoned undead, which helped the accused defeat Grag, and not vice a versa, very strongly suggests to me that the accused was on the vampire's side in this altercation, and not Grag and Theaons.

    Which at best, seems to unravel his latter claims of an viable excuse outside of "his god told him to".

    Everything in the testimony points towards this, and the fact that the accused apparently knew the vampire personally, instead of helping his case, tends to suggest a motive on the part of the accused…and remember this is a vampire we are talking about, despite what they might once have been.

    I think we all can agree that if any of our gods told us to kill someone else in this room blindly on faith alone, we would each be guilty of a crime in the eyes of the city, no matter the intent of the god, for each of us lives in this city day to day here side by side, knowing that we abide under these laws, and are responsible for our actions within the town's limits, outside of what our gods decide...we still must live together in the community using certain common laws.

    Therefore, it is my opinion that the accused clearly deserves a guilty verdict, although, I am inclined to think that it needs not be as harsh as death in this particular case, due to the mitigating circumstances of the accused's long and faithful services towards the cause of good, in such major undertakings as battling the Defiler, and the fact that the accusers seem to be after a sort of moral victory in this case, and seem not to be seeking blood.

    I do think, however, if it is found that the accused is sentenced to public service, a stiff period of parole should accompany the sentence, so that he is prevented from attacking others, within the borders of town, whenever he is ordered to by his god, for I strongly feel spontaneous and nebulously motivated attacks like this ought to be severely punished on a second matter who is committing them.

    That is all I have to say on the matter, and my thanks to the Council for putting up with my windy little speech."_

    Lyte smiles politely

  • Just'ene replies to Dwin: Let's agree he should be punished first before we punish him.

    Lens begins to turn purple when the new parchment slides under the door.

    Scutum slides off her chair and runs in a blur across the room to scoop up the sheet before Lens gets too worked up. She scans it quickly and says with a forced smile, "Oh, it's nothin the Watch can't handle. Carry on!" She shows the note to Just'ene who takes up a spot on the floor by the door with her sword resting on the floor with its tip pointed towards the narrow crack under the door.

    Rulir: Bah, can we nae jes let'm fight it out?

    Olem: Why bother? Let Grag kill him and be done with it.

    Lens grunts in agreement wih Olem.

    Vroka: Hims say kills Gragz n Teo 'cause hims tink Tempus tells hims to and 'cause wants to killz vampires. Is murder? Dunno. Is mistake maybes.

    Scutum: Dwin, did Krig say he'd come?

  • ((Scut's post of events overrides mine. However, my sentiments about outsiders posting in here remains the same.))

  • Legion

    Another parchment slid under the door

    Dear council there was a small hin seen talking about how he stole shanties chickens because the chicken god told him too? He escaped unfortunatly… Also Thar is a ruma goin arund that Vroka is havin a affair wit uthger. Finnius is goin nuts in de heelin house please hurry up afor more crazy ruumas start flyin!
    Anonymous note :twisted:

  • Dwin stands solemnly and addresses the council

    Did he kill them? Aye, it appears as he did.

    Was it murder? That I cant say. Murder, to me, is a vile act in which yer takin someone's life fer selfish reasons. Whether tempus told him to do this or not, the lad wasn't killin no un fer selfish reasons, as he has explained.

    Frankly, if Moradin imself told me to do sumtin, whatever it may be, I would have a hard time disobeyin' his word. I ask all o you ti put yerself in that position and ask what you would do.

    He killed folks, and fer that there must be consequences, but I think there should be a certain level of leniency here for a hero that was perhaps misguided by his own faith.

    Fer all these reasons, I feel I must abstain from votin'. I know it wont make a difference.

    As fer his imminent punishment, I would be happy to take him on to do a years worth of community service, under my supervision, to do things such as reinforce the gates, fix the bridge, oil that farkin squeaky windmill, etc. We could even get him started on assemblin them archer towers we need so badly.

    Dwin bows slightly and nods to Lens before he returns to his seat.

  • Lyte looks seriously unamused at the notion she would break any oath she makes, yet her voice retains great charm, ((16 charisma)), soothing and lilting all the while setting forth a comfortable commanding air of discipline and respect

    she rises

    "My word is my life, ladies and gentlemen of the Council, and may Mielikki strike me down if I have blabbered a breath about the proceedings here, or if I know of General Grags secret methods of gathering intellligence.

    Perhaps he does indeed have cloaked invisible scout so skilled that none of us might see them…"

    she pauses suddenly listening and frowns, and glances towards the large Council doors

    "... or perhaps that heavy noisome wind we hear nearby, coming from under the threshold of yon chamber door is the good General's anxious breath awaiting news of our decision, and he simply is overly eager to hear our verdict, and cant help but spy upon us in his great anxiety to see justice served."

    "I vote heartily Yea!"