Stories of Kanen Hightower
Don't you people ever learn?!?!
Happiness in Narfell only opens the door wide for heartbreak, death, dismemberment, and possibly a lich with Power Word, Kill! Cease and Desist. Turn from your path now, as the road you are on will inevitably lead to tradgedy.
I say this as a friend to both of you. Please begin to live lives of mediocrity. It is safer.
Yeah, Robyn wants to be a flower girl
When's the wedding?
Kanen stood in the darkness, yet near the fire, listening to Jenna dramatize the events surrounding the building of the guard tower south of Peltarch. What Kanen remembered were hours of boredom relieved by minutes of horror and death. Jenna's story made it sound much more heroic and epic than it had really been, yet the new ones to the area gathered around the fire seemed enraptured by her tale and her telling of it.
Then, the Paladin heard the cry of a hawk, as it approached. Turning and peering into the darkness, Kanen saw the hawk as it landed near him. Smiling, he approached the bird, took the message and read it. It was from Seven. He read that she had been thinking of him these past weeks that she had been gone, hoped he was well, and that she wished to see him. Still smiling, Kanen quickly penned a response that he would meet her in a few hours in Norwick. He returned the note to the falcon, gave her a bit of meat, and the bird then lifted off and flew away into the darkness.
Jenna's story reached the conclusion of the final assault of the War Machine. Their final struggle to defeat the inhuman construction, Lucia's fall into death, and their costly victory. Nodding to Wilhelm who was also at the fire, Kanen made his withdrawal and began the journey to Norwick, his steps eager, and his mood light. He soon reached the north gates of Norwick, entered and saw her sitting on the bench near the well.
Dressed in her silver plate armor, golden hair down to her shoulders, Seven looked both martial yet beautiful. Kanen walked up to her, a smile on his face as they greeted each other. Looking around, Seven asked Kanen to follow her as they stepped away from the well to speak privately.
He took and held her hands in his, as Seven told Kanen that she was sorry that she had had to leave suddenly and for so long. However her mother had fallen very ill, and so Seven had gone to be with her parents. Telling Seven she had nothing to be sorry for, Kanen told her that he would be praying for her mother that she might regain her strength quickly. She also said that her mother's illness had greatly affected her father, something Seven said she was surprised at, apparently not knowing the depth of her father's love for her mother.
Looking up at Kanen, Seven asked him if he would follow her somewhere, that she wanted to show him something. Kanen agreed and they both set off out the north gate together, and made their way to a cove near the gypsy camp. They had to kill a few spiders that stood in their path, but otherwise the trip was uneventful.
The view was breathtaking. The cliff stood looking out onto a vast canyon. A waterfall descended down the sheer cliff face to the distant ground below. Seven stood on the edge of this cliff looking out into the distance, as Kanen slowly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Seven, said that she would often come here and pray. Quietly, she told him that, at one point, she had actually felt so alone and so troubled that she had thrown herself off this very cliff, yet did not remember falling, and had awoken in a nearby field. Kanen didn't know what to make of that, saying only perhaps Torm had not been ready for her end, that she still had purpose ahead of her, yet unfulfilled. She hung her head in remorse and regret for those actions, and Kanen only held her tighter.
She said that it was here where she had sworn an oath with Jubei to protect him, and it was here that Caleb would come visit her during the times she did have control of herself. She also told him that she felt something was still wrong with her from her time under Devon's control. That she felt as though something was slightly out of place, or like a 'strap was out of place or a pebble was in her boot', something perhaps minor, yet annoying and it would not go away, something was missing. Seven looked down and said she remembered all of her time and her actions even when she was not in control of herself. She admitted that she had lost faith in everything, her despair had gotten so deep. She thanked Kanen again for coming to save her, that she did not think she would have survived without his, and the other's rescue of her. Asking her what he could do to help her, Seven only replied that she did not want to be alone anymore, and wanted to be with him, as her soul ached from loneliness.
Kanen turned her slowly, still in his arms, and gently kissed her. He then softly said that he was very happy that he had been given the chance to save her, and that he thanked Helm that they had succeeded. He also said that when he had been forced to kill her had been the hardest thing Duty had ever required of him, that it had been almost beyond him to complete that task. Kanen then told Seven some things about his Test that Helm had given him, how she had been there, or at least one he had been supposed to think was her. He also told her how thinking of her had helped him survive the Test and complete it successfully.
Seven reached up and kissed him, as he tightened his arms around her, and they stood quietly for awhile, wrapped in each others arms, happy and contented for a time. Looking into her eyes, Kanen asked Seven how she felt about him. Smiling, she told the Paladin that she loved him, as if it was something he should have already known. Kanen, grinning from ear to ear, again told Seven that he loved her as well. Kanen then asked her again what the braid of hair she had given him really meant. Seven only blushed and said that he should be able to figure that out for himself.
When Kanen started to tickle her, Seven calmly drew a dagger and told him she had a no tickling rule, strictly enforced. Laughing, Kanen reminded her that Paladins did not know what fear was, to which she calmly replied she was pretty sure they did, if they were smart.
Just then, a bird brought a note to Kanen, and another brought a note to Seven. It seemed that Braeth would need both of their assistance in an important matter in Norwick, within the next few hours. The two looked around the cliffside one last time, then began the trip together to Norwick. Duty called, and the two warriors of faith of course went off to answer.
For days now, Kanen had been forced to rely only his combat skills and training. His Lord Helm had decided it was time for a test for the young Paladin. A test of faith, it seemed. The Paladin had felt as though he was suddenly in cast into dark shadows, where before the light of Helm had been near him and with him since as long as he could remember. Regardless of their effect, Kanen continued to pray each day and each night, asking only for the strength to complete these tests and regain the favor of his Lord. Having only his combat skills to call upon, every battle was more difficult, every wound he received he had to endure until the knight rested, or found someone willing to ease his pain. Kanen accepted this test as he did all things from Helm, with a stoic attitude knowing that he could only try to endure and prove himself. Whether he felt he deserved to be tested in this way, or even knowing why, did not matter.
So Kanen had come to the gravesite of Faramir Otarch in Jiyyd. The gravestone said he had been a Paladin of Helm, and a defender of the place. The young Paladin thought this a good place to pray and to meditate, in the area of where a brother Paladin and Helmite had been laid to rest. The cemetery sat on a high hill overlooking the town. There were many graves here, but the Paladin Faramir's gravesite was larger, and set apart a bit from the others, as a sign of honor, Kanen assumed.
As he kneeled in the darkness, praying again to Helm to restore his favor and blessing, Kanen heard a sound. The creaking sound of an old, unused door opening and closing, repeatedly. Kanen looked across the cemetery at the crypt. It was the door the crypt that was opening, and closing, over and over again. The knight slowly approached the door, watching it closely.
As he approached the door swung closed and stayed that way. Kanen opened the door and entered the dark and gloomy crypt. He noticed a man was standing in the darkness. The man, dressed in armor with a sheathed blade at his side then called Kanen by name, saying that he had been brought here, to be tested by Helm now, in this place. The dark man told Kanen that he would fail, that he would not survive this test. The dark figure then attacked the Paladin without further words, the only light in the tomb provided by Kanenâ€
s armor and helm. The duel was hard fought, both men exchanging numbing blows to the otherâ€
s blade and armor. The young Paladin prayed to Helm for the strength to survive this combat, and to emerge victorious, if it was indeed Helmâ€
s will that he do so. Finally he was able to strike a mortal wound at the figure, as it slumped to the ground and disappeared. Kanen quickly drank a potion of healing, while silently thanking Helm for His protection.
Another man came from the lower level of the crypt, his skin pale and seemingly lifeless. He told Kanen to follow him, that the test would be continued below. Kanen could sense the Evil radiating from this one, but felt that somehow this was only part of his trials. The Paladin quietly followed the figure, down the dusty stone stairway, to the metal door, and though it. The figure disappeared as Kanen now looked around the corridor, made of dark, dank stone blocks, the air fouled by the decay the crypt contained.
The Paladin now looked about and heard a voice speaking to him inside his head. The sultry female voice told him to come down the corridor, that she was waiting for him. Frowning, Kanen knew that voice…it haunted and tormented him at times in his nightmares. Kanen walked down the corridor and saw the succubus. The form of Justinia was dressed as he last remembered, in brief red armor that covered very little. She had a dark beauty about her, the Paladin knew, as his time with her replayed itself unbidden in his mind…how she had magically charmed and seduced him, and what had occurred between them.
She was laughing now, holding her arms out to the knight, making promises that he would not regret the decision, and couldnâ€
t she hold him just one more time…Kanen felt her attempting to draw him back under her dark power, as she had once before. Shaking his head, closing his eyes, Kanen thought instead of another woman, one who was of light and hair of spun gold in contrast to Justiniaâ€
s dark and forbidding presence. Kanen thought of Seven, her smile, the way she had looked at him, and her kiss. A smile slowly dawned on his face, as he realized this time, the power of the succubus had failed. He had remained strong and resisted her dark charms.
Scowling and hissing now, the succubus was not pleased that her seduction had failed. She cursed the Paladin, summoned another female demoness, and both succubi then attacked him. Kanen drew his sword and defended himself against their combined assault. The demons fought with an unholy strength and slowly wore the knight down. The Paladin was able to send one succubus away, cutting deep into her flesh, yet the one who appeared as Justinia took this opportunity to rake him across his back, cutting through armor and flesh alike. Kanen stumbled and fell to the stones. She told him to submit and that she would spare him. Raising his head, the Paladin refused, saying that he would rather be dead than the plaything of one such as her. Cursing the Paladin as a fool she moved to finish him…and disappeared, banished back from where she had came.
Slowly, painfully, the knight stood again, sliding up the wall to help him stand. He used the last of the potions of healing that he possessed to restore himself the best he could. Looking around and not sure where to proceed, Kanen turned on his heel and walked back towards the exit of the crypt.
And then there she was. Hair of gold, smile so bright, still dressed in the tight, crimson armor she had worn while under Devonâ€
s control…Seven. She claimed that she was the true Seven, that the other was some imposter posing as her. Thinking quickly, Kanen closed his eyes and concentrated…and felt a dark wrongness about this one claiming to be Seven. The woman now dropped to the stones, sobbing. She asked why he had killed her, how could he do that when he had claimed to care for her. Kanen only replied that he had done what was required by Duty, and that the true Seven knew this. Seeming to ignore him, Seven kept pleading with him to stop, to not kill her this time.
The Paladin felt his body moving on itâ€
s own, his sword arm extended as he slowly moved forward and impaled her on his blade, unable to control his own movements or actions. She screamed and cried, begging for him to stop, screaming over and over, as he watched her blood flow freely. Gritting his teeth, the Paladin prayed again for the strength to endure this grisly scene. She finally died and disappeared, leaving the knight gasping as he regained control of his actions. Only the dark pool of blood remained where she had been. Stepping over it, Kanen moved back towards the exit of the crypt, and saw that the exit was blocked by the shape of a man. The same dark guardian who he had first fought and killed when the Paladin had entered the crypt.
Smiling a dark smile, the dark guardian approached Kanen, sword drawn. He told the Paladin that he had done well during his tests, but then his smile became feral. The guardian told Kanen that he would, however, not be permitted to leave alive, as he was weak and undeserving of continued service to Helm. So the knight once again drew his sword and combat began. However, this time, the guardian moved much faster, avoiding Kanenâ€
s attacks, and struck much harder, tiring the Paladin quickly, and causing his blood to flow from many small wounds. The battle continued for some time, Kanen feeling himself grow weaker and weaker as the dark guardian only laughed and derided the Paladin all the while. Feeling he would soon fall, Kanen called once again on Helm to grant him the strength to defeat this opponent…and was answered. The Paladin felt his strength renew, as all his wounds closed and were healed.
Nodding to the Paladin, the guardian obviously was not surprised by this turn of events, but attacked again, redoubling his previous speed and skill. Kanen again found himself bloodied and beaten, leaning against the dank wall to remain standing. He was asked why did he continue, when he could not win. The Paladin replied that Helm would decide. He would either grant his servant victory over the guardian, or allow him to fall, but that his fate rested in Helmâ€
s hands. Pausing, the guardian asked Kanen what should be most important to a Paladin of Helm. Panting, attempting to regain his breath, the knight replied that Duty to Helm came first, doing whatever his Lord required, and that the protection and defense of those unable to defend themselves should be their goal.
The guardian lowed his blade and smiled at the bloodied Paladin. Kanen was told he had passed and may now leave, as Kanen felt his connection to Helm return, which felt to him as though the sun had suddenly come from behind dark clouds. Nodding, the Paladin wearily started to leave. The last thing the guardian told Kanen was to go to Seven and make sure she knew how he felt. Kanen turned to speak to the guardian, and looked onto an empty corridor. Smiling despite his wounds and pain, the Paladin made his way out of the crypt, down the hill and to the Inn, where he slept and prayed in thanks for the restoration of his powers and being allowed to call on the grace of Helm. Sleep finally took him and he rested quite peacefully that night, old nightmares perhaps put finally to rest.
Kanen entered the north gates of Norwick, having just made the long trek from Peltarch. The city had been very quiet, and Kanen was not wishing to be alone, his thoughts still on the events at Devon's keep. So he had come south to the town of Norwick, looking for familiar faces, or perhaps even someone who might need his assistance, something to help him think of other things than the fact that they, and especially she…were gone.
Kanen entered the town, his eyes being drawn to the well as it was a common center of gathering for people, even for all it's wildness and danger. Sitting at the base of the well was a man. The man had white hair and almost colorless skin, wearing plate armor. Kanen stopped in his tracks as he immediately recognized who the man was. It was Steele Zweiander, his friend and brother Paladin. Yet Steele had been slain in Devon's keep, along with Jade and Seven...and yet here he was.
Steele sat, head down, a flower, a rose actually, Kanen noticed, in his friend's hands. Kanen slowly approached the man, and sat quietly next to him, looking closely at Steele, but moving slowly, worried that he might scare him off if he didn't take things slowly, for some reason. Quietly, but with feeling, Kanen greeted his friend. Steele looked up, saw and recognized Kanen, nodded and continued staring at the rose in his hand. Kanen started asking the questions that were burning within him. When had Steele arrived? How did he get here? How did he feel and what did he remember?. Steele responded to each question as they were asked. He had but recently arrived back in Norwick after waking along the road in Thay, south of Devon's former keep.
He knew he could have traveled south to Wresthaven and his father, or north back to Narfell and his friends. He had traveled here. His eyes full of pain on the question of what did he remember, Steele responded he remembered everything that had occurred, in fact he said he had memories from Caleb, Jade, Devon, and Seven mixed in with his own. Around this time Wilhelm approached the two knights as they sat talking quietly by the well. Steele looked at Wilhelm and said that Wil had been right all along to not trust him, and asked how could he bear to stand to look at him now after all that happened. Wilhelm only sadly smiled and told the young knight that he knew and realized that Steele had been under the control of another, and that all was forgiven, for whatever needed to be, but both Kanen and Wilhelm insisted to Steele that he realize that none of his actions had been his fault. When asked about Seven and Jade, Steele only replied he had seen neither of them, only awoke and headed north to Norwick, speaking to no one.
Kanen asked Steele if he had yet attempted to pray to Torm to see if he was forgiven by his Lord. Steele replied that he had been afraid to do so. Kanen insisted that Steele should, and soon, as this would be the truest sign that Steele was not responsible for his actions if Torm accepted his prayers and allowed him his Paladin powers. After some discussion, Kanen finally was able to convince Steele to agree to go to the Friar's and retire for the night, and promised that he would attempt to pray to Torm. Steele retired for the night, and Kanen headed back to Peltarch, having new hope that if Steele could return, that perhaps Seven and Jade would be able as well.
The next day was a bright and sunny morning. Kanen was traveling through the Nars, heading to to Jiyyd to pick up some medical supplies. Suddenly, Seven's falcon gave a cry, leapt into the air and started flying directly south. The Paladin tried to call the bird back, but to no avail, it continued on it's path south. Somewhat puzzled, but with a dawning hope, Kanen followed the messenger falcon. He trailed further and further behind it, but tried to keep the bird in view. From what he could see, the falcon went down somewhere in the town of Norwick, as Kanen hurried to catch up.
Almost out of breath, Kanen entered the north gates of Norwick and looked around for the falcon, and for whatever reason caused it come here on it's own. Then he saw her. The falcon had landed on her arm, and she was focused on giving the loyal bird some scraps of meat. She stood just south of the well. She wore her silver plate armor, hair golden, and a small bright smile on her face as she watched the falcon feed. Kanen was shocked and overjoyed at once, Seven Ecksetter~Dai had returned.
They somewhat awkwardly greeted each other, each unsure of how the other felt or what they were thinking. Kanen suggested they go to a place where they could talk privately, Seven agreed and they went to the Friar's, going upstairs so that they could talk undisturbed. Kanen started to speak once they had entered the upstairs hall, but Seven turned toward him and told him that she wanted him to say he forgave her for what had happened. Kanen asked her what she remembered during her being under control of Devon, Seven responded that she remembered everything, and again asked Kanen to say whether he forgave her or not, her eyes pleading. So Kanen said that he did. That he forgave everything she had said, or done to hurt him.
Hearing these words, Seven seemed relieved for a moment, but then tears began flowing from her eyes, down her face. His own eyes brimming with tears at seeing her pain, Kanen reached out to Seven. She fell into his arms, sobbing. Kanen gently held the woman. His heart was both overjoyed at holding her again, and yet also grieving for her pain that she was obviously going through. She was apparently trying to come to terms with her actions while under Devon's foul control, remembering all she had done while being unable to stop herself.
They stood together in the hall for a time, Kanen gently speaking to Seven, telling her that her actions were not her fault. The Paladin held her closely, stroking her hair. After a time, Seven looked up at Kanen, deeply into his eyes, stroking his face, and gently kissed him. Kanen wrapped his arms around her, and returned her kiss happily. Both of them smiling now, Seven slowly stood up on her own and moved back a bit from him.
Kanen looked at her, at her beauty and felt very lucky indeed that he was with her. Seven then told Kanen she wanted to give him a gift. Kanen watched as Seven took a knife from her pack and cut a lock of her own golden hair. She then braided it, along with a purple ribbon. Smiling she gave it to Kanen saying that it was a custom among her people to do so, blushing only slightly when Kanen asked what it actually meant.
Kanen then said the words that said how he truly felt about Seven. He had known it as soon as he saw her again at the well, and had felt it during the ordeal in Thay. Kanen told Seven that he loved her, but did not expect her to say anything further, he simply wanted her to know it. Seven smiled happily at the knight, as he gently kissed her nose.
Then Seven became more serious when she started talking about how she had come back. She said that she had awakened in the swamps south of Devon's keep, disoriented and scared. Seven spoke of how she saw many bright glowing lights in the near distance, and how she recognized one of them, somehow, as Jubei. She said she then saw a man who looked like Caleb gather the lights and move away into the distance.
Moving about, Seven said she spotted Steele, who seemed disoriented and a bit strange himself. For some reason, she decided to not approach him, but watched as he began to travel north, back to Narfell. Seven followed behind him, neither of them speaking or acknowledging the other. Finally she had followed him all the way back to Norwick, as she had originally followed him when she first came to the town, so many months ago. She also said that while she had been under Devon's control that Caleb had come to visit her a few times, telling her that her friends were coming for her, and she said that had helped a little.
When Kanen asked Seven if she knew anything about Jade, or her whereabouts, Seven said she did not. This was the only shadow for Kanen during this bright shining moment for him. Steele had returned. Seven had returned and both of them seemed ready to give their feelings another chance to grow. Hopefully Wilhelm would be seeing Jade soon. Then they would have achieved true victory in their quest.
A few days later, Kanen received word from a very happy Wilhelm. Kanen didn't know the details except one. Jade had returned to them as well. Their victory seemed complete.
As they moved through the hole in the wall the group entered a corridor. This corridor went some distance before opening onto a bridge over a deep pit. Standing before the bridge was a tall man dressed in full plate armor, his skin and hair almost colorless. It was their friend Steele Zweiander. He stood in their path, filled with Devon's purpose, his eyes hard and cold. They moved at him and cut him down as quickly as they could, not wishing to cause any more pain than what was needed. Again, the Holy sword could be heard almost singing as it cut deep into Steele's flesh. He too disappeared as he fell, leaving only his blood behind. Time was running short, the Paladin army could only hold the attention of Devon's forces at the north gate for so long, before they would return inside and look for the intruders in force.
The party moved with urgency, their steps rapid as they could feel the end approaching. Soon it would be decided. The question that remained was had they weakened Devon enough to allow a chance of victory. Running along the corridors, they finally encountered the last guardian. Her elven beauty disguising the lethal strength she possessed with the greatsword she casually now held before her. Although the group knew this, as they knew the woman blocking their path. Wilhelm's expression was blank, the pain only seen in his eyes, as he looked now at his love, Jade.
With his voice raw with pain Wil's only comment was that they should strike her down quickly. So the party moved against a dear friend yet again. Jade's movements were rapid and well practiced, and she seemed to smile as she dropped Wilhelm senseless to the floor. However, she could not withstand the onslaught of the others. It was Kanen's sword that again dealt the final blow, grimace on his face. Jade collapsed in a pool of blood..and disappeared as had the others. The group moved then to Wilhelm, healing him and helping him stand as he asked if Jade had been slain. Kanen only silently nodded. They continued on and found a door that led outside…onto an idealic, bright sunny day, on a hilly field of grass.
Cautiously, waiting for Devon to spring some final trap at any time. The group moved down the hillside....and found Devon, standing on cliff, his back to them, as he looked out onto the water far below. Slowly, the party moved in on this, their hated foe. The one who had brought such pain and agony to their lives, and to the lives of many who lived in this land. Devon the Red Wizard of Thay. Devon who had killed his own family and used their lifeforce to drive his power. Devon the beast who had forced the group to slay ones they cared most about.
He heard them coming, turned slowly, and seemd to be racked by a fit of coughing. The Devon they saw now seemed simply an old man. A man who had seen all his ambitions, his plans, his dreams fall into ruin. As they surrounded him, he looked absently from one to the other, not really seeming to care about his fate anymore. When questioned about their friends' souls, Devon merely shrugged saying that they had been released, he didn't have them anymore and knew nothing further.
Kanen looked down the Holy sword he wielded. It had the blood of Steele, Jade, and Seven mixed on it. He decided the sword needed at least one worthwhile death to it's name while he wielded it. Kanen strode up to Devon, sword raised. Devon asked if Kanen would be his executioner. Nodding slowly, Kanen drew back his blade, told Devon that he hoped Helm would have mercy on him as the young Paladin would not, and killed the wizard in a single strike, as the Holy blade sang a final time. The wizard simply crumpled and fell to the ground. Kanen dropped the blade to the ground, turned, and did not look back.
The friends looked one to the other, at the wondrous equipment they had been given for this quest, and all started stripping off the magic gear throwing it into a pile, as they donned the equipment they had come to Thay with. None of them wanted any more to do with the things they had used to kill their very own matter their value.
The band of friends stood around, hugging themselves and each other, only now slowly realizing that the nightmare was truly over. Yet their loss felt so keen. So much death, and the deaths of those they cared so much about. King Raleigh himself now found them, as with Devon's death, his army was apparently banished back to whatever infernal plane they had sprung from. He called them heroes, that it was a day of great victory. But that wasn't how it felt. Not at all.
They slowly left the cliff side, went back to the camp where it had all begun, and started to make their way sadly home. Each knew that they had removed a great evil, but the price had been very high. Now they could only hope that somehow, someway, their loved ones could somehow return. The trip home was made slowly, as no one was in any hurry to be anywhere, each wrapped in their personal thoughts and loss.
They entered a great hall of stone, in the center sat a large throne. Along the walls were a number of doors, all currently closed. Next to the throne sat a pile of books. Reginald looked through the books briefly and found a very interesting book. It seemed to be a book of written in a strange language, perhaps a book of spells. Reginald put the book in his pack. As the group looked around the room, looking to see what direction they should take next, the sounds of battle and death very clear in their ears.
The battle was raging outside the keep, and Kanen could only think of how many of his brother Paladin were dying while they searched.Then a door opened. A woman strode into the room. She was garbed in crimson armor that hugged her figure. She was beautiful. Her hair golden and a bright smile on her face, yet her eyes were distant and cold. Kanen, at first, was overjoyed to see her alive…but then he began to be filled with dread, recoiling at what Duty to Helm and the others would now require from him. Seven now challenged them. She said that she would deal with them, now. It suddenly dawned on Kanen that Devon was now casting what servants he had remaining at them, in desperation. He was using them to slow the group down so that his plans could be completed.
She could not win. They had superior gear and weapons of legend. Yet Seven was unable to see it, being under Devon's dark control. They moved in slowly on her, as she drew her bastard sword from her sheath, still smiling at them. The fight was intense and filled with conflicting emotions. They all wore the same grim look and they all attacked her at once, yet their eyes were filled with sadness. Seven was able to skillfully return their blows for a time, but they soon wore her down. Her shield was out of position, busy deflecting another blow when Kanen saw an opening. His mind recoiled but his arm and blade moved with practice and combat trained reflex, striking her hard, the Holy sword singing as it poured her blood on the floor. Now weakened, the group made short work of her, and watched her fall in a pool of blood with a final gasp...and she disappeared.
Yelling in anguish Kanen let the Holy sword drop from his hand, her blood still wet on it's blade, tears wet in his eyes. The Paladin dropped to his knees, removing his helm and burying his head in his hands. It was too much. Kanen was not a cold blooded killer. Killing women particularly bothered him. Recently there had been Salina, then Aspera, and now even Seven had died by his hand, or with his aid. All in the name of Duty to his Lord. Wilhelm tried to console Kanen. He reminded the Paladin that they had had no choice but that they had to continue on. Again, Kanen heard the sounds of the battle outside, the roar of unholy monsters slaughtering his brave brother Paladins, who would continue without fear until dead or victorious.
So Kanen picked up his helm, and the sword he now hated. As he lifted the blade from the floor, it once again shimmered with a Holy white light. Just then, Devon appeared in the center of the room. The group, full of anger and anguish at what actions he had forced on them, attacked him at once...and to his apparent shock they were able to wound him. It seemed that his power was lessoned with the death of those bonded to him. Devon again disappeared in a flash of light, but his blood was now on the floor, and on the sword in Kanen's hands.
They quickly searched the chamber and hall and found a single door leading out, it took them to the roof...where the group looked down into a scene of hellish war. Devon had many infernal and demonic forces arrayed before the front of his keep, these forces were killing brave Paladin left and right without mercy. Wilhelm looked down and called out that he could see King Raleigh among the forces, in a small knot of his highly trained and experienced personal guard, yet around them was a sea of bloody chaos. The ground was soaked in blood both fair and foul, as the combatants continued to slaughter one another. Kanen even saw a red dragon among Devon's forces. It had many wounds and was bleeding heavily, yet in it's enraged state the wyrm was cutting through the armored ranks as though they were paper dolls.
Looking about frantically, the party made their way across the roof and down into the inner keep where they found a hole blasted through one of the walls of the keep. They quickly entered the smoking hole, now hot on the wizard's tracks, each realizing that every moment that Devon lived, more innocent lives were being lost in the battle outside.
They approached the keep from the south, and found yet more undead waiting for them. They dispatched these and found the entrance into the wizard's lair..and entered. However, it was not walls of stone they found but an open grassy area. Here they met the feline animal companion of Caleb, Jarra. Jarra spoke greetings to the group, whom they had met in their 'dream journeys' before, and led them to a bridge that led from the cliff they were on to a another cliff in the distance. However, on the bridge stood a man dressed in all black, with cobalt blue eyes. Here stood Caleb. He was wielding a scythe that radiated a reddish hue, due to some magical properties of the weapon, and Jarra left the group with him.
Caleb told them that he would challenging Devon, to kill him once and for all. He asked Wilhelm to tell Jade, if they found a way to save her, that he loved her, that he always had. Caleb said he would never seen any of them again. Wilhelm promised he would tell her, and the group watched Caleb turn, cross over the bridge and move away into the darkness. The group followed far behind him and came to another door that they entered. On the other side of this door were a series of corridors.
Here they again met Yohan. Yohan told them that Caleb was now challenging Devon on the roof of the keep, and that they should not interfere with the duel. Yohan also used powerful magic to cause the group to be undetectable to Devon, so that they could observe the duel without Devon knowing. They made their way up a staircase onto the roof, just as the two brothers, Devon and Caleb were confronting each other. Caleb told Devon that he would no longer be his slave, that the time had come for Devon to die. Devon only cackled and told Caleb that he would die, and for Caleb to make the first move.
The wizard's duel began, as the group watched on in horror and awe. Vast, powerful magics were called up by both, each incantation more powerful than the last. The brothers were using summonings of great power, attacking each other's creature, and then, if victorious, attacking the opposing caster directly. Kanen had never seen anything like this duel. It both awed him and caused him an uneasiness to watch such raw displays of magical energies unleashed this way. Even Jarra, companion of Caleb came from below and attempted to aid his master, yet was quickly consumed in the unleashed magical energies. In the end, there could only be one result. Devon was born to the power he wielded, a natural talent able to call forth his magic with hardly conscious thought. Caleb was finally slain is a brilliant explosion of magical energies, as Devon laughed his dark laugh…and looked directly at the group. They attempted to attack Devon then, who merely called them fools, laughed and disappeared.
Kanen was stunned, as were the others by the looks on their faces. Caleb had failed, and Devon was victorious. Nothing had been changed, the wizard's plans continued unabated. As the group looked around the roof top, they noticed another staircase leading down. They quickly made their way down the stairs, went through another door...and walked into a nightmare. At first it seemed like a normal enough looking glade, filled with glowing, bouncing lights. But then Kanen began to hear...voices, they were barely discernable, yet with growing horror the Paladin realized the voices were coming from the lights!
These were the souls of those who Devon had trapped over the years. Here were voices crying for long lost loved ones, some crying in confusion, still not understanding their dark fate, some were simply silent. The group recoiled as the knowledge of what these lights were slowly dawned on them. Kanen began calling for Seven, thinking perhaps if she was dead, she still might be here...Wilhelm called out for Jade, looking for her, though both called out in vain.
Each member of the group was deeply affected by this, and they moved quickly through the glade, to get beyond the tormented voices, and perhaps find some way to free them. They made their way finally to another bridge. On this bridge was a vision of nightmare. It had glowing eyes, red skin, and stood taller than two men. It told them that it was the keeper of these souls, a Soul Demon. It also told the group that the only way they would go further into the keep was if they were dead...and attacked.
The group were prepared, and seemed eager to vent their frustrations at the treatment of these poor lost souls on the monster. The Holy sword seemed to sing as it cut deep into demon flesh, and Kanen swung again and again. They finally dispatched the foul beast, and made their way across the bridge to another platform, which was linked by another bridge to a distant cliff. However, before they could start across the second bridge, another Soul Demon appeared, laughing at them. And then another....and another. Soon the platform was filled with these foul beasts, and other creatures.
Combat began again, this time more desperate, the group were outnumbered and each faced more than one foe at a time. Kanen's sword was a blur of singing white light, striking out, blocking their counter attack, then thrusting again. Fire came screaming from the skies burning them all, and slowly the party weakened. Kara, Reginald, and Wilhelm fell to the ground, knocked unconscious or worse, Kanen couldn't tell. The demons surrounded him now, yet Kanen would not fall, he called out to his Lord, his force of will keeping him standing...yet even the will of a man has limits...and the Paladin felt his approaching, as he gasped for breath.
His lungs were nearly seared from the hellish heat around him, and he felt his strength reaching it's final reserves. Yet then, suddenly all the attackers screamed out at once and were destroyed themselves. Then a glowing, bouncing ball appeared. The ball of light caused each of the party to be healed with a wonderous display of magical power. The light was Yohan. Kanen drew a breath, and it was not filled with the agony of before, and he looked around at each of the others, all seemed well and whole again.
Yohan now led them across the bridge, and though a door in the wall beyond the bridge. The group now found themselves in another stone corridor, yet this one was blocked by a sheet of multi-colored light. Yohan told them to not move forward as passing through the curtain of light would kill them, and said he would clear the way. The glowing ball of light did...something and then disappeared. Yet the sheet of light remained. Taking it on himself, Kanen moved forward, saying as he was the strongest, he would attempt to pass through. He walked forward...and through safely. The group quickly moved further down the corridor and found a great open room.
What drew the attention of each of them though, was the obviously ancient black dragon that sat in the middle of the great room. "The dragon is the key" went through Kanen's mind again...obviously they needed something from this dragon, though it could easily kill them all if it wished. The group greeted the ancient wyrm who told them it's name was Elshara. They slowly realized the dragon was blind, and did not seem to wish to be hostile at all. When they told the dragon they only sought the destruction of Devon, and if Elshara knew of some hidden source of power, the dragon said it did not...yet Devon had trapped the dragon here, it was unable to leave.
In fact the dragon said that even for dragonkind it had lived long past it's time, and only wished to be death. Elshera sensed the presence of Kara and asked to make the fatal strike. Nodding, Kara stepped forward and struck the ancient beast between the eyes with her mace, and so the dragon was finally put to rest. As the dragon fell, they noticed a key that was around the dragon's neck. They took this key and continued on through the corridor beyond this room.
They came to a crossing corridor. A door to the right, that was locked, and the corridor continued to the left. The key fit the locked door, they entered, and moved down another corridor that led to what was obviously a prison cell. Inside the cell was a man dressed in dark robes, surrounded by walls of light, as Kanen remembered that Seven had been, in that dream journey where her soul had been taken from her.
The man said that his name was Eli, and that he had been the teacher of Devon. That Devon had stolen his spellbook, and had trapped him here, using his power, draining it from his former master. When asked how they could release him, the ancient mage laughed darkly. He only wished for the release of death. Reginald asked if this is what would be required for each of Devon's servants, to which the mage replied that yes, each of those who were bonded to Devon must be slain to end the link between them.
When they hesitated, Devon's former master sneered at them saying how he had once been a great necromancer, steeped in dark knowledge and had killed more people than he could even remember. Nodding, Kanen stepped forward with the Holy sword and said that he would put the necromancy to rest, and swung the blade. It almost sang as it cut deep into the heart of the wizard, as he slumped and fell over dead.
Then the group went back out into the corridor, back the way they had come and took the other hallway. It led to some stairs leading up. However, before they could open this door, Yohan appeared again as a ball of bouncing white light. He told them that he too must die, to further weaken Devon and further sever the link that allowed Devon to draw his power. Sadly, they did so, attacking the light which flared and was extinguished at last. Kara seemed the most upset, as Yohan had over time tried to help her deal with Devon's attacks and had helped them all when he could.
As the group moved up the stairs and opened the door, they now heard the sounds of battle that was going on outside the walls. Kanen heard many death screams and raucous sounds of a huge battle. In alarm, Kanen realized each scream was a brother Paladin meeting his end at the dark forces of Devon and called from them all to hurry, as each second was precious, the battle would soon be decided, and they still had to find a way to defeat the evil wizard.
It began with terrible news. It seemed some of the other Red Wizards of Thay had not been pleased with Devon and his plans. They had struck at Devon's elite unit of minotaurs from the skies, obliterating the elite unit…and it seemed, the woman who had led them. Seven was believed to be dead, slain in the attack. This black news had been brought to Kanen by Sir Maduin, who had come to collect them at last, for their journey to Thay.
Sir Maduin had horses ready, and fresh horses along the way, to speed their journey. So the group mounted and rode hard, as time was slipping away, Devon's plans were almost complete. Kanen, Wilhelm, Kara, and Reginald. This was the band. They had been unable to contact Hugh before the time to leave had come. They would have to be enough. Along the way, Kara had spoken with Kanen, telling him not to give up hope, that Seven still might live, and the paladin refused to believe that she was gone forever.
The journey had taken a few days. Their steeds were swift, and changed for fresh regularly along the way. Finally, they had arrived at the encampment, met by forces of House Zweiander, the Royal House. They were challenged and met by the brave soldiers, who seemed to be very grateful that the group had come. It seemed this was a sign of how bleak things were, that the hopes of the troops were bolstered that the ones from Narfell had arrived, slim chance of victory that they actually represented.
King Raleigh himself had met with the group. He was tall, regal grey haired man of obvious strength and wisdom. He looked at each member of the band, almost seeming to look through them, judging them in some way. When the King had looked directly at Kanen, Kanen had felt something, a measurement of himself being made, and the king seemed satisfied with what he found, and moved on. He thanked them again for coming, for willing to risk themselves to save a people so far removed from their own. When Kanen asked of any sign of Seven, King Raleigh shook he head saying no further sign had been heard of her, or of his own son for that matter, as the the pain the king felt, showed briefly on his face.
King Raleigh then laid out the plan. He informed the group that they were now south of Devon's keep, although close. He spoke of how a vast army of Paladin would be striking Devon's keep in a frontal assault from the north, an assault doomed to failure. Yet their sacrifice was for a reason. An entrance had been found near where they were now, along the southern face of Devon's keep, and through this they were to enter, and find a way into the heart of the wizard's fortress. There were only rumors that Devon had some item, some thing that was the source of his power. This would have to be found and destroyed, and soon.
The king began to leave, but then turned and told the group that he had gathered magical items together for this one purpose. That he had found weapons, armor, and other items that were the finest that could be found, to give them some chance of victory. This news was unexpected but welcome for the group. The king then turned and left, wishing that Torm be with them, as Kanen returned with his hope that Helm would guard them all in this time of peril.
The king had not lied when he said the items were the finest in the lands. Full plate armor of amazing power was brought forward for Kanen and Kara. When donning this armor, Kanen felt stronger and hardier than he ever had before, like a hero of old. The suit formed itself to his frame, seeming much lighter than any armor he had ever worn before. Also a helm and shield, both of great magical power were brought to both Kara and Kanen. Wilhelm and Reginald also seemed very pleased with the armor and clothing brought to them, though Kanen was unsure of what properties they contained, as he stared again at the ancient armor he now wore, feeling very strong, indeed.
Then he given a magical sword encased in a golden sheath. Holding the sheath, Kanen drew the sword, almost fell to the ground as he felt the power of the blade. A white light played up and down the blade as he grasped it, and Kanen now knew he held a true Holy blade in his hand. A sword of Righteous power. A weapon of legend. Awestruck, the young Paladin swung the longsword about, marveling at the perfect balance, how it truly felt like an extension of his hand, and of his will.
Each member received weapons of great power, but again, Kanen didn't notice many details, mesmorized by the weapon he now wielded in his hand. Kanen knelt on the ground and thanked his Lord Helm for allowing him to be tested here, and for supplying such tools of legend to aid them in their quest.
Kanen felt imbued with Holy might. He was now truly a weapon of Helm. With these weapons, with this armor, with the gods themselves favoring their quest, they would now attempt to stop Devon and hopefully free their friends. Saying a few final words to each other, the group headed north, led by a guide of House Zweiander.
As they approached the southern outskirts of Devon's keep, the group encountered groups of minotaurs. Yet the group were able to cut through the bull men. They had all heard stories from the other soldiers how the minotaurs had savaged many Paladin. Kanen took an almost feral glee in slaying each of the beasts as they approached him. Each of the group had success against the beasts, and as they worked as a team, they slowly made their way northward. First through the ranks of minotaurs, then through almost numberless throngs of undead.
The group started to pass a crypt when Kara seemed to hear a voice. It was Yohan, the mysterious voice who sometimes had helped Kara, though one time servant of Devon. He wanted them to enter the crypt for some reason. Slowly they moved, clearing the way of the hordes of undead, but finally were able to enter the mausoleum. Inside they found animated statues of metal, which they had to fight and destroy, before they reached a large open room.
In the room was a raised dais. On the dais was a glowing ball of light. The light began to speak...the light was Yohan himself. Yohan told them of how the 'man in black was the answer' and how 'the dragon was the key'. Yohan told them that they must continue on and make their way into Devon's keep, but that he would be with them when needed. The group then made their way back out of the crypt, and continued north, searching for the entrance to Devon's keep. This is where the real battle would begin.
Deep within the Alliance headquarters, in his private room, Kanen sat. He was sharpening his sword and making sure his armor, helm, and shield were well oiled. Each day now, he spent hours in prayer to his Lord Helm. Praying for the strength and wisdom that he would need when the time came. Keeping his mind and body pure, keeping his mind and will focused on his goal. Kanen would see Steele, Jade, and Seven restored to their former lives. He would see Devon defeated. He would see these things or would spend his last breath in attempting to make them so.
In the last few days Kanen believed he had received a sign from his Lord. Helm had seen fit to grant the young paladin more strength, a stronger bond with his Lord, and even the gift of being able to call more on Helm's divine power when Kanen needed it. When Kanen thought of this, he smiled, but with his head bowed. Smiling that his Lord had found favor in him, but bowing his head as this additional strength would mean more responsibility for him. Kanen took this as a sign from Helm that He knew the paladin would have great need very soon, and that Helm would allow him victory in this quest.
And a quest it was. A great holy quest. A quest to end the tyranny of a mad wizard who would be a god. A quest to restore a land savaged by the wizard and his forces. And a quest to restore his friends to themselves, that they would no longer be used as pawns by the mad wizard.
Friends. Kanen would have been lying to himself if he claimed he only felt as friends toward Seven. The journal entry sent from Sir Maduin Escatur, that he had recently received played in his mind again and again. That a woman of such uncommon beauty and grace could care and have such feelings for a thick headed, clumsy man such as he…. Kanen smiled happily at the thought, allowing himself a few moments to think of her, and how he hoped they could come together and find a way to put all the bad that had happened behind them, and move together into the future, two warriors of faith, side by side.
Turning his mind back to his preperations, Kanen continued to sharpen his blade, and to pray, and to wait. Kara, Wilhelm, and Reginald had all agreed to acompany him in this quest. Only Hugh remained needing to be contacted before the party was complete. The time would be soon. They would be ready. They would find a way to defeat the wizard. They would return their friends...Helm willing.
((OOC - Okay, NOW I see why you wanted me to log in Kara instead of Tindra. :shock: ))
He stood in the darkness, outside the south west gate of Peltarch. Kanen was with his long time friends Fishel, Adam, Lucia, and a new friend named Orock. The friends spoke of striking out against the evil around them, perhaps trying again to free the homestead from the lizard men or perhaps challenging the giants and learn more about where they were coming from and the number of their forces. A part of Kanen's mind realized that he was continuing to throw himself against more and more difficult foes in a attempt to deal his frustrations in another matter, that by striking at a foe that he could see, he could try to cope with not being able to harm a foe that had remained unseen.
Just then, two more of Kanen's friends, Jenna and Robyn arrived from the south, saying that they needed to speak to Kanen alone about something they had learned in the crypt in Jiyyd. Kanen was about to reply to them when a young boy ran up to him with a note. Absently, Kanen gave a few coins to the boy and sent him on his way, as he opened the note.
The note was from a 'Sir Maduin Escatur', Kanen read. Thinking a moment, the name meant nothing to him, he could not ever remembering hearing that name before. Reading further, the note said that Sir Escatur was in the gypsy camp, and was requesting to speak with Kanen, about…
Kanen blinked and reread the note, but still it spoke of wanting to speak to him about information concerning Seven Ecksetter-Dai and the Paladin Steele Zweiander.His friends noticed that Kanen seemed bothered by the note and asked it's contents. He only replied that it was personal, not wanting to involve others in the web of evil that the wizard Devon spun about himself. Devon would trap any who learned of his plots, and punish and torment any who thought they could alter them.
So the somber paladin listened while Robyn and Jenna told of what they had found in the crypt in Jiyyd, of a grey wizard who was searching for a book on necromancy. It seemed both had hoped this information might help Kanen with whatever they saw continued to trouble him so. Thanking them both, his mind already planning the short journey ahead, Kanen told all his companions that he had personal business that he had to attend to and must now leave. Moving quickly, he made his way through the Nars Pass to the gypsy camp.
Now the paladin moved cautiously, sensing for any nearby evil presence, mentally preparing himself for any ambush. Kanen moved slowly into the camp, scanning the gypsies around him, yet saw no sign of anything amiss. The only person who looked out of place was a dark haired dwarf who was sitting near the fire, yet also seemed to be looking Kanen's way as though waiting for something, or someone.
So, Kanen walked up to the dwarf and greeted him. The dwarf seemed to be glad to see Kanen, chuckling affably and explained that he was indeed Maduin Escatur, and that he wished to speak to Kanen privately concerning what was in the note. The paladin quietly followed the dwarf, and they both made their way to an abandoned tent and went inside.
Sir Maduin explained that he was from the paladin Order of Zweiander, and had been sent by Steele's father, the king. The dwarf spoke in a friendly way, but of how things were faring poorly in southern Thay for he and his king, of how Steele had recently disappeared without a trace. Sir Maduin also spoke of something very strange.
An elite unit of Minotaurs had been wreaking great havok with sound militiary tactics and discipline. He also spoke of the woman who led these Minotaurs, an apparent military strategist and tactician of some skill and ability. He said how this unit had been very successful against his king's forces. He also related how they had finally been able to strike back at this unit of minotaurs, attacking their camp and forcing the woman to flee. However, the woman had left behind a book, a diary actually.
Sir Maduin finally said the diary apparently had belonged to a Seven Ecksetter-Dai.Kanen sat heavily, bowing his head, thinking of how Devon must be laughing to use a woman who only served the Law and Goodness in such an evil fashion, yet another reason Devon had to be defeated, and soon. Seeing the young paladin's distress, Sir Maduin stopped a moment, passing a waterskin to Kanen, who drank from it and returned it. The dwarf said that the diary had spoken of her father, of a man named Jubei, and of Kanen himself. Sir Maduin now said that the reason why he had come all this way was both in tracking Seven, and to find those in Narfell who knew of Devon's foul plot. Ones that Steele had talked about, and who were mentioned in Seven's diary.
Finally Sir Maduin laid out the plan that his king had crafted. A plan that was very risky, and that would require great sacrifice. This plan called for a great frontal assault on Devon's keep, where it was thought a huge army of undead were being summoned or created. This assault would be of a vast force of paladins, yet their attack was a sacrifice that would be a diversion for the real attack. A small force would be magically transported into Devon's keep. This force would search for some way to stop the wizard's plans, and hopefully find a way to kill the wizard.
The people being asked to comprise this force were Kanen, Wilhelm, Kara, Hugh, and Reginald. Each person though, had to make this choice knowing that they may well not return. Kanen told Sir Maduin that he would contact each of these, his friends, to see if they were willing to go off to their likely deaths in order to stop Devon and hopefully somehow save Steele, Jade, and Seven. Kanen also added that if no one else was willing, he would go alone, if needed as he had sworn to see Devon fall and have the three restored to themselves, or die in the attempt. Again chuckling affably, the dwarf complimented Kanen on his dedication and willingness to die for his friends.
Now after a few questions Kanen decided to trust Sir Maduin with the knowledge of the 'dream journeys' that he, Kara, and Wil and been having, of how he had seen Devon take Seven's soul there, and of how Devon spoke of having Seven, Jade, and even Steele under his control. The dwarf paled at this news, saying that he needed to return to his king to give him this information, as quickly as possible. Finally, Kanen asked when they would know it was time to set out for Thay, on this mission that would probably leave them all dead, and the dwarf cryptically replied that they would know when the time had come.
Saying their farewells, both men parted. Sir Manduin headed back to his king with both having successfully having contacted Kanen and through him, Steele's friends, and the dire information on the fate of Steele and the other two. Kanen left, now searching for each of his friends, trying to determine what words to use, how he could tell them that they were needed on a mission against Devon that would probably end up a fool's quest. Frowning, Kanen dismissed such thoughts. Helm would see him and his friends to victory, or not. Kanen could only be ready to do His will, whether that would be to defeat Devon, or die in the attempt.
Leaving the camp now, Kanen's thoughts turned back to Seven. Even if she could be restored, could she live with herself after learning what evil she had been part of? Would she and Kanen be able to look past all this, and remain friends? Or would it develop further as Kanen still hoped...yet these thoughts were inconsequential, the paladin realized. First, the party must be gathered, and they must prepare. Then they would strike. What happened after that, would take care of itself or no longer matter. The paladin left the gypsy camp far behind and continued out into the night, focusing on his new goal and mission.
Reviewed. XP Pending.
XP Given By Razare
((Dude….you have worse luck with women than Mel Gibson in the Lethal Weapon movies...his only died...if only you had it that easy. Heh.))
Later that evening, while traveling through the Nars, Kanen heard the cry of a familiar bird and saw Seven's messenger falcon, as it landed roughly near him. The bird was bleeding and obviously injured. After spending some time getting the bird to trust him through it's pain, Kanen laid his hands on the falcon and healed it. What he noticed next was that there was no message attached to the bird…and it didn't seem to wish to fly away. Kanen allowed the falcon to perch on his armored shoulder, as he continued through the Nars, now quite worried about it's master, and what fate was now befalling her...and them all.
The evening had began at the Boar's Head. Kanen was eating a quiet meal at a table in the corner of the inn. He heard many voices, much laughter, some of the voices familiar, some not, yet didn't really listen to anything that was being said. His thoughts and prayers were of what he would need to say when he would be meeting Seven…later this evening.
He was so engrossed with his thoughts that he didn't even see Jenna Joydancer until she was standing right next to him at his table, smiling her almost ever present smile and Kanen realized, she seemed to be asking him what was wrong. Kanen marveled at times how Jenna could always stay so up-beat and boisterous. She seemed to sense bad moods from a distance, as if seeing some signal, and she would work to change that as she could. She and Adam made a good couple, Kanen thought. This evening, her attempts at humor and wit were lost on Kanen, however. Seeing this, she turned more serious asking what was wrong, but Kanen simply continued to reply that he could not tell her, because by telling her, it could put her at the same risks that he himself and his friends faced. Finally realizing she would get nowhere with the paladin, Jenna left, saying that if he needed to talk she was there...Kanen only nodded in reply.
Kanen finished his now cold meal and left the bar. As he looked around the town, he saw many happy, smiling faces. There was a festival being planned within the next couple of weeks, many seemed to be good spirits because of this. Kanen strode through the town quietly, finally setting himself down at a bench by the well, now waiting for Seven to arrive.
Praying silently yet again for the wisdom to know what to say and how to say it, Kanen waited with both dread and anticipation. Soon, Seven entered the north gates, dressed in her silver plate armor from her journey. Kanen quietly watched as she came and sat down next to him on the bench, and noticed her bright smile. Forcing a smile that he didn't really feel, he greeted her, saying that they needed to talk about a very important matter. Her smile slowly faded and she agreed. They decided to go to the Friar's where they could have some privacy from the noisy town. Seven led the way and Kanen followed. Men watched as Seven passed, seeing her beauty, though she seemed not to notice.
They entered the Friar's and went upstairs to a private room, where they could speak without fear of interruption. Kanen began, telling Seven perhaps she should sit down, yet Seven replied that she needed to get out of her armor, as it was uncomfortable, asking Kanen to turn around so that she could. Somewhat abashed, Kanen agreed, turned and looked at the wall as he heard her movements, as she removed her armor. Staring at the wall, Kanen noticed that her silhouette could be seen on the wall, and he saw her shadow leaning over, stepping out of her heavy armor, before he closed his eyes.
After she had finished changing, she sat on the stool and Kanen turned again to look at her. She was beautiful, he saw yet again, as he looked down at her. She was sitting, looking somewhat nervously up at him. Kanen sat himself down next to her, looking into her eyes. He asked her how she had felt. She told him of how she had not been well the past few days, that she was always cold and could not seem to get warm, as she then shivered. Kanen drew a cloak from his pack and settled it on her shoulders. He then reached for and took her hand in his, as he looked into her eyes, as though searching for something...or the lack of something.
Kanen finally told Seven of what had transpired in the 'dream realm', how he had watched in horror as Devon had removed Seven's soul while he had been forced to watch, he told her also of how Steele and Jade had been so foully robbed as well. At first she seemed frightened, squeezing Kanen's hand as he tearfully told her the details, yet slowly, she seemed to become more and more Kanen. She stood up and told him to stop saying such lies, asking why he wanted to hurt her now. Kanen only replied that he was telling the truth, as he always did, being a Paladin. Kanen tried to move to hold Seven, yet she pushed him away.
Seven became more heated and suddenly Kanen felt a burning on his cheek, as the woman had slapped him hard, telling him to stop saying such things, that he had been tricked somehow, that he didn't know what he was talking about. Seven then opened the door, seemingly to leave, as Kanen continued to try to make her see reason, saying that what he said was truth, but that he would see her...and the others, restored or die in the attempt. Seven seemed to become more angry when Kanen suggested they find Kara or Wilhelm to confirm what Kanen was claiming, as she picked up the candelabra in the corner swinging it and throwing it across the hall. Kanen, trying to stay out of the range of her swing, stepped back and stumbled on the carpet, and fell heavily.
Kanen slowly stood back up, as Seven looked at him, her eyes somewhat strange, as she told him this conversation had never happened, just as what he claimed had never happened. Kanen called to her yet she then left, leaving him standing in the hall, alone again with his thoughts, his emotions left in turmoil as a single tear slid down his cheek. Once again, Kanen vowed to Helm that Devon would pay. Seven, Jade, and Steele would be restored or Kanen would die trying....he could not continue to live with this pain. He would, however, continue until any opportunity showed itself to save Seven and the others, no matter the risk to his own life.
The man walked through the graveyard, slowly striding to the entrance to the crypt. Saying a prayer to his Lord, he opened the door and confidently walked down the steps into the house of the dead. The fetid stench of rotting and rotted flesh no longer caused him to feel as though he would gag…like it had that first time.
The shining light from his armor showed him a few zombies as he entered the main chamber, but they were soon cut down without causing him to even breath hard. He remembered his first sight of them, that night long ago now. While he had felt no fear then, he remembered feeling the wrongness of their existence and remembered her explaining how best to send them back to their rest, her voice clear and strong and her faith unwavering.
Forcing his thoughts back to the present, he made his way deeper into the crypts, killing what zombies or rotting skeletons animated with unholy life that stood in his way with practiced efficiency. He made his way to the steps that led to the lower level, again remembering her warning words to never travel past this point alone. He smiled wryly now at her words as he continued down the stairs into the depths of the crypt.
Now the combat began for real. He encountered more zombies, but also foul clerics of some forgotten god, animated beyond death. Also there were mages whose lust for power had only gained them this existence of undeath. No single one of them were any match for the armored man, his sword swinging back and forth, cutting them down with practice and ease, yet he could not block every strike, and some spells were able to burn him slightly before he could destroy the caster. The undead mob slowly drained him of strength, their cuts shallow...but many.
Breathing hard now, the armored man continued his practiced movements, slowly killing all in his path, though now with obvious effort. Once or twice he had even been frozen by dark magic for a few moments, unable to stop the slow but steady attacks against him, as the living dead continued to claw at him, opening more shallow wounds. In the back of his mind there was a thought "Why didn't he just..." shaking his head, he forced the unwanted thought back and continued to force his way forward, though the mass of animated rotted flesh.
Finally, he looked around and saw only bodies and pieces of bodies lying around him. His wounds were many, yet each only bleeding little and not noticed at all by the man. Breathing hard, his sword arm now heavy, he continued to the gate to the main chamber.
Through the gate he could feel them, a small army of deathless minions, their hatred of him and their evil radiating from them in waves. Again, a voice in the back of his mind tried to bring the wounds to his concious attention, trying to remind him that he had healing and should use it or..., but again the man shook his head violently, and unlocked the gate to the main chamber and strode in, wading into the deathless throng, sword swinging, a humorless smile on his lips behind his helm. There was now undead with foul poisonous vapors emanating from them mixed into the small army surging against him, and he again remembered her warnings to stay away from these, as their poison could weaken a warrior quickly.
Straining, struggling, the man made it into the main chamber, now surrounded on all sides by the undead masses, some moving slowly, some grinning at him with faceless grins, all wanting only to end his life, to take from him what they would never have again, and perhaps to feed on his flesh. He swung his blade as fast as he could, using his shield to block what blows he could, yet he knew the end was soon. His strength was almost gone, and his blood was making the floor slippery to stand on, as his vision seemed to be dimming. Now the voice from before was screaming for him to act, that it was almost too late, but perhaps not...
At the very edge of death, the man dropped his sword to the floor of the crypt, as it could not save him now. Almost fighting himself he instead grabbed the symbol of his Lord, and held it in his hand. As his knees began to weaken from the pain and exhaustion from all he had endured, he looked up to the ceiling of the crypt, yet not seeing it. In a voice loud and clear, and filled with power he cried "IN THE NAME OF HELM I ABJURE THEE!" Suddenly, the house of the dead was filled with a holy light, suddenly the dead knew dread and fear and hopelessness as their bodies were turned to dust from the power of the man's faith in his Lord, as he now dropped to his knees in the cloying dusty air. Muttering a quiet prayer the man finally healed himself, at least enough to stop his many wounds from bleeding freely, he slowly stood back up, his head bowed as he shook.
Kanen slowly made his way to the steps that led up to the Norwick family coffins and urns and sat heavily, still shaking from the effort and more. He placed his head in his hands, looking at nothing, only thinking of what had brought him here, had brought him close to allowing the crypt to finally claim him.
She had given him the answer he had hoped for. Seven was willing to see what would happen between them. Kanen had been somewhat stunned, though happily, at her words as they sat together at the Mermaid. As he saw her smile, though, he saw some worry and trepidation in her eyes. He had vowed to himself he would prove to her that her new trust in him was well founded, and told her that they would move slowly, and see what happened, that there was no pressure and that he only wanted to see her happy, whatever it turned out to be to make her so. So they had later left the inn, each with duties to perform, off in separate directions, yet Kanen was very happy and hoped Seven felt the same.
Later that night, Kanen returned to the Mermaid, looked but didn't see Seven about so made his way to his room, and fell asleep soon in exhausted slumber, yet he would get no rest this night. Caleb had called to him, and Wilhelm was with him. Kanen and Wil soon found themselves in Caleb's 'dream realm' as the paladin thought of it, not the first time, but always an unsettling, though seemingly safe experience.
But not this time. This time, in Caleb's realm, they had to fight undead, and other creatures. They made their way into the place, when Kanen heard a sound filling him with dread, Seven yelling for help. Kanen and Wil had run to the edge of the cliff where Seven was seen being held trapped by some sort of magical light, yet they could find no way to release her. Finally Devon himself had appeared, and with Kanen unable to do anything to stop him had taken Seven's soul from her, laughing all the while. Devon explained that she would not realize this, as the paladin Steele did not, but that he had taken it from her, to further his own aims. Kanen had tried to attack the wizard, to no effect, and the dream turned nightmare had ended.
Hoping it had been a simple nightmare, Kanen had contacted Wil, but learned that Wil remembered everything he had...that what the paladin had hoped was his imagination had actually occurred.
So now here he was. Sitting at the bottom of the crypt, he had almost allowed his own life to be ended in his feelings of despair and hopelessness. Kanen knew he would be seeing Seven soon, and was at a loss to do about it. He didn't think she would know what had happened to her, but he was unsure of what to do...should he tell her? Should he act as if nothing was amiss and try to act the same with her as before? Whatever he decided, Kanen now knelt on the dusty floor, and vowed to Helm and himself that he would see her restored or die in the attempt, nothing would stop him except a final death.
Slowly, the paladin picked up his fallen sword, and made his way through the crypts and out, filled with his resolve and new hope. He would see her saved or he would be dead, either would be an answer he would accept.
Kanen that is an INCREDIBLE tale, certainly worth reading. Nice twists! You actually kissed that vampy?!
Didnt understand this part tho:
"Braeth then returned, saying that Jubei would now be hunted for his crimes of kidnapping, and attempted murder, which would probably end in his execution. On hearing this, Seven away calling Jubei's name. The three men then ran after her, but lost her after leaving the mine. Kanen walked woodenly now, listening to Wil argue with Braeth about not killing Jubei, or at least giving his remains to Wil after word"
Spelling error maybe?