Stories of Kanen Hightower
The evening had began at the Boar's Head. Kanen was eating a quiet meal at a table in the corner of the inn. He heard many voices, much laughter, some of the voices familiar, some not, yet didn't really listen to anything that was being said. His thoughts and prayers were of what he would need to say when he would be meeting Seven…later this evening.
He was so engrossed with his thoughts that he didn't even see Jenna Joydancer until she was standing right next to him at his table, smiling her almost ever present smile and Kanen realized, she seemed to be asking him what was wrong. Kanen marveled at times how Jenna could always stay so up-beat and boisterous. She seemed to sense bad moods from a distance, as if seeing some signal, and she would work to change that as she could. She and Adam made a good couple, Kanen thought. This evening, her attempts at humor and wit were lost on Kanen, however. Seeing this, she turned more serious asking what was wrong, but Kanen simply continued to reply that he could not tell her, because by telling her, it could put her at the same risks that he himself and his friends faced. Finally realizing she would get nowhere with the paladin, Jenna left, saying that if he needed to talk she was there...Kanen only nodded in reply.
Kanen finished his now cold meal and left the bar. As he looked around the town, he saw many happy, smiling faces. There was a festival being planned within the next couple of weeks, many seemed to be good spirits because of this. Kanen strode through the town quietly, finally setting himself down at a bench by the well, now waiting for Seven to arrive.
Praying silently yet again for the wisdom to know what to say and how to say it, Kanen waited with both dread and anticipation. Soon, Seven entered the north gates, dressed in her silver plate armor from her journey. Kanen quietly watched as she came and sat down next to him on the bench, and noticed her bright smile. Forcing a smile that he didn't really feel, he greeted her, saying that they needed to talk about a very important matter. Her smile slowly faded and she agreed. They decided to go to the Friar's where they could have some privacy from the noisy town. Seven led the way and Kanen followed. Men watched as Seven passed, seeing her beauty, though she seemed not to notice.
They entered the Friar's and went upstairs to a private room, where they could speak without fear of interruption. Kanen began, telling Seven perhaps she should sit down, yet Seven replied that she needed to get out of her armor, as it was uncomfortable, asking Kanen to turn around so that she could. Somewhat abashed, Kanen agreed, turned and looked at the wall as he heard her movements, as she removed her armor. Staring at the wall, Kanen noticed that her silhouette could be seen on the wall, and he saw her shadow leaning over, stepping out of her heavy armor, before he closed his eyes.
After she had finished changing, she sat on the stool and Kanen turned again to look at her. She was beautiful, he saw yet again, as he looked down at her. She was sitting, looking somewhat nervously up at him. Kanen sat himself down next to her, looking into her eyes. He asked her how she had felt. She told him of how she had not been well the past few days, that she was always cold and could not seem to get warm, as she then shivered. Kanen drew a cloak from his pack and settled it on her shoulders. He then reached for and took her hand in his, as he looked into her eyes, as though searching for something...or the lack of something.
Kanen finally told Seven of what had transpired in the 'dream realm', how he had watched in horror as Devon had removed Seven's soul while he had been forced to watch, he told her also of how Steele and Jade had been so foully robbed as well. At first she seemed frightened, squeezing Kanen's hand as he tearfully told her the details, yet slowly, she seemed to become more and more Kanen. She stood up and told him to stop saying such lies, asking why he wanted to hurt her now. Kanen only replied that he was telling the truth, as he always did, being a Paladin. Kanen tried to move to hold Seven, yet she pushed him away.
Seven became more heated and suddenly Kanen felt a burning on his cheek, as the woman had slapped him hard, telling him to stop saying such things, that he had been tricked somehow, that he didn't know what he was talking about. Seven then opened the door, seemingly to leave, as Kanen continued to try to make her see reason, saying that what he said was truth, but that he would see her...and the others, restored or die in the attempt. Seven seemed to become more angry when Kanen suggested they find Kara or Wilhelm to confirm what Kanen was claiming, as she picked up the candelabra in the corner swinging it and throwing it across the hall. Kanen, trying to stay out of the range of her swing, stepped back and stumbled on the carpet, and fell heavily.
Kanen slowly stood back up, as Seven looked at him, her eyes somewhat strange, as she told him this conversation had never happened, just as what he claimed had never happened. Kanen called to her yet she then left, leaving him standing in the hall, alone again with his thoughts, his emotions left in turmoil as a single tear slid down his cheek. Once again, Kanen vowed to Helm that Devon would pay. Seven, Jade, and Steele would be restored or Kanen would die trying....he could not continue to live with this pain. He would, however, continue until any opportunity showed itself to save Seven and the others, no matter the risk to his own life.
The man walked through the graveyard, slowly striding to the entrance to the crypt. Saying a prayer to his Lord, he opened the door and confidently walked down the steps into the house of the dead. The fetid stench of rotting and rotted flesh no longer caused him to feel as though he would gag…like it had that first time.
The shining light from his armor showed him a few zombies as he entered the main chamber, but they were soon cut down without causing him to even breath hard. He remembered his first sight of them, that night long ago now. While he had felt no fear then, he remembered feeling the wrongness of their existence and remembered her explaining how best to send them back to their rest, her voice clear and strong and her faith unwavering.
Forcing his thoughts back to the present, he made his way deeper into the crypts, killing what zombies or rotting skeletons animated with unholy life that stood in his way with practiced efficiency. He made his way to the steps that led to the lower level, again remembering her warning words to never travel past this point alone. He smiled wryly now at her words as he continued down the stairs into the depths of the crypt.
Now the combat began for real. He encountered more zombies, but also foul clerics of some forgotten god, animated beyond death. Also there were mages whose lust for power had only gained them this existence of undeath. No single one of them were any match for the armored man, his sword swinging back and forth, cutting them down with practice and ease, yet he could not block every strike, and some spells were able to burn him slightly before he could destroy the caster. The undead mob slowly drained him of strength, their cuts shallow...but many.
Breathing hard now, the armored man continued his practiced movements, slowly killing all in his path, though now with obvious effort. Once or twice he had even been frozen by dark magic for a few moments, unable to stop the slow but steady attacks against him, as the living dead continued to claw at him, opening more shallow wounds. In the back of his mind there was a thought "Why didn't he just..." shaking his head, he forced the unwanted thought back and continued to force his way forward, though the mass of animated rotted flesh.
Finally, he looked around and saw only bodies and pieces of bodies lying around him. His wounds were many, yet each only bleeding little and not noticed at all by the man. Breathing hard, his sword arm now heavy, he continued to the gate to the main chamber.
Through the gate he could feel them, a small army of deathless minions, their hatred of him and their evil radiating from them in waves. Again, a voice in the back of his mind tried to bring the wounds to his concious attention, trying to remind him that he had healing and should use it or..., but again the man shook his head violently, and unlocked the gate to the main chamber and strode in, wading into the deathless throng, sword swinging, a humorless smile on his lips behind his helm. There was now undead with foul poisonous vapors emanating from them mixed into the small army surging against him, and he again remembered her warnings to stay away from these, as their poison could weaken a warrior quickly.
Straining, struggling, the man made it into the main chamber, now surrounded on all sides by the undead masses, some moving slowly, some grinning at him with faceless grins, all wanting only to end his life, to take from him what they would never have again, and perhaps to feed on his flesh. He swung his blade as fast as he could, using his shield to block what blows he could, yet he knew the end was soon. His strength was almost gone, and his blood was making the floor slippery to stand on, as his vision seemed to be dimming. Now the voice from before was screaming for him to act, that it was almost too late, but perhaps not...
At the very edge of death, the man dropped his sword to the floor of the crypt, as it could not save him now. Almost fighting himself he instead grabbed the symbol of his Lord, and held it in his hand. As his knees began to weaken from the pain and exhaustion from all he had endured, he looked up to the ceiling of the crypt, yet not seeing it. In a voice loud and clear, and filled with power he cried "IN THE NAME OF HELM I ABJURE THEE!" Suddenly, the house of the dead was filled with a holy light, suddenly the dead knew dread and fear and hopelessness as their bodies were turned to dust from the power of the man's faith in his Lord, as he now dropped to his knees in the cloying dusty air. Muttering a quiet prayer the man finally healed himself, at least enough to stop his many wounds from bleeding freely, he slowly stood back up, his head bowed as he shook.
Kanen slowly made his way to the steps that led up to the Norwick family coffins and urns and sat heavily, still shaking from the effort and more. He placed his head in his hands, looking at nothing, only thinking of what had brought him here, had brought him close to allowing the crypt to finally claim him.
She had given him the answer he had hoped for. Seven was willing to see what would happen between them. Kanen had been somewhat stunned, though happily, at her words as they sat together at the Mermaid. As he saw her smile, though, he saw some worry and trepidation in her eyes. He had vowed to himself he would prove to her that her new trust in him was well founded, and told her that they would move slowly, and see what happened, that there was no pressure and that he only wanted to see her happy, whatever it turned out to be to make her so. So they had later left the inn, each with duties to perform, off in separate directions, yet Kanen was very happy and hoped Seven felt the same.
Later that night, Kanen returned to the Mermaid, looked but didn't see Seven about so made his way to his room, and fell asleep soon in exhausted slumber, yet he would get no rest this night. Caleb had called to him, and Wilhelm was with him. Kanen and Wil soon found themselves in Caleb's 'dream realm' as the paladin thought of it, not the first time, but always an unsettling, though seemingly safe experience.
But not this time. This time, in Caleb's realm, they had to fight undead, and other creatures. They made their way into the place, when Kanen heard a sound filling him with dread, Seven yelling for help. Kanen and Wil had run to the edge of the cliff where Seven was seen being held trapped by some sort of magical light, yet they could find no way to release her. Finally Devon himself had appeared, and with Kanen unable to do anything to stop him had taken Seven's soul from her, laughing all the while. Devon explained that she would not realize this, as the paladin Steele did not, but that he had taken it from her, to further his own aims. Kanen had tried to attack the wizard, to no effect, and the dream turned nightmare had ended.
Hoping it had been a simple nightmare, Kanen had contacted Wil, but learned that Wil remembered everything he had...that what the paladin had hoped was his imagination had actually occurred.
So now here he was. Sitting at the bottom of the crypt, he had almost allowed his own life to be ended in his feelings of despair and hopelessness. Kanen knew he would be seeing Seven soon, and was at a loss to do about it. He didn't think she would know what had happened to her, but he was unsure of what to do...should he tell her? Should he act as if nothing was amiss and try to act the same with her as before? Whatever he decided, Kanen now knelt on the dusty floor, and vowed to Helm and himself that he would see her restored or die in the attempt, nothing would stop him except a final death.
Slowly, the paladin picked up his fallen sword, and made his way through the crypts and out, filled with his resolve and new hope. He would see her saved or he would be dead, either would be an answer he would accept.
Kanen that is an INCREDIBLE tale, certainly worth reading. Nice twists! You actually kissed that vampy?!
Didnt understand this part tho:
"Braeth then returned, saying that Jubei would now be hunted for his crimes of kidnapping, and attempted murder, which would probably end in his execution. On hearing this, Seven away calling Jubei's name. The three men then ran after her, but lost her after leaving the mine. Kanen walked woodenly now, listening to Wil argue with Braeth about not killing Jubei, or at least giving his remains to Wil after word"
Spelling error maybe?
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Reviewed. XP Pending.
Kanen looked at Salina, whose blood flowed freely from half a dozen wounds he had already inflicted, and looked into her eyes, her insane smile still pasted on her lips as blood poured through them, yet her rapier still raised in defense. With a final move, Kanen buried his sword into her heart and her body fell lifeless at his feet.
She had asked for this duel. Kanen had meditated and prayed on what his answer should be. He knew he should be able to easily defeat her, and barring some ambush, the outcome should be her death with little risk to himself. He weighed this fact of almost certain victory vs. the chance to remove an evil from the world, and being able to do it with honor and in the performance of his duty to Helm.
He had finally accepted, seeing the removal of her evil being the greatest priority. She was the prime suspect in the murder in Peltarch, and according to the bard Adam Bromley, she had threatened the life of the bard Meril, and had planned on killing him the next day. She had also openly admitted being a servant of Bane, Kanen remembered. In the end, there could have only been one choice, acceptance of her challenge.
Kanen had arrived in front of the Temple of Tyr with Patrick and Jorg as his seconds, wary for a trap, yet Salina stood alone. Others had also gathered, apparently wishing to witness the duel…or perhaps just wanting to see bloodshed. Kanen had offered repeatedly that she may withdraw the challenge, yet she would not. They had thought to have the duel there, in the streets of Peltarch, but Lucia, Kanen's friend and city guard, informed them that duels were not allowed on the city streets and to take it beyond the city walls.
So they did. The entire group of people went out the south east gate. Looking around Kanen saw Lucia, Adam, Braeth, Balin, Coin, his seconds Patrick and Jorg, and others. Kanen and Salina stood facing each other, after each prayed to their respective deities. Donning his helm, shield and sword in hand, Kanen approached Salina. Salina stood in her leather armor, rapier drawn, with that grin that spoke of dark hidden knowledge. "Salina, may you have eternal rest" Kanen spoke from behind his helm. Salina answered "There is no rest for one such as me." The Paladin raised his blade as each saluted the other. Kanen said finally "Attack me then, if you wish to die this day." Salina replied "This day is as good as any other." and struck at Kanen, who easily parried, and the duel had begun.
Now with her lifeless body at his feet, her blood on his sword, Kanen prayed to Helm to thank him for the victory and to ask for Salina to have eternal rest. Yet, almost in mockery of this, her body suddenly disappeared, as a foul and evil sense was in the air. A voice in his head seemed to be thanking him for something, but Kanen shook his head and the voice was gone.
Kanen cleaned his blade, Lucia had offered oil and stone to allow him to properly treat the blade, and he and Lucia had gone back into the city. The crowd slowly broke up, arguing about what exactly they had witnessed. Lucia needed to make her rounds as city guard, and Kanen, his emotions and thoughts in turmoil had decided to acompany her, his expression a stony mask and his movements somewhat wooden.
Walking along the streets of Peltarch, Lucia said to Kanen, looking at him in concern "You broke no laws in your duel. Are you okay?" Kanen replied without emotion "I did my duty. I did what needed to be done. I will bear this burden as Helm has willed." Kanen thought back, now long ago, on his first duel, with the dragon spawn, and how then, too, he had felt a burden from killing Darkrune, even though that death had been deserved as well.
Lucia had been gone for a month, gone back to her village and had but recently returned, so Kanen made himself tell his friend of what news there were since she had left, and he had listened as Lucia told of her trip back home, slowly getting his mind away from the events that had been put in motion before him, that had led to his killing a woman.
They walked the streets of Peltarch for some time, without incident. Finally, Lucia needed to return to the guard outpost and Kanen turned to Lucia and thanked her for her helping him once again, as she always seemed to do, with his problems and helping him work through them. Then the knight left Peltarch, as Lucia went into the guard house, and went south. Kanen thought perhaps by helping those in Norwick, he could more easily get past the regret of being forced by duty and her own wishes to kill Salina. As he left the city, Celest, a healer, asked to join him, as she needed escort to Norwick. Nodding in agreement, Kanen headed south, Celest behind him.
Moving south, nearing to where the road to Jiyyd began, Kanen heard the sound of bows and suddenly there were arrows being shot into the ground around him...but not normal arrows, these arrows were of fire and of ice. Looking up to see the source of these missles, a flaming arrow sunk into Kanen's thigh. Hissing in pain, Kanen continued south, telling Celest to move quickly, just as she took an arrow of ice to her shoulder. They ran into some young ones moving north. Both groups seemed to have already realized there was a new menace as each warned the other to beware.
The arrows of the archers began to rain down on them, each arrow capable of doing considerable damage if not out right death, Kanen ordered all to head south, which they slowly did. They fought bandits along the way, yet were able to make their way almost within visual distance of Norwick when more archers struck from the flank. Kanen ordered all to continue south, yet another group was also now heading north.
Kanen saw the young adventurers Figan, Falcon, and Robyn and others. Telling them to turn and run back to town, they fought their way south, yet Robyn was struck repeatedly by the same archer and fell to the dusty road, quickly bleeding to death. Kanen tried to make his way to the young girl in time, but his healing power that he was allowed had been used for this day, and as he reached for healing herbs and bandages, the life left the young girl's body. Yelling her name, Kanen roughly picked up her body and threw it over his shoulder, now moving slowly but steadily back to town. Falcon was yelling something to him about carrying, but Kanen had no time. Yelling over his shoulder for someone to get her things, he carried her body south. All of them, seeing Robyn dead, fled with him south, back to the town gates.
As he approached the gates, Kanen saw Jenna and others. Jenna asked whose body he carried and Kanen told her. The group made their way into town and to the Friar's. Kanen laid the dead girl's body down and began asking Kia to bring her back...that she was a young girl who didn't deserve to die like this. Kia agreed and soon Robyn was alive again, running into the arms of Falcon. Smiling quietly, Kanen thanked Kia, and started to think of resting for the night, when someone ran into the Friar's saying the town was under attack by the bandits now! Sighing, Kanen drew back on his helm, picked up his shield and went to the north gate to see more archers, bandits in plate armor, and other bandits all outside of the north gate, already in melee with the town's defenders.
With a silent prayer to Helm, Kanen joined them, and looking about saw the small but powerful Pip was there, as well. The Paladin was glad to see Pip, as most of the other defenders seemed quite young and inexperienced. Some fell dead, others were wounded badly, yet finally they were able to drive the bandits away.
Collapsing now against the town wall, Kanen thought on the events of the day, and was glad Helm had led him to the town in time to aid it, and the burden of Salina's death seemed to have eased somewhat. His Lord might require acts Kanen did not wish to perform, but He also allowed him the strength and power to be able to assist in the defense of the town, saving innocent lives and protecting the town Kanen still considered his real home. The Paladin relaxed at last, knowing he had done his Duty this day.
The rain was pouring down. The darkness was broken only by brief flashes of lightning, the sound of the thunder rolling across the skies was the only sound to break his movements as Kanen headed north to follow the trail of the bard Adam Bromley who had almost demanded his assistance shortly before, at the inn, where Kanen had been talking with Seven. Apologizing to Seven, Kanen left and had followed after the bard, who had already left and was seen running fast back north.
Musing to himself at the humor of a bard ordering a paladin to do anything, Kanen almost didn't notice the person ahead. A man was traveling south, as Kanen was moving north. Squinting in the rain, Kanen tried to see if he knew this man. He did. It was Jubei.
Jubei had not yet recognized Kanen, as Kanen wore a full helm. Kanen spoke the man's name aloud, barely above a whisper "Jubei." The knight felt the conflicting emotions on seeing his former enemy and even rival. Jubei gave a simple greeting to the man moving north, not recognizing Kanen. Kanen removed his helm slowly, letting the rain beat down on his head.
Eyes widening a bit, Jubei now knew who approached him and replied with "Kanen". The two man looked at one another for a time, each appraising the other, waiting for some sign that would decide how this meeting would end. Kanen finally broke the silence with a sigh saying "Jubei, I am not hunting you. Last I heard you were released from Norwick's jail". Instead of replying, however, Jubei looked past Kanen, to another figure approaching. The figure of Seven was stopped some distance behind Kanen, seemingly frozen in watching the scene between Kanen and Jubei.
While Kanen was distracted, Jubei started to move off the road, and put some distance between himself and the paladin. He now had open ground behind him, and seemed ready to take off at almost any moment. As Kanen turned back to Jubei, now noticing his movements Jubei said simply "Kanen, I do not want to fight you". Kanen replied with "I am not challenging you, Jubei". Putting aside his personal feelings toward Jubei, Kanen knew he had no real reason to duel the killer, Jubei wasn't even of evil, as far as Kanen had ever sensed.
Kanen looked back and forth between Jubei and Seven, not sure what her reaction would be to Jubei's presence. Seven walked toward and past Kanen, putting herself between the two men, and looked back and forth between them. Finally Kanen asked "Seven, what is going on here?" Seven looked at Jubei, was bleeding some from a wound that Kanen hadn't noticed before, and healed him.
Jubei's next words shocked Kanen even more than Seven healing the killer instead of attacking him. Quietly in a subdued voice Jubei simply said "Thank you master." Kanen was now quite confused and wondering just what was going on here. Turning toward Kanen, but speaking over her shoulder, Seven spoke an obvious command for Jubei to leave them. Jubei hesitated only a moment, before complying. Seven looked down at the ground instead of looking directly at Kanen and said "Kanen, this is not how it appears. I need you to trust me about this. I will explain to you at another time." Kanen, though concered, realized he had no reason to doubt Seven as she had never given him one, and said as much. Seven now looked in Kanen's eyes and thanked him, seemingly relieved that he would, and that he was not pressing for an explanation now.
After saying their goodbyes, Kanen continued north, though turned and watched as Seven followed in the direction Jubei had gone. Firmly resetting his helm, Kanen turned and continued north, and thought of another night that had seemed to end in a similar way, yet he had been wrong then. This time he would trust.
It had been weeks now since Cila had finally admitted that everything had occurred between them had been a lie. Each day had gotten a bit easier, as he moved on with his life. It had seemed it would be impossible at first, but with prayer and meditation he had found the strength he needed.
One thought, one name, would not leave his mind, no matter much he tried to put it behind him. Seven. He had thought at first this was simply his wanting to forget about Cila and think about someone else, but each day, he thought of Seven more and more. Finally one day, thinking she would quickly make it clear that she rather not spend time with him, Kanen contacted Seven, and they had dinner, and it had been a very nice evening. Seven told him more about her childhood, her family, and her life before coming to Norwick. They parted that evening on friendly terms, with no hostility that Kanen had almost expected would come up.
Days later, Kanen again contacted Seven asking to see her. He was quite excited, almost bursting with happiness and was proud of the new armor the Order had received from Killthorn, and of the news of what was occurring at the temple of Tyr. Seven seemed very happy for Kanen and they spoke about the Order for a bit before Seven became quiet. And asked the question. The question that Kanen hoped would not come up, not yet, but she asked. She wanted to know what his intentions were…towards her.
Kanen slowly admitted that he felt something for Seven, something made stronger for the fact that the decision he had made concerning Seven and Cila had been manipulated by Cila, he had been played as a fool. He reminded Seven that even while he was with Cila, he had sworn to protect Seven and Kara from Devon, and swore to give his life if necessary. So they spoke of this at some length, again Kanen waited for Seven to simply say no, and he had even told her that was all she had to do, to say leave her alone and he would...but she did not. Instead they seemed to come to an agreement that they would spend some time together, and see what happened. Perhaps it would simply strengthen their friendship, perhaps more. Only time would tell.
Well done mate. You put Alannia's response much more eloquently than I managed to!
Well done Kanen, it is nice to see the pain I inflict upon you is working well
Ah, who says being evil is boring…though I must say Cila played a class act.... very nasty.
((OOC on))
Glad you posted this. I was really curious OOC why Kanen was so down last night. Too bad my character just doesn't give a damn anymore.
The fact that you wandered to the temple of Tyr intrigues me though…
Every day, each day, for weeks now he had searched for her. The gypsy camp, Norwick, Jiyyd, Peltarch, and all the surrounding areas he daily searched, always to no avail….she seemed gone. Kanen remembered their last conversation, where he had told Cila of how he had learned of threats against his life, and how he thought they should at least consider separating, to keep her from facing the risks he now faced. Her reply had been to say she wanted time to think about what she thought...but that had been weeks ago.
The tent she used while staying at the camp had been missing for some time now. Kanen had even searched the graveyard and any bodies he found, hoping then that he didn't find her...which he had not. So, this day, like many other days before it, Kanen entered the gypsy camp, his eyes tracking those he saw, yet seeing no one he knew as he entered the main campfire area.
Then, there she was. Sitting with her back to him, along with Coin and a girl that Kanen did not know. Walking up to Cila, with a mixture of anger and relief at seeing her safe, he greeted her simply. Cila looked up at him, her face seeming without emotion and told the knight that they needed to talk Keeping his frustration and worry in check, he simply nodded and Kanen and Cila walked away from the campfire, to a quiet corner of the camp.
Once alone, Kanen began with feeling "Cila...where have you been?!? I've searched everywhere for you, you left no word or message..I have been worried sick!" Cila had her back to Kanen as she seemed to ignore his words with her own reply, "Kanen, I find I have no further use for you. You asked if we should separate, my answer is yes. The risk being with you is now too great." Kanen dropped to the ground from where he stood, his mouth open in shock and disbelief.
With effort he managed to ask "What..what do you mean no further use for me? If you think we need to separate that is fine, but why do you speak like this? " Cila slowly turned, her face a haughty, cruel mask that Kanen had never seen before. Sighing, Cila replied "Kanen. You have been so gullible. While Vinessa lived I told her of my plan to get close to you, she seemed to think it a good idea." Her voice going hard, yet never looking directly at him, she added, "But with Vinessa's death I still decided to use you..for protection...although I've never been the fragile, emotional woman you thought I was. You were a tool I used for my purposes."
Reeling inside, Kanen slowly stood. Cila, watching him with her face a cold mask added "I wish I could speak with Vinessa now, tell her of what I accomplished." Kanen forced out, his voice raw with emotion "I helped burn her body to you have now done to my heart". Cila looked at Kanen, and laughed. "Oh, does this hurt you Kanen? Did you really think I loved you?" she went on, her voice seeming full of dark humor, yet also with something else.
Steeling himself, Kanen said finally to Cila "I...I see. You've used me and are now done with me....even as fool such as I can understand that, when you make it so plain. I will trouble you never again, Cila." Kanen woodenly turned and moved away from Cila, as he heard her running away in the opposite direction.
Awash in his emotions, his soul feeling torn in two, the wounded knight left the gypsy camp. He moved without thought, his face a stony mask, ignoring all he passed, without any words spoken to them. At times a bandit appeared before him, and his years of training and combat experienced saved him, felling each opponent without conscious thought. He travelled north, without knowing why, and entered Peltarch. Kanen made his way past strangers and those he knew, who looked at the knight strangely, his face a stony mask, yet seeming pale and bloodless.
Kanen entered the temple of Tyr and then found a place and sat heavily. His mind seeming empty, simply staring at nothing. The priestess and her assistants saw him, but after looking at his eyes said nothing to him. For some time, Kanen only sat, unmoving barely showing any signs of life at all. Then the temple doors opened and in walked the leader of the Paladin Order Alannia Diams and behind her the young paladin Patrick.
Alannia and Patrick had heard strange stories of a man looking like Kanen, yet acting very strange, or with some illness or injury headed north. Kanen had said he would meet them at the gypsy camp, that they would travel to Peltarch together. At the camp, Alannia heard that Kanen and Cila seemed to have some sort of argument, yet no details. After traveling north to Peltarch, Alannia had asked around the city when they arrived and heard of a pale faced knight who had gone directly into the temple of Tyr some hours ago.
Alannia, seeing Kanen sitting in a dark corner of the near empty temple murmured to Patrick that he should leave them alone, that Alannia would speak to Kanen privately. Patrick nodded, and went back out the door of the temple, taking Rith who had just arrived and had tried unsuccessfully to speak with Kanen.
Softly, Alannia asked "Kanen..what happened? I've heard you and Cila had words..." Alannia's voice brought Kanen back, at least somewhat to his senses. He replied in monotone "Cila. She used me as a tool for her purposes. She spoke of having worked for Vinessa and that she never really cared for me...I have been nothing but a fool." Alannia closed her eyes in momentary shock at this revelation yet seemed to quickly recover, drawing on her own inner strength. "Kanen, then I too, am a fool. I've known Cila longer than anyone in Norwick, I considered her a close friend. You know I rooted for Cila when you came to me asking what you should do concerning Cila and Seven, who I never knew..." Kanen raised his head and looked at Alannia. "Seven....I hurt her and gave up what we might have had....for a lie. A lie from an actress playing a role..." Kanen buried his head in his hands, shaking.
Alannia seeing him thus, spoke sharply "Kanen, get up on your feet. Now." Slowly Kanen rose and stood before Alannia. Sighing Alannia now said "Kanen Hightower, you are the strongest of our Order, but if I see you waste another moment or tear on that woman, I will knock you flat." Kanen looked at Alannia in disbelief and said "What? What would you have me do? I need time..." Shaking her head firmly, Alannia returned "No. I want you to be the Paladin you are, not the wounded lover you seem to want to be."
Nodding slowly, Kanen answered "Alannia, you are right. However, I've found I know nothing of people or emotions. I've made my life a total mess, accusing innocent of things they had not done, hurting those that cared about me...from now on I will follow what you say. All of my theories and worries about certain people are probably false." Shaking her head again, Alannia said "Kanen, we will see about your theories. You must move on, and not let this cripple you, or you will be letting her win."
Looking around, Alannia now asked, why here? Why did you come to the temple of Tyr? Looking around at his surroundings, Kanen only shrugged, saying "I do not know. This is where my steps led me." Leading him by his arm, Alannia said "Kanen, let's go. We should leave and allow these people to their work" With a sigh Alannia added "I must leave. I have an appointment to keep that I cannot miss. Kanen listen to what I have told you, and do not let this stop you from being what you are."
Kanen only nodded, and slowly headed toward the piers. Alannia watched him, shaking her head and saying a quiet prayer for him, turned and left on her way to her appointment. Kanen walked out onto the docks, staring at the water, listening to the birds and water lapping against the shores, a prayer on his lips seeking strength in his time of need, that he might heal from this terrible wound, even though it had left no visible mark on him.
From somewhere, Kanen thought he heard the laughter of a woman, yet wasn't sure.
A man sits in a chair before a fireplace, the flames providing the light he uses to see the parchment before him in the early dawn hours, a sombre expression on his face. He writes for a while on the parchment, seems to pause in thought, then continues writing. This process continues for a few minutes until the man finally puts down the quill and silently reads the message a final time to himself. The message reads:
m headed north on Alliance council business, but wanted to give this information to you before I left. I will see you later this day or in the next few to discuss some very disturbing news I have received. I dare not write them down, yet I wanted to warn you to stay on guard at all times until we have a chance to speak. Evil is moving against us.
The other matter I wished to discuss with you is to let you know there is no longer reason to worry if there is some ‘foul geasâ€
placed on Cila. Although I am ashamed to admit it, a few days ago, I deceived Cila. I lied to her very face, saying that we needed to go to Norwick and to the Friarâ€
s because you had an important message for me.
Unbeknownst to Cila, I had previously arranged with the Friar to be waiting for us. I had told him the story of how I was concerned Cila was under a geas by the witch Aspera Chillwind, and he generously agreed to examine Cila and remove any foul magic he might find. I had warned him that Cila would not know that we were coming, as she did not wish to be examined by the Friar at all, she had made very clear to me.
We arrived, the Friar meeting us at the door, and after we both entered, the Friar locked the door, as he and I had both agreed to do, keeping Cila against her will. Once we had entered and pleasantly greeted each other, I then turned serious and told the Friar of my concerns, the Aspera Chillwind was now controlling Cila, through the power of a geas, and that I wanted to see it removed immediately. Cila became quite upset at this, and at me for the deception, yet my only reply was that I was doing what I had to do, as I would not see her as a puppet to a witch.
Friar Fred was very kindly toward Cila, asking her to please allow him to use a spell on her, that it would be like healing magic and wouldnâ€
t harm her at all. Cila replied she didnâ€
t wish any spell cast on her, as there was nothing wrong with her, and I was being foolish and perhaps not acting like myself lately.
The Friar, saying that he would try any way, due more to my status as a Paladin and defender of the town, and said he hoped Cila would understand. He then used a spell to remove any curses, something that Chaelvin had told me should remove any type of geas. I had spoken earlier to him, while I planned this act of deception against one who trusted and loved me. However, the Friar found no controlling magic on Cila at all, leaving me speechless…I had been so sure. I numbly thanked the Friar for his efforts, apologizing for troubling him, as Cila and I left in an awkward silence.
We left Norwick, beginning the journey back to Cilaâ€
s home at the gypsy camp. We stopped along the way to rest for the evening, barely a word passing between us. Finally I took Cilaâ€
s hands in mine and asked her if she was angry with me for lying to her so, which she said she was. But she added that she had already forgiven me, and we embraced. When I later asked her why she had at first claimed that some spell might be on her, she made me understand it was part of a plan Cila had to get closer to Chillwind to better keep an eye on her, which now of course makes sense.
While I will not be apologizing to the witch Chiillwind, it seems she did nothing to Cila at all. Cila and I then returned to the gypsy camp and put my lies and deception behind us…and yet I had told her before I would never lie to her. So much for the words of a paladin meaning truth. I canâ€
t remove all concern from my mind that something still might be wrong with Cila, though I have no idea what it could be. Her sleep is sometimes troubled, tossing and turning, and she seems to not really be fully rested in the morning. This could be simply her weakness from her recent death, yet something nags at me that it is something more.
I see now that while trying to follow my heart and be a man, I have caused much harm to others, ones I had tried to care for and protect. First Ana, I allowed myself to get too close to her, and now when she needs me most to give her final release from the twisted undead thing she has become, my heart has stayed my sword more than once. Then Seven. The pain and suffering I have caused such a shining light of Law and Good will always weigh on my soul, though I will not speak further of it. Now, Cila. In my pride I thought I could protect her from those who wished her harm, it was one of the things that drew me to her, her need of protection. Yet now I see I have opened her to attack from those that wish me ill will. What solution there is to this, I spend many hours in meditation and prayer on. I have yet to reach an answer. As you have gently hinted, I realize now I must be a Paladin first and a man second.
In atonement for my lies to Cila, I will be spending more time in the north wood, aiding those new ones who need it, supplying gear and healing as I can. I hope in these acts of charity to erase my sin of lying to one who only trusted and believed in me, but this will weigh on my soul as well.
See you soon my sister,
After nodding in acceptance of his words, the man then rose from the chair, taking the note and folding it and made his way to Alannia's door. He then slipped the note beneath the door. Kanen then left the Friar's and headed north, a stony expression on his face as he loosened the sword in his sheath as he exited the northen gates of Norwick.
Erm, well yes…
Now Seven, you have to admit this has made from some great RP
And if anyone is wondering, yes, all of my stories are based on events from in the game, with very little editing or scripting done before hand at all. "The Detour" happened just as I wrote it, with no before planning or scripting of any kind. It helps alot when you have the quality of RP talent that we have in Narfell, like Seven..and Cila
That's what keeps hooking me, being part of a living, breathing novel....very addictive and LOTS of fun
Oh and Aspera, you better find some deep, dark hole to hide in if I gain IC knowledge you are involved in this... :evil:
Nice read! You have a very good memory. :lol:
By the way: I still don't know why you would pass that up.
<– ::points to picture::
Wouldnt get too attatched to Cila Kanen…
You and her are both on my 'to do' list
((Sorry for the length on this one))
The sky was dark as the paladin moved cautiously down the Nars pass road. Grinning, Kanen knew he wasn't exactly moving silently or even quietly, his plate armor making noise at every step, but he attempted to keep it to a minimum, so he could only be heard from perhaps a few miles away, he thought in humor.
Kanen was going to meet Cila at the gypsy camp. They had planned spending some time together this evening, getting away from duty and responsibility for a while. Kanen smiled as he thought of Cila, her pale gentle beauty and her lovely singing voice, filling him with anticipation of being in her arms soon.
Then, just as he was about to leave the road and move cross country toward the gypsy camp, he heard the cry of a bird. The sound froze him in his tracks, and his thoughts of happiness left him as he realized what bird made such a cry. Thoughts of the bird's master and what it's master could need from him caused him to look up into the air, just as the hawk landed a few feet away, a message tied to it's leg. With some familiarity Kanen approached the bird, letting it sense him, and took the message carefully from the animal.
Opening it he read:
It's important that I meet with you. Please come to Jiydd.
SevenKanen quickly wrote a reply on the parchment saying he would be there as soon as he could, attached the message to the falcon. The bird lifted into the air, and flew away into the darkness, headed south.
Sighing, Kanen felt both disappointment in realizing he would be late in meeting with Cila, and filled with some guilt over his happiness with Cila when he thought of Seven. Also what could make Seven wish to see him? She must be truly desperate for help before she would turn to him. That was the main reason he had responded to the note as he did and now turned back onto the road and moved south, quicker now, less concerned about the noise he made than reaching Seven in time to be of any assistance to her. His thoughts about Seven were still somewhat confusing and muddled. Kanen had pledged himself to Cila, saying this to both women, yet Kanen still felt somewhat unsure about how he felt about Seven. He told himself it was simply thoughts of wishing that she would find someone that could make her happy, as a friend who cared for her would feel. He stopped trying to read his own feelings there, not wishing to find anything else.
A while later, breathing a bit heavily but still moving steadily, Kanen turned onto the road that would lead him to Jiyyd. He had encountered no bandits thus far, or any other travelers, but knew the road to Jiyyd was menaced by foul orcs. He quickly moved toward Jiydd, and encountered only a single orc raider that he made quick work of, wiped his blade on the orc's flank and continued down the road, soon seeing the walls of Jiydd.
Kanen entered the village and looked around, but saw no sign of Seven. He decided to check the inn, as the note didn't specify where in Jiydd she would be waiting, but the Regal Whore was the mostly likely meeting place. As he entered the smoke filled room, the murmur of conversation from the locals quieted for a second as the armored knight scanned the room. However it then quickly picked up again as they saw he was no immediate threat. Even though he checked each corner, Kanen saw no sign of Seven. Thinking of past events, and how Jubei had used Seven's falcon once, Kanen warily moved to a table back in the corner of the bar, sitting down. He put his back to the wall in case this was some trick or a trap meant to lure him here. He also made sure his blade was loose in its sheath and could be drawn quickly at need.
Just then, Seven entered the tavern. She was dressed all in black, looking very different than Kanen remembered first seeing her, in her golden armor that she used to wear. More than a few men's heads turned to look at her, yet she walked past them without a second glance, ignoring or unable to see how her beauty affected them. As Kanen looked at Seven he saw she did not look well, though. Her eyes were red and had a haunted look to them. She also looked quickly about as if worried about being followed. Kanen stood and motioned to Seven, who, seeing him, slowly moved toward the corner where he was, yet there was no smile or words of greeting from her. She simply sat down opposite of Kanen, as he also returned to his seat. Kanen felt some pain in looking at her, thinking of what they had been to each other, if only briefly, and how things might have been, had circumstances and feelings worked out differently.
As they both sat, an awkward silence began, Kanen waiting for Seven to say why she wished to meet with him, but apparently she was still fighting with herself on just what to say. So Kanen filled the silence, saying “Seven, I am sorry for how I broke the news to you about my decision between you and Cila. I could have used more tact. I am not a subtle man, but a warrior, yet I am sorry how I spoke to you of my decisionâ€. Seeming to ignore his words Seven said “I am being followed by someone, a woman. I have been having strange, terrifying nightmares and when I wake I find that the things in my room have been moved around, as though someone had been there while I slept. I had no one else I could talk to, so I asked for you to come meet me here.†The words obviously took effort from her, obviously uncomfortable with being with Kanen, and with needing his assistance for any reason.
“You are being followed probably by the wizard Devonâ€
s servant who calls herself ‘Alexâ€
â€, Kanen replied. “Seven, both you and Kara are in great danger. Kara and I agreed you should both be staying at a secure location, the Alliance outpost is pretty secure and contains a temple that should be safe from his power. Furthermore, I have sworn, as have others, to protect you and Kara from Devon, giving our lives if needed in safeguarding or rescuing you if it comes to that.†Seven remained quiet to these words, but seemed about to speak, when Kanen heard a voice across the room. A voice he knew and loathed, Jubei. Looking across the smoky room, Kanen saw Jubei, who had apparently just entered the Inn. Kanen glanced at Seven and saw she also had heard his voice as they both quickly stood and moved toward the entrance, where Jubei stood. As Jubei saw the two moving toward him, he quickly turned and fled out the door, and by the time Kanen and Seven had made their way across the tavern, and out the door, he was gone.
As Kanen stood outside the Inn, watching Seven look around for Jubei, he checked his armor and weapons and started thinking about leaving, as Seven may wish to continue to pursue Jubei, but Kanen simply wanted nothing to do with the killer. So Kanen started moving toward the west gate, ready to leave, having told Seven what he needed to, and having heard what Seven seemed to want to say to him. However, as he started to walk out the gate, preparing himself mentally for the journey that lay ahead, he heard Seven speak one word behind him. “Wait.†The word seemed to be spoken with barely-checked emotion. Kanen thought of acting as though he hadnâ€
t heard her and continuing out the gate, but instead he turned and looked as Seven stood behind him, her mask of indifference and aloofness now faltering. “Why? Why did you do this to me?†Seven asked in a trembling voice.
Lowering his head, Kanen replied with feeling, “Seven, I thought I was giving you want you wanted. You said you loved Jubei and so I considered myself in the way. The fact that Cila was there at that time was coincidence. I knew she cared for me from before, and I also cared for her, though we were together but briefly before she had disappeared for that time.†Seven spoke with hurt and feeling “You self righteous son of a bitch! I was being held captive and my life was being threatened! I said whatever I had to, to get out of that!†Kanen listened to her words, nodded slowly in thought and returned “But then after you were rescued, you went running after him, calling his name.†Kanen remembered how he had thought then, that after he and Wil had been able to rescue her, she hadnâ€
t been grateful or even said a kind word, instead running off calling for Jubei, Kanen remembered the pain he had felt then, thinking her running into Jubeiâ€
s arms, after her rescue…not much made sense from that night. “I never found Jubei, and wasnâ€
t looking for him…†Seven returned brokenly and ran away in tears. Kanen said simply “May Helm guard you, Seven†with sad feeling, knowing his presence could not console her. He then turned and moved out the west gate, moving quickly into the darkness.
Perhaps because he was distracted, his emotions in turmoil from his meeting with Seven, Kanen didnâ€
t notice the group of orcs ahead of him until hey had almost run into their midst. Fortunately, it seemed the last thing the orcs had expected as an armored knight to come running up to them as they were also slow to react. Skidding to a halt Kanen counted five opponents before him. Muttering a prayer to Helm he moved forward and engaged them. Shortly later there were five orc corpses lying on the road, and Kanen was breathing in slight pain from a hit he had taken to the ribs from the last orc before he had dispatched it. However he said a prayer to Helm and the pain was then eased.
Just as he started to move down the road again, Kanen looked around and saw more orcs. In fact, they had him surrounded, ringed in steel and foul orc flesh. Apparently this group had heard the sounds of his battle with the others, but instead of rushing in, had moved to take up positions all around him, trapping him. He heard the orcs grunting to each other, yes this group seemed to have some training and discipline, which told Kanen that he was in serious danger, no simple threat of injury this time.
En masse, but as a unit, they slowly moved in on the paladin. Grunting and laughing they knew as well as he that his armor, shield and blade would probably not be enough against their strength and tactics. Now the fight began, each orc attacking in unison. Kanen blocked what attacks he could, and struck out when he saw an opening, but realized he could not stop the rapid fury of blows that were being rained down on him. Slam! An axe had connected solidly to the side of his helmet, blurred his vision, and caused his sight to dim a moment. Kanen knew if he didnâ€
t do something quickly he would fall here to these orcs on the dark road, with no one knowing his final resting place. So drawing from a strength within himself, asking Helm to aid his strike, he aimed a single blow at the orc that was between him and the short journey back to Jiyyd. The blow connected with the orcâ€
s head and continued down, splitting it in two. Surprised for a moment by this mighty strike the orcs paused for a moment, giving Kanen the time he needed to turn and flee back down the road, back to Jiyyd. He ignored the taste of blood in his mouth, and tried to focus his blurred eyesight on the road, as he heard the orcs give chase behind him. However once he reached sight of the town, he realized the foul creatures had given up their chase, at least for now, and he stumbled back into the town he had just left.
In fact, he almost stumbled into Seven, who was standing there at the gates. She was in shining silver armor, apparently preparing to make her own journey from the village. Kanen landed in a bloody and beaten pile almost at her feet. He was gasping for air as he removed his helmet and dropped his sword and shield to the ground, lying sprawled out, silently praising and thanking Helm for guarding him yet once more from certain death. Through his pain which he attempted to control by calming his thoughts, he now saw Seven standing near him, as he closed his eyes in exhaustion and pain.
“Does that hurt? I hope it does.†Seven said acidly. Spitting blood, Kanen returned tiredly “Yes, it hurts a great deal, actually.†As a battle priestess, Seven possessed the power to remove his injuries and pain, if she so wished, Kanen knew. But he would not ask this of her. Sighing, Seven spoke a prayer of healing over Kanen, removing his wounds and pain and turned away. Seven then said “My father is a general of a large army, thousands strong. He is always strong and has great power.†Looking down, Seven added “but I am weak like my mother. I was weak to ever get into this situation. I was weak to ever get involved with you. I was a fool.†Kanen looked up, still moving slowly but his pain now gone, slowly stood and said “Seven, you are not weak. You have strength and the faith you have in Torm is obviously strong.†Looking into the darkness, Kanen added “And you were not the fool. It seems I was. I should have told you how I felt about you much sooner, before Jubei came, perhaps things would have been different then. And I should not have believed you went running to him, but with Helm as my witness, that is what I believed Seven.†Kanen said with emotion. "A part of me died when you said you loved him" Kanen added with feeling. "All of me died when I learned you took up with that woman." Seven shot back.
“Do you know, Kanen Hightower, you were my first kiss?†Seven replied in bitterness. “My first kiss, and this is the memory I will have of it…†Her words caused Kanen to think briefly of his first innocent kiss with the druid Anabelle. And how, many days later, Ana had kissed him again while he stood frozen by her dark power, his own blood in her mouth, after she had been cursed, forever changed into a foul vampire. Kanen knew about lost innocence and losing those close to you. It seemed the price of having power and strength, a price he had paid many times in service to Helm, and would do again as his Lord required.
Returning to the present, Kanen again looked at Seven, who returned his gaze with a face showing no emotion. “Yes I was a fool…†Seven began, but Kanen interrupted with “then we both were fools, Seven. Please consider staying at the Alliance outpost for your safety. I will stay away from there for awhile if that means youâ€
ll be safe.†Seven merely nodded and started to turn away. Kanen gathered his sword and shield from the ground and prepared to leave. They both walked away from the other without another word or glance. Kanen moved out the gate, this time healed and prepared for the orcs, and perhaps frustration and anger added to his ability to kill each of the orcs who had earlier hunted him. As Kanen moved once more down the road, he thought of how he would tell Cila about why he was late for their meeting, he would tell her the truth, of course, but worried about her reaction. It would not be unreasonable for her to get upset over why he was late and who he had met. Sighing, Kanen moved as quickly as he could down the path, to return to his original destination, the gypsy camp and Cila.
Well he had done it. He had broken it off with Seven, telling her of Cila and telling her he could not care for two women at once, and that he had chosen Cila. Seven, without another word, turned and walked away from him.
He was standing on a side street in Norwick, thunder threatening once again as it prepared to rain. Kanen hid the pain from his eyes as he had said these words to Seven, yet he truely felt he had no other choice. Seven had already stated she loved Jubei, and was most times very distant to Kanen, forcing him to draw her out of her shell to show that she cared. He wasn't sure even Seven knew what she wanted, but he was surprised she seemed so hurt by his words, he thought he was freeing her to pursue what she seemed to want…Jubei.
And Cila....Cila was the opposite of Seven. Where Seven was aloof and distant, Cila had become very close to Kanen, staying by his side with him when they were together, each talking and learning more of each other. Where Seven was guarded in her emotions and how she showed her affection, again Cila was opposite, showing how she felt openly and unabashed. Also where Seven was quite capable of defending herself against most threats, Cila seemed to need protection and someone to defend her, something else that drew Kanen to her.
Kanen thought of how he and Cila had gone to Peltarch that first day that the roads had been cleared and opened, and how they had ran as carefree as children from shop to shop, laughing and playing as they together discovered this new place, full of wonder and new discovery. Kanen also remembered how when he had first come with Cila to the Gypsy camp that she seemed very happy and at home there, dancing to the music that filled that place, laughing and full of life.
Seven had been away for some time travelling, without leaving word of her destination or how long she would be gone, causing Kanen to worry even with his knowledge he had chosen Cila. He had been both relieved and filled with sadness when he saw her return, glad she was safe, but sad knowing what he must tell her. Did he still have feelings for Seven? This was a question he didn't even ask himself, not wanting to know the answer.
After watching Seven walk away, Kanen saw her walk up to Jade, Wilhelm and other of their friends, and saw her collapse before the inn, crying. He started to move toward her, but realized he could not help her, only cause more pain with his presence, so he walked away.
Later, Kanen entered the Gypsy camp, finding Cila near a bonfire, sitting, her pale beauty reflected in the light from the fire. Kanen took Cila aside and explained who Seven had been (he had told her there was another he had cared for but not further details, which she had never asked), and what his decision had been. Cila let out a breath Kanen hadn't realized she had been holding and rushed into his arms, silencing his further words with a kiss.
OOC - Argh, this should have been the first story. I just found the old forums, since I didn't have this one as a word document. It's still my favorite
The rain fell from the sky in sheets. Kanen thought of it as the tears of the gods, weeping for the injustice and tragedy that occurred the previous day. He stood out in the muddy field where he had been forced to watch her fall, bound by chains stronger than steel from allowing to assist her in any way. The chains of Honor and Duty.
The scene replayed itself in his mind yet again, how Alannia had stood bravely with righteous might and power against the foul sorceress witch Aspera Chillwind. Kanen had stood at the side, along with many others, other friends of Alannia and some just onlookers glad for a break from boredom. Kanen had prayed and called upon Helm, his Lord to protect her, had entreated Helm to save his servant from the witch, yelling until his voice was raw…but it was to no avail.
The witch never seemed have been really injured at all. She struck Alannia with her foul magic over and over. The witch also had a demonic familiar who had dented and torn the armor of the fair paladin...and then tore at the flesh within the armor. Alannia did get a few strikes with her blade at the witch, causing her to bleed some, but then the witch, laughing, used her magic to disappear, and the familiar continued to strike at the paladin's back all the while, laughing with it's evil voice.
Kanen had then almost thrown it all away. Honor, Duty and his service to Helm. His blade was suddenly in his hand and he began to step out on the field, only wanting to thrust his steel into Chillwind's throat...but he stopped. He knew this was the last thing Alannia would want, she had made him swear upon his honor and paladinhood that he would not interfere...she had said she wanted him there, but only if he swore he would not involve himself in the duel. And if he did act now this would have only pleased the witch, even if he did kill her, because she would have caused the fall of two paladins...and one of her dark power would not stay among the dead long.
So instead he watched, Alannia's blood flowing freely now, her sword swings growing weaker and weaker as her life was being ripped from her. Finally, she stumbed, fell to one knee as the familiar continued to claw at her, and the witch's magic burned her again and again...and fell to the ground, speaking through the blood in her mouth that the witch had won the duel. But this was no simple duel of honor where mercy would be given to the one who first yielded, instead, the witch intensified her attack, howling that Alannia's soul was now hers, as that was the price of this duel.
Kanen then entered the field, his sword again in his hand, damning the witch with every foul curse he could think of, vowing that she would pay for this evil, he swore to Helm she would pay. Also, other friends of Alannia entered the field to end this slaughter and kill the witch for her evil.
Then as the witch warned Kanen that his time would come and remember he could not interfere, when Alannia should have been unable to move or even draw breath, the once fair and now torn and beaten paladin raised herself slowly up onto her knees, raising her hands to the heavens in one last plea to Helm to take her now, to not allow the witch to have her soul...and she disappeared.
Kanen turned to confront Chillwind about this, but the witch was gone as well....only Alannia's blood staining the field showed that anything had happened there, the crowd had then melted away, even friends slowly walked away, heads bowed at the tragedy that occurred.
His eyes regained focus, the replayed memory complete. Kanen was left with only questions. Why had Alannia agreed to this fateful duel? What was her final fate? Had Helm taken her home at the end? Did the witch now have the soul she had fought for? Or was Alannia being held prisoner, at the edge of death for some foul purpose? Kanen swore he would find the answers to these questions. If the fair paladin could be rescued or Returned from the dead, he would find some way to do so. If she had been destroyed forever in this battle, or if she had been granted a final protection from Helm, he would find a way to slay the witch, and find a way to make it the eternal damnation that she so justly deserved.
Kanen kneeled now, where he had watched her fall, and prayed for an answer on learning Alannia's final fate. And asked again why such injustice had been allowed? She had been both messenger and will of Helm...yet He had not protected her or allowed her victory.
While kneeling, Kanen took the helmet he carried from his bag, one very much like the one Alannia wore. He had polished it until it shown brightly the night before, and now placed it on the field, where Alannia had fallen.
Standing, Kanen made a final request that he be allowed to find and rescue her, or that she had found final peace. He turned and walked from the field then, the rain still pouring down, and reentered the North gate, and went to his room at the Friar's. Removing his armor, he collapsed into bed and slept heavily for the first time since the duel.
His dreams were filled with memories of the fair paladin at his side, destroying foul undead with the power of their faith, and how she had stood at his side against the dragon spawn. Mercifully, blackness finally took him.
"Jubei! I-I love you!" These were the words that went through Kanen's mind over and over again, and burned into his heart. He was almost back to town now, running hard, to try to tire his body so that sleep could take him away from the night's events.
Kanen had become quite close to the beautiful Seven, he had spent some time with her, both in combat and being together quietly alone, having a few moments from Duty, able to be simply a man. He had felt his feelings for her grow over the weeks, yet always he knew she shared her heart with another…the killer Jubei.
While he and Seven were together, he was happy, happier than he had ever been, yet when apart, his mind burned with the thoughts of Seven being with Jubei. She had freely admitted she was torn between the two men, and was unable to decide between them. To be fair, Seven was on a mission to keep Jubei under observation by Wil and Jade, yet Kanen knew, even without her telling him, that it was much more than that that kept her going to him, with more eagerness than simply wanted to fulfill her mission.
He had finally told Seven what agony he was in, how he was tortured when he thought of her and Jubei together, hoping against hope that she would finally decide who she wanted to be with...yet instead she went off running saying she would find a way to end this, one way or another, leaving Kanen standing alone in the darkness.
Sometime later, while meeting with Wil and Braeth to discuss the events of the attempt of Seven's life that occured a few days before, a messenger bird brought grim news: Jubei was holding Seven hostage. It stated if Kanen ever wanted to see her alive again, to bring only Wil to the mines. His eyes flashing with anger, Kanen attempted to remain calm while he, Wil and Braeth discussed their tactics. Although against the chance of their actions harming Seven, Kanen agreed to allow Braeth to follow them to the mine's entrance, and to only come if called.
They made their way quickly to the mine, Braeth hid among the foliage and Kanen and Wil quickly entered, Kanen's sword was drawn as he attempted to control his emotions, he could not allow his anger or a rash mistake cause the end of Seven's life. Wil followed with bow in hand.
Slowly they made their way through the deserted mine, carefully listening for any sound, when Kanen thought he heard the sound of a woman sobbing in the next room ahead. Slowly Kanen and Wil walked into the room to see the scene before them: Jubei stood angrily and defiant with both blades in his hand. One of these blades were at the throat of Seven, who was sitting bound and gagged, tied to a support beam. For a moment, Kanen gauged the distance between himself and Jubei, could he reach the man and remove his head before Jubei could slice her throat...but Kanen knew he could not. Jubei started demanding they bring Jade to him, 'a life for a life' as he said. Kanen replied with barely controlled emotion "You wish a life for a life? Then duel me now and we will see", yet Jubei was not so easily challenged or shaken from his goal. Jubei spoke of only wanting justice to be done, to see Jade dead for her crimes. The whole time the three men argued, Seven kept working at her bonds, but they were quiet secure. She also kept attempting to bite through her gag, having only small success.
"Then perhaps you should duel Jade, Jubei, to end this once and for all" were the words Wil spoke. Kanen noticed a quick flash of fear in Jubei's eyes at these words, yet quickly hidden. "You lie. She would not come. You only wish to save this woman." was his reply. "If you kill her, you will die here, by my blade." Kanen replied with barely controlled fury. Finally Seven was able to bite through her gag and with a voice full of emotion and fear cried "Jubei stop this! Please! I will find Jade, I will bring you to her!" Jubei responded by backhanding Seven telling her to shut up. A low growl came from Kanen's throat then, as he again fought to control his desire to see Jubei impaled on his sword, but again knew he could not cover the distance in time to keep Jubei from dealing Seven a killing wound.
"What of mercy, Jubei? You speak of Justice, but Justice must be tempored by mercy!" Wil stated with feeling. "Mercy? I know nothing of mercy." Jubei responded. "Jubei stop this! Jubei I-I love you!" Seven now sobbed. The words drove a blade into Kanen's heart then, as surely as if Jubei's blade might have done if they had dueled. It became difficult to follow the conversation then, since though standing still, Kanen was reeling with Seven's heartfelt admission to another.
"Here is mercy Jubei!" Wil shouted. "You have mercy bound behind you, she loves you for all you have done and you say you will kill her? You will not kill her." he said as he slowly moved towards Jubei. "You have won her love, Jubei, something I was not able" Kanen forced through his lips, trying to maintain some shred of control even now.
Jubei looked both anguished and confused, then quickly moved and struck at Wil, moving past him, before swallowing a potion of invisibility and fleeing the room. Then Braeth gave chase, but soon lost Jubei in the maze of tunnels.
Seven was sobbing now, as Wil and Kanen cut her bonds and helped her to stand. Kanen turned away from her, barely hearing anything going on in the room now, the words again echoing in his mind. Seven put her hand on Kanen's shoulder to turn him and said how sorry she was and she had said what she had to, yet Kanen could see the lie in her eyes, and only nodded.
Braeth then returned, saying that Jubei would now be hunted for his crimes of kidnapping, and attempted murder, which would probably end in his execution. On hearing this, Seven away calling Jubei's name. The three men then ran after her, but lost her after leaving the mine. Kanen walked woodenly now, listening to Wil argue with Braeth about not killing Jubei, or at least giving his remains to Wil after word.
"Goodbye, Seven" Kanen spoke softly into the night, yet heard by both Braeth and Wil. "Kanen, she was under great stress there, you cannot assume by her words then what she truely feels" Wil said. Kanen then turned to Wil and Braeth and with voice slightly breaking replied "She said it to him. While bound and beaten by his hand, she stated her love for him. I was only there to save her, to protect her from him, and did she say such to me, even after he had fled and she was released? No." Time will tell Kanen, Braeth then said trying to help his friend who was in such obvious pain. "I-I don't really wish to discuss this further. I am leaving you two now, I have much to think about" he softly said as he began his run back to town, filled with sadness as he was filled with worry on the way to the mines.
He ran as hard and as fast as he could, a bit of him hoping he would run off some ledge or onto some bandit's sword. By the time he reached Norwick, he was as tired physically as he was emotionally. He entered the gates, seeing it was still night, though so much had happened in this single night, and saw a campfire in one of the field's near the well. Without real conscious thought, he moved toward's the fire, seeking it's warmth and wanting only to end her voice echoing in his head over and over.
He noticed a form huddled there by the fire, a small woman, he first realized, as recognition finally allowed him to see who it was at this fire. Smiling despite his internal turmoil, he moved quickly to the person sitting by the fire, glad to see her after she had been gone for so long, indeed he had thought her moved on forever or possibly dead.
"Cila..." he said, as he moved to sit next to her by the fire. Cila raised her head and looked at him. Smiling she replied "Kanen, it is so good to see you...I am back and plan on staying here this time". Kanen sat next to her and stared into the fire, now able to quiet the voice in his head, at least some, with Cila's kind and caring presence and soft voice.