A warmachine in the silver valley

  • A furrow of dirt leads from the spot it was defeated to the Wyerspell estate. Something appears to have been dragged.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The Valley was attacked again, for what may have been the final time. The War Machine smashed about only to disappear and reappear again. After a few battles with the defenders present, it was eventually defeated with the aid of Lady Aspera.

    It turned out to be operated from within by a small gnome woman, who Lady Aspera then killed after a jointed interrogation effort with Merin Wyerspell and Mirkali Vragnovich, while Gears watched.

  • A large umberhulk is seen walking into the valley, where it sets immediately to helping to clear debris and large objects. While it works, it does not seem to answer to anyone, but every now and then those watching it see it stop and cock its head around as if trying to see something no one else can. After it has helped with the worst of the debris it moves out of the valley and leaves Jiyyd heading east.

  • Ginger takes up a post at the campfire in the Silver Valley, and busily cooks a hearty stew. She makes sure that Valley residents and volunteers are healed, comfortable and well-fed.

  • Mog is seen about Jiyyd and the Silver
    Valley with a group of trackers and
    participants in the war machine
    battle trying to map out exactly
    how the war machine moved thru
    the towns and determine if it seemed
    after any spcific people or buildings.

    Often Mog is seen pursing his lips
    in deep thought and sketching notes
    and diagrams on sheets of vellum.

  • Mia after returning from Waterdeep to help look for Ginger's brother Sage
    is shocked to hear of the attack.

  • Theaon can be seen looking very depressed about the attack

    "How could something this evil happen to our peacful valley?"

    he frowns and shakes his head, then realizes what has to be done

    "We must clean up and rebuild what we can. The valley will not stand down to this iron beast. May Yondalla protect us all."

  • Yarchum returns from a two week scouting trip to Rawlinswood and is shocked by the news and the remaining signs of destruction. He can barely hide his anguish and sorrow from the villagers, until he has withdrawn inside the walls of the Stout Fellow. While inside he lets out his fury and frustration on one of the drow-shaped practice dolls beating it down to a pile of tiny figments. After that he collapses on the floor breathing heavily and holding his head in his hands.

    "And here I thought it would be better to start scouting the outer threats to the Valley. It was so peaceful in the Valley for the last months that I should have guessed something bad was on its way. Forgive me, Arvoreen, for I forgot your most important teachings and went far scouting without making sure there was enough strength left behind to protect the village. Next time, punish me for my ignorance, not the innocent people of our beautiful village."

    A single teardrop falls to his cheek as he wearily climbs into one of the cots in the Fellow and falls to a deep sleep filled with nightmares of umberhulks and war machines…

  • Philomena hears the awful news on one of her regular visits to the Valley;

    "An iron giant, in the Valley?! What on earth could such a creature be doing here?"

    She ponders this enigma while she enquires if any still need healing. Those that do, she helps to tend with poultices and healing herbs.

  • Captain Lyte Bry'Gaede of the Legion pitches in to help clean up the mess she could not keep from happening. She points out a huge tear in her full plate, and warns the local Valley inhabitants to not let the huge "iron-man" get ahold of them.

    _The thing strikes harder than an orc destroyer. It's going to take a big force to stop this thing, it tossed me through a wall like I was a rag doll, stunning me and almost killing me in a few seconds.

    Fortunately, it didnt seem particularly organized or focused on any one person or thing, but seemed to be chaotically attacking things in the valley at random.

    Next time, I fear, we may not be so lucky. I will alert the Legion to this monstrous thing, and we will try and stop it, if it returns._

  • Returning from a trip to Peltarch, Scutum is shocked by the devastation. She immediately springs into action to help recover the wounded and dead, and to help direct the cleanup effort. After a long couple days of work, she goes to the Silver Stream to clean herself up. When she stops moving, what she has seen of the Valley catches up with her, and she cries for a while before she can drag herself into the cleansing bath.

    When she is done, she rests fitfully, and reemerges after collecting herself enough so that she is confident she will not break down in front of her kinfolk, and prepared to act as she must.

  • Mog is seen helping the citizens of the Silver valley especially moving large chunks of debris in search of trapped victims.

  • The amount of destruction in left was terrorizing, and its blows stunned its victims so they could not move.

  • Eyewittness accounts say the masive war machine advanced on the Silver Valley. The large Machine destroyed several buldings and then left the area. Durning the Assault several folks defended the Valley, but soon relized they were no match for the Machine. One small gnome rushed out of his shop of wares, and was almost squashed by the Giant.

  • (( especially considering that it wailed on his shop for a few rounds ))
