Gypsy Gossip
Cotton catches Zyphlin's looks and soon takes the King aside in preparation to handle any dealings with the Gaje. Explaining to the king that if the Gaje don't like what he sees in camp and wants to cast sour looks then he need not visit.
She also tells the King her fervent displeasure of so many girl couples expressing themselves out in the open and hopes that this will not reflect poorly on her and Arwen who keep their relationship low key, much like two Romani males do in camp.
All that others might see around camp is Cotton speaking with the king, all the above information is souly between her and Horgan.
((But it is the GC so theres no telling what ears heard what
Zyphlin has been seeming to spend more time in the gypsy camp during the past few tendays, generally appearing out of some darkened corner of the treeline at night. He generally seems to sit off to the side, lost in his own thoughts, only occasionally coming over to spin a tale or pull out his yarting. When asked about the reasons for this he generally just states that he needs a quiet place at times to collect his thoughts and remember what its like outside of stone walls and that Norwick has became less the friendly lately to fulfill that purpose. He generally always comes down with different brews from the college to give as gifts to please the gyspy's and placate thier annoyances with the outsider constantly visiting. He seem's friendly enough, if not more quiet then usual. However this changes whenever cotton and arwen around, as typicially an angry or disgusted look creeps onto his face before he moves off to another area of the camp. Upon the sights of penny with lotus he shakes his head slightly, muttering about "not another one"
Since the Rom are a very sharp eyed people, they notice the behaviour and begin avoiding both White Lotus and Penny as abberations, speaking under thier breath that they must be possesed by evil creatures of unnatural lust.
Anyone with good enough vision or hearing may realise that White Lotus has been spending a lot of time either sitting very close to, or standing near Penny, running her hand through Penny's hair, though to an untrained eye, they wouldnt notice a thing
In recent weeks, Penny has been seen reading a large leather-backed book away from the activity of the main fires. Anyone walking nearby can hear her making various hissing and tongue-rolling sounds as she reads, as if she is trying to sound out words. An astute listener would recognize the language as Draconic. She has also begun asking questions about Rass to any of the gypsies, and can even be heard trying to persuade some of them to accompany her on a trip to Rass' cave in the hopes of meeting the dragon. Strange looks come over the faces of those she asks before they laugh and wave her away.
More Rumors
_The Rom on patrol duty to the gate guarding the camp from the spiders was found unconcious. When he awoken all he could do was scream in horror. After he was able to calm down, he described what seemed to be some sort of ghostly figures in the trees just after dark outside the gate. As he approached to get a closer look one of them hurried towards him and as he swung his sword the ghastly figure passed right thru his body. Some folks report that as he tells this portion of the event he turned a ghostly white, his hair seemed to almost turn gray before the onlookers who listened to his story.
Some folks are whispering that because of all the Gaji's heading into the pass towards the coves that the spirits are becoming restless._
Reposting Belthor's rumor to this thread. If we could all use this one thread to spread rumors, it will be a lot easier to find rumors in one location. Cheers - Kerby
Conversations can be heard around the camp of several children who were playing games near the gates heading into the hidden pass. Several rumors that may be heard from various camp members:
_"did ya ere Mary's little un was playin and says he wit others saw a evil spirt floatin in the trees just outside tha gates"
"sumtin lasts night scared several children half ta death. I catch tha person playin tricks on tha children I will teach them a lesson"
A drunken Bard "thar be tha :hic: children. playin hide n seek. what tha children forget is ya cannot hide from tha dead. The dead hear all, see all an if ya not careful will be all. Ghosts, spirits an dead. I know not much but watch out in tha night :hic: if ya na wha tis right. :drinks more wine:
"kids, always makin up stories ta get attention. pay em no mind"
"did ya see the faces on them children. They had a ghostly white look on them. somethin evil had ta scare em to look like that"._
Tarrick has been overheard asking various people if they know the whereabouts of any dragons other than Rass.
During several nights inside the communal shack a low chittering hum can be heard. It sounds similar to one of the large spiders found out in the pass, but also very different. The chittering sound soon fades into nothing if anyone gets up to investigate it. Only a chill wind can be felt, but that too passes.
Periodically, Alvar Blackwood can be seen walking around the Romani camp seeming quite disgusted with his new living arrangments. On a few occasions he can be overheard mumbling to himself about how his old home was "given over" to the lizard people in the Rawlinswood. Quite unhappy he muses over the post on the gates that says to keep it closed because gnolls sometimes run through camp. He considers leaving it open and then remembers that roundears are useful.
_It has become common knowledge that Cotton and Yurana ((Arwen En’ Aha)) are helplessly in love and a dedicated couple. Only their closest friends have been told about their soul bonding, staying wrapped in each other’s arms for nearly three days performing this act of love, hidden from any eyes or ears.
Though their love is known throughout camp due to their actions with one another and open words of shared love. They make sure to always maintain decency in front of others just like any other couple in love. Only mild forms of their shared love is ever expressed out in the open._
((Note: Cotton might have the body of a human, but her spirit and soul are still Moon Elf))
*** A rumor flies around the Gypsy camp that general grag has said he will smite the next person hitting on his young Vibacious wife That knowingly knows she is married….***
A certain confused half-elf who bore an uncanny resemblance to Penny was seen wandering around the camp a few days back. She seemed to have serious memory trouble, as well as a few interesting nervous tics, and kept asking for Penny by name. The only difference between their appearances were the Tatoos. Beyond that, they were like twins.
Kaona has been seen sitting at a different fire leaning on one of the other trees the last few days. It seems there is something on the woman’s mind. A bright girlish smile will cross her face every now and then as she fiddles with a ring on her hand. With a toss of her hair, she jumps up and trots over to King Horgan. After a brief talk, she strolls off with a determined smile on her face as she heads back to the inner camp with a bottle of Romani wine in her hand.
Anakore, who seems to spend increasing amount of time in the Camp whenever his job in the city permits him, has recently started taking his 3-year old son Nickolai to the Gypsy fires. The boy seems to be well accepted with Cotton and Kaona, and around his son Anakore somehow seems a gentler, prouder man.
After a brief absence for what she refers to as a "little trip to Waterdeep", Penny can be seen again in camp wearing a bright red robe, frequently followed by a small dragon companion, whom she calls Malla. She can be heard speaking to Malla in what, to the astute listener, sounds like draconic. There has also been an unconfirmed rumor that she was seen cooking a piece of meat for Malla with flames that seemed to originate from her hands, her eyes glowing a strange shade of crimson.
_During the last week Anakore has been staying at Kaona's place and been spending time in her company almost exclusively. They're happily making love, spending time socialising at the fire, making long walks together and both seem pretty happy with their lot.
With Shyrae having left on a trip again Gaedyn is around, more comfortable without her watching eye on his back, and practices tracking and fencing almost exclusively. He spends much time with Cotton, eager to learn how to make bows but too shy to really ask her how to get started._
Graadvul is seen sitting around the fire in the middle of the night drinking down some wine and staring into the fire. Lately he has been talking of ghosts and spirits haunting the camp. Appearantly these spirits have been "visiting" him quite often when he is alone in the camp. He speaks of a constant feeling of being watched and of cold whispers. Folen still reports that during the early morning hours he can still hear a low humming chant outside his tent. Though the spirit(s) don't seem to be harmful they are very unsettling to the superstitious Romani as having a restless soul wandering the camp can only be trouble.
Some of the Romani, being a very superstitious lot who reveres death greatly, have been talking latley around the fires. Folen has been talking of hearing voices around his tent at night. He claims that every time he looks out there is nothing except a gentle cool breeze that moves past. When pressed further he explains that he can never hear what is being said. Some are talking of evil spirits in the camp….