Gypsy Gossip
_Elrin was seen one night, leaving for one of his usual trips out into the spider woods, telling Zer he should return by morning. He did not return in the morning, however, but late in the afternoon. Bleeding heavily from many small fang holes in his armor, he seemed angered more than anything, laboriously removing his armor and bandaging his wounds afterwards.
When asked he would reply.
"Damned spiders… Strong they were, and many, unlike I've seen in some time. The poison drained me to such weakness I could not walk... And the bastards stole my sword...."
Muttering under his breath, he wanders off into the Camp to recover from his wounds._
A logger tells a tale around the fire that a few weeks ago he found the corpses of many HUGE spiders near the edges of the chasm at the southern tip of the Hidden Pass. They were slain by axe, magic and other methods. He also noted that no one should drink from the small stream near the southern cove… it is poisoned by something foul.
The blacksmith has been complaining for the past few days of a foul smell of death around his workstation. After some investigation Mohave and a few others locate the source of the smell. A small gnoll was found under the shack that sits in front of the blacksmith. It was encased in webbing and appearantly the spider that captured it had dragged it there sometime during the night. By all reports given by Mohave the spider must have been of considerable size, but then again the forest is plagued by the giant spiders so the gnolls body was tossed into the ravine that seperates the camp and their lands without a second thought.
Several small animals have been found around the camp, in particular behind the shanty and in the inner camp in the far back corner. The animals have been drained of their insides through large puncture wounds. Looks as if the spiders have been acting up lately which is nothing new to the camp.
Smoke rises filling the sky above in a web of darkness. The scent of brimstone lingers in the area while a thin layer of ash coats the trees. Winged demons emerge from the fires of the camp…some wielding swords and armor. Other fiends carry themselves only by their wings having no arms or legs…their jagged blood encrusted teeth aim for the faces of their victims.
Onlookers surmised a portal has indeed opened and the demons find their way to this plane. Waves of ice appear from time to time to seal up the ruptured barrier to the alternate planes.
_Campfire talk has been going around that there may be a new dryad in the southern section of the Hidden Pass. One that looks like a young Kharbeh… but has none of her memories and only speaks in the tongue of fey. She has grown bold enough to come into the camp several times... and even had a talk with one of the members of the druidic circle from the south.
Although it looks like Kharbeh... those that know her made note that the green elf commonly had a grin on her face and this one does not seem to know how... Also, no one remembers her having sap colored eyes before._
After recent events, Kaona has been more short-tempered than usual. It seems that things that normally would not bother her are now making her furious. Only a select few has she allowed to touch her these days.
She has also not been seen in the sleeping cabin much either. Mallan and some of the guards say that she has been staring at the fires or just wandering around camp at all hours of the night.
Oddly enough, she is now wearing a glove on her left hand that reaches her elbow. If asked about it, she will just shrug and say that a wise man advised her to wear it.
The serene quiet of the camp was shattered recently when monsters born of fire singed the fallen leaves of camp. The monsters preceded the appearance of black marble obelisk with ancient runes inscribed upon them.
Fire shall cleanse them and give birth to one once forgotten.
Sam the paladin who claims ownership of a hill in the Nars Pas destroyed the object releasing a fiery beast some called a Ballor. Many of the trees and houses were partially destroyed as the Gypsies and Gaje joined forces to put a stop to the beast!
Another day rose and we celebrated our victory, yet, that was soon to pass for what happened next caused many to take shelter. The campfires sparked and the line between this world and the fire plane seemed to weaken for a time.
From the fires came demons unseen before by many….creatures that took on the form of man-scorpions and winged fire monstrosities. Again, the brave warriors fought them back…but they still came…when suddenly, dragons made of fire brought forth the demon herself, Sister Tessa. The one rumored to be responsible for the campâ€
s recent fiery nightmares.
“Where is Mara?†she demanded.
The blistered warriors failed to answer her quickly, as she demanded and once again called forth her demons to make the combatants her victims.
In a twist of fate, a wave of ice coated the fiery entrance once again settling things as they once were…if not a bit chillier.
Kaona has been seen gathering small pieces of bark around the big woodpile. She will glance around to see if anyone is watching then slip the pieces in a small pouch. If she is asked about what she is doing she will smile innocently at them.
Oh nothing…just some research…
She will then stroll back over to her usual spot by the fire chuckling faintly. When she glances back over to who was talking her, her eyes are glittering mischievously.
_After a long, long time of absence, finally Cailah returned home. Speaking of Cormyr and the wondrous places she has seen, she soon falls back into the "routine" running the camp.
Hearing all the rumors and happenings, that took place while she was gone leave her thinking. She takes special care of her herbs and bandages, sticking around to hear more, trying to help wherever needed.
Giving up hope to find a place in the wolves upon hearing of Grivel's death, she concentrates her skills on the camp and her friends.Seeing Kaona once again at the fires, she regards her and her arm with a curious glance, yet, her manners forbid to ask intrusing questions. When more and more gather around the flames, she offers tea and sits, silently listening to the conversations._
A group traveled to the Grey Wastes of Hades recently with the help of the Kara-Tur brother, Kuro Akagawa. Kaona lead the group to a voice that haunted her dreams. She returned to the Rom with her left hand seemingly changed forever. A pulsating blue gem rests in her palm while her nails have turned blue and veins now trail up her forearm. Rumor has it that a soul resides in the gem. What will unfold, only Kaona seems to hold the secrets.
Almost an entire year has passed since any Gali or Romani have seen the quiet Wood Elf, Ael'elvan in the camp, or anywhere for that matter.
His elusive presence is hardly missed throughout the camp, and none know of his departure.
Elrin spends a lot of time with the Rom scholars, asking questions, and giving input as he discusses with them. Adding his own knowledge in ancient lore to aid in the studies.
((Meet up IG with Koana to get an update if you haven't already. It seems the Rom scholars cannot find information regarding the riddle))-updated by Riverthorn 10/8/04
_A sphinx flew through the camp snapping tree branches as it landed. Aiming for the stew pot, it took notice of a group gathered in the camp. It approached them giving them a warning in a form of a riddle.
When black replaces green,
Many will relive the haunting dream.Demons escape their fiery cells, answering their mastersâ€
From a veiled window they watch you fall.
Take shelter one and all.The cycle continues with a chance to end,
If heroes rise up and defend.As he flew off the weather turned a shade colder and patches of foliage blackened. The Rom, have no recollection of what in the past would cause this and are currently searching for more clues in ancient texts._
A man wearing the holy symbol of Cyric ran into the camp with a look of terror being chased by many water elementals. In his possession was a blue stone. The Rom and Gaje bravely defended the camp from the angered water creatures. The stone was recovered from the deceased Prince of Lies follower by Anakore. Rumor has it, he later was transformed into an elemental and he along with a few others returned the stone to its rightful plane.
_A man rumored to be from Kara-Tur arrived on a caravan recently. No one could speak his language and he wandered the land hoping to find someone to help him. He was gone for a short time eventually discovering some help.
Currently, he has returned and Sammie has befriended him. They find enjoyment in deciphering eachother's language. Akagawa is the name he goes by. He seems well mannered and polite._
Rumors regarding the young woman leaping from tree to tree clear up and it is discovered that wood nymph resides in the forest. One of the caravan travelers was found dead with a huge smile on his face.
Lilith listens calmly to the wild tales flying about the camp, women and spirits both in the woods. She recalls a disccusion she had with Ael in the camp before he went away, and murmurs quietly.
"dryads? i wonder… " she heads into the woods to scout and to pray at the ruins in the spider pass.
Rumor passes through the camp that the some magic using bandits were experimenting in the east woods with some harmfull items. A beautiful woman was also seen running from tree to tree giggling as she melted with it. Most of the Rom dismiss this as a drunken vision.
Lilith speaks with as amny gali as she can about recent events, trying to make heads or tails of the whirlwind of troubles that seem to have preceeded her into her position as elder. She is distracted by the lack of news pertaining to her missing partner, Terrick. SHe has some difficulty remaining civil with the cyricists, though listens with interest to thier concerns of the members of the caravan from waterdeep.
She gives her word to keep an eye on things, just as she has always done, and is relieved when she sees Cotton return, hoping to get some advice from the former elder.
She is still spending a lot of time alone at the ruins in the spider woods, and Bridie speaks in whispers about the name she hears Lilith call in her sleep. Not that of her missing love as you would expect, no, the name on her lips is Valis.