Gypsy Gossip
Kaona has been seen gathering small pieces of bark around the big woodpile. She will glance around to see if anyone is watching then slip the pieces in a small pouch. If she is asked about what she is doing she will smile innocently at them.
Oh nothing…just some research…
She will then stroll back over to her usual spot by the fire chuckling faintly. When she glances back over to who was talking her, her eyes are glittering mischievously.
_After a long, long time of absence, finally Cailah returned home. Speaking of Cormyr and the wondrous places she has seen, she soon falls back into the "routine" running the camp.
Hearing all the rumors and happenings, that took place while she was gone leave her thinking. She takes special care of her herbs and bandages, sticking around to hear more, trying to help wherever needed.
Giving up hope to find a place in the wolves upon hearing of Grivel's death, she concentrates her skills on the camp and her friends.Seeing Kaona once again at the fires, she regards her and her arm with a curious glance, yet, her manners forbid to ask intrusing questions. When more and more gather around the flames, she offers tea and sits, silently listening to the conversations._
A group traveled to the Grey Wastes of Hades recently with the help of the Kara-Tur brother, Kuro Akagawa. Kaona lead the group to a voice that haunted her dreams. She returned to the Rom with her left hand seemingly changed forever. A pulsating blue gem rests in her palm while her nails have turned blue and veins now trail up her forearm. Rumor has it that a soul resides in the gem. What will unfold, only Kaona seems to hold the secrets.
Almost an entire year has passed since any Gali or Romani have seen the quiet Wood Elf, Ael'elvan in the camp, or anywhere for that matter.
His elusive presence is hardly missed throughout the camp, and none know of his departure.
Elrin spends a lot of time with the Rom scholars, asking questions, and giving input as he discusses with them. Adding his own knowledge in ancient lore to aid in the studies.
((Meet up IG with Koana to get an update if you haven't already. It seems the Rom scholars cannot find information regarding the riddle))-updated by Riverthorn 10/8/04
_A sphinx flew through the camp snapping tree branches as it landed. Aiming for the stew pot, it took notice of a group gathered in the camp. It approached them giving them a warning in a form of a riddle.
When black replaces green,
Many will relive the haunting dream.Demons escape their fiery cells, answering their mastersâ€
From a veiled window they watch you fall.
Take shelter one and all.The cycle continues with a chance to end,
If heroes rise up and defend.As he flew off the weather turned a shade colder and patches of foliage blackened. The Rom, have no recollection of what in the past would cause this and are currently searching for more clues in ancient texts._
A man wearing the holy symbol of Cyric ran into the camp with a look of terror being chased by many water elementals. In his possession was a blue stone. The Rom and Gaje bravely defended the camp from the angered water creatures. The stone was recovered from the deceased Prince of Lies follower by Anakore. Rumor has it, he later was transformed into an elemental and he along with a few others returned the stone to its rightful plane.
_A man rumored to be from Kara-Tur arrived on a caravan recently. No one could speak his language and he wandered the land hoping to find someone to help him. He was gone for a short time eventually discovering some help.
Currently, he has returned and Sammie has befriended him. They find enjoyment in deciphering eachother's language. Akagawa is the name he goes by. He seems well mannered and polite._
Rumors regarding the young woman leaping from tree to tree clear up and it is discovered that wood nymph resides in the forest. One of the caravan travelers was found dead with a huge smile on his face.
Lilith listens calmly to the wild tales flying about the camp, women and spirits both in the woods. She recalls a disccusion she had with Ael in the camp before he went away, and murmurs quietly.
"dryads? i wonder… " she heads into the woods to scout and to pray at the ruins in the spider pass.
Rumor passes through the camp that the some magic using bandits were experimenting in the east woods with some harmfull items. A beautiful woman was also seen running from tree to tree giggling as she melted with it. Most of the Rom dismiss this as a drunken vision.
Lilith speaks with as amny gali as she can about recent events, trying to make heads or tails of the whirlwind of troubles that seem to have preceeded her into her position as elder. She is distracted by the lack of news pertaining to her missing partner, Terrick. SHe has some difficulty remaining civil with the cyricists, though listens with interest to thier concerns of the members of the caravan from waterdeep.
She gives her word to keep an eye on things, just as she has always done, and is relieved when she sees Cotton return, hoping to get some advice from the former elder.
She is still spending a lot of time alone at the ruins in the spider woods, and Bridie speaks in whispers about the name she hears Lilith call in her sleep. Not that of her missing love as you would expect, no, the name on her lips is Valis.
Recently, Cera, Kharbeh and a few others discovered maggots bubbling to the surface and a dead foot sticking out of a tree. After further inspection they discovered the elven druid that did it. After a quick nibble of a heart, Cailah served tea. ((Overheard by disgruntled Sammie who had to dig up the maggot filled body.))
((For more info talk to the players.))
A rather large greasy man was seen running through the camp holding a “drunk†woman in blue. Earlier in the day, this man and a few ragtag workers dropped off a few cages. It turns out that this man was a slave trader from the south. He captured Mel the STILK, Ginger and Aaimie.
He even used poisoned darts to subdue some of the Rom crafters. A horde of people ran after this slaver and Gali and Rom opened the gates to their camp to help cover more ground and capture this enemy.
His small camp was discovered hidden among the gnoll camp. The captures were released and revenge was taken. It seems that “Greasy Bob†could not die. The hosts of attackers wanted to seek justice but were nauseatingly shocked when limbs, and other body parts, were reattached through gory viscous means or grew back in a rapid manner.
Eventually Mel, who was the main focus of the slavery ambush, dug out some magical stones from Bobâ€
s beefy hands. The stones let out a few screams and disappeared into puffs of smoke. His body engulfed in flames leaving the revolting stench of burned body fat lingering in the air.
A ghost was seen in the camp crying and moaning about her babies and her husband. This seemed to happen directly after a messenger from Waterdeepâ€
s Torm Knights. He was preparing to leave for a caravan after delivering a message to Durai Hightower in regards to Thyrm Cardea, a dangerous member of the Shadowcars, escaped after being sentenced to death.
The ghost dropped a white flower and a Gaje picked it up thinking it was a clue from an evil foe. The Rom and Gali brought them to Baba for a scrying. It was discovered that this flower belonged to the ghost when she existed in the material world. She happened to be the sister of the messenger whose family was murdered by Thyrm and his organization.
While the gathering waited for nightfall to speak with the ghost, the brother tossed the white flower into one of the large campfires after saying a sincere prayer to Torm. The ghost burned as the flower turned to ash both faded away from this world.
The elders wish Scutum well and wish her luck in her travels.
Scutum looks disappointed at the Rom's decision to allow the Cyricists to stay. She grumbles to the elders constantly for a couple days, but then gives up, telling herself she won't be living here much longer anyway so it won't matter.
Those present in the camp soon after the Gali meeting, would have witnessed the swarm of rats that attacked the camp near the fires.
Soon after the rats had attacked, what looked like a were rat attacked the camp but soon fled. A woman was then seen by Mingal and Shinsuke in the distance, but they were instead suprised to see Uthger approaching the camp from the Pass.
A moment later, Sharp (Michael) was seen holding a blood covered silver dagger, standing over a woman who was clutching her mouth, her fingers soaked in blood. Sharp claimed the woman had tried to bite him after he saw her with the rats, so he had cut her tongue off.
After much confusion, a few Gali took the woman to the fires, and gave her some warm soup.
A group of Gaje arrived from the pass, an overweight priest, a young woman, and a ranger some would recognise as Chiero.
After much discussion with the ranger, night fell, and the tongueless woman, who had revealed her name as Kim, turned into the form of a wererat.
The wererat fled to the pass and the new arrivals, alongside a few gali chased her.
Chiero returned later and spoke with Ael, Mingal and Elrin, concerning the wererat. He said that he had chased the Wererat to the camp, firing at it at first. He also said that more Wererats had been seen around Jiyyd, and if anyone see's another Wererat, they were to hold their fire, come and find him in the Eastern plains.
At the recent camp meeting, Remmy spoke with the Gali to discuss the Cyric followers present in the camp.
Many of the Gali questioned wether or not followers of Cyric, the prince of lies, would keep to their oath. The followers had already helped the camp twice already, and had proved themselves to the Romani.
Still doubtful of the Cyric followers integrity, the group of Gali present decided that it is the Rom's final decision as to wether or not the Cyric followers may stay in the camp.
The meeting was ended, coming to the conclusion that the Cyric followers would be tolerated. Though should they break the Oath, they would be kicked out of the camp.
((if i missed anything specific out, just give me a kick in IRC and i'll edit it
((correct me if I'm wrong… but Cyric is the god of lies.... what does an oath mean to his worshipers?))
_Matrim eyes the group warrily… concentrating on them for a moment.
He seems to close his eyes and rubs his temples briefly.Looking down to the Winter Wolf sitting at his side he ruffles her fur and whispers_
"We must keep an eye on these ones Katinar…"
His other hand absently carressing the symbol of Torm that hangs proudly around his neck… he turns on his heel and heads off to find Cailah