Gypsy Gossip
Sy'wynn and Arandor spread word around the camp… Everyone one must pay attention to any and all strange encounters.... Especially ghost stories. He makes it clear that time is running out and the camp cannot afford to overlook anything. The Gali are asked to speak with Arandor or Sy'wynn if they notice anything strange, no matter how insignifigant it may seem...
_Arandor nods his agreement with Sy'wynn's words… Whisps of smoke curling idly from his long-stemmed, wooden pipe as he smokes near the fires. He waits for Sy to finish before adding.
"Yes Sy, I believe that even now valuable clues have been missed or overlooked… All because of disagreement, and dissention among us. In this more than anything, we must all be of one mind. Lay your petty squabbles to rest, if you have them... There are more important matters to attend to. As for the box, I know only this... That the spirit of Kovachi may be able to aid us. As for the ring, I know very little... Yet be wary of Sinti and his agents, they must not recover these items. For if Ashkali's visions are true, it will be our downfall..."
He goes silent again and resumes his usual, casual, smoking. Losing himself in thought as he watches the dancing flames._
Sy'wyn rises from his normally quiet spot slightly away from the fires, and walks over to those gathered, after a moment, allowing other conversations to fall quiet, he reaches up and lowers the hood of his cloak down to his shoulders and speaks softly:
Fellow Gali. Recent events with the Eastlanders and the Drow may have distracted many of us from the still real threat of the curse that still brings undead from the ground in the woods. We still seek the removal of this curse, and recent things have been brought forth. First… there are two items to be sought. One is a ring, the other a box. There is reason to believe the box is in the camp itself, the ring we have little information on. Both must be found. As such, I ask that all pay close attention to their surroundings. If there is -anything- found under suspicious circumstances, please bring it to an Elder, or Katya, until we can determine if it is something of use to bringing these dark times to a peaceful end. smiles a bit If not it will be returned, i will not deny coin to a good Gali's purse. Also, remember, if a Gaje happens to pick up a box, or a ring while in the woods, or while visiting in the camp… ask politely for it to be turned over. If they refuse... detain them as needed until such can be determined. Times call for drastic measure. If you travel the woods after dark, be wary, and be watchful, both of yourselves and those around you. I will try to answer any questions as they may arise, but most important... act as necessary to stop this problem, and tell of anything that happens, many people acting without information is no good to us. We will need every eye, and every set of hands to deal with this. There are two Gaje in particular... Describes Mirkali, and Merin If they are seen entering the woods, keep an eye on them, confront them if they act suspect. I will leave you to your discussions…..
Sy'wyn pulls his hood up and low again, and walks back to his spot where he settles quietly and looks off over the fires.
The elders request Sy'wyn Blackwood and Arandor
_::word quickly spreads around the camp that the elders have been meeting and now are asking any who see Sy'wyn or Arandor to let them know their presence is requested to meet with all the camp elders::
::Rumors spread regarding what this meeting could be about. Is it because of the eastlander's? The Drow? The undead spirits of the Romani of ancient past? Some say Sy'wyn and Arandor are going to be banished from the camp. Others defend such talk, calling those who think such a thing foolish. Many see Sy'wyn and Arandor as they pass by and seem to whisper to each other::_
(I will catch you two IG for the meeting. No need to seek me out. I will find you :twisted:, Keep this IC folks. The only OOC stuff on this thread is what you are reading right now).
Word spreads to be on guard in the Gypsy Pass near the north cliffs. Gnolls have been seen to be lowering themselves on ropes to kill the milk cows of the Gypsies. They have also been rolling large boulders off the clifftops in hopes of catching a Camp member off gaurd. They have even been seen skulking along the clifftops taking pock-shots at camp members with thier arrows.
_Cotton is seen asking around for Klaz or if anyone has heard from him. Her concern seems to grow at hearing he was last seen heading out before the Eastlander talks, but seems confused at all the other rumors.
Some speak of Klaz running off to start a Carni in Luskin, others say he went to harvest his crops of Pink Potatoes. While yet others have told of him returning to his Kingship in some far away land.
Through all this even more rumors are heard through out camp. Many speak of Drow now in the far South Pass who have been hunting those who enter. Odd rock slides and many quakes, some say darkness has been casted about during such oddities.
Clandra has also been spoken of, many swearing she was in camp with her half yuan-ti baby._
_The hearing eyes and watchful ears of the camp tell of Klaz and Arthos moving into the Nars just hours before the bandit meeting took place.
The white haired, pale faced fellow has not been seen since._
_Late one evening, after the hidden pass was rocked by tremors for days. Several of the known Gali return from the woods. Arandor, Cotton, Erok, Tarrick, Vine, Cike, and the Nars Skald Jerr… Not one of them unscathed... A few of them barely clinging to life.
Whispers around the campfires quickly spread. Many people say they bested armies of Drow, Spiders, and Lizardmen. Some people ask if it was the armies that bested them? Yet others seem to think there were no armies, they were most likely injured in a land slide...._
Klaz's loyalties are largely questioned. Most tell of him wearing mufti sort of colours. Some say that he would only hold gypsy colours on him. Others say to have seen him in direct uniform of purple and orange. The last tell that they were not aware Klaz wore clothes.
**OOC Quick Reminder Campers:
This thread is for rumors folks… not a diary thread. This thread is for things that get around camp... not your personal thoughts. We have Tales by the Fire for full story telling. This thread should be used for what the rest of the camp would find out through overhearing conversations and watching... not reading your mind.
Just try to imagine another Romani or Gali spreading the rumor you put in here. And you all know hos factual some rumors get when told from person to person... I expect exagerations and outright untruths in here as well. That should give you guidance on how to structure the post and what info would be given out.
Finally... I will be trying to eventually get Old Romani NPCs in game that will be updated regularly with the gossip that this thread provides. Although we'll see how often we can update those rumors.
Cheers - Kerbs.**
Cotton spreads the word through camp that she will not give herself over to the Eastlanders unless the King decrees it. That gali and the Romani need to come up with plans and fast. For she thinks the Eastlanders are truly going to have a surprise for us all at the months end and maybe even the rest of Narfell.
Raryldor sighs, and remains quiet for the most part, as earlier attempts at warning the gali and dealing with the problem at the base met with derision and scorn. He speaks quietly with Katya about it, keeping little outside counsel.
Edited out: Guess this wasn't the place for it.
Mohave has been directing a group of camp members to clear the rockslide on the south wall of the Camp from the latest tremor that have rocked the Gypsy Camp. Those travelling into and out of the Camp into the Nars Pass had briefly heard the bellows and roars of a huge beast… and rockslides followed near Rass's cave.
Tarrick can be seen most often sitting at one of the large bon fires in the camp, examining a small stone that seems to pulsate with energy. He has been asking various people if they know the whereabouts of any Duergar.
Word begins to spread that the gypsy bard, Penny Lane, is looking for anyone who knows anything about the history of the red dragon, Rass. She is apparently looking for any and all information, from how old the dragon might be to any stories about Rass's actions over the years. People who know her well say that she is beginning to write an epic poem/song about the life and history of Rass. Word also spreads that she can be found most days at the Romani Camp, and would welcome anyone who wishes to contribute information over a glass of wine or ale.
Murmurs around camp spread that Sy has set up a meeting with those who hunt Cotton. Herself and a small group will attend this so called meet within a day or so.
Callain, when not found drinking around the fire after dusk, seems to have taken the company of the Rom guards during their practices to try and improve his bowmanship. It was suggested that he'd rather earn the right to wear Gypsie leathers, than be offered them.
_Known through out the camp recently, is that a bounty has been put on Cotton's head. She does not know by whom, but most can be sure it's the Eastlanders.
While sitting at the fire talking she was attacked by a man in armor and helmed, who almost killed her before the others around the fire leaped up for the rescue.
She is seen now always sneaking through the Nars, either helmed or under the cowl of a cloak. When in camp she is always weary and keeping a constant eye out for her safety._
_It's now well known that the eastlanders are out for Cotton's head. After she tried saving Klaz out by the bridge in the Nars against a Officer and Envoker. Ever sence they have been coming into camp or setting up blockades in hopes of catching her. Her attept at saving Klaz failed and he died at the hands of the attackers.
Cotton has also been seen asking those in camp if they know of any mage who can return her to being an Elf once again. She seems depressed when the subject is brought up, but determined all the same to find a way back to her true self._