A Quest for Tyr - Kara Willendt's Diary
Entry 41 -
One thing I don't like about having the roads opened up to the other town is that many of my friends have moved. The town feels so lonely sometimes.
I did run into a new traveller, a bard named Laura. I started to show her around the town so she would know where various things are. Soon after we started the tour, I noticed a falcon following me. Suddenly it killed itself! Laura and I were baffeled at what we saw, but then decided to continue on. Another falcon approached us. As we moved closer to it to take a better look at the bird, it flew away and then stopped. We moved closer again, and again it moved away. Obviously, the falcon was trying to lead us somewhere. It lead us into the grave yard, and to a particular momument that stood in the far corner. It disappeared, and lots of lightning struck the ground. After the lightning died down, I noticed my bracelet I got from the bonding ceremony was lying on the ground. I remember I had lost it when I was felled by the bandits back when they tried invading Norwick. I was very happy to see the symbol of my bond again. I just wonder how it got there.
After returning to the town, Laura decided to head to the inn for some rest. I paced around town for a while until I ran into Kanen, Karion, and a bunch of others. I told Karion what I decided for my Elven name, he thought it fit well, as did Kanen. I then asked to talk with Kanen. I really wanted to tell him of the visits I had from Yohan. We went to the in, and some of the others also came with us. There was Victor, Lucia, Celestria (a priestess of Ishtar), and some others.
While I told the story, some of my friends started hearing a voice in their head which basically was slandering me. They described it as a woman's voice. I figured it was probably Devon working through another person's body again. I decided to test the theory, and purposely started to fiddle with my amulet as I talked. Sure enough, the voice spoke to Kanen with a scathing remark about my amulet.
I decided to continue with my story. First, I really don't think I was giving away any details that Devon didn't already know. He knew that Yohan spoke to me before he killed him. And he did see us scrying him, so I would assume he would figure that I saw him working at his scrying of my friends. The voice was really getting to Karion though. The voice even spoke to me at one point, taunting me. I wondered aloud why Devon is so obsessed with me, and he replied it was because I was obsessed with him. I'll admit I now have great interest in seeing Justice served on that black-hearted wizard, but I can't say my full interest in this endevor was realized until he took interest in me. I still think it has something to do with Yohan's wife.
Kanen and I began to whisper back and forth to hopefully not be heard by Devon. We discussed what we should do. Both of us agree that Seven and I need to be protected. Kanen suggested we stay at the Alliance guild. I'm going to try to talk to Seven about it. But I think that isn't going to help much. We need to get to a place where Devon can't use his scrying magics. Perhaps I can as for Tyr's as to hide the temple from Devon's sight?
After I told my story, I mentioned to Kanen that I haven't seen Peltarch yet and would like to. He agreed to accompany me to the city, and Sir Wulf also joined us. On the way we ran into Braeth, who was busy helping a friend with a small quest. We continued on our journey to the city while Braeth went back to his task.
Peltarch is a grand city. Of course, nothing compared with Waterdeep, but it is still grand. Especially since it's been a while since I've been in a city. Kanen showed us to some of the various stores. I picked up a new outfit to wear. Items cost a bit more up here, but I think rarer items can be found as well. Then we went to the new theatre, which is what I really wanted to see. What a large theatre. Reginald and his friends really must have gathered a lot of cash to fund the construction of this place. Unfortunately, none of the bards were there, but we took a look around anyways. Kanen left us soon after. Amissa and Arianeria (that's the elf who's name I tried to write the other night but knew I mispelled, I still think I'm mispelling it) then entered. We talked briefly, until Wilhelm and Reginald appeared. I quickly told them of my recent visits from Yohan, since it's something that concerns them as well.
After that, I headed to the inn, being quite tired.
I think Amara Cal'Nuik suits you very well
((OOC - Poor Kara. She gets out of the frying pan (her Fear), only to find herself in the fire (evil Red Wizard foe). I swear, I think I'm masochistic, because I sure as hell am enjoying this.))
Entry 40 -
Egads I'm worn out. I didn't sleep well last night, to many bad thought swimming in my head about Yohan's warning. Then to make matters worse, Yohan AGAIN contacted me and revealed that, yes, things are WORSE then I could even imagine.
It happened as I was talking with Karion. Cera and a new friend Soul had just left us. We all were talking about things and I had just warned them to look out for my safety, telling them of the warning I received from Yohan. While I stood there with Karion, I suddenly felt dizzy, and it seemed like I was bombarded with many voices, none of which I could clearly understand. After my vision cleared, everything looked black and white, and I heard a single voice call out, "…amulet girl."
I immediately recognized it as Yohan, and grabbed the necklace from my pack. Sure enough, it was shimmering with an inner light, and felt warm to the touch. Yohan's voice filled my head, telling me that he must show me something. The world went black for a moment, then I found myself floating above, looking down at Karion and my body, which was still standing there, mimicking my movements. I felt Yohan's hand on my arm, and we began to fly south. The land passed by quickly, and I realized we were going far to the south. We slowed down and approached a castle keep. As we saw the first of it's guards, Yohan bid me to hide my amulet and stay quiet. We passed unnoticed by a wight, then some skeletal guards. We flew up a tower and I found myself in a large circular room made of obsidian.
In the room stood Devon in front of a table. Devon appeared to be quite young, but that is probably an illusion or unnatural magics since he's over 100 years old. When I looked on his cowled face, I felt nothing but hatred and disgust for the black hearted wizard. This madman who has harmed my friends, and threatens to do more harm. Probably an undead himself. Which disgusts me even more.
As I was on this trip, I could still hear what was going on around me, though I was trying to ignore it. I could tell that Karion was really getting worried though, so I tried to signal to him that I can't talk right now and that I was okay. I didn't want to talk to him because I didn't want to draw attention to myself. Later Braeth, Soul, and an elven lass called Earawein (okay, I know I'm not spelling her name right, I really should learn Elvish) also joined us, much to their worry as they saw my condition. It was a bit disorienting to be in two places at once.
At Yohan's bidding, I looked at the table. There were a handful of orbs and a water basin on the table. As I looked into the orbs, I could see the various places in Narfell. There was Norwick, Jiyyd, the gypsy camp, a d a city which I'll assume was Peltarch. Yohan then pulled me over to the water basin. As I gazed into it, I saw images of my friends. Wilhelm, Jade, Reginald, Braeth, Kanen... The basin focused on Seven. I glanced at Devon and he seemed quite interested in her. He waved his hand over the basin and I could see her shiver as if suddenly cold. "You're next, my pet," the wizard said, his words sending a shiver down my own spine.
He then waved away the image of Seven, and brought forth another image. The image was of myself, or my body rather, as it stood in the Inn surrounded by my worried companions. Devon seemed surprised at something, and I noticed what bothered him. Standing next to me in the image was Yohan, holding my arm like he was with my spirit in Devon's chamber! Devon then turned to us, staring right at me. He knew we were here.
He called out to Yohan, chiding the old man his scrying. Devon then summoned a black creature and directed it toward me. The creature was completely black, and carried a scythe. It seemed like the creature that Jade had dreamed about in her nightmares, based on her description. Yohan tried to pull me away, but his grip let go and I felt myself fall. I sat slumped on the floor, suddenly feeling very cold. My armor even was chilled to the touch, so much so that it hurt. The creature looked pleased at the thought of killing me, and raised it's scythe for a killing blow. I tried to move away, but found that I didn't have the strength to. I called out for Braeth as I know he was with my body, and then called out for Tyr to aid me.
Just as the scythe was to swing down, I felt my amulet slip out of it's hiding place. It glowed brightly, it's light contrasting the darkness of the creature. The creature cried out and shrunk back from the light, much to my relief. Then I felt powerful hands grab me, and whisk me away from the chamber. I looked over to see who it was, as it didn't feel like Yohan, and found myself staring at the face of Tyr. He set me down and left. As I looked around me, I noticed I was back in the Inn, surrounded by many friends who all were demanding I tell them what was going on.
I bid them all to sit down with me, since I knew this was not going to be a short tale. Steele and Seven also joined us. When I saw Seven shiver despite being in a warm inn, I knew that what I saw was true. I told the group everything I saw. We all debated on what to do, what it means, are we actually insane enough to fight a Red Wizard. In the end, I think we decided that our main priority was to protect Seven and myself, as we seem to have drawn the wizard's attention the most. Second priority is to gather as much information as we can.
Devon's wrong about one thing. My amulet, and the love and hope it represents to me, is not foolish. It protected me. Braeth protected me. And my faith in my god protected me. I know you see me writing this, Devon, and I hope that what I'm writing is eating you up inside.
Well, so my thoughts aren't focused on a certain Red Wizard before I go to bed, I'm going to write about some thoughts I had about the Elven name I have to choose. I almost completely forgot about this task that was set before me after bonding to Braeth. Karion and Braeth had some suggestions, and I did a little more research and thinking on the name. It needed to be something that defines me as a person. In the end, I went with something that combined some of their suggestions with my own ideas. Amara Cal'Nuik. It means, roughly, "Beautiful Woman of Faith and Great Hope." I think it suits me well.
::stands outside the edge of Kara's mind…waiting for her to dream::
"...yesss...fall asleep...yesss..."
_((OOC - Who says we need DMs to get some great RP plot going? No, I'm not bashing the DMs here, they've done a wonderful job with Narfell. But getting involved in Zwie's own player generated plot has made for some absolutely fabulous RP.
I wish Zwie could have seen me when she had Yohan's sprit contact me, (using tells sent to me). I went and spoke aloud what I was sending in tells back to the spirit, making it look to my companions like I was talking to a necklace. Obviously, they thought I was flipping out.
I can't wait to see where this all goes. I just hope it doesn't make Kara paranoid again…))_
Entry 39 -
By Tyr, first I had Yohan's spirit contact me and now I swear I can feel Devon's eyes watching me. I can just imagine him laughing at me and calling me and my amulet foolish. Even the air feels chilly all of a sudden.
I'm getting ahead of myself though.
I started the day running into an elf named Ari. That's a shortened version of her name, I can't remember how the whole thing was pronounced. I'm lucky Braeth has a nice short name. Ari was doing good, and while I briefly chatted with her another person named Call also greeted us. I could detect a twinkle in Ari's eye at him. Very much reminds me of when Braeth and I started to get to know each other.
Speaking of Braeth, he told me he's trying to gather some money to by a house for us. Even though we'll have a place in the Alliance outpost, he really wants a place he and I can call our own. I like the idea; the Inn is getting a bit expensive anyways. Another good thing is that I'm starting to feel my old Braeth returning, he's not thinking so much in "shades of grey."
Kanen then approached, and he was looking quite sad. He was a bit surprised when I asked him what was wrong, he thought Braeth had told me. But of course Braeth hadn't, figuring that it was Kanen's tale to tell. He invited Amissa and me to the Inn so that he could tell his problems. He was troubled because he thinks he hurt Seven, because he told her that he feels he is in love with somebody else. He really thought that Seven was lost to him, and was surprised at how hard she took the news. I feel bad for both of them. I feel sorry for them. Kanen's torturing himself over hurting Seven, which shows that he still cares for her as a friend at least. And Seven… I'm not sure if she's known where her heart lies, with having feelings for both Kanen and Jubei. I wonder if Jubei has also shut his doors to her. It wouldn't surprise me if he did, he seemed very upset with himself for letting his feelings get in the way of his job. Amissa and I gave Kanen some words of encouragement. Can you believe Kanen expected us to shun him for what he did? Even though I'm Seven's friend, I know that he did not mean to hurt her. I hope he realizes that. I suppose I should try to find Seven and make sure she's okay.
One interesting irony about Kanen. I've told him before that he reminds me of my father. Even more so after Kanen told us of the woman he does love, Cila. She's a bard.
While Amissa and I talked to Kanen, another knight I had recently met, Sir Wulf, approached us. The four of us talked about things for a little bit, and then Kanen left to go rest. A short while after he left, I began to hear a voice call out to me. As it became louder, I could make out the words, "amulet girl." I started to feel scared, thinking that Devon was somehow haunting me. I felt a warmth in my pack, and upon searching through it, I pulled out the necklace the old man, Yohan, gave me. As I did so, I could hear the voice get louder. The necklace seemed to sparkle unnaturally. I inquired if this was Devon or Yohan calling me, and the voice responded that it was Yohan. He called me his hope. His spirit was unable to find rest and wishes to undo what has been done. Yohan warned me that Jade was just a distraction in Devon's plans. Devon had already conquered death. He wants to power. Power to spread death, disorder, chaos. The wizard wants to dominate life. Yohan warned me to watch my friends, and then faded away.
Amissa and Sir Wulf were quite concerned with me as I regained my senses. It seems that I was talking aloud when I spoke to Yohan. I hope they don't think I was acting too crazy. I tried as best as I could to explain the whole situation, hoping that it'd be enough for them to not worry about my sanity. How ironic of this to happen, considering I was earlier boasting how I had overcome the Fear that haunted me.
Yohan's words trouble me, though. Watch my friends? Obviously, Devon still has plans for us. But what should I be careful about as I watch my friends? Should I watch them for their sake, or watch them for my own sake? Both?
May Tyr protect us all. I fear dark times are on the horizon.
::evil grin::
Hmmm…foolish cleric. You and your damned amulet...it will be your undoing.
::wild, evil cackle::
Entry 38 -
When I stepped out of the inn today, I immediately felt Devon's eyes staring at me. I could also here him muttering, "Amulet girl," and "Foolish amulet," and other nonsense. I looked about first and didn't see him, but then noticed that he was moving around. I found his interest in me quite disturbing.
Finally, the old man approached me, saying he wanted to talk to me. This time though, he started to act a little different. He called himself Yohan. He said his master was not watching, so he could talk. He stared at my amulet, and said talked about his wife, who used to have an amulet that he gave her. Sadly, he told that Devon had killed her. I reminded Yohan very much of his wife, and he gave me her amulet. Braeth tried to ask Yohan where his master was, but all we learned was he lived in Thay. Makes sense, since Devon is a Red Wizard. The old man said his master returns, and indicated to me to be quiet about what he told.
Devon then demanded to speak with Wilhelm. Kanen mentioned that Wilhelm wished not to see him, and refused to take the old man to him. It seems Devon started to cause pain to the old man, hoping our hearts would soften. The old man turned to me and asked me to take him, but I knew not where Wilhelm was and told him so. I felt sorry for Yohan, being under control of such an evil person.
Braeth sent a message bird to Wilhelm and received one back stating to take the old man to the gypsy camp. Thus we did, and blindfolded the old man so that he could not see how to get there. Of course, if Devon is as powerful as things suggest, I think that was a futile attempt. May Tyr protect those gypsies.
Devon and Wilhelm talked, though I know my druid friend would rather not speak to the wizard at all. Devon said that he hasn't been bothered by Wilhelm's friends lately, and so would honor his deal of releasing Jade, and told Wilhelm that she'll be found, "where the water falls."
While those two talked, Braeth was talking to a fellow elf. He then made what I consider an idiotic mistake. Even after Devon mentioned that he could understand elvish better than Braeth, my love still kept talking and mentioned that the old man's name was Yohan. Devon immediately demanded how Braeth knew the old man's name. By Tyr, I wanted to slap Braeth so hard. Fortunately for him, he was quite a few feet away from me. Devon noticed me fiddle with my amulet again, and came over to yell at me about it. He then realized that that Yohan had most likely spoken to us and then decided to get rid of the old man and killed him.
"At least the old man is in peace now," everybody says. I do agree with that. But I think they missed the big picture here. Yohan was a link to Devon, and a link that the wizard obviously didn't fully control. We lost an advantage. Not to mention the fact that the old man asked me not to let it be known that he spoke to us. Braeth betrayed that trust on my behalf. I pray that the old man's spirit forgives us for our mistake.
At least Jade is returned, but I do not think this is the end. I told Braeth as much. We'll need to watch Jade and Wilhelm closely, for I think the wizard has more plans in store for them. And me as well. I still think he's interested in me. I wonder if I also remind Devon of Yohan's wife. Perhaps he did more with her than kill her.
Tyr protect me.
I also spoke with Covah today. The dwarf was glad to see I was doing okay, though he noticed I had a lot on my mind. I told him of what happened with Devon. I figured that it'd be good if another knows of the trouble and could perhaps watch out for us. He then told me that he was attacked by a beast in Peltarch that turned into Vahsere when defeated. Obvious sign of lycanthropcy. I'll have to make sure Vahsere gets some belladona if he hasn't already.
Entry 37 –
Not much going on. I saw Coin and Cera again. Coin warned gave me an outfit he picked up in Peltarch, and warned me that Devon seemed to be very interested in me. I must say Iâ€
m a bit nervous with how he kept staring at me when we met.
What is his plan now? Why did he suddenly switch from wanting to kill her to using her as a hostage?
Also saw Andrio, who is a paladin I previously met. He seemed to be acting very odd, like his head was jumbled up. I chanted a prayer to Tyr for him and Andrio returned to normal. We chatted for a little bit, as I told him of the big battle with Vinessa and Selron and the demon that was their master. He was worried about his brother Sergio. I do hope the man is still alive.
((OOC – And the plot thickens))
Entry 36 –
I spoke with Karion today. He still hasnâ€
t gotten to talk to Braeth. Oh well. I confessed to Karion that Iâ€
m worried about Braeth. I donâ€
t like the new attitude heâ€
s gotten, this whole “shades of grey†bit. It worries me. Karion thought it was odd too.
Coin and Cera then approached me. Both seem to be much better. Ceraâ€
s acting like herself again. Coin gave me some fairy dust so that I could get some of Mistyâ€
s special brews. He says they make a person invisible, which sounds very useful. The two had invited me to help them out with some errands, but I wanted to see Braeth so I left them.
Braeth was with Wilhelm, Reginald, and a gypsy that I hadnâ€
t met before. The gypsy became very worried when Braeth joked about Reginald being a werewolf. It seems gypsies have great loathing for the beasts, which I would say is justified. Just as we were talking about werewolves, we suddenly heard some howling from the North Rawlinswood. Braeth headed south to see to the situation, as did Reginald, Smog and Suppei. I must say I was worried at one point because I could sense that Braeth was bitten by one of the werewolves, but he had eaten some belledona and should be better. Wilhelm also briefly went, I think he was hoping that if he shapeshifted into a wolf heâ€
d be able to talk to the beasts. But he came back and announced he was heading north.
Kanen then came over to talk with me. As we talked, he noticed an old man staring at us. We approached him and he asked for Wilhelm, saying he had a message to deliver. The man was very odd, and in the back of my mind, I sensed Devonâ€
s handywork. Damn my woman intuition, I was right, but thatâ€
s getting ahead of myself. We told the old man that Wilhelm headed north, and tried to get him to give us the message to pass on. He refused our offer, instead demanding to take us to Wilhelm. Braeth caught up to us and we all went to find Wil.
The old man stopped several times to stare at me, and my amulet in particular. His gaze made me feel very uncomfortable. He asked me why I wore the amulet, and I told him that itâ€
s for protection, and that my love gave it to me so that he could be protecting me even if he werenâ€
t around. The man seemed satisfied by my answer, but kept staring every now and then. At one point he called it foolish. That really angered me. I answered back that love is never foolish, to which he replied that I knew nothing of love. Something inside me exploded, and I started to yell back at him how I sure as hell know about love! Without my love for Braeth, and his love for me, I would be dead!
Finally, Wilhelm was found and we headed back to the Boarshead Inn. Reginald, Wilhelm, Braeth, and Kanen were there to listen to this old manâ€
s message. The man did a lot of strange theatrics at first, and then suddenly started talking quite normal. To make this long story short, the man was actually Devon, or at least the wizard speaking through anotherâ€
s body, and demanded that Wilhelm call off his “wolves†in exchange for Jadeâ€
s life. Much bantering took place, and we kept demanding proof that she was alright. He never gave any real proof, but did change himself to look exactly like her, talk like her, and even spoke with her memories. I knew it wasnâ€
t anywhereâ€
s close to the real Jade though. I doubt sheâ€
d yell at me to stop fiddling with my amulet.
After the old man left us, we began to talk about Steele. Wilhelm still didnâ€
t trust the paladin. Steele walked in on us and was made very uncomfortable by our conversation and left. By Tyr, all these guys like to act before thinking, and itâ€
s hurting Steeleâ€
s feelings to see his friends turn on him. Braeth and I chased after Steele, and we told him that we thought he was innocent, saying that it was obvious that if he had given the death threats, it was only because Devon was in control of his body.
After talking with Steele, Braeth got word that Vashere had been killed, he was last seen heading to the Goblin Stronghold. A group of us went after him to rescue his body.
((OOC – First impression of B8: AWESOME!!!))
Entry 35 –
Today I again saw Steele. I was hoping to see him, and try to get him to meet up with the others. As luck would have it, Reginald came right up! He was surprised to see Steele, of course, but managed to stay pretty composed. We decided to travel to Jiyyd since the bandits have been beaten back. Plus Braeth and Wilhelm had travelled up there and Steele really wanted to talk to both Wil and Reg.
The journey was pretty swift. Saw some orcs, but they were taken care of by other adventurers. The town of Jiyyd is pretty nice and simple, kinda like Norwick. The three of us decided to wait at the inn for Wilhelm and Braeth. “The Regal Whore Inn.†Not the best of names if you ask Steele and I. We only had to wait a few minutes before the others arrived. Braeth handled seeing Steele very well, but Wilhelm… Wilhelm was immediately hostile, but I canâ€
t blame him. Basically, Wilhelm really thinks that Steele was behind Jadeâ€
s disappearance. And he very well could have. Steele told his story which seems legit. I donâ€
t think heâ€
s lying. But there are some spots where he doesnâ€
t have any recollection. That troubles me. Knowing a Red Wizard is likely behind all of this, Iâ€
m willing to bet that Steele has been unwittingly used. And itâ€
ll crush him if he finds out it is so. Steele of course was pretty shocked to hear Wilhelmâ€
s accusations. Braeth and I did our best to give a quick summary of what was going on and why itâ€
s thought that Steele could have done such deeds. Braeth said heâ€
d accept Steeleâ€
s story for now, but will be watching him closely and if he finds out Steele has hurt Jade in any way, Braeth would be after him.
Men. So quick to act. Call it womanâ€
s intuition, but I suspect that Steele is as much of a victim here.
Braeth again mentioned about how there is no clear good and evil in the world. Only “shades of grey.†It hurts me to hear him say such things. Where is my elven ranger that strives to serve the Greater Good? How could he say something that goes so against everything I believe in?
Steele left us, a bit depressed from the comments from his formal friends. Iâ€
ll have to talk more with him later. I really do feel bad for him.
Braeth invited Reginald and I to go with him to explore a crypt near the town. There was a huge group of us gathered. Vashere, Reg, Braeth, Wilhelm, Laurick, and some others I donâ€
t know. Such a large number was a bit unwieldy, but we managed. The crypt was interesting to explore, and there were a bunch of undead. Then we saw some elementals. Huge ones. We tried to back track, but they blocked the exit. The earth elemental basically told us “Fight fire or die.†So we fought the fire elementals and won. We all decided to leave, not wanting to risk further angering of whatever guards the crypt.
It seems that Reginald got bitten by a werewolf. He changed into one and attacked some people. Braeth made some jokes about it, while Reginald kept denying that he was a werewolf. But we all told him so and he finally accepted the fact. Then we were telling him he should lock himself up at night, and Wilhelm said to lock him up in the jail. While he said afterward that he meant it only as a joke, Reginald didnâ€
t like the idea and made himself invisable and ran off.
Oh well, just as some problems end, new ones come up. Thatâ€
s life for you.
((OOC – What a great, huge event. I had LOTS of fun.))
Entry 34 -
Much has happened today, and Iâ€
m quite physically and emotionally spent. However, I think the bulk of our problems have been taken care of.
When I headed out of the inn, there wasnâ€
t many defenders protecting the town. Braeth, Kanen, Thorin, and I did our best to protect our home. First we had pixies attack again, and some undead. We were expecting a war machine to appear again, but what happened was much, much worse.
Dragons. Two enormous dragons attacked the four of us, and I thought I saw a shadowy form in the background. I feared for my life, and tried to run, but of course I couldnâ€
t run. I was trapped on the platform. I almost fell apart mentally, as the fear for my life was triggering the Fear and demons that haunt me. And I couldnâ€
t run. I only had one option. Fight, even if itâ€
s futile, FIGHT!!! As soon as the thought entered my head, I felt a shift in me. I felt my strength feed off the Fear, channeling it. I had accepted my Fear, and now used it.
While that in itself was a grand victory, Iâ€
d be crazy to assume that I survived the dragons. I think I lasted longer than I expected though. We were all defeated. How could we even be a match for two dragons? We sat on the Fugue, wondering what would happen to us next. Suddenly, I felt Tyrâ€
s presence, but could not see him. Everything went black, and I woke up in the Phoenix Guild. Helm must have also sent Kanen back, because he was with me. Thorin, who just entered the guilldhall, was quite surprised to see us.
Kanen and I ran for the general store to get new equipment. The dragons ruined the gear we originally had. Too bad, as I loved that armor Vashere gave me. Kanen happened upon Vinessaâ€
s body on his way there, so we both took advantage of the money she carried and got some stuff. I donâ€
t normally advocate such a deed, but I think we should just consider it a donation from her to repay some of her sins. After we were ready, we regrouped with the rest of the towns defenders, and we all decided we should burn Vinessaâ€
s body again. I began to search for Braethâ€
s body, as it appeared that he was still dead. I headed to the Friarâ€
s and found that he had been brought back.
The whole group of townsfolk left in town gathered by the mayorâ€
s house to decide how what to do with Vinessaâ€
s body and the corpse of Seleron, who worked with the witch. Vashere said that the only way to truly end Vinessa was to turn her corpse into an undead and then destroy the monster with divine magic. His thinking was that we would be harming her spirit this way. Many of us disagreed, myself included, feeling that we cannot commit an evil act to do good. Some others of course agreed with Vashere. Sadly, Braeth agreed with him, but I can understand because he has much respect for Vashere. And despite my disagreeing with Vashere, I still have respect for him. He did have the townâ€
s interests at heart. But what really saddened me was Braethâ€
s comment on how there is no black and white with evil vs good. “Only shades of grey.†Such a jaded comment… And one that goes against my beliefs…
In the end, the people who were against Vashereâ€
s decision won, and the bodies were burned. Just as they finished burning though, they became animated on their own. So I guess Vashere got his wish. After the corpses were beaten down, Thorin and another doused them in both holy water and acid.
As soon as the task was done, we suddenly heard a booming voice from the middle of town. That shadowy form was standing in the center of town, promising death and destruction to all. Somebody mentioned to me that this was Vinessaâ€
s master. A huge battle ensued. I watched on from a safe distance, watching to see if I could heal anybody. I knew that I would be unable to cause any harm to the demon. Everytime they seemed to get the monster beaten down, parts of him split open and he changed into an even scarier creature. In the end, Anselm dove into the well and pulled out a crystal that he learned was in it. He used the crystal to trap the demon. There was a big argument on what to do with the crystal, but it was finally decided that the elves in the North Deeper Rawlinswood would watch the crystal for now until a more permanent solution could be found.
Also I have new found respect for Adam Bromley. He risked his life by infiltrating Vinessaâ€
s group of people to get information. I never would have expected to find him doing such.
I saw a familiar face in town. Surprised me to see it, actually. It was Jadeâ€
s mentor, Steele. I followed him at a distance around town, trying to decide if I should or shouldnâ€
t approach him. While I was tailing him, I ran into Lolita and Verix. Lolita and I felt something strange in Verix. He confessed that he became something akin to undead, but wasnâ€
t really one. Killthorn Tal came over and used his senses to verify that no darkness hung in Verixâ€
s aura. Iâ€
ll take his word for now, but Iâ€
ll keep an eye on the mage all the same.
I then resumed my chase of Steele, deciding to approach him. Heâ€
s had to have seen me following him anyways, might as well come clean about it. Of course, I was right, Steele was waiting for me and immediately asked why I was following him. I replied that he seemed familiar to me and curiosity got the better of me. He the asked if I had seen Jade, Wilhelm, and Reginald anywhere. I told him how Jade was missing, but the other two were still around. We then introduced ourselves to each other, and sure enough, heâ€
s Steele.
And so a piece to Jadeâ€
s disappearance has entered the picture. I hope to talk to Steele more. I truly hope that it isnâ€
t true that Devon has done something to Jadeâ€
s friend.
((OOC - Despite the lag killing me, I really was having fun. Canâ€
t wait to see more of this plot unfold.))
Entry 33 -
I was talking with Braeth, Seven, Kanen, and Reginald in the inn before we headed out. Reg mentioned that Jade was still missing and that he was going to be helping Wilhelm look for her. Braeth and I also said weâ€
d help. We all pretty much decided that Steele was our best lead. Heâ€
s been seen around town and we know that Devon did something to him.
Suddenly, a far off voice started to cast a spell, it sounded like Cera, and I blacked out. When I woke, Seven told me that the others went chasing after the person who cast the sleep spell on me. I ran down the stairs to see what was going on. I swore it was Cera that was casting. When I got downstairs it looked like they had caught Cera. She was talking funny though. She saw us all as some wizards that had kidnapped her. Try as we might, we couldnâ€
t convince her that Narfell was real. She thought it was a dream. “Mojo†seemed to remember though. It saddened me to see her in such a state. It was like what I went through when I was first under the Fear after the night She was possessed. I only saw the world full of demons. The only thing that pulled me out of that was Braeth. He was the only thing I clung onto for Hope. I think we need to find that one thing Cera feels a strong connection to in order to snap her out of her state. We had tried many things, trying to get her to remember her friends. One thing we didnâ€
t try was mentioning Sakura. We didnâ€
t want to chance shattering her mind further by reminding her about her stillborn child.
Still, I wonder if we should have taken the chance.
After letting Cera leave us, we all decided to get ready for our search for Jade. Unfortunately, we never got the chance to head out. Evil pixies suddenly attacked, causing some of us to attack each other through confusion. The town organized to stop the threat, and also posted extra guards at both gates in case other enemies decided to make a move. We soon discovered that the pixies were appearing from the well. We fought them off, well enough. Then the war golems appeared. I tried to stay out of the melee, but soon found one of the constructs looming over me. I tried to block the attack, but itâ€
s fist pounded me into the ground. In the back of my mind, I could tell many bones were broken. I felt my life fading from my body. Before I totally blacked out, I mouthed one last prayer to Tyr. When I awoke, I found myself still alive, and healed. I give much praise to Tyr for answering my call.
Strangely, my armor changed colors. It must have been slightly distorted by the Wild Magic.
Things seemed to have quieted down after the golems were taken care of. I still made a quick around town to make sure things were truly alright. I ran into a man at the Friarâ€
s who recognized me. He said a friend told him of me. I had a small chat with the person, named Victor. He was concerned about my nightmares, and gave me some encouraging words. He also said I should try to face Her. Getting rid of the demon that was my friend would help me to overcome my Fear. I must admit it makes sense. I really think I need to talk to Karion some more about what heâ€
s planning.
_((OOC - You know, sometimes I feel very badly for Kara. She has a habit of having days like last night. It starts off with her getting involved in something that has her face a huge problem, and she pulls through making the day feel like things will be getting better. Then hell breaks loose and knocks her into an even deeper pit.
Mas, you would have to play mind games with her, wouldn't you.
Don't worry folks, I'm not having her go totally crazy again.
At least, not yet…))_
Entry 32 -
I feel like hell. My head hurts so much from my mental struggles. So hard to think. Just when I start to feel like I've got a handle on my Fear, something comes along and makes it stronger. And it seems I succumb when people need me the most.
I feel like such a failure because of it.
Today started out with a chat with Seven and Wilhelm. Seven seems to be doing okay after her ordeal. It was nice to see her smiling and humming away. Wilhelm, on the other hand, was very troubled. Jade has mysteriously vanished on him one night. Just her and a blanket is missing. I fear she's been kidnapped. Or worse.
Then I heard some shouting from the jail. It almost sounded like Karion's voice. So I went to investigate, and found Karion, Fishel, and Gulir talking to Kanen, who was in a jail cell. When they told me why he was jailed, I almost fell into my Fear again. Actually, I think I did for a moment.
Kanen saw Her again. He was jailed because he attacked Her, knowing of the demon that has replaced my friend. I had to retell to Jore the story of the night She was changed to convince him to free Kanen. Jore promises to look into the situation of Justi_illegible scribble_
It still hurts to think of Her. Many of my friends would say that my friend is no more, only the demon remains. Deep down inside me though, I still have hope have my friend come back. Foolish hope, I'm sure, but I just can't let her memory go. But if she must be destroyed with the demon, so be it. Better that she is completely dead than to allow that demon to exist in our world.
Kanen was very thankful of me for doing what I did to get him out of jail. He realized how much of a sacrifice it took me to tell the story without slipping into the Fear again. It was very mentally draining to fight the Fear. Sometimes I surprise myself with the strength of my devotion to my friends. If I didn't follow Tyr, I suspect I could easily follow Torm. Which I guess isn't too much of a stretch.
After leaving Kanen, I met with Reginald who was talking to a halfling called Wysp. It seems that Wysp suddenly appeared in town, coming from Cormyr. She was very confused at being so instantly brought here, and wondered how she'd get back. Poor girl. One thing we noticed soon after meeting her is how she seems to be able to channel magic, often without thought. Sounds like she's a sorceror.
Karion called me over, and told me how he and some friends are planning to destroy the demon that was my friend. He was wanting to know if I'd be able to help or give information. I told him that I'd help as best as I could. I think I'll try to talk to him more about it. I need to get involved, and see this torment ended. Perhaps facing the center of the Fear will end it.
I'm so tired of the Fear. After talking with Karion, there was shouting that the town was attacked. I headed to help at the north gate, where bandits were attacking. I also heard rumors that the bugbears and goblins were also attacking from the south. The bandits… they were very powerful. I got blasted away by multiple fireballs. I almost died, but I think Reginald was able to get me healed enough.
Being so near death, it scared me. My Fear fed on my frightened state and took over me again. I'm not sure what happened to me while I was under the Fear. I've got brief flashes of memory telling me I hid in the inn, then wandered outside, running from demons. They were probably people wanting to help me. I hope they forgive me for it.
Something else started to worm it's way into my head. It started while I was under the Fear, but it didn't feel totally as if it was from the Fear. A whisper in the back of my mind. I couldn't understand it, I just mistook it for a demon. It quieted and soon I finally broke free of the Fear.
I looked about, and found I was near the well. Coin and Cera were at the well, and Cera fell in! Coin was so devastated. I stumbled about, trying to think through the haze and headache that filled my head. Suddenly, vampires broke through the gate and the townsfolk fought back. I tried to fight back some, but I found that I lost most of my belongings when I was felled by the bandits. I had no holy symbol to try to drive back the undead with. Nor did I have a weapon besides my sling.
And then I started to hear the whisper again. It startled me so, and I felt the Fear trying to overtake me again. I summoned every ounce of energy I had to hold back the Fear, knowing that I'd only get killed if I succumbed to it again. But the whispers.... They kept telling me to drink the water from the well. Telling me that I'd feel better, and safe. My torment would be ended.
I fought back, yelled at it, told it to leave me alone. But still it whispered and beckoned. Coin overheard me, and told me to drink the water. Confusion set into me. Why drink the water? What did he know of the water? Why did the whisper want me to drink? Whatever I said struck a cord within Coin, and he rushed over to the well and drank, just as I was about to submit to the whisper and have a drink myself.
As soon as he drank, he screamed in pain, then started to change, growing into a beast. He attacked others, who also changed into beasts. I was seeing the town turn to demons before my own eyes. In reality, they were only werewolves, but still it triggered my Fear. In my Fear induced state, I must have tried to leave the town via the North Gate. I tripped on something. It was a body. Reginald's body.
Again, my devotion to my friends proved very strong. Seeing my dead friend snapped me out of my Fear, and I quickly grabbed his body, stuffing it into the magical bag Fishel gave Charbonneau's body in. I then headed back into town, intent to get the body to the Friar's so that he may be Raised.
The whispers started to tempt me again as I neared the well. And vampires still ran about trying to kill people. Somebody yelled at me to help out, but I couldn't. I was locked in an internal battle with Fear and the whisper. Fear told me to run away, far away. The whisper told me to drink. Then I saw Coin again, he was returned to normal. Seeing him reminded me of how evil the well was and I used that knowledge and my devotion to help Reginald. The strength they gave me allowed me to resist the whisper and Fear.
I got Reginald's body to the Friar's. By Tyr, there were a lot of dead bodies in the house. Reginald was raised, and thanked me for my help to save him. Things outside quieted down, and I overheard the mayor shouting that the enemy has retreated, giving us a reprieve.
Braeth finally found me, and I cried loud and long into him. He and Gulir tried to encourage and cheer me. I felt a little better, but still...
All I am is a scared, little girl.
Entry 31 -
We had a Legion council meeting today. Or rather, Alliance council meeting. Yup, the name of our group has changed, as we don't like the old one anymore. The Alliance is a temporary name right now, but I have the feeling it may stick.
Braeth is angry at me for the way I voted on one of the decisions we made. I know he won't understand why I voted the way I did. I just didn't think we as a group could handle the responsibility of what was being asked. Not right now. Maybe if circumstances change…
It seems I need to come up with a color scheme for the members of the Temple. Gold has to be one of the colors, as that is the Alliance's color. I'm considering blue as the other color. I'm also thinking of what other gods to include, as the guild has people of many faiths. Tyr and Torm of course will have high honor, and I'm also planning to have Helm and Athanatos. I think that will be good.
So much to do...
((OOC - Ah, a day that actually was relaxing for Kara.))
Entry 30 -
Kanen's doing well. I was worried at how he'd be after the ordeal with Seven, but he seems to have bounced back alright. Of course, he could just be hiding his pain well. He says that Seven is alright, too. I'm especially worried about her.
Hugh is not doing well after his dismissal from his monatary. While we were talking, he'd occasionally become overwhelmed by a pain and have to sit down. After a couple of times, I took a good look at him, bringing my medical knowledge to bear. His body seemed to be very stressed out, as if it was struggling against an unseen force. It turns out that since his order kicked him out, he's been having some troubles controlling his Ki. I fear he may burn himself out unless he finds a way to control his inner power.
Speaking of burning, Wilhelm showed us a neat trick. Reginald mentioned the standing stones in town, wondering what they were for. Wilhelm explained that they are druidic in nature, pointing out the runes. He then had us all stand in the center of the stones, so that he could show us their power. He called down a spell, surrounding the whole area around the stones with fire for a brief moment. The fire stayed out of the circle of stones though. Quite amazing really.
I met some more followers of Tyr today! There was a dwarf named Desil, who introduced himself as a Battle Cleric of Tyr. The title reminded me of Guir, and so I mentioned him. Turns out that Desil is Guir's brother! Small world, eh? There was also Andrio, a paladin of Tyr, and another who's name I can't remember. I also met a paladin of Selune. I guess there's a first for everything. Argh, what's his name? I even traveled with the man to make sure that he doesn't get killed by goblins and I don't remember his name?
Blame it on the many thoughts running around in my head.
Eh, maybe it's that I need some sleep.
Entry 29 -
Dammit! So much I want to write down tonight, but I can't. I promised not to tell anybody, and that will include not even writing it down in my personal diary. It's tearing me up not being able to write out my thoughts about what I've been privy to. And I really need to do it, because I just don't know what to do about the situation that came up.
Braeth, you are really worrying me.
One thing I can talk about is that I saw Cera again. She's worrying me, too. I had thought she got over Sakura's death, but it seems I was wrong. It seems Cera has developed a separate personality of Sakura. Which I suppose shouldn't surprise me. She always has seemed kinda crazy. At least her Mojo personality has some form of reality as her familiar. Oh! I finally got to meet that big cat of hers. Magnificiant animal.
Well, I'm going to end this entry here before I'm tempted to write about the things I can't. Perhaps some extra prayers to Tyr will ease my mind and guide my heart.
Hey, I think I have a solution!
the next couple of pages appears to be torn neatly out of the diary
((OOC - The solution she came up with was to write down what she wanted to say, so that she has her thoughts straightened out, and then tore the pages out and tossed them into the fire.))
_((OOC - Holy cow! Thanks Illum and Zwei for making setting up a great story for the rest of us to sink our teeth into. Everybody who got involved made last night a great RP night. It certainly was one of the best nights I ever had.
What's the best? Hmmm… I'm too much of a Libra, thus I can't decide. The night Tyr resurrected Kara was awesome because of what happened after the resurrection. Another high ranking night was when Kara returned to town after going insane. And finally, Kara's bonding to Braeth was a great night.
Anyways, on with the show!))_
Entry 28 -
The diary starts out with a couple of lines written, then crossed out, as if Kara had started to write something, then didn't like what she started. It appears this happened twice before the final writing.
Damn it! I just can't seem to find the right words to start tonights entry. My mind is such a jumble of thoughts and emotions. I suppose I should just start at the beginning and work my way from there.
I started off going out to find some friends to talk to. I really do enjoy being with friends. Especially nowadays, when the friendships help me to keep the Fear out of my mind. So, you can imagine my dismay that nobody seemed to be about. I briefly talked to that Garen character. He seemed nice enough but I'm still going to be a bit wary of him.
Meanwhile, I was really starting to get worried about my friends. I was getting disturbing feelings from Braeth. I could feel great concern for Seven and Kanen, and anger and hatred for Jubei, and frustration for not being able to catch the assassin. When Jade ran into me, I became even more concerned as she began to ask me where Seven was with a worried voice. She was about to head off in search of Seven, with me in tow even if she didn't want me, when Braeth and Wilhelm ran up. What they had to tell chilled me to the bone.
Seven was kidnapped by Jubei. Perhaps he realized she was spying on him. Kanen, Wilhelm, and Braeth dared a rescue mission for my sister of faith. They were successful in rescuing her alive, but it came out that Seven loved Jubei, even as he had her kidnapped and threatened her life. Surprisingly, Jubei cared for her as well. He couldn't follow through with his threats though, and ran off.
What makes this even more crazy is that Seven also has feelings for Kanen, and he has the same feelings for her. Poor Kanen. Poor Seven.
Jade asked about the death threats for Seven that I mentioned hearing about. I told her of the one that Kanen and Seven told me the other day, where the messenger looked like Steele, who was Jade's mentor killed by Jubei. We all decided that we should check Steele's grave. The thought that his body could be have been disturbed from it's final rest was quite disturbing, and we all hoped it was just coincidence that the messenger looked like Steele.
Alas, our fears were true. Steele's grave was dug up. I just can't describe the utter disgust I have for such an act. As I've mentioned before, my village would sometimes be plagued by necromancers defiling the graves of our dead. The sights of them raising undead for their own gains still brings anger to my eyes even now. My disgust with disturbing the dead is why I've asked Tyr for powers to battle the undead, even though the domain of power is not his typical. Even if Steele was not turned into an undead, the fact that he was disturbed from his final rest is enough to bring forth my anger. I just had a hard time believing that even Jubei would be involved in such an act. He seemed to have more honor.
As I sat at the grave with my friends, I felt much sorrow for Jade. I wanted to say something, but just couldn't find the words. The shock of what we saw just didn't allow me to be able to say anything. We suddenly were pulled out of our silent reflection by a couple of arrows fired at Jade, giving slight wounds. Immediately, we jumped up and gave chase to the source of the attack, not surprised to see Jubei. We were able to catch him and subdue the assassin.
Braeth placed him in jail and Jade proceeded to ask him questions to find out who sent him, what happened to Steele, and what else the “master†has in store for us. Surprisingly, Jubei did give over much of the information asked for. His master is a Red Wizard named Devon, who apparently is trying to avenge Jade for the death of another named Caleb. And this Devon apparently did arrange for Steele to be brought back to life. Even though Jubei said that Steele was truly alive and not undead, I still canâ€
t help but feel disgust. Jubei always was talking that heâ€
s on a mission of Justice, and before there was the chance that I could believe it, being a cleric of Tyr. But to do this to Steele is not Justice. Devon seeks Vengeance, and nothing else.
I just donâ€
t know what to think about Jubei. At first, I despised him because he threatened a friend of mine. Then some curiosity as he spoke about trying to bring Justice. Anger at him for kidnapping Seven. Now, I think I pity him. Heâ€
s found love, but denies it because he sees it as a weakness. He thinks his feelings for Seven were foolish. Perhaps they were, as far as his mission of vengeance goes. But I cannot believe that love is ever foolish. I hope he realizes this someday. I wonder if he can be redeemed. I see potential for it.
May Tyr grant us a solution to this whole dilema.
((OOC - I was on for a while, got involved with the well problems, then started to talk to a new friend I made a few nights ago and my comp crashes. Mind you, I crashed in mid-conversation when I first met this person too. I couldn't get back in, though, because the server was full, full, full, full, and full. At 3 am EST. sigh))
Entry 27 -
Tired tonight, so I'll keep this short.
Saw Kanen and Seven today. I think I've seen them together quite often. I suspect they are getting attached to each other. Hee hee. Anyways, they were happy to hear that Braeth and I became bonded. They also asked me about my thoughts on a death threat for Seven that Kanen was given. Oddly enough, the person that gave Kanen the message looked like Steele, Jade's mentor. At least from the description that Kanen gave me. I wonder if this is somehow related to Jubei. I shall have to keep Seven in my prayers. She's been a good friend.
Things started to act weird at the well. AGAIN. Why can't this madness end? It seems the whole town is a wild magic zone now. Also, vampires started to appear at the well, and caused a little bit of havoc. Jore soon had Braeth gather the militia, Legion, and and a few other townsfolk to guard the well and keep people away from it. He also had a couple of people from Spellweaver take a look. There was a big town meeting about the situation and the final decision is that there will be a fence placed around the well and people must refrain from casting spells in town.
I briefly saw Nina again today. She was worried about me when I went running off before. Unfortunately I couldn't stay and talk with her.
((OOC - Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid computer and full server at 3 am!!!!))
Entry 26 -
I have just had the happiest day of my life. Oh, my heart still goes pitter-pat when I think of it. Braeth and I have performed the Elven Bonding ceremony. We are now one.
Karion, Elle and Wilhelm joined us for the journey to the Elven Encampment, as we invited each to the ceremony, but the elves would not allow Wilhelm in because he is half-human. I feel so bad for him. He deserves to be allowed in more than myself! Sure, Iâ€
m bonding with an elf, but he is the result of such a union. Well, Iâ€
m sure I wouldnâ€
t be allowed in again, so I will forever count myself blessed for seeing the place.
Calendall performed the ceremony, and it was a nice experience. I was asked to come forward to speak of what I knew about the elves and what it meant to be an elf. I had to search my heart for a moment to find the right words to say what I felt. When I did speak, the words flowed out very easily though.
ve gotten to be friends with a handful of elves, and noticed one thing that easily sets them apart from my other friends. They have great loyalty to those they care about. Karion did all he could to see me raised when I first died, not giving up hope even when some force seemed to block the attempt. Braeth pulled me from the deepest pit of despair and fear, restoring my mind, faith, and spirit. Iâ€
ve even seen this loyalty in good olâ€
Tyger, who was always willing to help my father. Ah, good olâ€
Tyger. I always looked forward to the times when heâ€
d invite me to his ranger camp. He used to love telling me stories, and was often better than some bards Iâ€
ve met. And the wonderous sights of the forest heâ€
d show me, like a sunset over a mountain valley or the moonlight filtering through a particular grove of trees.
To me, an elf should be someone who shows great loyalty to friends and family, loves and appreciates the forest around us, and is always willing to sit down and share stories and good times. Thatâ€
s what Iâ€
ve seen in all my elven friends.
Braeth, Elle, and Karion then gave me some brief of elves, their gods, and history. I know that it was only a few drops of knowledge when compared to all that I could learn, but it was appreciated all the same. I think Calendall was pleased. After, Braeth and I prepared ourselves for the rest of the ceremony. We both looked radiant our clothes for the occasion. The elven silk is like nothing else.
Calendall called on the Seldarine to give us their blessings for our union. We then seperated the bracelet that signifies our bonding, each taking half. Suddenly I felt a rush in my head and heart as Braethâ€
s feelings became one with mine. I must admit, it will take some getting used to feeling exactly what he feels, but itâ€
s not really uncomfortable. Just different. I feel stronger from his feelings for me.
When we left the encampment, we were greated at the gate by Vashere and another whoâ€
s name I didnâ€
t hear. They told us that Vinessa had tried to crash our ceremony, and killed many of the elven rangers that guarded the gate. In the end, she and her minions were driven away. That witch!! Can she not allow a joyous occasion to occur without some misery?
I did get some presents to congratulate our Bonding ceremony. Vashere gave me a wonderful suit of half plate armor. Itâ€
s a little heavier than the banded mail I wear, but the extra weight isnâ€
t too bad, especially now that I feel strengthened by the bonding. I still need to go have itâ€
s colors changed to the Legion colors though. I still have to thank him for it. Perhaps later today.
Coin also gave me a present, something he hopes would help keep the demons of my mind at bay. It was a vial of some kind of liquid, looks very thick and black. Iâ€
m not sure what it is, but I appreciate the thought anyways.
Braeth looks so cute when heâ€
s asleep. I think heâ€
s having a pleasant dream right now. I should go back to bed as well, but I just needed to write down my thoughts.
there is a small doodle on the bottom of the page. While not very artful, one can clearly make out that it is a picture of two people, an elven male and a human female, embracing each other in a forest full of trees
Entry 25 -
Forgive me if I keep things simple and brief in describing the recent events. I've got quite a headache from my last Fear attack.
Kanen and Fishel are part of Legion now. Fishel is going to be helping me with the temple. He and I talked for a little while, he found Char's body and gave it to me for a proper burial. We got talking about Jason's god. Rashid overheard me and we invited him and Karli to our table. I've heard of Karli, but never met her. She asked us some tough questions about faith and the gods, specifically on gods giving help, or lack thereof. Quint had joined us, and obviously cares nothing for the gods, as he feels they care nothing for us. Karli's troubled, and I can sympathise with her. Perhaps I can talk one-on-one sometime.
Quint said something that really pissed me off. He said love was worthless and wasn't something to be bothered with. That comment angered me so much, much more than any of his criticizing of the gods. Love is what kept me alive in the dark days when my mind was gone. Love is what brought me back from that world. Without Braethâ€
s love, Iâ€
d be dead.
A little halfling girl by the name of Nina came in and told us strange fires broke out at the well. We left to investigate, and sure enough the well was acting strange again. Jore enlisted the help of Legion to keep the townsfolk away from the well for a while, as there was obvious danger. Thing seemed to return to normal, except for magic, as it seemed the town became a Wild Magic zone. Cera got injured from a spell gone wild. Also, she seemed to become blind when near the well, only able to see magic. I think the Wild Magic may have been messing up her connection to that elusive Mojo. Kanen, Coin, myself, and a couple of others took Cera north to the Nars Pass, so that we could heal her. Cera didnâ€
t want to come back to town, but I didnâ€
t want her to wander the Nars Pass where she could get hurt by bandits, and convinced her to return with me.
Braeth showed up then, and I told him things were going funny around the well again. And it appeared they still were. Strange flashes of magic, earthquakes, spells gone wild… I could feel the Fear trying to take over, and kept it under control for quite a while. But I finally succumbed to the Fear when I was hurt by a spell failure of Garenâ€
s. After I came out of my nightmare world, I decided to get some sleep.
Vashere is right not to want to sit near that well. The evil is too much.