Jiyyd Rumors
Rumors spread like a wildfire in jiyyd about Jirka being dead. Some say she came back to take farewell from her friends, and that she was at peace. Other say that she came down like a storm and slayed Orcs and hobgoblins like never before. Some smile aothers are sad. Some are even heard whispering that jriak brought nothing but trouble to Jiyyd since she moved in. The only thing all say the same is that they witnessed a bright while light that shot up towards the skys where Jirka supposedly died. And a dwarven laughter was heard throughout Jiyyd.
_Stories abound of some sort of family quarrel between Rolan and his little sister Star. She was said to have placed 3 kegs behind him, standing with a lit torch over them waiting for all near to clear away so she could blow him up. Words were exchanged about many things, including Rolan being a baby killer and then they finally took it outside the gates of Jiyyd. There was no explosion and Rolan came walking in the gates of Jiyyd a bit later with a sad look on his face and headed to the legion halls without answering any questions.
Whispers are heard about Rolan truely being a banite again and that he is sacrificing babies to his dark god in Jiyyd. Women with children give him a wide area as he walks around the town._
Rumors swirl through the Whore recently in Jiyyd
Commoner Bob: "Ya 'ear about that strange arse sight out on the road to the east of 'ere? Couldn't believe me ears when I heard it. Seems that one of those big sword wielden pig men went after a caravan right along the road. Chopped up a small one it did, cleaved him right in two with a single blow mightier than Tempus's himself I been told."
Commoner Linda: "Well ain't nuttin to weird about that. I mean, tis a horrible thing and all but ain't that be 'appen all the time?"
Commoner Bob: "See, that be the thing Linda. While the orc was doing it to this little ole girl all the rest o' the caravan just stood and watched or so its said, even the warriors paid to be protectin it and all. Even stranger was the Orc cause once he got done slicing up the kiddie you know what he did?"
Commoner Linda: "Go after all the fools just staring at him?"
Commoner Bob: "That's what ya'd be thinkin, but it ain't be what happened. He turned that big ole sword of his around and put it straight through him. One o' the guard went out to when they 'eard the commotion and was tryin to see what was goin on. And he said he heard them saying somethin, real quite like, all in unison."
Commoner Linda: "What was that Bob? -fully enthralled at this point-"
Commoner Bob: "They were repeatin this, though I cinnae make hide nor hairs of it. 'We could stop it but we didn't, just for you jen.' They wouldn't budge at all for poor guard so he went back in to the town to get some real help. When he came back out he found the bodies all burning where they stood. Said there looked to be something odd with them but couldn't figure it out with the blaze an all."
Commoner Linda: "How odd"
Commoner Bob: "Ayup, but with all the elementals and orcs running round 'ere lately some'ow doesn't surprise me to much"
Jiyyd was pummelled by elementals and powerful winds and lightning strikes. An evil priestess of Talos finally appearing and killing several before retreating to the east road. A group followed and they lost more and more to her wrath until they finally cornered her in Ormpur. The fight lasted almost a complete day and only half of the group that survived the chase to ormpur lived. In the end however, Nathander Steel, Vroka, Fadia, Khaya, Ludo, Drelan, and Alvar blackwood were left standing, the priestess finally been slain. The weary survivors raised the bodies, a man in gold armor seen carrying a pink haired bard back into jiyyd and upon her raising quickly paid Drudo for a room for three days, and saying any that woke him would do so at their own risk.
_Scouts who travel off the Near East road, might notice occasional corpses in the snow. They're bound and near-naked with a snowflake carved into their chests but no major injuries beyond that.
Most of the corpses are hobgoblins, some human_
*Rumors fly of vroka seen sneeking out in the middle of the night to the legion halls windows looking for her "rock hard moggers" it is whispered she puts sleep spells on her husband before she leaves… Grunts are commonly heard around the halls lately iun the middle of the night disturbing indeed these sounds are " Mmmmhmmm Mogggers..." * One night General grag was seen running out of the halls... " WHOEVA THAT IS STOP IT YE SOUND LIKE A CUPLE UF BANSHEES WHAILIN AT THE MOON! slams the door 8O
Rumor has it a war patrol of Legionnaires led by Grag the Great himself headed off to the orc plains to investigate a scouting report of orc activity. Upon reaching the plains the patrol found itself pitted against a sizable orc army. Throughtout the day the patrol fought against waves upon waves of orcs, crushers, detroyers. Finally with orc bodies piled waist high and the plains running red with orc blood the patrol pushed forward against the archers that had been shooting at them opening with a large and effective ball of arcane flame. Seizing the moment and the opening in the orc forces the patrol moved forward into the breach but was then hit by the reserve orc forces of crushers and destroyers.
Battling ensued and the injuries on the patrol begun to take it's toll as the Beloved Major Lyte was stricken down and the injured were forced to pull back and regroup. Pushing forward again the Body of the Major was recovered and the patrol beat a stratgeic withdrawl back to town,
The orcs had other plans as they sent no less than a dozen magi in pursuit
of the patrol harrassing the Legion. The Magi were said to have even turned two Legionnaires into stone and their new forms were seen by mnay in town before they were hauled off to Vrokas.A few days later Lyte and the stoned Legionnaires were seen emerging from Vrokas seemingly unscathed.
((thanks to the DMs, lots of fun and to the war patrol (I will forget names so sue me) Grag, Lyte, Rolan (who makes a nice statue), Chaevre, The Fool, Amana, Sil, Zyphlin and the others I forget right now
PS rumor spreads Vroka has a thing for statues and was quite upset when the statues were brought back to their original form.
A grand wake was held in Jiyyd, lasting well over two days and lead by the Bards Lilly and Ocean. They sang and danced and drank and talked of Eowiel's life. Played jests and pranks and in their own way expended some of the huge grief they felt. Ocean was obviously often tearful but played and sang through fourty eight hours of revellry in the name of her mentor, confidante and friend.
a man in earthy leathers may have been seen walking through Jiyyd during a pre-dawn drizzle with a hood pulled up against the rain and a nice bow on his back. He was only in town long enough to buy a few supplies from weary-eyed shopowners before returning the way he came, out the gate into the wilderness
Celdir can usually be found sitting in the common area in Jiyyd, talking to whomever is around. While not taking kindly to bullies, and plain evil, he holds no grudges against anyone. Not even Dwarves.
Lortaine is seen more often around Jiyyd again, restlessly patrolling the outskirts, or out by the gates, resting against the walls, her heater shield next to her and the ornate sword trust into the ground at her feet, warily scanning the horizon while causally filing her nails or putting her belongings into different orders in her bag, with a rather dark expression on her face.
Whoever adresses her about what the matter was, a reply ensues along the lines of the one stated below.Why, haven't you heard? Eastlanders are getting uppity again.. Yes, on the roads, the crossroads, just a stone's throw from here.
Attacked a group of travellers and killed several, Legion members among them, mind you; took hostages and all that.. and all over a set of armor.
Yes I know that.. I don't care if they think it's one of their own, they can state their desires and make their point clear without causing a major bloodshed!The girl clutches the holy symbol of Helm she is wearing around the neck and bares her grit teeth, angrily staring off in the distance.
I tire of this.. best be on your way, stranger. Should they cause any more trouble you get me there immediately. I shall cut their fingers one by one.
May Helm have mercy with their wretched souls, as I will not..
_Gurt has paid a Jiyyd commoner a few coins to transcribe the following sign for him and post it next to the other notices outside The Regal Whore.
It reads as follows:_
"XXXXXXXX (this part has been scratched through several times)
To those who like eatin' and drinkin':
Due to recent events, Gurt's Homecookin' is no longer in business.
But don't fear friends! Your hungry bellies and desires to be filthy drunkards will not last for long! We will soon reopen as:Julian and Genzir's
Gurt's Homecookin'!Coming soon!
Signed Your Friend,
(a large and very crudely scrawled X is here) (Gurt)"
Julian can be seen at Jiyyd writing tales about Gonnar after he passed away after he promised him in the fugue.
Gurt can be seen, from time to time, pouring out a drink at the graves of Gonnar Domne and Lorik.
Rumors spread of a knight who killed a fellow that went by the name ol'jeb. Details arent really known, except there was a struggle, and at the end the half-insane old man was killed. But its debated by some to whether it was murder or an accident.
Word spreads of a large spider type creature spending the night at the inn in Jiyyd before heading out East towards Ormpur.
*_The man known to most as Wog can be seen patroling the streets with a bigger smile on his face than normal which considering he is near always smiling alot means that somthing good must have been happened.
Through the inn and other gathering spots as he passes many suggestions have been bought up with reasons for this sudden burst of cherfullness. Some suggest that he has killed something of remarkable strength, Some say he has fallen in love with another after being left again, or evan that he saved the farmlands around jiyyd from a giant fire breathing orc. Also, to a few tight circled people say that his mind has been left by the hive of evil ducks controlling him in the aim for domination (just for vine).
Few know the true reason or if it has evan been suggested yet but it is unclear just from looking. All they can tell is that something has put him in a very good mood_*
This rumour apparently caused only the second smile on Nyda's face in recent weeks that was not directed at a sister. She shook her head ruefully at the idiocy of such an idea.
Rumors spread that the Sisterhood is planning to build a Headquarters in Jiyyd and eventually plans to take the place of the Troff Legion, be it by peaceful or violent means.
Following some kind of Duel outside the town gates a few hours later Nyda walks into town dragging the victor of that duel unceremoniously by his ankle, his face raw and blook and his body badly beaten. She drags him into the healers and emerges a short while later, looking no different to how she has recently. Stopping only to pick up a very fat Tiggles and take her indoors to sleep, she settles into the commons and occassionally cries silently and seemingly unaware she is doing it.
The fallen warrior emerges some time later from the healers and spends a lot of time glaring at his feet.