Jiyyd Rumors
Kerrith takes a piece of the meat and wanders off chewing it raw
ok.. Any ye test the meat first afor anyun else in town eats it… nods and walks off
Wog, (Being the one dragging the wagon to the food supply) turns to any who look at him in dissaproval due to who gathered the food and says:
I"f you got a problem with it .. Thats not my concern, You can starve if you want"
Belade grabs some of the meat, walks into the middle of the townsquare, and it eats, apparently enjoying it a lot.
Best bear I've eaten in ages!
Many of those who watched the supply delivery from Kara have avoid the meat and vowed to hunt their own.
"What's to say those Crystal Slaves haven't poisoned the food? Aren't they our enemy?"
Rumors spread of the shocked expressions on the council members faces as the legion continues to bypass their generals own orders. Its becoming obvious to those that frequent Jiyyd that the council is not happy with the Legion and their actions over the past few years and their constant association with those long standing citizens so evil they had to be banned from town.
Oreth is seen to point at the wagon, then at the road, then at the wagon, his jaw open, his eyes wide, then spread his hands, then simply stand a moment in complete incoherence. Then he walks off, muttering.
He wanders off to go let the cows out to graze
A wagon bearing bundled pieces of meat and large bear hides was seen being dragged up the near east road by Kara and then handed over at the gates to Wog and the guards where it was dragged into the meat stores for the town. There appears to have been at least half a dozen bears worth of meat, all salted and ready to wait out the winter until needed.
(meat and hides placed in the council building)
Vroka complains plenty about using up most of the stockpile of Hidden Pass fenberries that thanks to Tala and many others she was finally begginning to build up, to cure good 20-30 children who were rescued along with the strange one armed girl, Clover. Not to menion all the fenberry paste and juice she drained i into curing Clover of her remaining symptoms of Dreamstone Plague. Clover needed lmoast as many as all her little friends did combined. Vroka was glad to have a patien for once who treat herself with Restoration and Clarity for once atleast it saved scrolls but Clover more than ate her share of scrolls to make up for it whle In Vroka's care. Vroka was glad to have PRetty Magic Girl Cotherwise known as Cera Amalith, the strange girl's mother, to help tend the child. Vroka as evenhappier when Clover seeemd well enough to let go. . The almost 14 year old half-elven girl oddly seeemed to nearly regrow her arm before she left Vroka's care, which she had grown after being sent out by Vroka to "eat" magic other than her supplies. Apparently Clover found very genrous adventurers around Jiyyd and elsewhere.
Jiyyd was not rid of the strange girl so easily though, she's still seen often visiting her friends at the Temple of Helm, seeming very protective of them.
A sizable party returned today quite bloodied and gore covered but in good spirits. Seems they went off to investigate driders in the nearby spider cave
but instead found hordes of spiders and in the deeper reaches they are said to have run into a Duergar mining group. After much fighting the party fell back when the Duergar began collapsing tunnels. As a parting shot, the party is said to have lit the Duergar ale on fire with alchemist fire as an insult much to the dismay of the Duergar miners.Further rumor has it a large chest with some unknown valuables were taken from the Duergar and secreted away.
Talk around the commonwealth is that Divine Order Knights have been seen delivering caravans of food from Peltarch to aid the Jiyyd citizens in this time of crisis. It is also rumoured that Second Knight Arielle has been seen rousting up locals to assist in the delivery of the foods to the Council Chambers, being left with those in charge to distribute as needed.
After what seemed the charge of the giant light brigade, calm swept over the plains in both directions until the next morning, where two armoured figures met, one a human knight and the other a dwarf bloodmaiden After a moment of preparation, the two clashed in a duel in a short but painful looking match. When it was over, the two rose and walked away, chuckling and apparantly satisfied with the sparring match
The trees around Jiyyd are nearly all bearing a crude hatchet mark of Orcish origin.
//if you know damarran dialect orcish it's a warning about assassins within, there are grammatical and spelling errors.
A foul smelling Orcblood has recently arrived in Jiyyd. She generally stays outside the walls roaring and screaming in between forays into the Road. She has no command of any language but Orc and even her grasp of that is tenuous. I can't stress enough how bad she smells.
People still speak of the numerous attacks that Jiyyd has been under. It seems as if the small farming community is quickly using up what stored grain and food they had. Rumors float around though about large sacks of grain being left outside the Regal Whore and that a few cows mysteriously appeared in the barn. Where they came from is more speculation than anything, but many know that they were gotten by less than legal means. Others speak of a new traveller who has been seen in town lately. A often hooded woman sitting in the commons and speaking to he locals.
_After what appeared to be a barbecue of cooked chickens and a heated debate about the nature of evil and working with lesser evils to stop another, There was what can only be described as a magical disturbance on the west road leading towards jiyyd. Several legion members, along with Zyphlin and Kara were met by more dreamstalkers and an appearing rift. The young girl known as Clover appeared next after Zyphlin reached into the rift, wreathed in a coating of silvery blue magical fire.
After fending off the following dreamstalker, Zyphlin and company attempted to lessen the apparant fever raging through the little girl and later called Vroka out for assistance. Showing only slight improvement after considerable magic, the group set out to try and find Clover's lost friends, slipping through the same rift she had come from, not moments before.
What exactly happened is known only by the group, but some time after their disappearance, the group reappeared with thirty children and Clover being carried by kara from the Jiyyd Menhir, missing one arm. She was quickly taken to Vroka, and the children guided to the helm temple. A cloaked individual was seen leaving the gates of Jiyyd afterwards, flanked by members of the legion.
Some days later, a small wagon was seen trundling up the road from Norwick with a light guard, bearing food and blankets for the children recovered from the rift land._
(trashed gold ig for food rations and bedrolls
_Observers from nearby the western Jiyyd walls report the strange sight of the enigmatic girl Clover speaking with several adventurers, notably the Knight Kara and a few Legionnaires.
During this time, the area near Jiyyd shook with several small tremors. Keen-eyed observers would notice that the quakes coincided with the girl's cute little sneezes.
Vroka was summoned and ministered to the child for a short while, but was seemingly unable to help. A very large and very pink monster attacked the group, dissipating as it was defeated. Vroka returned to her shop while the adventurers followed Clover through a portal she miraculously created from thin air.
Hours later, the bard Sil was accompanied by an armored figure as she led a group of about 20 young children to the temple of Helm. The Helmites are caring for the children in the temple until more permanent arrangements can be made.
Sil and the man (Dermin) met with Kara and Uchi, who took Clover to Vroka's. Recent visitors to the healer might see the one-armed form of Clover resting on a pallet, being tended by Vroka. In the following days, shipments of food, blankets, and clothing arrive from Norwick and are taken to the temple of Helm._
(didn't mean to leave you out ulyetia, but you were stealthed the entire time ;))
_A lingering, unplesent smell occers around the commons.
People say that the Leigon officer Any/Wog feel asleep agasint a bench and that another Leigonaire, Vall disappeared to the halls. Uponr returning with a nose clip and a poll with a pair of Genral Grag's used and ((Very if you get the understanding)) Dirty underwear. He then dropped them on the sleeping Wog. Those gathjered where repulsed by the smell but no more so thawn the person with it on there face. Within seconds he had gotn up and flailed about trying to get them away from him. As soon as they where a few feet away before being vilontly sick by one of the lamposts. The underwear where then burned before they killled all the animals and most of the people around._
Dwin Dolvak can be seen wandering around town in a much happier mood than most Jiyydians are accustomed to seeing him in.
Tanin Valdar, leader of the newly forming elven warband, can be seen standing on the bluff overlooking town often of late. He seems rather pale and withdrawn, and less jovial than his usual self. There is a rumor that he died at the hands of a demon-wolf and its pack, only to be raised by a cleric of Torm.