Jiyyd Rumors
Shortly Following a lone knight and horse, a large wolf, races across the fields outside of Jiyyd, leaping over anything in it's path with reckless abandon, as if hot on a trail.
If anyone manages to catch a close glimpse of him, they'll see that his chest has a blaze of reddish fur the color of a familiar druid's hair, and that would become apparent WHY if they watched the ladder a moment later, as the wolf threw itself at the ladder, and climbed up as a man in armor the color of rust, bark, and dried blood.
_A lone knight still mounted upon a heavily barded warhorse is seen arriving on the outskirts of Jiyyd, headed for the treehouse that exists outside the walls of Jiyyd. Recognized as Kara, she appears to have been travelling for some time and also appears to be somewhat injured.
Once dismounted, she disappears within the tree-house._
After a long ceremony involving a drunk ex-town official, a lovely blessing half-orc, and two attempted kidnappings of the bride by trolls, the newly wed Parsley and Peppy are seen heading back to the Valley, where they were seen packing things quickly and then holding hands disappearing from sight.
A swirling gust of wind blows up and seems to cyclone a moment startling everyone there before a voice speaks out from the wind..
Greetings and salutations. Feel free to join the festivites celebrating the marriage of Parsley Tealeaf and Peppy Twiddlefingers this week ((Monday 10pm Eastern)) at the Sisterhood in Jiyyd.
almost immediately the wind dies down and quiets out, leaving people with a surprised and confused look to their face.
A hin that is actually fairly small even to the halfling race, and easily a third the height of the hulking monster weeds the field beside the jolly green giant. The hin seems to be happy about his helper's enthusiasm.
As travelers walk the long road, they occasionally hear a grunting and a snorting from somewhere off in the distance. A quick glance towards the Sisterhood and something can be seen lurking in the gardens. Something large. Something green. Something monstrous. Something…weeding the fields? It would appear the Sisterhood has a new field hand, and the frightening creature is often seen taking orders from a hin that's common to the place.
The patrols with the bets also have another figure often about them as well.
A figure nearly six feet tall, with red hair or in some cases, if rumors are true between gossiping farmers and townfolk, red FUR.Usually second in line from Lyte on the patrols, the armored (When not furry) figure wears non-Legion colors made mostly of shades of brown, from a rusty color to that of dried blood, or the bark of a tree.
No word yet whether any of the bets involve HIM eating any of the recruits.
General Lyte is seen around Jiyyd marching a group of bright and shiny new Recruits and Privates through the main stretch of the village in a now well repeated and time honored tradition. It's become a regular vignette around the otherwise often sleepy town, and a few aged farmers place bets about which recruit will be the first to get chewed up by a big wolf, which one will fall to a snow goblin and which cadet will survive to someday march at the head of a patrol themselves, in the years to come.
Andrew is seen coming into town and going straight to the Legion's Headquarters. If asked what he is doing or why he is there, his only reply is "My apologies, tis Official Norwick Business." He spends a couple of hours there and then promptly leaves town in the direction of Norwick.
((Lyte has a PM))
Jerrick has been seen lately inspecting and once even walking high UPON the walls of Jiyyd near where the recent attack happened, pacing and seeming deep in thought.
Private Calen of the Troff Legion has been seen by guards roaming between Jiyyd and Norwick a little distraught. The Legion archers were seen speaking with him and all that was heard of the the conversation was him telling them he is fine.
brick just grins
Put up at the walls around and inside Jiyyd, a couple of posters announce:
((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks
A long trail has been dragged through the mud and snow all the way from Jiyyd to Peltarch. Tiny bits of pine bark are sprinkled through out the trail.
_Rumor has it that four brave adventurers have slain the dread hobgoblin champion Grognag Fiendborn after a lengthy battle, although the hobber managed to take one of them with him into death. The body was borne to Vroka's for raising.
Hobgoblin attacks are down for the rest of the week._
sam is seen around town, no scars, no burns, magic by a healer rumors are told, she retunrs to the cave and destroys the labretory wiht many booms being heard and gracefully walks out a msile on her face
Gossip among the townsfolk is rife about an incident that occurred in the caves in Jiyyd. A stunningly beautiful woman in Red known as Samantha was seen heading into the caves with Caric Snowgriffon. They were closely followed by an irate looking Icarus Dray. Shouts were heard warning the pair to "Stay out of my Laboratory!".
Customers at the Rats and Bats restaurant, then claimed that some silence followed, followed by loud explosions from deep in the caves.
Icarus was then spotted by the town watch leaving town in a hurry. When the red clothed woman eventually emerged from the caves she was blackened and scorched, her flesh burnt and twisted, and close to death.
The watch, upon investigations, discovered a makeshift laboratory deep in the caves, near a well and a statue. All the tables, jars and small cages had been destroyed or smashed beyond repair.
Some talk of the earlier mystery of explosions in the caves having been solved. Others talk of how Samantha's beautiful face may never fully recover from the burns and scars…
Several customers at the "Rats and Bats" restaurant have been complaining about the periodic rumbling of the ground beneath their feet some even stating that their table moved of it's own accord. On leaving the restaurant these same customers heard shrieks, bangs, flashes of light and the faint murmouring of incantations from deep within the caves.
It goes around that BRICK before he left wiht Lycka and Asha picked Arak up the neck almodt strangleing him and thowing him out the town gate.
If asked, Arak will admite that he lost his trophy to a mercenary that was doing the job Brick was suposed to