Jiyyd Rumors
Private Calen of the Troff Legion has been seen by guards roaming between Jiyyd and Norwick a little distraught. The Legion archers were seen speaking with him and all that was heard of the the conversation was him telling them he is fine.
brick just grins
Put up at the walls around and inside Jiyyd, a couple of posters announce:
((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks
A long trail has been dragged through the mud and snow all the way from Jiyyd to Peltarch. Tiny bits of pine bark are sprinkled through out the trail.
_Rumor has it that four brave adventurers have slain the dread hobgoblin champion Grognag Fiendborn after a lengthy battle, although the hobber managed to take one of them with him into death. The body was borne to Vroka's for raising.
Hobgoblin attacks are down for the rest of the week._
sam is seen around town, no scars, no burns, magic by a healer rumors are told, she retunrs to the cave and destroys the labretory wiht many booms being heard and gracefully walks out a msile on her face
Gossip among the townsfolk is rife about an incident that occurred in the caves in Jiyyd. A stunningly beautiful woman in Red known as Samantha was seen heading into the caves with Caric Snowgriffon. They were closely followed by an irate looking Icarus Dray. Shouts were heard warning the pair to "Stay out of my Laboratory!".
Customers at the Rats and Bats restaurant, then claimed that some silence followed, followed by loud explosions from deep in the caves.
Icarus was then spotted by the town watch leaving town in a hurry. When the red clothed woman eventually emerged from the caves she was blackened and scorched, her flesh burnt and twisted, and close to death.
The watch, upon investigations, discovered a makeshift laboratory deep in the caves, near a well and a statue. All the tables, jars and small cages had been destroyed or smashed beyond repair.
Some talk of the earlier mystery of explosions in the caves having been solved. Others talk of how Samantha's beautiful face may never fully recover from the burns and scars…
Several customers at the "Rats and Bats" restaurant have been complaining about the periodic rumbling of the ground beneath their feet some even stating that their table moved of it's own accord. On leaving the restaurant these same customers heard shrieks, bangs, flashes of light and the faint murmouring of incantations from deep within the caves.
It goes around that BRICK before he left wiht Lycka and Asha picked Arak up the neck almodt strangleing him and thowing him out the town gate.
If asked, Arak will admite that he lost his trophy to a mercenary that was doing the job Brick was suposed to
Certainly people saw Arak hur brandishing at Brick a pair of gloves and claiming them as his trophy. A few hours later, after Arak hur had left Jiyyd the silent blademistress known to most as Sara walked out of town for an hour or so and returned bearing the gloves.
word as it that Arak hur Brought to jyiid the lifeless body of BRICK. Arak claimed that it was him who killed BRICK in battle. BRICKs friends quickly broght BRICK back to life at Jyiids healers and BRICK was quick to say that he fell to Hobgoblins and not to Arak Hur.
The doubt remains…..
Jiyyd is abuzz with whispers of robbers in the Nars. A band of three robbers, a mage, a priest, and a brawler, are said to have robbed a few adventurers trying to cross the bridge.
It would seem the dinner sponsored by the Sisterhood went very well, being as a 12,150 gold donation was made to the town of Jiyyd for the building and supplying of a school. Where once hung the posters announcing the dinner is a thank you note for those that donated their time and gold.
Grak snickers while sitting on the Jiiyd campfire
Har har har, Grak knew that females are all the same. Price of their… services only change! Haar Har Har!Grak would never give such amounts for female-Chesty. Foolish huuuumans Grak says.
As people talk about the shenanegans and fun that went on at the dinner party, someone mentions terribly cheesy poetry, and a certain redhaired half elf is rumored to have proposed to his red haired girlfriend, while wearing a bright purple shirt.
They were last seen with the lady in the man's arms, walking south from the Sisterhood.
It would seem the dinner sponsored by the Sisterhood went very well, being as a 12,150 gold donation was made to the town of Jiyyd for the building and supplying of a school. Where once hung the posters announcing the dinner is a thank you note for those that donated their time and gold.
Escaped livestock were found dead near the marshy trail ways heading into the swamp. The remains and ground around seemed to be severely burned and dissolved as if by acid.
The witnesses tell Myrrha that Mora started casting before the judge Star commenced the duel to begin. Mora continued to do so even when Star and Dietrick told him that is cheating, but Mora insisted otherwise, Dietrick however went on with the duel despite Mora cheating, and only charged after Star said "go", which by then Mora had already casted all his spells.
Witness talk about a black armor elf arguing whit a litle warrior hin at Jyyd..they didn't heard all but the black armor elf said he can beat the litle warrior aisely if he is prepar..the Hin ask for fight….The black armor elf prepar hime self and kick the litle hin buttt in a mellee fight like the Hin was a poor litle thing... The black archer walk slowly out of town ,not to supris of the result of the fight.. warrior are nothign whitout faith after all,he said...
Myrrha is seen looking confused as the witness tells the tale
"You mean Moradim of Sheverash started making magic and Dietrick who is short but fierce stood there and let him? Wow, Dietrick must have been really sure of himself to let Moradim get first blows in. If I had been fighting him, and he started his magic, I woulda went after 'im tooth and claw right then and there. You pull your weapons, magic, spear, or bow, and the fight's started"