Jiyyd Rumors
// Unless it is a dm playing an npc, I suspect it is only fair for those adventurers speaking of the "lunacy" of Len's decision to state what character is talking, or to describe themselves as hooded, or hiding and yelling in the bushes because they are ashamed or scared of expressing their thoughts in person. People dont normally tend to walk around masked in Jiyyd, right?
The "blue armored" character did good in making his or her affiliations known, but the other folks are speaking right out loud their rejection of the notion of the new council, and yet hiding in anonanimity that such speeches wouldnt normally allow.
Be brave! Tearing up your Jiyyd papers publically? Take responsibility for your character's words!
Just my personal observation, of course. It makes it impossible for Lyte to know and react to peoples response to her position, if the player isnt willing to actually commit to their character stating it.
You cant have it both ways. If you want to react publically, there ought to be someone seeing you act, or how does anyone know what your character did ?
winks Now, carry on.
No less than a few adventurers who frequent Jiyyd can be overheard discussing Lens's poor decision and what a joke the concept of these new offices is.
The figure is not the only one shaking their head at the lunacy of it and leaving their papers behind as they depart for other towns.
:: A familiar voice can be heard murmuring to the masses as the shock of the announcement sets in ::
"Lens you fool! You are relying on the intellect of a half orc to lead us!? A blood thirsty one no less?! And to give a second vote to the someone who is more in bed with him than his own shadow!"
:: He starts to pace towards the gate, the robe covering him opening to show the blue tinged armor underneat it ::
"You have removed the voice of sense and reason and replaced it with the chaotic one of the Legion! Who is to stop the rush to violence now? His minion who does his bidding disguised as the militia?"
:: With an obvious air of disgust, the disguised citizen pulls out his Jiyyd papers and tears them into bits tossing them like confetti as he strides out of the gate ::
"Madness… Sheer madness..."
:: The form moves quickly towards the North and the city of Peltarch ::
*Lyte is seen making herself available on a bench nearby, an odd look on her pleasant face that seems both warm but wistful.
When asked questions by nervous farmers, concerned housewives and other citizens of Jiyyd, she answers in her pleasant, straightforward way, assuring them all that she wishes for Jiyyd to remain the honest and pleasant farming community it has always been.
She speaks of the farmers need for more protection to the east, beyond Jiyyd's current eastern gate, sharing with them her plans for increasing watchman patrols along the eastern road, and the building of a new and stout set of gates at the edge of the farmlands near the old road to Ormpur.
She talks at length of Jiyyd's growth and spreading out in the recent peaceful times, and the need for the militia to expand it's coverage to provide protection to the newer farms, as well as those closer to the town center.
"After, all, she is heard to quietly state, they pay taxes too."
Lyte takes the time to listen to all concerns and opinions, looking each farmer, adventurer, and merchant in the eye, nodding and occasionally shaking a dusty hand or smiling to a child presented by it's mother.
Politics in Jiyyd seems a bit like buying peaches at the Jiyyd market, with everyone wanting to squeeze the fruit, before taking it home.*
No word was announced. No posters put up. But the people knew and slowly gathered in the commons of Jiyyd as they saw shop keepers close up and move in the same direction. Lens was sitting by the fire and smiled and greeted folks by name as they wandered up. Some brought food, the inn sent out a few jugs and Lens signed a chit for the ale and apple cider for the kids.
The store owners were all fairly grim looking though they smiled when speaking to the people around them. The blacksmith was one of the last to arrive and he had a bundle that he held to one side, nodding to the others. It was a crisp fall day, the air was clear and cold and the harvest was over for another year
"Friends." Lens stood on a bench suddenly and addressed the crowd. "It has been a good year. One of relative peace and prosperity. We are well defended . . ." He nods to Grag and the Militia folks who are about. "Well fed" He smiles at the farmers. "And we are well and truly in a golden time. It is for this reason I have chosen to do this. We have weathered wars and magics gone wild. Assassins and dragons. Mages and undead and creatures that defy description or naming. You have supported me and the councils decisions in those trying times and now I ask for your support one more time."
He looked out to the faces and smiled softly. "We are a farm town. Not a 'Jewel', not a 'Last outpost of civilization'. Just a place where people come for food and a bit of trade. Our council has grown over the years as each person vied to be heard. Each person wanted a say in what they thought was the right thing to do. More times then not our council meetings started in the afternoon and went on till the dawn was breaking, and not much was accomplished." A murmur started. "Oh I know, in the end we would get things done. But it has become a farm where too many plants are growing, each choking out the other till ya don't know what to reap and what to weed." The farmers chuckled at this. "So what do you do with an overgrown plot? Eh?" He pointed to one of the farmers chuckling.
"Weel, I'se not knowes how the otherrs does it. But I'd be plowin da whole ting and starting fresh. Usually not werth da time ta try to save da old." The farmer spoke nervously, suddenly being the center of attention.
Lens nodded. "Bout what I decided, too. So I have spoken the resident councilors and we have decided to make our last resolution a public one. Be it resolved that the Jiyyd council has become overgrown and unwieldy. In the interest of pruning the dead wood and moving forward into the times ahead the council is disbanded. An interim council of three people will be charged with the day to day operation of the town and will help set the course for the government to come."
The crowd reacted with all manner of gasps, protests and shouts. Lens let it die down and then continued. "For the present, I propose we set the council at three offices. Peace, Safety, and Defence. For those are the guiding principles we all have tried for over these many many years. I have spoken with a lot of the council and a majority have agreed with me, enough that a vote is not even needed." Around the fires the councilors of the town could be seen nodding. "I didn't get to speak to all of them as some do not even live here. That stops. If you are to have a voice in this town you first need to be a resident of this town, not a property owner, not an absentee landlord. A resident. Sadly this prohibited several names that the council called for as serving as the interim trio. If you have an issue, you take it to the appropriate seat of the trio. Each of them will be responsible for finding a 'second'. One who will speak with their authority whenever the First seat is not around. If this works, yuo can keep it. If it doesn't? Well there is a reason I said they are interim council. Now, much as I have touched your lives, and tried to keep the town running . . . all in all I would rather be fishing and touching the lives of some bass, or trout. So all there is left is to tell you the First seats of the Interim council are."
He smiled and gestured to Grag off to one side. "Grag and his folks have never seen fit to sign any pacts or take pay from the town. They didn't want to be tied down and answer to us 'civilians'. Well we gave him a vote and he and his havealways been at the walls defending us from the latest attack from beyond the farms. He will have the seat of Defence. As for the Safety I look to the militia and the best voice for it is a person I know can work WITH Grag and not against or in spite of. Lyte will be First Seat of Safety. The last . . . Peace. I thought longest and hardest about this for it is what Seat I would like to see the most work. If I had a dream come true it is that Grag and Lyte never had any issues to deal with. While I was trying to come up with a name we got a windfall. To the south, Norwick had a person who was trying to do the best for the town even though she was more to home here, than there. She is one of the Sisterhood. In the end, she was forced, due to differences with how things were being done down there." Chuckles rippled through the crowd. "She called it a day and came home, to just outside our gates. I ain't never heard a word against her, not even from those who she clashed with. And if I want someone to take the role of Peace, to help us make alliances and expand our trade in new directions . . . well I cannot think of a better person than Harmony."
From the shadow of Grag Harmony bowed low.
"Now I have some fish that are waiting for my gentle touch . . . so I thank ya all for listening and supporting me and the council for lo these many many years. . . " He stepped down.
"Not so fast, shorty" The blacksmith called. He held out a bundle. "Can't go fishin without this."
Lens unwrapped the bundle and found a rod and reel lovingly crafted by the finest workers around. There was even a fishing hat festooned with lures and flies of all kinds. His eyes teared and he was speechless as he movedthrough the crowd cradling the rod and nodding mute thanks to those who had words of kindness for him as he passed.
And at the close of the day a distant drum beat the sun down as one day ended and a new day began.
Lens has been seen touching bass with most of the merchants of the sleepy little town as well as a prolonged visit to the Legion where he was in a meeting with Grag and Lyte for several hours.
When he left he looked sombre but determined.
((in other news he was seen playing with a trout :lol: sorry :oops: ))
Lens has been seen touching base with most of the merchants of the sleepy little town as well as a prolonged visit to the Legion where he was in a meeting with Grag and Lyte for several hours.
When he left he looked sombre but determined.
A female Wizard in green can be seen around Jiyyd catching up with old friends and making new friends around the fire place.
_Another trip to the mountains was sponsored by Lady Aithe Avhoste, a servant of Illmater who has been gathering people for trips into the mountains for spell components.
Two bodies returned this time in the arms of some of the adventurers, a brave dwarf named Belinar, who gave his life in defense of his fellow adventurers and Lady Aithe's as well.
From the word spreading, Lady Aithe was murdered by the elf woman, Pylith, as she tried to protect a helpless and dying goblin from being skinned alive by the elf._
*A more serious, organized legion mobilization around Jiyyd can be seen and felt by any commoner of long residency in Jiyyd. Farmers pause with frowns in their pumpkin patches. Elderly ladies in rockers wrinkle their brows at their knitting. Storekeepers write themselves reminders to increase their orders of arrows and rations, and people begin to be nervous. They've seen this before, and it always means something bad wants to flatten their lovely farming village.
What could be up?*
The number of Legion patrols have been increased along the nars, specially after few Jyiid Merchants have been murdured by allegedly impostors with Romany clothes.
These patrols are lead by Major kull and a small contingent of Legion recruits and privates, the patrols serve the purpose of security and safe passage along the nars and training for the new recruits_________________________________________________________-
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
After talking with Romani Commander Aelthas, Kull can be seen leaving the gipsy camp relieved but some whats apreensive about all this impostors situation
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
*A huge half orc enter the Gipsy camp, he means business. When asked about his presence there, he simply says :
Me komm here ´ta talk wif Aelthas!
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
_Rumor has it that a long time helper of the metalsmith shop was killed while escorting a routine caravan to Peltarch, the wagons looted. The legion went out to find the caravan, returning a bit later with the bodies of three dead men.
Word on the attackers seems to be pointing to the Romani camp, apparently gypsies have taken up a life of being bandits now, or so people are saying._
Star, seeming sour and annoyed at the accusations maintains she returned to find Thorn. Indeed shortly after her return Thorn's sword began to glow seemingly to the surprise of none of the wolves present. Zhentarim then began appearing by magic and a great battle ensued, moving to the crossroads when Star told Thorn and the other wolves that they should move further from jiyyd to keep it's people safe.
_Under the protection of the legion forces, the highharvestide festival took place not far from to Jiyyd. The only as mysterious mage referred to illusionist had turned the usually rather bland plains into a bright and colorful scene taken right from a tropical dream. Small little pools of water were surrounded and shadowed by tall palm trees. The sisterhood had supplied the fitting coconuts to go with this wonderful illusion.
A diverse group of people had been attracted to the Nars pass, bringing with them mostly a good mood and the will to enjoy the idea of actually being on the high sea, travelling with sailors around Toril. The first little competition was started off with Pylith walking over a think plank, badly balanced. Much to the awe and surprise of the crowd a horrible sea monster rose out of the illusionary pool and kept trying to make the walking the plank ever more fun by commenting on the various dare-devils. Most notably Juster was named the Grape.
After that those willing to really get into the sailor mood were made to shout at hostess Sabre, giving their best impersonation of a sailor captain who has to get their crew under control. The laughing and chuckling Sabre continued to hand out little toy parrots until the last one had stopped yelling.
Following that many of the more skilled participants were chosen by Elridith and Theaon into two opposing teams of sailors to travel to a distant island. A short and harsh fight took place, until the teams reached the hidden treasure chest. Even Grag was taken down by a spell from Ronan. The monk Scutum though turned that small victory for team yellow, and it was only Elridith who stood her ground transformed into a troll for a while longer. Much to the surprise of the hosts and the teams the prize had disappeared from the chest. It mainly consisted of donations from the sisterhood and the legion and the two hosts. And all present were asked if they had taken it.
Quickly a suspect was made out: Star. Who had left earlier, insulting and claiming the festival was for cheaters to win. She had returned to stand hidden near the chest and ran at first. The suspicions she had returned to deliver proof of her earlier accusation arose quickly, it seemed likely that she had taken and hidden the treasure but that couldn't be proven for sure, nor could it be countered.
The festival disolved soon after that, both hosts looking downcast and angry, despite famous legion general Grag shaking their hands thanking them._
((Thanks to everyone who was there to have fun! Special Kudos to DMs sciolist, Nilla and DrDreadlock who made this the prettiest festival yet
If someone wants to collect screenshots, I have a few ones
Also: feel free to expand on the rumor, add little side stories and maybe something about the Zhentarim. I wasn't there for that.))
A couple of posters are found around Jiyyd, they're announcing a
Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))
((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks
A white goblin was detected, chased and subdued in the town in a recent night. Though it remains unclear where the goblin came from, or what exactly it was doing in Jiyyd, it now sits in the guard prison, awaiting someone who speaks its tongue.
Having returned from some travelling, Keira is looking to hire a sorceress for some research. Expressions of interest to the Sisterhood house (by PM)