Jiyyd Rumors
Khory and several others can be seen working hard in the aftermath of each battle, piling high the bodies of fallen orcs, goblins and bugbears for burning. They return from their grusome work exhausted and covered in blood, ash and mud, but with the knowledge that they are preventing diseases as deadly as an orc's blade from taking any of the defenders.
It seems the Orc War has a new weapon on the side of the defenders when a woman in white armour fired a hin from a catapult into enemy lines. The hin returned bleeding from dozens of wounds but grinning cheerfully and waving a spear around yelling "I landed right on the archers! That was Fun!"
_Some people are saying that when Krig began singing to Tempus in the midst of battle, a light shone down on him from above and the tide of the battle began to sway to the defender's advantage. For many minutes Krig stood in the middle of a swarm of orcs, not once being touched by their foul weapons. During it all, he continued to sing his praises to Tempus. When others joined him in song, it wasnt long before the horde turned back from its attack, for the time being….
Later, Krig could be seen helmetless, a wide smile splitting his face from ear to ear. There could be no doubt of his faith in Tempus._
Rumors pass from warrior to mage to healer that General Lyte of the Legion is quietly spreading word around to defenders of the western gates and cliffs of an upcoming great assembly of all of the volunteers, to share intelligence, discuss strategy and plan for an eventual victory against the menaces being faced, to be held soon in the Legion Hall in Jiyyd.
//See seperate thread.
_Rumor has it that Peppy got her hat back.
Oh.. and some orcs died or something like that._
_The following evening, a massive battle erupted as the defenders of Jiyyd's walls, finally frustrated beyond their breaking point, yelled battlecries and charged forward to rush the orc positions after a mysterious bright glow centered over one of the dwarven priests.
Taking the battle to the enemy, many orcs anf giants were slain until the brave defenders were forced to withdraw and regroup. Particularly honoured among the victorious warriors was a dwarf named Rugg'var…having been the one to lead the charge against their catapults and then successfully destroy them.
Afterwards, countless cheers were heard coming from the walls as the defenders celebrated, enjoying a well earned rest._
Edit : (Gah, also beat
Shortly after the previous assault that saw the fall of Cleon the Chessentan, Khory and Albryanna could be seen gathering the bodies of fallen orcs and throwing them on an increasingly fierce blaze. As the job was nearing completion, they were set upon by a few orcs, who were quickly dispatched by the duo with the strong-armed assistance of Dwin, Steelfin, and several others. The two continued to haul bodies to the fire until the orc presense became too strong and drove the defenders back to defend the gates.
The orcs continued to press harder, but a stream of fighters responded to the sounds of battle. The orcs were beaten back again and again, until finally an impromptu counter-charge was lead by a trio of dwarves who chased an orc mage back toward the plains. A large number of the Jiyyd defenders followed, and the orcs soon found them selves pushed from their own position. The Jiyyd warriors fought on through spells and catapult fire, eventually slaying the mages, destroying the catapults, and sending the now-besieged orcs a fair ways back into the plains. A withdrawl was called as the orcs sent forth a desperate wave of fighters, and the weary Jiyyd defenders fell back to the gates to regroup. The orcs, thoroughly beaten and humiliated, withdrew into the plains to recover from the sudden and viscious counter-attack.
Perhaps the greatest victory of all was the lose of only one life to the Jiyyd defenders; that of the elven archer Belor Di'ren. The defenders hurled insults and challenges at the battered orcs. While weary and injured, their hearts and spirits were lifted by this great victory.
edit ((so SummonerX just beat me to it, but I spent too much time writing this up to just delete it
_Orcs continue to charge against Jiyyd's defenses. Though in one such battle, an orc took a certain hin's little red hat. It seems the hin was quite angry and started a charge into the mass of orcs. Surprisingly, the charge seemed to push the throngs of orcs back further from Jiyyd's defenses and onto the plains. A grand display of lightning, spells, and explosions were seen and heard by the few citizens left in Jiyyd. Eventually, the orcs decided to pull back and rest after the fury of the defenders pushed them…
...as for the hin's hat, it is believed to be returned to her._
Lily has been rumoured to be spending countless hours on the battlefield tending to the wounded and popping in to lend her blessings when able. Though she looks exhausted and shaky, her morale is high. Those who pay close enough attention note she's since shifted to the front gates helping hold the line more closely.
_Rumours filter back through the west gate and through the inn of a particularly intense battle that erupted before the walls. Many had turned up to hold the walls, including a pair of chessentans from Akanax. As the battle begun, they were the first to charge from the gates in an unusual lack of discipline, screaming their war cries at the approaching orcs.
It is said one fell after the first charge, and the other went berserk, cleaving a bloody path through giants and orcs alike until the battle finally drew to a halt to recover the fallen.
Before leaving the field, the spearman turned and yelled an oath of blood towards the orcs, swearing to drown them in lakes of their own._
_Rumour has it a great white dragon landed on the archer's ledge by the western defences, greatly demoralizing the defenders present. The dragon seemed satisfied with this demonstration of might, flying off to leave petty matters like actual fighting to the orcs, giants, bugbears, hobgoblins and goblins.
The defences held strong, with forces from the Peltarch defenders aiding the Jiyydians, as well as a large contingent of Black Sails, fearless Chessentan spearmen, Gypsy defenders and a host of other brave adventurers._
_The well of Norwick located beside the inn is unusually filled with water recently, filling up the caverns below.
A horde of rats can be seen overruning the town just for the moment before they were easily put down by the Jiyyd's townfolks._
*Lyte can be seen accompanied with Theaon and a repair crew with a wagon of spikey baracades, carefully inspecting the already meticulously sealed off border between the western defenses and town….all along the cliffs, woods, and hills, which start on the western defense tower cliff and terminate in town, above the batcave.
At any spots where there seems to be any signs of weaknesses whatsoever, at places with enemy footprints, tree limbs overhanging, signs of clothing or armor bits caught on the tall sharpened spikes, repairs and modifications are made to the the existing fortifications, and a new trench is started on the defenders side of the baracade, with broken glass and extra big sharp metal sharp caltrop like things dumped into the trench for good measure, to discourage any single scouts who somehow force their way through the seemingly impenetrable thorn thickets and woods and gullies that have always kept people from crossing in these areas.*
Jerr, standing on the tower to the east watches his brethren hit the lines and leans forward, as though willing to jump.
"They are giving reinforcements to the featherflights. Now the Orcs have a flank to worry about. If they make the battle call we will know we can hit the Orc flanks ourselves."
He pauses and looks around. "But there are women and children in there, and I need to get them out. Lyte is going to be calling for volunteers to help me in that. Keep an ear open."
He then goes back to looking out onto the plains where screams of the dying are swiftly cut off and then a very distant cheer as some of the reinforcements make it to their destination.
In the last attack by the orcs and frost giants, it is said that several giants fell screaming, clutching their heads, and expiring, eye wide in terror. Several witnesses attribute the sorceress from the Black Sails being responsible for the giants’ deaths
As the morning mists that cover Jiyyd slowly begin burning off, a number of the defenders hear a soft chant started from a single voice within the Heyokarr camp that has been quiet until now. As the mist clears more voices raise into a song of praise to Tempus as a number of warriors begin gathering near the gates heading south into the plains. With a final loud roar coming from every voice a group of seventy break into a jog heading south, the last shutting the gate behind them. From the watchtowers the guards watch as the group of warriors bust into the orc lines and beyond heading straight south. One guard is heard making the single comment of….
"What the fark was that about….?"
*After the initial onslaughts, General Lyte can be seen among the defenders, thanking them for their efforts and listening to various ideas and plans.
She seems calm and professional, and neither dismayed at the ferocity of the orcs and giants, nor overly confident that the probing attacks were destroyed.
Teams of carpenters can be seen building new gates around the Legion hall. Sgt. William continues leading groups with shovels and earth elementals east of the town. General Theaon, accompanied by legion soldiers and inhabitants of the Silver Valley, are seen surveying border areas inside the valley, looking for possible entrances into it.
Major Uchi, builder of the town's best conversation piece, the huge and shiny steel well cap, is seen working on another large steel project.
Inhabitants guess on what this might be. Several theorize it will be a giant steel badger, that the legion will offer in tribute to the orcs, that the orcs will wheel to the orc chief, and that General Grag will pop out of the inside of it and slay the beastly thing, though, this seems a little bit fantastic an idea to some. More likely, wiser villagers note, it will be a steel ox.
Rumors also fly of some nasty battle out on the eastern road near Ormpur involving giants. More villagers are seen packing, with Peltarch seeming a desirable vacation spot.*
Is it a message of hope? Some reports from the defences talk of another dragon in the area, a Silver, that might aid the insignificant speck that is Jiyyd. Maybe the Legion know more about the new ally. Maybe the council do.
Travelers from the pass mention hearing of sightings of Orcs to the north, circling to cut Jiyyd off from needed supplies from Peltarch. Following the recent fighting, the defences are hurriedly repaired and whispers say that a concerted assault would still break them.
Ladies in crimson and black are seen throughout Jiyyd spreading the word that when the orcs choose to attack, or when Jiyyd chooses to take war to them, the Sisterhood is opened for any and all to stay at. There will be a healing station set up there for all to take advantage of.
Legionnaire William and woodworker Ginger were seen heading into the trade hall with a large load of oak boards. Rumour has it the oak will be used in building defenses around Jiyyd.