The main question
I'll have to find my comic collection from the 70s. There were a few special issues (they were huge, like 2' x 1'), including one with a Batman story where he kills an old Nazi gone into hiding after WW2. The details are hazy having not read it in 20 years or so.
..Meh! Who bumped this thread?! My last post here dates from March the 5th, in Deacon's starting days :twisted:
Does he kill anyone in anything other then self defense?
He does not.
The original, award winning, four part Dark Knight graphic novel by Frank Miller is the perfect example of the sometimes subtleties in what makes on "good" or "neutral" or "evil", and is really beautifully written, unlike most of the dog crap that follows it.
Together with Miller's later "Batman: Year one", these two bookends to Batman's career, for me anyways, define what Batman is, and he is ultimately good.
A dark and often troubled good, but good none the less.
Miller manages to pit him against Supe at the end of the last book, and somehow manages to keep Bats alignment firmly in the "good" category from start to finish.
We sometimes forget that "good" is not neccessarily about light and sunshine and bunnies. It can be dark and based on pain and suffering and stealth and, well, have bats involved.
If your heart is true, your intentions selfless and based on protecting the weak and punishing evil doers, and you dont break basic tenents you know in your heart are "right"….you are good.
It isnt about how you "look" at all, nor is it about being non-violent.
The alignment descriptions used in D&D are really good guides, and ought to be followed when you decide to take up a new character in every aspect of your life.
It's the basis of your character's soul, so to speak, and has nothing to do with how you dress or look. It has to do with how you react to everyone and everything around you....including your friends.
Too many times we interpret the alignments in whatever way is convenient, when often, we ought to simply pick an alignment that actually fits the character we want to play, instead of twisting the alignment wildly away from it's specific definition to fit the circumstance we later find ourselves in.
My opinion only of course!
You know who are the greatest examples of evil given some of the opinions about evil I've seen lately?
Skeletor and Cobra Commander.
Does he kill anyone in anything other then self defense?
I have two characters that are evil, but my version of evil isn't "opposed to good" type evil, more of having a different approach to things than a good person has.
Batman is my favorite example. Not TV batman, even the new, more mature cartoon version, but the Batman from the past, the Dark Knight. Why let someone (whom Batman sees as "the bad guy") get to prison? Killing them saves anyone from having to deal with them, prevents them from escaping for more mischeif, and also allows him to work out his own problems without hurting people who don't deserve it.
Some people challenge who they see as wrongdoers by puffing out their chest, drawing their sword, and charging in. Stupid stupid, says one of my evil characters. Better to put a trap on their door, shoot them from a window, or poisen their food. If they take a hostage, if it looks like the baddie is going to get away, better the hostage die than the baddie gets away.
Interrogation? Current interrogation techniques can do amazing wonders without the need for physical torture, but the time involved may be too much for a gaming session (how do you RP sleep deprevation, messing with environmental conditions, withholding food?)…so in this instance perhaps fishhooks under fingernails may get what is needed where a good person would balk (or get evil points).
This is not evil. Frank Miller's subtle and beautifully handled original "Dark Knight" four part story, which started the whole nitty gritty dark superhero trend does nothing evil at all, as evil is specifically described in the various alignments.
The Dark Knight is a good alignment person who has been driven to extreme actions as a result of overwhelming evil forces starting to win the day.
Where does The Batman do one evil thing, or think one evil thought in the course of Miller's great original storyline?
But then where's the challenge in that? Challenge = fun and fun = what we are all here for, right?
Don't you all just love my little equations? :lol:
And if the militia doesn't know it is you causing trouble, then they be after your head.
That is what makes it so fun to play evil, the challenge and skill that is involed in order to fullfill evil deeds without people finding out who is doing it.
Because you don't get the troff legion/pally brigade/militia on your head
Also it's alot less taxing to play a good char then it is an evil one, because most of us have been taught to be relativly nice to others so it comes naturally.
Why play Evil in Narf? Well, there is only one answer to that, of course….
**Because you can! 8O
No, really. People play evil in Narfell for the same reason people play good. First of all because it is there and readily available to anyone willing to play it. Second, evil can be expressed in a variety of ways, just as good is (everyone has their own style of RP). Third, evil is merely a way of life, just as good is, and therefore should be just as prominent as good.
I believe that half the reason evil does not prosper in Narfell is because people (both evil AND good) treat it too much like it is in movies, where evil is always the big mean bad guy, the bad guys does something really evil like pose a bomb threat upon an entire city, and in the end the good guy always thwarts the bad guy's plans and destroys him as well. Sound familiar? I also agree that people who plan to actually go somewhere with their evil characters should RP their evilness more discretely, but that decision is completely up to the person playing the character.
The way I view evil is exactly how I view good. I see evil as a way of life, but one that is completely different than that of good. Opposing views on life = conflict, argument, bad feelings = choas, killing, hatred, **war.
I think the real question here should be :
Why play good in Narf? :twisted:****
I think pirates can be Neutral, or even neutral good. Because there are many tipes of them, the ones who kill the people and take the gold, and the ones that have learn when they were little, to steal things, and they thing that´s good,there are much more tipes of pirates
I think evil, apeares when the person who is being evil, is perfectly concious of his actions.
The pirates code…if you can't keep die.
Yeah, while pirates may break the laws...they have alot of rules to follow, though I see them as a CE in some areas and LE in others. Plus, pirates are not all the same. So pirates under once captain could be more like buccaneer/swashbuckler types while pirates under another could be more of a ruthless cutthroat type.
Yes you can, and in fact there were a number of established codes that pirates lived by. One has to remember, a sailing ship was a complex affair, that required a large number of people, the majority of which were needed mostly in combat/boarding or handling the sails, but the rest of the time were given makework to keep them busy.
Here's a little site for a little light reading. Note the "disability payments". Intresting, and logical, stuff.
Hey lets put that behind us mae
I don't think of Deacon as evil, just rough. Amy would be very dissapointed if he turned out evil.
Besides, can you have 'lawful' pirates? Even LE ones?
I started playing evil cause i saw oppertunities in narfell for one, at mae's time, there was no real organisation established in jiyyd or norwick, Mae being ratted out, her organisation is history, but her brother is eager to pick up, needed a excuse for my sailor to go pirating in the future, so i chose LE, intentional evil only showing it when you see reason to, nothing more. I play him as CN though, but that's my own weak rp
If you plan to ever do that Di_Em, send a little birdie my way…I've someone who would probably be a good match for him.
Point Extracted: Secret evil is fun because you can backstab people.
Also, di_Em wants to make a Red Wizard of Thay and make a secret little evil slave trading cult.
Points Extracted and mission accomplished, signing off
if I would ever play something evil, it would be a hidden evil, one action out of the darkness….infiltrating and infesting its suroundings....slowly creeping up into the the land...planning and plotting secretly to found something big but in a way the goodiesgoods are not aware of it.
then one day I would let loose the forces of evil, open the gate and let the baatezuu wander the lands
MUHAHAHAHAHwell, I'm thinking a while now about starting a red mage of thay. founding a little enclave in narfell that will slowly grow, gain in power and influence...politically as well as in power.
why not...thay is not far away and new slaves are always welcomeor, there is rass....why not talking her into becoming a dracolich? make a alliance with atol and found a dragon cult.
all that good hidden behind a curtain of darkness and with a smile into the faces of the goodiegoods
for me evil is not always open hostality...the worst evil is the one that smiles in your face and slices your throat from behind or when you're sleeping...watched by your trusted friend grins
I hope you get my point out of this blah above
I personally prefer the hidden evil. You swing with the paladins and get freee heals like everyone else, but when you get right down to it, you're plotting behind their backs, ready to killerise them.
And evil is more chalenging, less simple, more dangerous… That's what makes it so fun in my opinion...
And it's a bit about style too
I would play evil because it's interesting. I think that is why a lot of people play evil chars. The good people mainly have this happy community with free healing and adventuring in safe groups and so on, but one of the 'obvious' evils lives on the edge of society, with no-one to count on, and the pressure is really on. It gives the game more urgency and a feeling that a choice that you make could really lead to you being dead. Permanently.
I personally prefer the hidden evil. You swing with the paladins and get freee heals like everyone else, but when you get right down to it, you're plotting behind their backs, ready to killerise them.
It's a feeling of power and intelligence. Even as that nice cleric heals you, you're plotting to get him alone and sacrifice him. Even as you kill goblins at the side of a paladin, you're watching him get hit, and willing to finish him off if he gets injured enoguh for you to take him on…
Knowing that at any moment, you could turn on them and destroy them. But for now, you'll take their free healing... but when the tarnished moment comes, and they're counting on you, you can drop them in it and watch them scream.
Evil. :twisted: