Royal Decree: Voices of the People
The election is its final tenday. Campaigners take their final actions before the Crown will host ballots and tally the votes. The results are nigh.
[DM Xanatos Gambit]
The election approaches its final tenday.
MAGISTRATE VLANA BORODIN has endorsed Kevin Lorne.
NOBLE HOUSE SNYDDERS has endorsed Kevin Lorne.
GENERAL FREDERIC DEL'ROSA has endorsed Scott Grimm.
EVRA LANE, PICKLEPEPPER AND SONS, and DROIBO have endorsed Arch Weyland.
LORELAI PHINKWELL has published several articles praising Arch Weyland.
Despite the support, ARCH WEYLAND has yet another unfortunate week. Twice he suffered a coughing fit and couldn't continue his speech, leading some to question the charisma they assumed he had. Another time he overslept and missed his own fundraising event.
THE HUMAN LABOR UNION has been disbanded, its leader Jan wrought with scandal facing allegations of working with the Guilds against the labour he supposedly represented.
A new Union, THE DOCKS UNION, has been formed, comprising the entirety of docks labor, including HALFLING, DWARVEN, and GNOMISH LABOUR, as well as HUMAN LABOUR. This new Union is led by LORIN WILKES, who has endorsed Roslyn Underhill.
JESSICA WHYTE has been reportedly removed from her position as managing officer within the Seafarers Guild, and replaced by Kevin Lorne, candidate for the residential district. Rumors about whether Kevin Lorne will continue his bid for the residential at this point.
THE VINTERS have withdrawn their support for Mavis Whyte.
Roslyn makes a statement, largely in response to both Scott's and the Seafarers' statements!
Ask yerselves, who does that attack benefit? It's clear it only benefits one party in this election, an' tha's th' Seafarers. I'm not here ta play games an' act th' puppetmaster, I leave tha' ta th' Seafarers. I'm here ta call 'em like I see 'em, an' tha's jus' what I'm doin' now. My people was framed fer an attack by men loyal ta th' Seafarers. I have witnesses ta tha' man's union representative meetin' with th' Seafarers afore it happen'd, strikin' a deal. An' then, jus' a few hours later, one o' tha' union's men tries ta frame my kin fer an attack.
This ain't complicated. An' if any o' th' paladins at th' Temple o' th' Triad care ta public'ly question me with a zone o' truth on this, I'm happy ta oblige. I think you'll find some others involved in this far less willing ta submit ta such questionin'. Could even do so with th' fella in custody afterwards, get it all nice an' out in the open.
Scott addresses whoever will listen to clarify some misunderstandings regarding the protest.
I have hard that a human polymorphed into a Halfling firebombed the Regal Maid and that it was instigated by the Seafarers. I have read the reports and spoken with witnesses who have said that the attack was not against the Regal Maid but against a Seafarer warehouse. I don't condone what happened afterwards either however it should be said that jumping to conclusions and pointing fingers is not the right way to go about things. We are a city of laws and laws should be respected. When laws are not followed, Chaos ensues. If people wish to see change they must go about it in a lawful manner and not resort to causing chaos and trying to make eachother look the villain. If people have an issue they should seek out the necessary persons required to come to a resolution. Once the election is over you will have your Voice to speak on your behalf and should that not suffice there is still the regular petitions to the Crown.
Magistrate Shannon D'Arneau, having previously endorsed Johnathon Pendergast, endorses Jonni Aelthasson for Voice of the Residential District.
VANESSA HEMWAY has resigned her candidacy, throwing her support behind Jonni Aelthason.
JONATHON PENDERGAST has resigned his candidacy, throwing his support behind Jonni Aelthasson.
THE ORDER OF THE DIVINE SHIELD has endorsed Jonni Aelthasson.
LUCY RHODES has resigned her candidacy, throwing her support behind Scott Grimm, endorsing him as a Defender Captain.
ARCH WEYLAND otherwise appears to be having an unfortunate week, his recent fundraiser seeing few to no participants, and many word of mouth conversations remembering his treasonous days as one of Renegade Far Scout Smoke's Lieutenants.
THE SEAFARERS GUILD has endorsed Mavis Whyte.
THE WAVEBREAKERS GUILD has endorsed Pollo Wilberforce.
THE HUMAN LABOUR UNION has endorsed the Mavis Whyte.
Simon reluctantly climbs onto the Rant stand
His armor shines in the daylight and the glow from his cloak pin, with a dragon scale in the shape of a raised gauntlet, glitters with its own light.*He clears his throat and calls out at the people. *
I am a simple man, a farmer from the Dalelands, recently arrived here and my heart is heavy today. Torm guides me in my life and calls for Justice and also for Honor. Duty to you, the people of Peltarch brings me up there today. I am an outsider, I have no horse in this race, but what I have seen and heard raises my voice today. A simple thing you have before you, a Voice from each district of your fair city. A simple thing one would think. But I see violence, I see backroom deals, I see threats and and cohersion.He pauses and then continues
The Voice is yours....not a guilds, not a temples, not a special is yours. One small voice of you the people for each district. I ask you to go home and pray on this. Pray for guidance, pray for a heart for your neighbors, pray for justice for each of you.
YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS!Then he kneels and prays
Torm, Loyal Fury, defender of those who cannot defend themselves.
Torm, Master of Justice, I ask you to weigh on these people's hearts.
Torm, Master of Honor, I bow before your mercy and ask mercy for these people.
Torm, Master of Duty, I plead with you to care for these people who are assaulted in all ways by their own.He bows for a moment longer then stands and leaves the stand with a swirl of his blue cape
Scott returns from some adventure slightly bloody with battered armor and goes to the place he likes best to relax only to find that it had been the target of violence. After being inside for some time he comes out and heads over to the seafarers offices with an unpleasant look on his face
Hours after a human from the human labor union polymorphed as a hin to appear to attack the Seafarers, Roslyn Underhill addresses the hin community in the docks, as well as any nearby humans, dwarves, gnomes, and anyone else who passes by.
Friends, wha' happen'd at th' warehouses taday was a travesty. It violates all norms o' decency, all respect ta th' political process, an' worst of all, it insults yer intelligence. We all know who stands ta gain from such an attack. Th' man who threw the firebomb at th' Regal Maid was a part o' th' human labor union - th' same one tha' some in th' docks've been pittin' against all o' you. But ther not jus' pittin' 'em against hin, my friends. Oh, no. More than anythin', what they want is fer all o' you ta be workin' against each other. Competin' against each other. Fightin' against each other, all fer whatever scraps ther willin' ta throw ya. This attack may o' led ta Seafarers brutalizin' my kin. But make no mistake: er'ryone who works in th' docks is a victim equally.
Ther worst nightmare. Th' thing they fear more'n anythin' else, is all o' you, tagether. When yer competin' against each other, it's Seafarers tha' win.
She holds out her hand, and counts off on her fingers
Humans. Hin. Gnomes. Dwarves. Elves. All o' ya, negotiatin' sep'ritly. Because yer all weaker when ya fight each other. But as one, yer stronger! One is greater'n Five!
She then closes that hand into a fist, raising it into the air
One is greater'n five! One is greater'n five!
Come tagether as one! Demand higher pay not just fer yer selves, but yer brothers an' sisters workin' alongside ya too. Yer hin brothers an' sisters. Yer human brothers an' sisters. Yer dwarven, yer gnomish, yer elven, yer half-orc brothers an' sisters. A risin' tide lifts all boats, friends. Th' Seafarers want ya ta squabble amongst yerselves because at th' end o' th' day, ther profits are directly tied ta how much they screw each o' you over.
An' ther so committed ta screwin' er'ryone else o'er, ther willin' ta set fire ta th' docks so they cn' be kings o' th' ashes, an' argue ther own cause at court with no thought given ta you. Ther so willin' ta see themselves gettin' a say in th' laws that'll affect you, tha' ther willin' ta incite racial violence an' injure or e'en kill ta do so! Hell, ther even so committed tha' they've got people in th' union fightin' against ther own int'rists, against th' risin' tide o' higher wages, o' subsidized healin' fer injuries, o' retirement pay, o' all th' things I pledge ta fight fer, fer all workers in Peltarch. They want ta make us look like terrorists. But what are we? We're yer baker. We're th' fella in th' fields farmin', an' we're th' woman deliverin' food ta yer grocer, an' we're yer grocer too. We're th' lady servin' ale at yer tavern. An' we're what ther so afraid of, ther willin' ta incite violence with a fake attack.
I call on th' city guard ta conduct a full investigation o' this incident, an' ta see tha' Seafarers ain't ne'er allowed ta sic ther attack dogs on peaceful protestors again. This violence cannot stand!
Scott responds to Sam's inquiries
My obligations will be to the people who reside and work in the commerce district.
I would be a voice of the People, meaning All people. Balance will be impossible, can't please everyone but I would bring all concerns to the Council. The position does not make decision, rather it bring the opinions of the masses to the council. If half the people want something and the other half want the other then I will tell the council of both groups concerns and as a group we will discuss and come to the best decision we can.There are no laws against partnerships or monopolies so it is not uncommon for a wealthy merchant to try to prevent competition from setting up. You may notice that there are not many diverse shops in the district and this is likely the reason. I am not a merchant myself so I have no opinion regarding the practice, but if any of the other merchants want to bring that to my attention as being an issue then I will do so on their behalf.
If it is within my ability I want to remove trade restrictions that exist in the city which prevents start up businesses from being able to take root. Outsiders being unable to sell weapons and armor, certain factions being barred from doing trade within the city etc. I think removing restrictions like this will allow more people to take risks and try to start their own business with greater opportunities open to them.
Samwell approaches each of the candidates for the Voice of Commerce (Lucy Rhodes, Arch Weyland, and Scott Grimm) and asks them the same questions.
What are your obligations as the Voice of Commerce? Do you see yourself as a voice of the citizens of Peltarch and customers or the merchants? If you are the voice of both, how do you balance that?
I recently bid on the Mystic Lodge. During the bidding process, one of the well-established merchants publicly offered to bankroll anyone who would swear to not compete with her shop. No one publicly accepted her offer, but now the new owner has nothing but low-quality goods in his shop - mostly potions (which do not compete with the well-established merchant). I cannot prove a deal was made, but it looks very suspicious. Especially when you consider the high sum, 115,000 gold, that was paid.
Regardless of whether the new owner made the deal or not, what are your thoughts on such deals being made? Clearly, they are good for the individual merchants’ coin pouches. But do you believe they are good for commerce? Good for the citizens? Good for Peltarch? What will you do to stop these kinds of deals in the future, if anything?
Finally, what can/will you do to expand the opportunities of normal, honest citizens to open their own shops in the Commerce District?
With the election afoot, Ros begins going to every winesink and tavern she can, every business and every street corner throughout the docks, talking to humans and hin, dwarves and gnomes, even elves and orcs about what she wants to do for them. She spends a great deal of time talking about her desire to fight for a minimum wage in Peltarch, her wish to see fair and equal pay for all workers regardless of their size, and her desire to represent their interests rather than the guilds. She also makes a point of going to the taverns in the Docks district, asking the owners if she would be able to schedule "town hall" style meetings where she could meet with the voters and hear their concerns, as well as answer any questions about her own positions on the issues that matter to them.
Scott gets to work in earnest now that the election is officially underway. To start he makes a note of all known business owners and takes time from his day to speak to each of them. His initial interaction is mainly introductory and he asks each what it is they want their 'Voice' to try and accomplish for them. Between speaking with business owners he also speaks to the people that inhabit the area reminding them that while they may not own property or run a business that they too are a part of the commerce district and they too should have their voice heard. He also reminds constituents that they need not hold back their opinions and anything they wish to say shall remain private in case what they have to say goes against the norm.
These rules govern the election dynamics of those who wish to meddle. In the event that players attempt to interfere with elections, these rules will govern.
DOCKS: 12,000District victory depends on obtaining the plurality % of voters in a specific district (i.e. getting 30% in the docks, while opponents only get 15% each in the docks, means you win, even if you don't have 50%+1). Support from one district does not translate into support for another district.
There are different ways to swing voters.
These include speaches, and any other IC actions. The % vote yield of these actions depends on the IC action. Some speaches, and some actions are more effective than others.
Depositing funds into your (or an NPC's) "campaign warchest" will eat the gold. The gold you put to use in your or the NPC's campaign can swing votes to your or the NPC's favour. The influence of the gold you spend depends on the relative overall spending (i.e. yours compared to other candidates). It also depends on what use you put your gold to; some spending is more effective than others.
Gold you deposit to your campaign warchest will target the pure swing voters, that are not affiliated with any faction or alliance. It is a separate means of influence from endorsements (while you can always try to "buy" endorsements -- this gold will not be deposited into your campaign funding, but instead into the pockets of the endorser).
Candidates: You can raise gold however you like: by using your personal funds, or by making promises for donations from other PCs. You cannot raise gold from wealthy NPCs, but you can obtain their "endorsement" which represents their contributions and help to your campaign (see below).
Factions hold sway over voters, one way or another. Endorsements from the figures of major factions can help influence and swing the vote by a certain % of the overall votes depending on the district and the faction. Some factions may be less willing to endorse a player character than others. Some factions automatically endorse NPCs.
Non-represented % points are wildcard voters, not specifically allied to any faction.
You cannot obtain endorsements from PCs, but you can ask them for gold. PC "endorsements" count only as far as how much gold they spend (see "CAMPAIGN WARCHEST" above). If you want PCs to endorse you, they will have to pay up.
Seafarers: 25-35%
Wavebreakers: 10-15%
Any Other Registered Guild: 5-7%Non-Human Labour Faction (3: Hins+Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves): 2.5-5% influence each.
Human Labour Faction (1: Human): 8-12% influence.RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT:
High Priest of ODS: 10-15%.
Any Magistrate: 10-15%.Snydders House: 10-15%.
Hemway House: 2.5%.
Borodin House: 7%.
Any Other Noble House: 5%.COMMERCE DISTRICT:
Defender General (Del'rosa): 10-15%.
Defender Captain: 2.5-5%.Autonomists (Berlinne Toews): 2.5-5%.
Any Licensed Brick and Mortar Shop: each 1-1.5%
(Wilting Flower: Lacey U'ndrewarr
The Dancing Mermaid Inn: Katarina Du'Pre.
Hemrod's Exotics: Hemrod
Bag of Holding: Evra Lane
Renaldo's House of Music: Renaldo Undrenneas
Stargazers: Jach Amraphel
Violetta's Fine Garments: Violetta De'Marceau
Vanity Plates: Vanessa Aerman
Dolvak Extermination Services: Nor Dolvak
Droibo's Self Storage: Droibo Leadium)Any Licensed Marketplace Stall Shops: each 0.5-1%
(Sofilia Dalley: Marketplace,
Evendar Valwick: Marketplace,
Gilfina Amalith: Marketplace,
Perin Highfold: Marketplace,
Kala Cencia: Marketplace,
Bardic College - Picklepepper & Sons Bookshop: Junior)Any Blade and Bow Shopkeep: 0.5-1%
(Binvet Firn,
Luc deFerrinac,
Lomendel Elle)
Cession of candidacy involves removing your name from the ballot and throwing whatever support you've accrued through the warchest and NPC endorsements behind another PC candidate. The support will suffer depreciation: some of that support may be lost if voters or your NPC endorsements do not agree with your new political ally's platform.
[OOC: This section is invalid, as the ballot contains no PCs running against one another, unfortunately.]
If you want to know the chances of you or your opponents, or another, polling is the method. Spending gold on polling to know your own chances and the chances of your opponents can yield varyingly accurate data, depending on the gold you spend per week.
5,000 gold: accurate data.
2,500 gold: data within a 5-10% margin of error.
1,000 gold: data with a 10-20% margin of error.
The ballot is closed as is.
Campaign season is underway.
Herald Isaac Thaddeus makes it known that the ballot entries are closing soon. Anyone wishing to add their name to the ballot must inform him in no unclear terms as soon as possible.
[DM Xanatos Gambit]
Reclusive local historian and former Senator, Eowiel Senella, can be seen making rare appearances in the residential district, calling on various noble families she is familiar with, particularly Makere, Je'laan, Ashald and Brynmor. She also stops by the tourney grounds on busier days to sell cheap copies of her book and tell anyone who is interested that she believes Jonni Aelthasson is the best of the current crop of candidates.
Ros grins at Mashal, raising tankard as he finishes
"Indeed, the guilds are doin' great right now! And are the people sharin' in tha'? Not exactly. In fact, th' seafarers jus' stopped givin' folk ther yearly raises, an' fired them as asked fer 'em. This'n is wantin' ya ta vote fer them plucky overdog guilds tha' pay starvation wages, an' uses diff'rint wages ta set ther workers against each other so they cn' keep exploitin' 'em. It's unconscionable wha' they do, an' any decent person oughta be ashamed of it."
"When th' guilds do well, th' docks do well? When th' guilds get money, they hoard it an' admonish or fire th' ones who made tha' wealth fer 'em if they even dare ta ask fer a fairer cut."
She nods towards Mashal
"An' aye, I was a friend o' King George. When my people was barely survivin' out in th' pass, I came here on behalf o' th' HDL ta petition him fer aid, an' he gave us shelter. Are ya suggestin' I shouldn't support some'un who help'd a group o' folk when we ask'd? He knew tha' his position came with a responsibility ta do all he could fer them who wasn't so fortunate as he. Th' guilds, though? They see those who don't have the advantage o' ther wealth as a resource ta be exploited - nothin' more, an' nothin' less. Th' guilds already have ther say. They don' need more. But they want more, friends. By th' gods, they want all th' say they cn' get. They won't be satisfied until they got all th' say ther is ta be had, an' likely not even then. Th' people are th' biggest check on ther power."
"Th' job is ta be th' 'Voice o' th' People', not th' voice o' th' guilds. Not th' voice o' rich merchants who already got more'n they need. Vote fer me, an' you'll get some'un who'll advocate fer ya th' way I did fer th' hin. Th' way I did fer th' Defenders when Smoke tried ta set fire elementals on 'em. Th' way I've done fer th' orphans in th' Commerce District. Th' ones exploitin' ya from th' guildhouses ain't able ta be trusted ta fight fer th' people."
"But I already have fought fer th' people, an' I always will."
Arch Weyland, dupe of Smoke, got a lot of sons an daughters killed......Wonder who he is a dupe of now?? Words floated through the taverns,
For some people, the light-haired children of Aelthas and Lycka have been a common sight in the Residential District over the years. Often seen at play in the tournament grounds near the family home or at the Temple of the Triad, being watched over by the temple staff when their parents were off fighting for the Jewel.
As an adult, it is no different. Jonni is still seen walking the streets of the District, splitting his time between his successful business in the Pass; the Witch and Seer, or at his family home while conducting his Defender duties. He is almost always seen wearing his usual garments; a uniform of the Cerulean Knights - five stars proudly displayed on the collar.
Now with the official announcement of his run for Voice of the Residential, Jonni is seen with a change in his look. At times, he now wears finer attire, one that is more often seen in the wealthier side of Peltarchian society. His usual clean-shaven face is covered by the beginnings of a blonde beard; short and neatly trimmed.
His use of a cane due to the injury he suffered in service to the Jewel often keeps his pace slower - the perfect opportunity for those who wish to question him to come forward as he walks the streets. He is quick to offer a smile or spend some time speaking to those with questions, or to simply exchange pleasantries with the people. He is not canvassing door to door but word begins to spread that he is looking to hold a gathering for the citizens of the Residential District. Where all expectations of what they wish from their Voice can be put forward and answers given to any concerns they might have.