Blue Raven's Journal

    • It is concerning that I cannot remember my last death. And, I am discovering that it seems to be a larger hole in my memory than just the traumatic part. And it isn't just... in order loss either. Not remembering Squire Aegiself for a few days... even looking right at him and simply... not remembering his name. I am having a difficult time, even with my mental exercise I use in meditation, of not being unreasonable scared of this.

    • It is as if... I am wearing something out. Something I cannot replace.

    • I don't know what to make of Lieutenant Reyhenna Jorino. She came to me while I was out on a sojourn with Unen to the gnoll's canyons. Unen was clearly uncomfortable with the conversation that was to occur, as I had already told him of what transpired in Peltarch's witch hunt.

    • I haven't taken let down my Order's discipline for anyone. Yet I asked her to symbolically 'take off' her uniform, and I would 'take off' mine. So we could speak as two women, two people.

    • She came to clear the air and perhaps assuage her own guilt... I am not sure. But I dumped my bucket on her. I don't know wether or not my perspective will guide her to a less blood-soaked path. I think she also came to suss out wether I could be trusted.

    • I hope letting her know that I would walk the path I felt to be true to my Goddess and my Order. And when they diverged from her path, and we butted heads once again, that I would not judge her actions. Only try to guide her true through my own actions.

    • She walks a fine line. I saw her tribunal, however slanted that view was. I have seen her at work in the orphanage. I have also seen her covered in blood, wading through Peltarchian soldiers who's believes were different than hers. But if I can have hope for a Shaman of Gruumsh, I think I can risk hope on her.

    • Garen, Sir Loreweaver, Sergeant Haltrude decided to explore a map that Sir Loreweaver has from his grandfather, who apparently was an adventurer in Narfell in his time. And there aren't many people who I would trust my life to as I would with these three.

    • Garen has shown to know his own abilities and has a more level head than I have found outside of my own faith. He is grounded and even tempered, and is always good council as well as good in a battle.

    • Sergeant Jane Haltrude is an independent minded woman who takes guff from no one. It was she and Miss Underhill that went against the directive of Smoke on that fateful day in the battle of the Western Towns. And both of them military... so even more dangerous to disobey a superior. Her morals are stronger than any steel I can make and always seem to point true.

    • And this young paladin Sir Linus Loreweaver. Fearless. Thoughtful. A natural leader. And one of only two companions that decided to return to me under the crypts of Norwick to insure my safety. And then to defend Autumn and I until he himself died in the attempt?

    • The maps were of areas I am well familiar with, but Sir Loreweaver seemed so excited to be following in his grandfather's footsteps that I mostly kept my counsel to myself. Through the spider's canyons, into the goblin's warrens and back up through their coal and tin mines. All was well in hand, till the always dim caverns went black as pitch... even dimming my own Sun Soul to a wavering shadow.

    • We heard someone scream and Linus took off running towards it. Garen and Jane counseled caution... but someone needed to watch the young paladin's back in this darkness. So I sprinted off with him. I bumped someone, in the dark running the opposite way... the sweat of fear pouring off of him that I could smell it. There were goblins that were dispatched... and by the time the greenskins had fallen, so had this stranger.

    • It was then I felt him... and even smell the faint lingering smell of burnt hair that I smelt the last time he had shown himself to me. The one they call the Adventure Killer. Seems another target. The man I had bumped into was dead. Throat slit by the jagged blade this creature carried.

    • He also judged Jane, knowing the details of what transpired that day. And also Garen... although, I was distracted enough by this thing's ki energy... that I don't recall what was said about Garen. I did notice that Linus was stunnned a moment while concentrating on this person. I should ask him what he sensed... if he is anything like the Squire Aegiself, then perhaps he got another perspective on the motives of this thing.

    • He did confirm that he was not one of the Silver Host. Perhaps one of the villagers that we saved or were somehow spared the elemental's fires? Regardless, it is apparent that this is likely part of the same.. entity that possessed Vere and briefly changed the Champion of Torm on Toril into a disbeliever in the span of a breath. Although, Sir Holmsmead's faith helped break through the will of this... parasite.

    • This was confirmed by the mage Surin Trusho... who appeared outside the cavern entrance. The same spectre of a man... both there and not there... that I first met in the lower Giantspire... visiting Reyhenna's childhood home. Some kind of memory collector. I initially though him a time traveller's echo. No he has revealed he is in possession of two... secrets. Primal underpinnings of how the universe works. Outside of planes and gods and mortal reality. And he sought the entity that inhabited Vere, Sir Holmsmead, and now this vengeful burn victim known as the Adventure Killer. Apparently, the power behind this is another one of these... prime truths... or basic secrets.

    • Regardless of the politeness of this Trusho... he has no morals to speak of. I also do not think he even knows what he would do with the power he seems to be attracted to... like a moth to flame. He offered whatever we valued as worth in exchange for capturing this... hmm... what do I call it... divine parasite? I am unimpressed.

    • The conspiracy to organize a military coup was stopped. Seeing Lieutenants Jorino and Grimm slicing their way through soldiers who had been ordered by their rebellious commanders to stop them... did not sit well with me. What if Autumn happened to be attached to one of those Commanders? Would she be casually gutted as well? I joined their attempt to get through the barricade at the gaol. But I pulled my punches... knocking out as many guards as I could before they were slain by the Lieutenant's swords. I applied magical balms to the pair to keep them fighting... and I am conflicted about that.

    • They continued on to the Commander they sought after the battle. I stayed and tried to keep alive as many of the wounded they created. These were fathers, brothers and sons of Peltarch. They were loyal men, who stayed at their Commanders sides. Condemned for their loyalty. I thought perhaps Jorino was different than Grimm.

    • When I found that Captain Gom was on their list of those intending to support a change in government... I couldn't believe it. I rushed to see if I could get to him before this... mob justice following Jorino. The tower was already surrounded... I bought a crossbow, pulled those bolts of teleportation out of my pack, and the scroll that would let me strike true and waited to see if I could hit Captain Gom. If I could pull him out, then I could talk with him... find out the truth. And he could turn himself in, rather than be forced into it. But to no avail.

    • Quaffing those potions of invisibility and haste made it easy enough to avoid the blockade around the tower. Scaling the outside was also less troublesome that expected. The locked iron door at the top however... was unexpected. At least I spoke to Gom through the door. Seems someone named Weyland's troops were between Jorino's troop and himself. He they made it to him... he would surrender... he thought. I urged him to stay true to the good man I knew he was.

    • Being dismissed and threatened with imprisonment when I brought this news to Jorino was... chilling. I returned then to the temple to insure none of the military infighting hurt my charges. I urged the Lady Moonbeam to move the temple of Selune to Norwick. This government and it's military is not a safe place for those of good faith. Like most High Priestesses I have met, she thinks herself invincible from harm. But there are other gods... with their chosen as well. No one is immune. She has unbreakable faith in Her. Mine, is less certain today.

    • The second time the bard Gariboldi has spoken to me like a child. I am glad she is not someone I am beholden to... or someone I am responsible to... or even someone I trust. Her rebuffing me when attempting to help the homeless singer Rebecca told me all I need to know of her moral convictions. She lacks faith in others. And seems to seek the glory of solving mysteries... without caring too much of the repercussions of what the truth brings.

    • I had never thought of it before Garen mentioned it in passing. Blue Moon. Once in a Blue Moon. Could this be why the Hawk and Dove of the monastery named me Blue? I can't believe I never even thought of that phrase in connection to myself and my naming.

    • The maze still amazes me. I have yet to ask Sir Goldenaxe what he thinks of the place. The craftsmanship is considerable. And the portals used throughout... impressive. I will need to start noting the in's and out's of the place. Depending on the knowledge of others is always a risky choice.

    • The cloak clasp of the bull's head with the delicate filigree of maze lines took a little research to figure out... much like the maze itself. It was the ruby eyes that finally gave it away... and Lenny, the jeweler of the Docks District. Apparently if attached to a cloak of unblemished hide, it provides considerable protection against the slashing of blades. I think a perfect dire bear pelt will do it.

    • I find myself attached to a group of people. It is an odd pairing. The Squire Aegiself and I have many similarities in our past. He had monastic training as well. Although he heard the calling to become a paladin. He certainly is a natural leader. And quite capable of seeing a situation without getting caught up in the flow of the action. He has brought this group of us to places I did not think ourselves capable of surviving, much less being very successful in.

    • For a paladin to be fast friends with Unen, the master bard... who beforehand, I had not paid much attention to? He seemed like many of the others stuck in that circle of indecision they call the Commons. But seeing Unen under the city at that pool of blood... and speaking to him about it after, showed me depths I had not seen there before. And he certainly is inspiring. I have never felt as confident of my own abilities as when I hear him sing during battle.

    • And Vick Blake? I am seeing a warmth to him that he hides well. He goes ahead of safety into the dark, alone... and survives by his own wits and skills. And yet, still has a quiet concern for his companions that slides by almost as unseen as he is. I find myself very attracted to him.

    • Finally, there is a crass... seemingly mercenary character who, were it not for the Squire vouching for, I would take a common bandit. Ajax. He seems to have some kind of bladder problem. But, much like Lieutenant Grimm, he is uncannily skilled at killing things. Except he seems oddly more self-aware than Grimm. I don't know what to make of him yet.

    • The group that went to the crypts below old Norwick seemed satisfied with putting down the beholder... and destroying the trail that seems to be where the abomination came from. But... to me... I knew why they came down. They came down for the treasure. And once they had it... they turned tail and left. I knew it was simply a distraction. There had been rumors that this is where the person known as the Adventure Killer was hiding. This was not that person. Yet... they left. I knew if I said anything, I would be either ignored, or told that the job was done. It wasn't... and I knew it. So I left them.

    • I avoided the argument. Looking back... I should not have done that. It caused concern to a friend. A friend who risked herself and another good soul to come look for me. When they found me, I had to return. They had risked for me. I was indebted to their effort. I still knew it wasn't the right thing to do. But... there are many paths... many forms. Perhaps that day was the new moon... when She and I are weakest? I do not know.

    • On the way out... being overwhelmed by patchwork giants. They were right about the crypt raising the dead again and again. The paladin Sir Loreweaver became surrounded trying to give us a path to retreat. It was brave, but not the best idea. We could have retreated to a doorway and taken them one at a time. When he fell, Autumn and I took turns holding the hallway while the other healed.

    • That was when the hooded stranger came out of the shadows with a jagged sword and slew the last two patchwork giants. I still don't know what to make of him. He was badly burned. Autumn seemed to know who he was. And he claimed judgement on her. When Autumn asked me to leave... oh my. She must have been jesting. After she came for me. Apparently... this was the Adventure Killer? My Ki told me only that his spirit was strong. As strong as mine... and that he was trained. As well as I... if not better.

    • He spoke of the day in the western villages... and was to judge Autumn's choice to not save her commander, and to stay with the mission of stopping Vere. And staying as she died. I am convinced this is one of the Silver Host... come back to judge those in Peltarch that ended the Silver Host. It didn't ring to me of Sir Holmsmead. Was it Zachary?

    • When I would not leave Autumn... he judged me... and found me satisfactory. But when Autumn tried to spare me by telling me to leaver her... and I would not leave her... the hooded man.... seemed in a quandry. I told him that if it was what happened to the Silver Host, that Autumn punishes herself more than his judgement ever would... it seemed to stay his hand.

    • When he told me to leave Sir Loreweaver's body, I refused. But something made me put the body down. I went into a stance that would allow me to leap on this person... if he went to make off with the body... but... he then placed a scroll on the dead body of Sir Loreweaver, said something to the affect of "only those to be judged, not other good souls should be taken"... and raised him. So perhaps the undead beholder was the lure to bring Autumn out of the city?

    • The judgement of others certainly seems to be in line with the... ego... and pride that came with the Host. Even after being shown the deception of Vere... and that their leader was fallen in the eyes of their deity... this person still stays that path. I cannot fall into the same trap and judge him lacking. It is not my place. But, I don't know quite what to make of this person.

    • Speaking with Garen after we returned raised as many questions in my head as it answered. Where can I stand between this former Silver Host person and Autumn? She is my friend... and she is worth guiding... and worth standing by. But this person... they have a grievance with her actions. And it is a valid concern. But when reading a book... one does not decide if it is a good read or not... till reading it to the end. How can one judge a person... before their life is complete?

    • There are spider hatchlings appearing in Peltarch. I have to see if the pattern of the web is the same as the gigantic spider I saw near the Wyvern Bluffs.

    • To think the goblins may have something to do with the shift in spider hunting grounds is unexpected. See all those goblins in the southern most canyons south of the old gypsy camp was surprising. Usually they are such cowards. I wonder who directs their actions?

    • Isolde always seems to have a list of intriguing situations she is in the midst of. Vampires hiding out in the Lizard Folks caves. Undead. Certainly of darkest energy. That's bad. Smart undead who corrupt the still living? Worse. But whatever made that coffin?

    • My Lady of the Silver Light's twin Sister of Darkness has been revealed. It was one of Her disciples that made that cursed coffin of obsidian. Catching a glimpse of the infinite dark disc... the purple corona... the oppressive and almost unbearable weight... it was too much.

    • Had the Moonmaiden not caught me... I would had fallen forever into that Darkness. I am humbled to be Her tool in this fight. I am gladden that my tiny part of the Sun in my Soul was enough... today.

    • Awaking after though... I thought... my Sun Soul had gone out. Since being a child at the monastery... I have NEVER felt that cold. I must thank Blake's child... and find a gift worth giving to Aoth, the Windwalker. I think I have much to learn from her about the element of Air... and about questioning things. Perhaps she can be a good mentor in my Raven phase. As well as Isolde.

    • I still seem to have difficulty in... presenting myself with enough... personal.. presence to be heard properly at times. When the group first said there were opponents ahead was the exact time... when I was watching the rear... that those two strangers approached us from the rear. Had my warning been heeded... I mean... I saw the danger of being trapped between vampires and what I thought were there servants... come to box us in. It is frustrating to have to shout... to whistle even (thank you Autumn)... to garner the attention needed in that situation.

    • The same when I became aware that the magic being used was Shadow magic... the Dark Twin's magic... what I have been trained to fight all my life. To have to offer that tool to those making decisions three times before being heard...

    • I am being impatient... and inconsiderate of others. I am sure the paths available are many and to try and decide the best way... and to do so quickly and in dangerous circumstances where time is important... yes. I am being too hard on my companions. Patience... I must learn to be stronger with that.

    • That the servant of my Mistress's dark twin showed herself to me on the walls coming into town was... unusual. In the past, I have had to root out her servants. They are ever so good at hiding. This one though... brazen? Powerful certainly. Perhaps curiosity got the better of her. Regardless... I will not forget her face... and the energy she gave off. Seems my Raven training has come none too soon. I must ask Sir Fabian Reinhardt what her name was... if he found out when he tried to have her arrested.

    • Mining with Sir Goldenaxe is fast becoming one of the things I look forward to.

    • Finding birch near the pass to the wyverns was fortuitous. I find myself working with Ethuil to be very easy. I am glad we have branched out from clearing the goblin mines to other challenges.

    • Those spiders out near the Scar... where the wyverns fly and breed... near where the cliff's edges and the forest meet... their webbing was large enough to ensnare an adult wyvern. And the largest that tore through the trees after us was... not just disconcerting... it was outright frightening. I will have to check on the area next time I go out for birch.

    • I keep thinking back to going mining with General Thorn of the Legion. He is quite charismatic in a quiet kind of way.

    • Autumn was quite flushed when we chatted about Fabian. I forget that she is quite young... for an elf.

    • I was able to smelt gold on my own for the first time yesterday. Much room for improvement. I think I was able to get eight ingots from more than one hundred pounds of gold ore. More practice... more practice.

    • Selling a pair of my belts to Autumn made me feel like my crafting is starting to come to fruition. I am helping others through acts of creation... not just protection!

    • I have heard tell that Scott Grimm is preparing an expedition to the Elemental Plane of Earth. After seeing him and his disregard of his companions, I am concerned that I will be tempted to join him. Seeing an elemental plane though... the things I could learn about the form and how it translates into my own martial arts and outlook... I will have to meditate... perhaps ask advice of my Priestess.

    • My belt arrived from the monastery today. My spiritual leader was able to use the spell crystalled belt after all! I will use it well. Praise my Order and their support!

    • I will have to remember to be aware of my surroundings. The speed with which the powerful of Peltarch were threatened by the Silver Host, and acted upon that threat was quicker than I expected. Smoke casually offering me a position in the Far Scouts was a deft maneuver, especially looking at it in hindsight. My vows to the Order and to my Godess saved me quite a bit of dodging the offer.

    • I was shocked, that none of my companions would go to assist the front line soldiers of the Silver Host that would have died to elementals. Just because something is rotten at the top, doesn't mean those soldiers were not honorable men. I know I risked the mission to stop Vere... but, there was no other choice. And when I somehow helped them fight through... to threaten to kill them to hide our advance?

    • When we found villagers burned and dying, to be told to move by them quickly without stopping to help them? Well, it was apparent that Smoke's mission and the one he told us we were on were significantly different. I shall have to watch this partially... inhuman... Smoke person carefully. There is MUCH deception and shadow to him.

    • Seeing Captain Gom's unit dying protecting that village from the elementals? I know it was his choice. I know he knew we were there... and watching him die. But he knew what had to be done. It still did not make that choice any easier. Oh Selune... the tests you give... sometimes I do not understand Your guidance.

    • When Vere was captured and made harmless, I used the magical speed drink and sprinted as fast as I could to the Captains side. Miss Underhill and Miss Haltrude where already there battling the elemental that had skewered the Captain. His screams as his body was being burnt. I must thank Jade Raven for the endless practice sessions projecting my Ki outwards in a shout. Getting between Captain Gom's body and that thing of fire allowed me to push it back just long enough to give the Fire Giant that Miss Underhill had turned into time to grab the thing of fire and toss it off the cliff.

    • I am ever so glad then that I still had that canteen of regeneration fluid handy. Having a hand in saving the Captain, may have been one of the only good things to come out of the day. Having the honor of fighting at the side of Gom, and Underhill, and Halstrude... it was humbling. All these... common soldiers... dying. Simply to correct a deception.

    • The choices were necessary, but I wish I had been able to see a better way. That Torm let his wayward tool on this world continue in his name without acting? It makes me question His principles. Although I am SO glad that Torm wasn't the power behind the prison. That would have been... cataclysmic to my faith.

    • That bubbling pool of... well... it looked like blood, but in reaching out with my Ki... it was... black. Blacker and fouler than anything I've sensed before. That includes the Demon Generals I fought with Sir Holmsmead. That includes the fiends at the entrance to Hell. To think that it sits below Peltarch.

    • It was good the channeling of positive energy seemed to heal it. What did the Inquisitor say to the black eyed... child-shaped thing that came from the pool? She said, Indrid Cold. And the thing responded. Something about murdered children. Unen said he saw a dozen of those... children... and this man in the pool.

    • And like a magic eater... this thing fed on any magic but the positive energy of healing. I hope my scrawled warning on the ground is enough to catch any curious from exploring this area with magic.

    • That.. black wound... there is still a scar where we... mended it. I will have to return to make sure that whatever this... Indrid Cold is, it doesn't broach that weak point again.

    • Thank you Selune... for the power of will to resist the fear and hatred that thing gave off. You are ever my Guide, and I am ever blessed by You.

    ::thoughts while praying at the Selune shrine::

    • I produced my first rapier worth putting my name to. I have mixed feelings about this. The craftsman in me admires the way the metal bends, the way the edge stays sharp even after blocking with it. But, it is a tool intended to do harm. My pride in check, I find myself tempered by if I should even be making weapons.

    • I am unsure about staying at Lieutenant Grimm's shield. My responsibility is to those in my charge, and yet... that mist dragon?... I guess that is what it was... was cornered. I did call through the door to explain it could not lair this close to Peltarch... but it insisted on staying... and being left alone.

    • The oxen at the front door... that belonged to a cattleman. That was an act of a natural killer though. An apex hunter. It would have continued to kill Peltarch's cattle. And what if a cattleman had tried to fend off it's herd? No. That is the thing's nature.

    • It had to go. But the manner in which the events unfolded. They do not sit right with me. I may have to choose my shieldmen... more carefully. This is the second time where the thrill of a fight has driven Lieutenant Grimm to do something I have seen as... questionable morally.

    • Having my own space for the first time in my life is yet another learning experience. There is much solitude in a monastery, yet... little loneliness. I find myself propped up in the one window in the place... above my desk. It overlooks the crafting hall... and I can hear the bells from the ships in the harbor. Above the city walls, I can see the Giantspire Mountains. Having this space... it is allowing me to explore loneliness. I have been watching an alleycat that stalks the back alleys across the street.

    • The dinner party at the estate of Mister Calloway was as uncomfortable as I had thought it would be. I would have avoided it, except Lieutenant Jorino seemed to be looking for someone to distract and to watch her back. And I do seem at home in that role. It is quite unnerving to be surrounded by people whose intentions are purposefully misdirected. But, good practice against the like of the twin of my Godess. Darkness is all about misdirection. I should learn more about those methods.

    • Reminds me of the games we played at the monastery. In those games of strategy, each piece had a role. But what kind of piece purposefully puts itself in the middle? Whatever that piece is... it is what this Calloway is. Positioning himself to benefit no matter which side lost. And also to position others that if they lost, they could take the blame... even others on it's... side.

    • Trying to get the wizard that took that crechemachine... whatever that is... from him... to try and get that same wizard to use it in the manner that he wanted to use it for in the first place? And then position it so that if the idea was refused... that that wizard would then be blamed for not using it in defense of the city. It was quite a maneuver.

    • The idea of having a portable... null magic item... Lieutenant Grimm had a good thought bringing that idea to light. But... I think perhaps it may miss the point. Getting it around this Vere... mind reader... is the trick. She READS MINDS! Perhaps something that blanks a mind... in much the way we were taught at the monastery. Hmmm... what if this Vere isn't the Devil I think she is? What if she is faithless... but able to control minds... like... a mind flayer? I must ask Miss Proudfeet what she knows of those... things.

    • The Oscuran Inquisitor and Priestess of Bane... Lilianna. Seems their Tribunal is attempting to shift power. Civil war in Oscura? Or the regular maneuvering of those with no honor or trust in their fellows? Her companion... I heard him called Elendel by the others in the expedition... as well as Protector of Oscura... seems a slippery one. Twice I protected him from those devil women when they had him enthralled... with no acknowledgment. He seems quite full of himself.

    • It is disturbing that Grimm made no attempts to close this threat to his city. Only sought to test himself against a Pit Fiend... which, luckily, we did not encounter this time. I wonder if he, for some reason, has a death wish.

    • I was able to skin several of the Hellcats in their native plane. The skins remain upon my return to our world. Peraps unwise, but perhaps the Tanning Master in Peltarch can help me craft a cloak that will lend this devilish power towards defense against demons? Barring that, I am sure the Ceruleans can study it to find better ways of harming the fiends.

    • Lady Snyder continues to leverage what she can to garner power in the Peltarchian power structure. I only see her in the company of those whose methods and morals I find... questionable at best. She is a shadow that will need lighting up at one point or another.

    • Finding the shepherd girl's body... as crushing as it was to have to carry her small broken body home to her parents... at least she will be given the proper rites and a decent burial. Perhaps her sacrifice and giving her body directly to the Crown Herald will spur the Crown to take action to rid this devilish threat from their realm. Perhaps I can use Lady Snyder's hunger for power to leverage the situation to spur further action?

    • There is still the pressing matter of the Silver Host. I hope Verika found SOMETHING regarding the two blessings and their source. With those remains and long dead corpses of Jiyydian soldiers being piled on the areas south of that old town... I believe the Host to be active in continuing to purge demons from the area.

    • I wonder if the destruction of Demons, and the opening of a portal from Hell to allow Devils to roam... are somehow connected. Was the Silver Host's puppetmaster clearing the ground for their own troops in another outcropping of the Bloodwar here on our world?

    • The letter from my Order... letting me know that I am now a Raven was unexpected. Perhaps the increase in the responsibilities I am trying to manage go with that? How did the Hawk and Dove know? I have not communicated with the Order since my release to sojourn. Perhaps it is Lady Moonbeam at the Lighthouse Temple? I will have to ask her.