Other Games
For the past couple of years, I've been playing Entropia Universe. It's a Real Cash Economy MMO. If anyone plays, hit me up. My name is Dargos Dar Starhopper.
I've been enjoying Battlefield 1, quite a lot actually. If anyone uses Origin and wants to throw in a round or two, or just want an Origin buddy-friend, I'm KingGoblin on there.
- After a succesful shot -
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a great game.
Stealth nano-cloak saves ass, health regen as well.
… as do weapons & martial arts.
Martial arts do not make such noise as pistol, so it's easier to evade counter-attack. They also conserve the ammo, but use energy as well.
Stealth nano-cloak is also useful for escaping after noise to hide. This requires energy as well.
Energy regenerates slowly up to a certain level, and can be boosted with candy bars - even beyond that level.
Many of robots, cameras, doors & turrets can be hacked - useful for solving obstacles, there are resource rewards often for that.
- My current Augs overview. -
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is Battle Royale. Airdrop onto an island with 100 other people. Be the last man standing. I love it, it's on Steam, and I'm TripleSevenATX on it.
You can go solo, due, or squad of 3-4.
Real fun, and it's in early access, so it'll likely just keep getting better.
I'm wondering if anybody's tried Kim.
It looks freaking interesting.
Has anyone tried Civ 6 yet? I've watched a number of Youtube videos about it (especially the music). I'm thinking of getting it after my concerts finish this weekend. I'll have to work the time around Narfing.
Really enjoying Stellaris. Easily the best space 4X I've played since Master of Orion 2, and the only one that's actually productively broken new ground and gone places that MoO2 didn't gameplaywise.
It has some flaws right now. Combat is badly imbalanced, with corvette spam ruling the roost over larger warships. The middle game is dull and stagnant next to the excitement and pace of the early game and late game. The AI needs work. But most of these are in the process of being addressed, and Paradox has a long history of supporting their games with both free and unpaid expansions for years to come.
Been playing Stellaris myself. I agree with everything you've said. Some of the mechanisms seem oddly prevalent as well. There's a lot of focus on Slavery and who can/can't do it. Ground battles are mostly unnecessary and easy to forget.
The exploration is really cool and it's always fun finding a new event. The races and starting choices do feel a lot different which is good.
Really enjoying Stellaris. Easily the best space 4X I've played since Master of Orion 2, and the only one that's actually productively broken new ground and gone places that MoO2 didn't gameplaywise.
It has some flaws right now. Combat is badly imbalanced, with corvette spam ruling the roost over larger warships. The middle game is dull and stagnant next to the excitement and pace of the early game and late game. The AI needs work. But most of these are in the process of being addressed, and Paradox has a long history of supporting their games with both free and unpaid expansions for years to come.
Warthunder continues to amaze…and Squire is highly amusing
If you're into the oldschool Zelda games, and like the metal-style soundtrack of Castlevania, I would recommend the "Ys" games on steam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK3QCfVl2EM.
I've been playing a lot of Blood Bowl 2 lately. Blood Bowl Tactics has a league for it so I can get in a competitive game every week, with team development that actually matters. It's a shame the races are being released so slowly.
…fun arcade solo or coop game...
I finally found a game to itch my Roleplaying needs… STELLARIS. Looks like one of the best games ever... I'm so excited. Paradox 4X/Grand Strategy Sci-Fi game. It just looks so... great.
Meanwhile been doing another playthrough of Baldur's Gate, incl. the new expansion Siege of Dragonspear. Made me think of you guys.
I'm enjoying Dark Souls 3 very much as well, liking it more than 2 as well I'd say. Not sure if it's better than the original Dark Souls or Demons' Souls, to me it always felt like each Dark Souls is a bit worse than the previous, and this time around they seem to have turned around the trend as far as I can tell.
In this one difficulty is right where I love it when playing solo, but bringing buddies in trivialises most of it, basically as soon as foes have a second entity to set as target and focus their attacks there's a lot of windows of opportunity to punish the enemies pretty much risk-free.
All in all, it's a pretty great game.
Started Dark Souls 3 yesterday!
So far I'm really liking the game. I have only played Dark Souls 2 before this, so I don't have experience with DS1, Demon Souls or Bloodborne to draw comparisons.
That being said, I'd say Dark Souls 3 is better than 2 so far. It seems more difficult to me as well. I've died many times already. The visuals are absolutely stunning too!
This game will probably consume my life for the next couple of weeks.
aside from my usual webpage games (OGame, Dragons of Atlantis, Universe Online, Evil Genius Online, Operation X) got a few games on my mind, each of them is unique & nice.
1. Satellite Reign,
2. Darkest Dungeon,
3. Sword Coast Legends,
4. Deus Ex: Human Revolution,
5. Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes.last game's gameplay is blogged:
[ http://northpeak-adventures.blogspot.com/p/arthurs-conquests.html ].
started to blog Darkest Dungeon as well:
… enjoy, if You wish.
Oh I did miss the X! :lol:
Yeah alright. I'm not so sold on FFXV, though it does look visually stunning.
If you're going to replay an oldschool Final Fantasy, I recommend you do IV or VI instead of V, with VI being my strong recommendation. It's not a big deal anyway, but V, while being good, didn't quite have the deep emotional impact that those other two had.
I'm thinking you misread my Roman Numerals. I was talking about picking up Final Fantasy 15 (XV). It's been in development for something like 10 years I believe, and they're saying it'll be released some time later this year.
If you're going to replay an oldschool Final Fantasy, I recommend you do IV or VI instead of V, with VI being my strong recommendation. It's not a big deal anyway, but V, while being good, didn't quite have the deep emotional impact that those other two had. It helps a lot that Terra is a wonderfully crafted main character, and Kefka is possibly the most amazing villain I've encountered in a videogame (both superior to Cloud and Sephirot in their roles, but we tread the realms of personal opinion here
I'll look to get the FFVII remastering too in any case. I saw some short videos and it looks incredible, and as you said, about time after so many years of yes, no, maybe. I only hope they are making it for the fans and not for their pockets. Or at least for both at the same time.